Chapter 1247 The old minister (2)

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"What is the difference between Chang'an and Jinyang? It is the heart of the world and the place where luck gathers. We have been operating in the north for many years and have not seen many people come and return. But it is different when we enter Chang'an. Talents are everywhere.

It's a pity that you are not with me. Wen Dalin and others are not as discerning as you, so I have to put a lot of thought into hiring people. Fortunately, I have a large army on my side, which can shock people's hearts and survive the first difficult moment. The government will gradually improve.

It’s calmed down.”

Li Po was chatting with Chen Xiaoyi while drinking tea.

Looking at the high-spirited emperor, Chen Xiaoyi nodded happily from time to time. In fact, he could also feel the political situation in Chang'an from the previous exchange of letters.

"Your Majesty has always been neither hasty nor slow in governing, and has always employed people properly. In fact, from my perspective, it is a matter of course that no matter where Your Majesty goes, people's hearts will follow him.

There are so many talented people in Chang'an, even if Your Majesty cannot see them, they will know His Majesty's wisdom, and sooner or later they will be put to His Majesty's advantage."

Li Po said with a smile: "Yes, as the saying goes, good birds choose trees to roost in. The king chooses his ministers, and the ministers will also choose their king. As long as I don't let go, I don't think anyone will rebel again."

To tell you the truth, I was a little worried when I left Jinyang and went south. I felt that the Li family in Longxi had been operating in Guanxi for a long time. Even if Li Yuan died, there would still be people who were dissatisfied, and I needed to be careful to calm things down.

But when I finally entered Chang'an, the situation was a bit beyond my expectation. Those people did not think of Li Yuan. The number of people who surrendered immediately was countless, and some were even afraid of falling behind...

When I marched to Wannian County, people came to surrender one after another. It was really an inexplicable feeling. I didn't know whether I should be happy or worried. If one day, soldiers came to the city, wouldn't it happen again that the trees fell and the hozens dispersed?


He and Chen Xiaoyi talked very casually, and they could exchange some inner thoughts. The main thing was that they were facing the right people and the right places. If it were Chang'an City, he would not be like this.

As the saying goes, walls have ears, it would really not be good if the aristocratic families in Chang'an heard this.

Chen Xiaoyi laughed. He could hear the emperor's thoughts. In the past, he might have been worried, but now, he had no worries.

This is the study room in the back house of the Chen Mansion. They are the only two people in the room. Even the living man, Xue Yuanjing, is blocked out...

At this time, he advised: "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry about this. Your Majesty is not unaware that the wealthy families in the world have always been like this. The Wang family surrendered when your Majesty came to Jinyang.

Pei surrendered, and after the battle.

The world is in chaos and people's minds are changing. We have not talked about loyalty for a long time. As long as your Majesty is good at governing the country and bringing peace to the world, loyal and righteous people and virtuous ministers will appear in front of people."

Li Po agreed with this statement and said: "This is true. When Yang Guang was at the end of his life, Fan Zigai, Wei Wensheng, Yin Shishi and others tried their best to assist him and were unwilling to bow to the rebellious ministers. Jiangdu's

In the chaos, he also went to the dead without hesitation.

As the founding king of the country, I can never be worse than him..."

The monarch and his ministers looked at each other and smiled, and the mutual understanding was clearly visible.

Then Li Po continued: "That's right, entering Chang'an is like entering a prison. I haven't moved anywhere in the past few years, so I feel a little aggrieved.

It seems that I haven't read as many books as Qing's family, and I can't keep my mind calm and persevere. These years you have been in Jinyang, it can be said that it has been almost ten years. It's really hard for you."

Chen Xiaoyi cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty has shown great kindness to me, so naturally he will repay it with his own life. I remember your Majesty once said that learning is like sailing against the current. If you don't make progress, you will retreat. The heart is like a horse running on the plain, it is easy to let go but hard to take back."

This is a warning to the world. You must always bear in mind what your Majesty said himself. Most of the kings since the late Han Dynasty could not gather their minds, or indulged in wine and sex, or treated their subjects like trivial matters, especially Yang Guang.

Abusing the power of the people, wandering around, and being good at waging wars are taboos for the king. The lessons from the past are not far away, and your Majesty should take a warning."

Although the man was old, his spirit was still there. Li Po only showed a slight gesture, and he began to admonish him. Moreover, he also knew that Li Po looked down on Yang Guang the most, so he took Yang Guang as an example.

In fact, since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, there have been many more ridiculous kings than Yang Guang, but they just didn't have as much energy as Yang Guang.

Li Po smiled nonchalantly, saying to himself that we are very afraid of death, but we don't want to end up being hung from the beam...

So he changed the subject and said out of curiosity: "What do you do at home now? If it's interesting, I'll come and learn from it, so that you won't be unable to control your thoughts and go out on patrol in the future."

The corner of Chen Xiaoyi's mouth twitched, thinking that you have so many beauties in your harem, and you are young and strong. This is not enough for you to worry about. What can you learn from an old man like me?

Chen Xiaoyi didn't understand. The happiness of a king lies in his achievements, his power, his wine and his beautiful women, his support, etc. If these are not enough, then he is too greedy, right?

Of course, emperors are the most greedy creatures in the world, and they don't really need anyone to understand them.

Chen Xiaoyi smiled bitterly, stroking his beard and said: "At my age, there are not many people left who can work diligently. I usually spend my days planting flowers and grass, hiding in the study and writing something.

Feeling better, I went out to pay homage to the ancient sages, fished on the shore, and calmed down to think about the past and present.

Your Majesty is in the prime of his life, so you may not be able to live such a life, right?"

Li Po smiled and said, "It's good to be here leisurely..."

Chen Xiaoyi said: "It's all thanks to His Majesty's blessing. Those friends back then were not as blessed as I am."

What he said was sincere and not false at all. If he had not voted for Li Po, his fate would be similar to that of Wang Rengong, and he would be submerged in the tide of war in the late Sui Dynasty, and there would be no splash.

But now, after becoming successful and famous, he can still live a long life, which is more than a little bit better than others.

Next, Chen Xiaoyi inquired about the political situation in Chang'an and found that there were still many old people from the Sui Dynasty left, but there were only a few of those he was familiar with.

He Chou was an old friend of his, and they were quite different in age. I heard that He Chou lived a good life in Chang'an and was still writing books. He was obviously much tougher than him.

Chen Xiaoyi was a little unconvinced, feeling that she should live a few more years and die later than Old Man He.

Li Po didn't say anything else, mainly because he didn't want Chen Xiaoyi to waste his attention anymore, but the alliance was an obstacle that couldn't be bypassed, so he had to talk a few words.

Chen Xiaoyi quite agreed with this matter. His thoughts were similar to Li Po's. He felt that the world was broken. If he could make good friends with the Turks, it would be best to put down the sword and have a talk...

This chapter has been completed!
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