Chapter 1254 Alliance (1)

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Grassland alliances are generally a grand event for grassland tribes.

Tribes can resolve differences between tribes through alliances, or strengthen the alliances they have made before. In fact, what can be called an alliance must be the interaction between most of the tribes, or the alliance between several tribes.


The most grand alliance meeting on the grassland must be the Royal Court Alliance Meeting held every two to three years. Not only will the young khans be present, but also the descendants of Ashina She-Wolf will come to participate.

In addition, all respectable nobles on the grassland will be proud to be invited to join the Grand Alliance, which is undoubtedly a symbol of status.

Some famous warriors from the grasslands will also come along to show the prowess of the Turks to the Khan and the nobles at the alliance meeting, and let people remember their bravery.

Of course, the grand event on the grassland is also indispensable for the decoration of those beautiful flowers. This is also an excellent opportunity for noble girls to choose their husbands.

Their elders are also happy to see this happen, and many people regard the alliance as a good place for marriage.

This is roughly what it looks like. For thousands of years, grassland tribes have used this method to unite various tribes, gain recognition, and integrate with each other.

It's just that there were many people who had grudges at the alliance meeting, so that's another story.

This is almost of the same nature as the Spring and Autumn Hunting held in the south. Otherwise, Hu Feng spread to the south. When tribes such as the Huns and Xianbei entered the Central Plains, they also brought some habits from the grasslands to the Central Plains.

Therefore, after the Qin and Han Dynasties, the emperor's hunting activities gradually evolved from entertainment activities into a political activity, and the meaning of martial arts also became stronger...


However, the alliance between the two countries will not follow the customs of the Turks, and entertainment activities are not suitable for carrying out. The main task of the two kings and the accompanying people is not to have fun and communicate, but to conduct a series of serious negotiations.


Because Li Po and Ashina Yang Huan agreed to have preliminary contacts tomorrow, the generals in charge of the troops on both sides first had a chat and delineated the areas where their respective camps would be located.

In the evening, both sides lit up bonfires in unison, not to keep warm or to sing and dance around the bonfire, but to guard against sneak attacks from the other party and to grill food.

The emperor's personal troops and the Khan's followers took turns on duty that night, and no one could sleep well.

The nobles on both sides were not idle either. They gathered in their tents to discuss various matters concerning the alliance. They had many things to talk about later and had been preparing for a long time beforehand.

It involves the division of borders between the two countries, the rules that envoys need to abide by, the types of goods traded between the two countries, the commercial taxes paid, the size of the border garrison of the two countries, etc.

It is no different in essence from the later forms of exchanges between major powers. They must shoulder responsibilities and bear corresponding obligations. Of course, the interests of the two countries themselves are the focus.

They must not interfere with each other, try to avoid conflicts and vendettas, etc. These are all terms that must be agreed upon by the alliance.

However, once these covenants are signed, only God knows how binding they will be on both parties. The signing of any treaty seems to be a preparation for betrayal. This seems to be an inherent phenomenon caused by human nature.

This is completely different from the time when Yang Guang met Qimin Khan in Yulin. No one would have a relaxed and happy life.

One night passed, everyone gathered together, and they were all a little listless.

On the one hand, I was tired from the journey, and no one slept well at night.

Only Li Po looked radiant and energetic. He was determined and could often regulate his emotions well when preparing to deal with others. Therefore, he slept very peacefully that night, without even dreaming.

Make one.

I had a hasty breakfast in the morning.

When the sun was rising, the people on both sides discussed it, and the two kings, surrounded by their respective ministers, entered the largest tent.

Here they will have their first formal meeting, which is actually to get acquainted with each other.


The tent is very spacious, even if hundreds of people are crammed into it, it won't feel crowded.

There were some animal skins and blankets on the floor, and the smell wasn't very good.

Li Po and Ashina Yang Huan sat at the top respectively, and the ministers on both sides sat opposite each other. There were more Turks, and there were more than twenty people who could enter the tent.

A few of them are obviously Han Chinese. There is no such thing as a traitor in these days. It can only be said that each country has its own master. If the two countries have frequent exchanges in the future, they will still have a certain advantage and will not let people know.

It gives rise to the feeling of joining the barbarians and working as a stooge for the tigers.

According to the Central Plains, these Turkic nobles were all important ministers in the Turkic royal court. The main ones were Golida Guan and Daluobian. There were also a few counselors of the Khan. They were almost equivalent to the provincial officials of the Tang Dynasty. They served with the Khan.

In addition to making plans and influencing the national policies of the Turks, he also had to take care of the Khan's daily life. He had considerable power.

Nowadays, Ashina Yang Huan’s most favored people are the former Sui rebel Zhao Deyan and others. Since the Khan is a woman, there are many messy rumors circulating among the royal court and the nobles of the Turkic tribes. Therefore, Zhao Deyan, and even some young and strong

The Affiliates all have some strange halos on their heads.

The officials of the Tang Dynasty were led by Pei Shiqing, the Minister of Civil Affairs, and Sun Shunde, the eldest minister of the family.

They sit upright in the account, some are taciturn and unsmiling, or they are calm and measured, graceful and self-possessed.

Little did he know that the people on both sides just sat like this in the tent, and the Turks suddenly dwarfed them.

The environment, food, living habits, etc. on the grassland all make the Turks appear majestic but powerless, energetic but boundless, courageous but not resourceful.

The difference in image is even greater.

The wealthy and unrestrained life in the royal court made most of the Turkic nobles become fat and big-eared, and they themselves did not pay much attention to their appearance. They had messy beards and hair on their faces, and they wore oil-stained leather robes.

It's really a bit unbearable.

Part of the self-cultivation of the courtiers in the south is beauty. This is also an important prerequisite when selecting officials. People who are too ugly will never be able to hold high positions, unless you have extraordinary talents.

In these days, in the official circles of the Central Plains, those who are ugly have no human rights...

For example, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix are equally famous, but Pang Tong was not popular wherever he went because he was too ugly. He was finally reused by Liu Bei, but he did not survive more than a few episodes.

But there is one thing, the Central Plains and the grasslands are no different now, that is, the nobles are born noble...


After the Yulin Alliance, for the first time in more than 20 years, the two empires of the North and the South sat together again and had relatively friendly contacts.

People are very careful and feel somewhat unfamiliar.

Therefore, the ceremony officials from both sides presided over the ceremony and introduced everyone.

The Turks are the obese Daluobian Ashina Luoheng, and here in the Tang Dynasty they are the great writers Lang Yu Shinan.

Whoever is called by official position, name, or surname will stand up and greet everyone, and there is no need to describe his origins, achievements, etc., otherwise it would be easy to explain.

Li Po noticed that the well-informed eldest son of Tuli Khan Ashina came here with him. He was looking around curiously in the tent, looking a little silly. He probably hadn't sensed the danger yet.

Ashina Yang Huan looked at the courtiers of the Tang Dynasty. The familiar etiquette of the Central Plains and the unfamiliar faces made it difficult to understand the feeling in his heart.

After the introduction, the kings of the two countries gave way, and the Turkic Khan Ashina Yanghuan spoke first.

"Since the Year of the Red Dragon on the Grassland, the two countries have been in dispute and cut off contact. Regardless of right or wrong, too much blood has been shed.

The gods tell us that if neighbors cannot live in harmony, there will be fights, and when you shoot arrows, what you get is hatred.

I've heard people say that if the Turks can herd cattle and the Tang people farm, the world will be peaceful. Can we do this? Even if we can't, we should try our best, because the Tang people can't go to the grasslands to herd horses and sheep.

It is also impossible to farm in the south.

So why do we still hate and fight each other? What do we want to fight for?

Therefore, when we come here, we must talk with goodwill and do our best so that our descendants can stay away from war, do not shed blood in battles, and can interact peacefully."

He didn't say much, but he even copied a few sentences from Li Po, which was considered a reply to Li Po. It was quite a bitch.

However, the general meaning is unmistakable, especially when it points out the root cause of the struggle between the Turks and the Tang Dynasty. What they compete for is not territory, or even population. The reason why they have endless conflicts is actually to eliminate the threat.

If the two countries can achieve sufficient understanding, then they can coexist and even form a certain military alliance to face a common enemy.

Somewhat idealistic, the history of the two countries getting along has actually proven that when either of them feels strong enough, they will no longer tolerate the emergence of another powerful empire around them.

How can we allow others to snore on the side of the couch? This is the truth... Moreover, the soldiers of the Central Plains have always been bad at expeditions, and the initiative is often in the hands of the grassland peoples, which amplifies this danger.

Therefore, the Turkic Khan's guarantee meant nothing to Li Po's ears.


When it was his turn to speak, he looked at the "dirty" Turkic nobles and then at his subordinates. He thought quite contentedly that the Turks were only worthy of drinking wind on the grassland. Maybe they didn't even

I don't understand, as long as the Central Plains is restored to unity, they will have little chance to go south to herd horses.

He showed the most fake smile, which made people clearly feel his kindness and friendliness.

"We are neighbors, so we are not strangers. Many years have passed since the Turks destroyed Rouran and established the royal court in Mobei. Many years have passed between us.

The relationship between us has a long history, and now we have me among you, and you among me, so why not sit down and have a deep talk to get rid of prejudices and hatred...

The grassland is large enough to accommodate the descendants of the Ashina she-wolf, and the Central Plains is vast enough to support its people, so I hope that the Tang Dynasty and the Turks can coexist peacefully and form everlasting friendships."

This chapter has been completed!
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