Chapter 1135 Visit

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Li Po understood the wishes of his ministers.

People like Du Zhengzang, Yu Shinan, and Linghu Defen are typical academic talents in the world. They seek to be famous in the world and leave their names in the history of Qing Dynasty. There is no easier shortcut than compiling history.

Since everyone agreed, Li Po felt that it didn't matter. In a unified dynasty, revising the history of the previous dynasty is the proper meaning of the title.

This is a means to establish the image of the dynasty and win the reputation of orthodoxy.

If you are just a separatist force, who will read the history of the country? Just like the Southern and Northern Dynasties, everyone claimed to be the orthodoxy of the world, and various methods emerged in an endless stream, and the revision of history was undoubtedly one of them.

But if you look at it now, not to mention the Song, Qi, Liang and Chen, but also the Northern Qi and Northern Zhou, most of the manuscripts left behind have been burned, and the remaining ones have been sealed in the Guanwen Palace, and only a few people can check them.

During the reign of Emperor Kaihuang, Emperor Wen Yang Jian ordered people to revise the historical facts of previous dynasties one after another. But looking at it now, who will admit the history written by the former Sui Dynasty?

Even Linghu Defen and others believed that the former Sui Dynasty could not be the end of the war in the late Jin Dynasty, but a continuation of the war in the late Jin Dynasty, and included it in the history of the Five Dynasties.

In other words, people began to show signs of not recognizing the former Sui Dynasty as a unified dynasty.

Later, people did not know much about the Sui generation, and this may be the reason.

Li Po agreed without much thought. He could also carefully follow up on the history of the former Sui Dynasty, grasp the general direction, and make changes to the details that suit his own wishes.

This is mainly because he personally experienced the war in the late Sui Dynasty. Like many people in the world, he hated everything that happened during the Daye period, so he would not let his ministers deliberately beautify the stories of the former Sui Dynasty, especially the Daye period.


As for the Southern and Northern Dynasties, he didn't care much, leaving it to his ministers to record and even manipulate them.


After leaving the palace to relax, Li Po's mood gradually improved.

He told Luo Shixin next to him: "When I got married, I arranged it myself, which was quite simple. There were many guests who came to congratulate me, and they were all rough people. I was very happy at that time..."

I paused when I said this, remembering all the shocking things they did when they got married, and there was no elder around to tell them what to do. It was quite interesting. Even on the wedding night, I had a fight with my wife. I think it was the only one in the world.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Luo Shixin had something to say to him, "It's a pity that I wasn't here when my brother got married. I blame Cheng Zhijie. Otherwise, how could I be missing on my brother's big day?"

As he spoke, his annoyance was palpable. If Cheng Zhijie were here, he would definitely not be able to escape a severe beating. Li Po also secretly screamed a pity.

"I heard that my brother is going to summon that black guy Yuchi back to the court?"

Li Po smiled and nodded. These old people in Yunnei are very well-informed. "Well, he has been leading troops to fight in the past few years. It's time for him to come back and have a rest. Then we can have a few more drinks and catch up on old times."

Luo Shixin didn't see much joy on his face, but asked: "Brother, how do you think my current official position compares with him? I don't want to see him look so proud in front of me."

Li Po couldn't help but laugh, "They are all heroes of the founding of the country, no matter how big or small. If he gets too proud, you will beat him. I will tell him not to fight back."

Luo Shixin opened his mouth and laughed, "I can beat him without my brother's help and beg for mercy. That black guy is very evil-minded and hasn't made any great achievements. The official has done a lot, so it's better to let him go."

Look at the city gate, I think it is suitable."

Listening to them talking about Wei Chigong, the general who led the left army, and making such jokes, Chen Shuxing and Wei Zheng, who accompanied the emperor, couldn't help but look bright.

The old people in Yunnei were headed by Yuchi Gong and Bu Qun. Now these two generals have achieved great success, and the four newly promoted ministers of the Zhu Kingdom, these two are among the most successful in pacifying Dou Jiande and Xiao Mian.

Bu Qun is now stationed in Hebei with his army, and Yuchi Gong has just led Huang Junhan, Li Daliang and others into Lingnan. They raised their troops in July and August and should have returned to the army by now.

So Li Po took advantage of the situation and summoned Lieutenant Chi Gong to return to the court to receive the reward. In fact, this was also preparing for the alliance in the coming year. It is conceivable that after Li Po left the capital, these people would control the military power of the various tribes in Chang'an and prevent those who wanted to

of spying.

Luo Shixin was Yu Chigong's subordinate at that time, and Yu Chigong didn't care about him much. He just screamed "Luo San Luo San" all day long, which made Luo Shixin, who was in the rebellious stage, very unhappy.

In Li Po's small account book, Yu Chigong's name also appears frequently. After Yu Chigong returns to Beijing, he may have to do some calculations.

Not to mention, this guy led the army to fight a bloody battle with Zhou Faming in Nanyang. Although his contribution was not small, judging from the situation at the time, it was not a wise move. The battle to destroy Liang in the second year of Yuanzhen was full of


Li Po was very worried as he was out of reach of Chang'an. This account really had to be settled carefully, otherwise how could Li Po be able to think clearly according to his temperament?

At least Luo Shixin had to give him a good beating...


As he was talking, Mrs. Chu's house arrived.

Someone had been waiting outside the palace gate for a long time, and as soon as Li Po arrived, he ushered the emperor into the palace.

Li Po was already very familiar with this place. He walked through the door and entered the inner house. Because it had been renovated before, the house looked much neater.

Li Po also sighed secretly, it is really not easy to raise a mistress. His own home has not yet been repaired, so he has to bring people from outside. Fortunately, the one at home was pregnant with the baby at the time, otherwise the couple would have to fight to win.


Of course, he didn't lose anything and got a lot of property. Hey, if Li Yuan knew something secretly, he might get angry.


When he saw Li Xiuning, Li Po became even more proud.

Li Xiuning held a child in one hand and sat on the couch with a smile like a flower. She looked swollen. She used to be a delicate and delicate person, but now she has a lot of mature charm.

He seemed to be in good spirits, smiling happily, and there was no intention of complaining about his late arrival.

Looking at that gentle and joyful smile, Li Po felt a little guilty, but in a flash he threw him away from the corner and stepped forward to look at the two little children.

They were less than a month old, lying in their mother's arms and sleeping soundly, without any idea that a creature like their father existed.

Following his inertia, Li Po first said in his heart that it was ugly, then stretched out his fingers to poke at it twice, looking around and feeling fresh.

People in this world eat pure natural water and breathe pure air, so the chance of giving birth to twins is extremely low. Unexpectedly, Li Xiuning gave birth to a pair of twins. Li Po admired Longxi again

The power of Lee’s genes.

This chapter has been completed!
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