Chapter 1258 Alliance (5)

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The meeting on the first day ended unhappily.

After the death of a Turkic general, the Turks were really in a commotion for a while, but they calmed down in the evening under the hospitality of fine wine from the Central Plains.

The Turks are not united, and the nobles are generally making their own small calculations, and do not care that the alliance between the two countries will have too much impact on their lives in the future.

Most of those who looked forward to the alliance wanted to do business with the Tang Dynasty and benefit from it.

Those who objected to having good relations with the Tang Dynasty did so because they could not see their own interests in the alliance.

Others felt that the Khan was too friendly to the Tang people and would eventually lead them to kowtow to the Tang emperor like Qimin Khan did.

There are many such people in the Turkic royal court, and the Shibi Khan of that year was one of the representatives. They were dignified Turks with relatively big ambitions.

Now they all lean towards Tuli Khan Ashina Qiuluo. Although Jieli Khan Ashina Qura's power has been greatly reduced, he has also won the support of some people.

In general, the people's hearts are scattered. Compared with when Qimin Khan was there, the Turks already have a rotten smell from within.

Of course, the fact that the heroine is in power is also one of the important reasons...


The emperors and ministers of the Tang Dynasty had nothing to be happy about. The arrogance of the Turks stung the hearts of the ministers and made them feel extremely angry. As a result, they became increasingly pessimistic about the outcome of the alliance.

Li Po was in a good mood because he saw the corruption and weakness of the Turkic nobles.

The performance of the nobles often represents the rise and fall of a nation, whether it is the Turks or the Tang Dynasty, because the nobles are the elite class.

Once they tend to become decadent, the entire empire will gradually decline. Therefore, from the Turkic nobles, he can clearly detect the weakness and division of the entire Turks.

Of course, this is not comprehensive. If he could contact the leaders of various Turkic tribes, he would have a more comprehensive and intuitive grasp of the situation within the Turks.

This is also the danger when the two kings meet in person. They will have their own opinions on everything that happens in the alliance, which will inevitably affect their perceptions and future decisions.

Sometimes the meaning of not seeing the king is that it is better to hide one's clumsiness than to show one's skill...


"You must remember that we are not here to fight with the Turks. We can talk about whatever we need to talk about and do whatever we need to do.

Although most of the Turks don't look good, they have stood firm in the north for so many years, and their territory has become wider and wider. There is no reason why there will always be some smart people who can influence the situation..."

In the evening, Li Po gathered people in his tent to unify his thoughts again.

His courtiers were different from those Turkic nobles. When he spoke, no one was interested in the food in front of them. They all listened to his words and tried to figure out his thoughts.

His role as emperor was much more interesting than that of a Turkic khan.

But what he didn't know was that in the big tent not far away, when the Turkic Khan Ashina Yanghuan was sitting upright, unabashedly spreading his majesty all over the tent, in the daytime

Those gesticulating, domineering Turkic nobles were all silent and much more honest than his subordinates.

The power of the Turkic Khan was indeed not as substantial as that of the Central Plains Emperor, but her sword was sharper and she wielded it so unscrupulously.

When she clearly shows her anger, no one wants to be affected by her anger.


In the tent, Li Po continued, "You are all worthy men. I brought you here not to show off your strength and to win, but to strive for benefit for the country."

Having said this, he pointed to his feet, "Where is this place? I think you all remember that Dingxiang County is as curved as an ox's horn, piercing the heart of the Turks.

My four uncles were all garrison soldiers here. When they were there, when Yang Guangda was building construction and digging canals, the border stronghold was abandoned and everyone fled.

Only four of my uncles did not leave and eventually died here. I don’t say any big principles. I only know that where we spilled our blood is my territory.

It is said that the predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoy the shade. What if the tree falls? We cannot wait for the wind and rain to come before we find a solution. We have to plant a better and bigger tree later, or simply build a house.


Therefore, when talking to the Turks, even if they cannot get Dingxiang County back, they cannot allow the Turks to stay here and graze. There is no need to talk about that. It has been discussed before.

Wuyuan, Yulin, and Yingzhou must talk to the Turks. We often say that if you want to take something, you must give it first. The Western Regions and Liaodong are remote places that are beyond our reach now. We can give the Turks some convenience.

We can also make concessions in terms of trade. You must understand that the people talking to you are all Turkic dignitaries. Unlike us, they have no thoughts of caring for the world and serving the country and the herdsmen.

As long as it is good for themselves, they will be moved, so try to satisfy their selfish desires, and they will be used by me for big things.

With all your wisdom, I don’t need to say more about what to do, right?"

Hearing the emperor's statement about his family affairs, the ministers no longer had much trouble in their hearts. This was obviously a symbol of the stability of the imperial power, because no one thought that the emperor was of humble origin and was not worthy of being the master of all.

They were listening carefully to the emperor's words, and the emperor's intentions would be faithfully implemented in subsequent negotiations.

When they heard these words, they all felt that the emperor was still so wise and everything he said hit the point.

What these people want is indeed different from that of the Turks. Although they all inevitably have selfish motives and desires (harmony), what they want is merit, not redundant benefits.

Even if another hundred years pass, the Turks will probably not develop this kind of thinking of caring for the world, making achievements, and passing their name on to history, because they do not have such a theoretical basis to support them.

Pei Shiqing stood up first, bowed and said: "Your Majesty is so wise, I will do my best to bring benefits to the people of the world and eliminate disasters for future generations."

Everyone stood up and agreed...

Li Po waved his hand and asked everyone to sit down and talk, "The Turks are still angry, and it is impossible for them to agree to some things. Let's delay it for a while. Let's see what happens before July is over. Maybe there will be a turn for the better."

Everyone didn't know what the emperor's plan was, and no one asked about it. Since the emperor had his thoughts in mind, they just had to act according to the rhythm they had discussed before.

Everyone discussed some more while eating and drinking, mainly about Turkic things. Since the two young Khans did not show up, the promise of the royal court is worthy of discussion.

The young Khan of the Turks has always had the habit of walking alone, so the promises of the Turks should not be taken too seriously. Maybe after the alliance with the royal court, an envoy will be sent to the young Khan to reiterate the alliance, or to see them.

attitude and so on.


It finally started to rain lightly in the evening. The night on the grassland was already very cold, and now it felt as if it had entered winter.

People on both sides have a hard time, the Turks have to get used to it, and the Tang people will suffer a lot here.

Especially since bonfires could no longer be lit. The grassland was so dark that it was hard to see even one's fingers. However, the soldiers became more alert. During the day, the imperial concubine killed a Turkic general with her own hands.

The soldiers were very excited after hearing this. If the ministers still thought that the imperial concubine was acting a little recklessly, then when the generals came to see her, their morale was greatly boosted.

If the officers had not tried their best to restrain them, maybe the Tang soldiers and the Turks would have used this opportunity to cause some conflicts.

It was indeed dangerous for the hot-blooded soldiers and the angry Turks to be so close.

Therefore, the camp here strengthened its vigilance in the evening. Regardless of the cold, the soldiers stood guard in the rain. Everyone was severely frozen, but they had no complaints. Some even thought about how to go to the Turks if they could go to the Turks in such horrible weather.

Wouldn't it be good to conduct a sneak attack and capture the Turkic Khan?

Well, I guess there are many Turks who have this idea.


Among the tents on the grassland, little bits of fire light flashed.

Luo Shixin, who was wearing a helmet and armor, got into the tent, wiped the rain off his face, looked at Li Po who had not yet rested, and said nonsense, "Hey, brother, haven't you slept yet?"

Li Po waved his hand, "Thank you for your hard work, Sanlang. Come, sit down and talk."

Seeing him sit down, Li Po said again: "Be careful outside. There are all kinds of monsters and monsters in this ghost place. You still have to be careful. You and your sister-in-law take turns to be on guard. In addition to guarding against the Turks, don't let your men go."

Life matters.”

Luo Shixin nodded his big head, "Brother, don't worry, no one can get close to me as long as I'm here. I'm here to tell my brother that we caught a few people and stole them over sneakily, with the swords and arrows on their bodies all stained."

The poison was caught by us..."

Huh? Li Po straightened up, feeling suspicious. Is there really such a stupid guy?

The place where the two countries meet for alliance is unobstructed and heavily guarded. No smart person would do this. If trouble is provoked between the two countries, who will be the biggest beneficiary?

Damn it, there are so many idiots among the Turks.

"Did you ask, who are they?"

Luo Shixin rubbed his hands in embarrassment, "They are all dead. They are dead soldiers... They don't look like Turks. They should be thieves who surrendered."

Li Po frowned and thought for a while, then waved his hand and said, "What else can you say? Just bury it on the spot and everything will be fine as usual."

The Turks who have no evidence will definitely not admit it, and may even bite back and accuse you of being framed.

Luo Shixin nodded regretfully. He had not led an army for several years. It would be a bit boring to have nothing to do. If he could take the opportunity to fight with the Turks, that would be what he wanted.

He was on duty outside during the day and failed to show off his skills, which also made him deeply regretful.

I cursed the Turkic bastard a few times in my heart, and muttered a few words to Li Po. The Turkic Khan was so close, so why not let him lead his troops over and capture him? There was no need to waste time with them.

Li Po was also very moved by what he said, but for the sake of the dignity of the Tang Dynasty, he still kicked this guy out of the tent. What kind of thing are two men whispering here at night?

This chapter has been completed!
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