Chapter 1152 Yuan Xi

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Along the way, Li Bi was so angry that she was holding back her anger and prepared to find an opportunity to beat her husband to vent her anger after returning to the palace. Of course, the fight between the husband and wife was a serious fight, not a one-sided abuse.

It's just that in recent years, Li Po no longer went to the battlefield in person, and there were so many government affairs to deal with, so he was no longer physically dominant, so he didn't have time to rush to find his wife to punch and kick.


Tonight's trip came to an end. When we went to the Yanxi Gate on the east side, Li Po asked Du Chuke, who was already shivering from the cold, to escape the cold wind. He led the rest of the people to climb the wall outside the Tai Chi Palace.

In the pre-Sui Dynasty, celebrations such as lantern festivals were held. The emperor would usually watch the ceremony with his ministers on the tower of the imperial city. The scene was similar to later ones. The main purpose was to show the prosperity of the country.

So at this point, it's purely for self-entertainment and doesn't mean much.

A group of people walked west along the city wall and climbed to the highest Chengtian Gate. Looking down from here, the imperial city had an unobstructed view. However, the outer wall of the imperial city was a little higher and the view was blocked there. Otherwise, most of Chang'an could be covered.

Close your eyes.

The atmosphere gradually became solemn.

Li Po stood on the edge of the city wall and looked down. The entire imperial city was displayed in front of his eyes.

Li Po looked back and saw that the Tai Chi Palace was dark, with only some lights illuminating various government offices and the main hall of the Tai Chi Palace, while the imperial city on the other side seemed to have become another world.

Anshangmen Street, Zhuque Street, and Hanguangmen Street were like three fire dragons, with crowds of people surging. I don’t know how many Chang’an people entered the imperial city to watch the lanterns that night. It looked like there were no less than a hundred thousand people. This year

The Chang'an Lantern Festival is undoubtedly a grand event.

The emperor ascended the city and looked around, but the people below were unaware of it.

Wei Zheng waved his hand beside him. There were preparations on the city wall, but the emperor came a little late. It was supposed to be the beginning of the lantern festival, and the emperor was supposed to appear here to say hello to the subjects and show his solidarity with the people.

The meaning of joy.

Of course, it's not too late now, and it seems to be more effective, because that's when there are the most people down there.

The fish and dragon lanterns were lit on the Chengtian Gate, and the dragon and horse were in the background, which was an auspicious sign.

Not to mention, fireworks were set off on both sides of the city wall.

The origin of this thing is unknown. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, it was all played by warlocks. By the war in the late Jin Dynasty, many new things appeared, and fireworks were one of them. However, because of the chaos in the world, there are no detailed records.

In the former Sui Dynasty, it became more and more popular, especially during the Daye period, and some would be put on every Lantern Festival.

Due to technical limitations, the cost is relatively high and cannot be compared with the subsequent effects.

The ordinary one is just to listen to the noise, while the one prepared by the royal family is more luxurious, it can spray a lot of light, but it can't spray very high, and the smoke is very heavy, and it also has a strong smell from saltpeter.

Later, people said that a Taoist priest invented fireworks during the Wude period to get rid of epidemics. In fact, there is not much research on it. It is just that the world was gradually settled at that time and there are records.

In any case, with the knowledge of people in this world, making the sound of firelight at night is an extremely generous act.

Together with the fireworks, the movement on Chengtian Gate finally attracted people's attention. When people looked up, they finally realized that it seemed that the emperor had climbed onto the tower of Chengtian Gate.

The crowd screamed in exclamation and fell to the ground like weeds blown by the wind.

In today's world, kneeling is generally frowned upon, and the act of paying homage is mostly used when offering sacrifices to ancestors and gods. Even when monarchs and ministers meet, they will not easily kneel down and pay homage.

But at this time, the people didn't care so much. The emperor was condescending, almost like a god. The people knelt down and worshiped, and the shouts of long live gradually became louder. After a while, thousands of people in the imperial city came to worship, and the sound shook Chang'an.

Wei Zheng turned to the side and bowed and said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, the people's support is attached to you, and your grand plans are right in front of you."

Li Po laughed loudly, and smoothly pulled Li Bi to his side and said: "Back then, I said that I would build a foundation so that we and our descendants can enjoy wealth as much as possible. Am I not lying?"

Wei Zheng raised his head slightly and said to himself: How could you do this? Such a grand occasion should be more grand, but it is really outrageous to talk about things in private.

In other words, the style is insufficient and unacceptable.

Li Bi blushed, feeling that even if her husband said a thousand sweet words and composed ten thousand lines of poetry, it would not be as beautiful as this one.

The slight anger she had felt just now was immediately thrown away. No matter how spectacular the scene below was, she just looked at her husband, as if she had been in Chang'an for three years just for this moment.

Li Po also looked at his wife. After many years of companionship, she was still the only one who could stand with him and truly share their joy and even the fruits of victory. The others were far behind.

"The east wind blows thousands of trees and flowers at night. It blows down, and the stars are like rain. BMWs and carved cars fill the road with fragrance. The phoenix flutes sound, the jade pots turn with light, and fish and dragons dance all night."

Moths are like golden threads in the snow and willows. Smiling words are filled with dark fragrance. The crowd has searched for him a thousand times, but when I suddenly look back, that person is there in the dim light."

A fatal blow...

Li Po laughed heartily, pulled his wife who was already dizzy, shook her head and pretended to be fine, "We've had a great time tonight, why don't we go back."

The Sapphire Case - As soon as the New Year's Eve comes out, the rest of the poems are completely useless. Just like the water-melody singer in the Mid-Autumn Festival poems, a big flag is firmly erected on the top of the mountain, making people look up to it.

Even with Li Du's talent, I am afraid he can only sigh at his words. It can be said that the literary spirit has been gathered for thousands of years.

If Xin Qiji, a loyal and courageous man with both civil and military skills, had known about it, he would have probably vomited three liters of blood and cursed the thief for being shameless.

Wei Zheng was already like wood. This poem was so gorgeous that it seemed almost illusory, but it was so affectionate that people could not help themselves. He looked up at the sky, and sometimes looked down at the ground, almost suspecting that he was in a dream.

The emperor composed a poem for the queen on New Year's Eve, so what am I doing?

It is self-evident that poetry has an impact on readers. As the same saying goes, people with higher literary literacy are more likely to be moved.

Wei Zheng finally came to his senses, and while silently reciting the words that struck his soul, he followed the emperor, constantly looking at the figure from behind.

When he was going down the stairway, he was distracted and almost stumbled. His mind finally cleared up, and then a strange thought came to his mind. Du Chuke was really unlucky to leave first. He learned about this

I will definitely regret it later and my intestines will turn green.

Compared with him, Li Bi's defense had completely collapsed. For her, this night was enough to be remembered for the rest of her life...

She is not interested in the value of poetry. She only cares about her husband's thoughts. He misses the friendship between them so much... Well, even if he messes with some flowers and plants, what does it mean?

He is the emperor after all...

This chapter has been completed!
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