Chapter 1259 Alliance (6)

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On the second day of the alliance, the antagonism between the two sides intensified, but under the restraint of the two kings, no more trouble occurred.

In the afternoon, it was finally time for the performances by the courtiers of the two countries.

According to the prior agreement, people from both sides gathered in several tents to talk, make requests, and exchange opinions.

In fact, in the previous exchanges between envoys from the two countries, some clauses that needed to be discussed were listed. In the end, the ministers of the two countries would discuss and decide the final result at the alliance meeting.

Arguments rang out from time to time, and the first question immediately stuck.

The Turks wanted to make the Tang Dynasty a vassal, so they dedicated the title of Holy Khan to the Turks, and then paid tribute to the Turks every year without interruption.

This is to be expected.

In recent years, there have been wars in the south. The country has been exhausted and its strength has been greatly reduced. Although the Turks have experienced several wars and suffered considerable damage, and they have obviously gone downhill, when it comes to national strength, the Turks still have the upper hand.

There is nothing to say about this. The ministers of both countries have a relatively clear understanding.

The Turks, who were respected by their strength, would definitely take this opportunity to propose a tributary proposal to the Tang Dynasty. When the envoys of the two countries came and went, they had been arguing about this matter for a long time.

Both sides have extremely firm attitudes, and according to the preset direction, this is basically an issue on which it is difficult to reach consensus.

The Turks obviously understand this. What they have to do is to put pressure on their opponents first and gain the initiative for many subsequent issues. This rhythm is right.

These practices changed the inherent image of the Turks in the eyes of Tang officials as rude and ignorant of restraint and resourcefulness, but this did not change the result.

Originally, given the current situation of the Tang Dynasty, it was not beyond negotiation to surrender to the north. The DPRK had some suggestions, and it had always been one of the strategies of the Central Plains dynasty to be weak and passive with its neighbors in the north.

However, Li Po had drawn a clear bottom line for his ministers in advance, so the proposal of becoming a minister was not considered.

In the evening, Li Po invited Ashina and Yang Huan to gather together again. This time, there were no interruptions from his ministers, just the two of them.

Ashina Yang Huan arrived happily. When they entered the big tent, they were surrounded by Tang soldiers and Turkic followers, and no one was allowed to approach.

However, women have this inconvenience. No matter she is a Turkic Khan or someone else, when she meets a man alone, people will have some strange associations.


The food and wine had already been put on the table, even a little cold, because they had to undergo careful inspection before they could enter their mouths. Poisoning was something that the Central Plains people often did, but the Turks didn’t have much precedent, so this time the Turks

very nervous.

The two sat opposite each other. Li Po looked at Ashina and Yang Huan. He was in much better spirits than before, and he seemed to be quite arrogant.

Judging from yesterday's situation, he is much less worried than Ashina Yang Huan. There are obviously some people among the Turks who do not want the alliance to continue.

Does this mean that the power of the Turkic Khan is not so stable? If the Khan in front of him continues to be in power, will it be beneficial to the Tang Dynasty?

These thoughts linger in Li Po's mind from time to time... indicating that the alliance has indeed had some influence on him.


Li Po was the first to raise his glass, "It's finally clearer. Let me toast Khan first. I was offended before, so please don't take offense."

Ashina Yang Huan smiled and picked up the wine glass. After two days of watching, she also had a basic understanding of Li Po's behavior and behavior.

A very temperate man... Such a man is generally very dangerous. When he is angry, he may not be very angry, and when he is smiling, he may not be very happy.

Temperance means being gentle and keeping emotions in check. As long as a man can do this, he will become scary because you don't know what he is thinking at all.

In Ashina Yang Huan's view, this man and her uncle Emperor Wen had nothing in common except their looks.

This person likes to be clever verbally and show his cleverness. This may be his biggest flaw. When he is at a disadvantage verbally, will he become frustrated?

Is this how he gets along with his subordinates?

It shouldn't be possible. Judging from the way he enforced his orders and prohibitions, his subjects were deeply afraid of him. He had just pacified the princes, and his subjects were already bowing to him. In terms of means, he could be said to be a man of great talent and strategy.

He was not very knowledgeable, but he was clever and cunning. He was rather ruthless in his actions back then, but he did not kill many people after he ascended the throne. He was good at winning over people's hearts, and he could compare with Emperor Wen in terms of size.

These are Ashina Mudan's evaluations of Li Po, and Ashina Yang Huan feels that there are some shortcomings.

Without relying on his own life experience, he rose from the frontier as a soldier, pacified so many princes, and ascended to the position of emperor. This is not something that can be described by being clever, clever, and good at winning people's hearts.


"There is no one around now. Your Majesty should call me aunt. I also want to call you Erlang. What do you think?"

What the two of them think in their hearts has nothing to do with what they say on their lips. The king just doesn't mean what he says. The most hypocritical person in the world is the king.

Li Po had some goosebumps on his body, but he was thick-skinned and would not break his guard easily. He drank the wine in one gulp first and said with a smile: "I have been helpless since I was a child. Fortunately, I am survived by my uncles.

I came down, but it was a pity that they left a little early and could not enjoy the blessing with me.

Now I suddenly have an aunt, haha, I’m a little uncomfortable with it..."

As he spoke, he picked up the wine bottle and came over to fill it for Ashina Yang Huanzhen. He came back and sat down to fill it for himself. He picked up the wine glass and then said: "Then my nephew will give my aunt another glass to celebrate us."

Happy meeting between aunt and nephew."

Ashina and Yang Huan looked at his careless look and always felt that something was wrong. She couldn't help comforting herself, mainly because it was very different from what she had imagined.

Coupled with their status limitations, how much weight does family love hold in their hearts?

She couldn't help but sigh, raised her glass and said: "Erlang has suffered a lot. If we could meet each other sooner, it wouldn't be like this. I heard that their brothers turned against each other in the north that day. I was far away in the royal court, and I couldn't help.

Fortunately, Yi Qian (the nickname of King Yang Liang of Han Dynasty) has a successor, and I feel very relieved... Who is still in the lineage of Emperor Wen? I asked Mu Dan to search, but found nothing...


When she said this, her eyes were red and her voice was choked with sobs. Her feelings were sincere and she was obviously very concerned about this matter.

Li Po couldn't quite understand this kind of concern for his family, because he himself had no experience of living in a wealthy family, nor had he received such teachings.

However, he has seen too many people, and he knows how much people in this world value their family. It is not only their source of strength, but also something they need to carefully maintain at all times.

In the words of later generations, that is their root. If the root is gone, they will become lonely ghosts. People with ambition are not afraid of hardships and have to re-root their roots. People without that ambition

, we must also work hard to continue the bloodline and cultivate a person with ambition...

This chapter has been completed!
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