Chapter 140 Breaking the Embankment

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Hundreds of people climbed over a mountain ridge and walked for seven or eight miles before stopping.

The Goguryeo people who are familiar with geography found a good place.

The place where they built a river to store water is in a valley, which can be said to be a natural reservoir.

Not far outside the valley, there is a bend in the river, where the water flow is slowed down a lot.

Therefore, at the turn, the team has to stop.

But this place is not far from the Goguryeo camp. It is just separated by a mountain. There must be some Goguryeo wandering upstream. The Goguryeo people must be very vigilant.

Rather, the purpose of building a dam is to survey the water conditions upstream. Once it rains upstream, we will make corresponding preparations down here. These are basic common sense and needless to say.

However, the Sui army could not care about that much.

After a little discussion, Li Bi led 200 people to stay where they were, and the rest dispersed. A group of fifty people went up the mountain top, and went to the river. Soon, the entire river was covered.

Controlled around the corner.

Then Chen Yuan, Cheng Zhijie, Luo San, Chen Er and other tall and muscular guys all became laborers, cutting down trees and trimming branches and leaves. When the sky darkened, they produced six or seven long, round logs.

At this time, gather the people and horses and cross the river. When it gets dark, hundreds of people don't have to worry about anything anymore and they all gather by the river.

Like a ritual, when the moon reaches the zenith, the logs are lowered into the water one after another.

Watching the logs floating and quickly disappearing into the night, a group of people hurried up the mountain in the dark.

There were many stumblings along the way, and I don’t know if anyone got lost or fell behind. Anyway, they were all very nervous. Even Li Po, who came up with this idea, didn’t know if this would be able to break the Goguryeo people’s dam.

After all, no one here has experience in this area.

If the wood is all stranded, if the Goguryeo dams are stronger, and if the water flow is not strong enough...then we can only have a real battle with the Goguryeo people.

Especially after alerting the enemy, although there was still a chance of victory, the Sui army from top to bottom never doubted their combat effectiveness. But in terms of casualties, it was hard to say.

In fact, all worries are unnecessary.

The dams built by the Goguryeo people were quite satisfactory.

The materials of the dam are mainly stones and wood. They first set up a dam wall in the middle of the valley to further slow down the water flow. Then, at the exit of the valley, there is the real dam.

However, it is impossible to maintain the quality and quantity of such a temporary building, and according to the craftsmanship of the Goguryeo people, it is impossible to build the dam very solidly.

Maybe a moderate rain fell upstream and the dam broke.

They are lucky. So far, there has only been a light rain upstream, causing the river water level to rise a bit. It has not caused much danger.

Of course, this is also directly related to the fact that Sashui is not a big river.

Unfortunately, the Sui army had already sneaked upstream, but they still knew nothing about it.

In the dark night, the logs floating in the water were floating down the river without encountering any obstacles. However, the distance was a bit short and the current was not very fast.

So, the speed is not very fast.

However, that would be much faster than the Sui soldiers climbing the mountain in the dark.

When the Sui army had just walked out for a mile or two, the logs had already reached the first dam set by the Goguryeo people.

The dull crashing sound echoed in the valley, but it was not a loud sound, and it did not disturb anyone. The Goguryeo people guarding here had been busy all day, and everyone fell into a deep sleep.

However, the second muffled sound sounded, and the dam groaned, and the noise was a bit loud.

The person who had slept relatively lightly woke up in a daze and looked at the dark river.

Before they could see clearly, a third muffled sound sounded.

The simple dam couldn't help being tortured, and finally started to cough in pain. Like a chain reaction, it was revealed that the river surface was not high and there were many gaps, allowing the water to pass through like thick piles. The dam that was driven into the water collapsed immediately.

Several places.

The screams of the Goguryeo people immediately echoed throughout the valley, but they could not suppress the rumble of the dams collapsing one after another into the water.

Although there is a gap in the water level in the valley, it is already very high.

The dams upstream actually don't bear much pressure, but the dams downstream are the key.

All water level differences, as well as the pressure caused by water storage, are mostly concentrated on the downstream dams.

Whether it is to confuse the enemy or to reduce the water force that the dams bear, the dams downstream will release water at any time. In this way, it is equivalent to strengthening the dams and storing water at the same time.

If such a project were to be carried out by the master architect Yu Wenkai, as long as he was given sufficient manpower and a few pieces of wood, he might not be able to achieve success.

But these days, there are definitely no transnational projects. Well, it can’t be said that there are no such projects. Sifang City is still standing next to Liaodong City.

In any case, when the upstream dam collapses, the results will be catastrophic.

This is not just a matter of a few pieces of wood. The wood and rocks that collapsed from the upper reaches flowed down the river and entered this small reservoir. Many drifted to the shore, but more of them rushed towards the main dam at the mouth of the valley.

The sound of the embankment breaking was a roaring sound that kept surging in the valley, like muffled thunder. Even across a mountain top, the Sui army could hear it clearly.

Immediately, suppressed cheers rang out from the team.

Li Po, who was walking in front of the team, also breathed a sigh of relief. What a good idea, but it was actually said to be a deviant approach. Oh, must fighting life and death be the right way?

A useful idea is a good idea.

As I walked, I felt complacent and didn't stay. I tripped and fell down. Fortunately, it was dark and no one could see me. I got up quickly, but my mood was not affected much. It was still the same.


But I still complained in my heart. The Goguryeo people are so good at building roads. I don’t know, if you want to get rich, you should build roads first? Damn it, what kind of dam are you going to build...

At this time, at the foot of the mountain, disaster had already occurred.

This is a man-made natural disaster, and its impact is much smaller than a real natural disaster.

Of course, the Goguryeo people stationed on the shore would never think so.

As long as a gap or crack occurs in a dam, generally speaking, the result will be a chain collapse of the entire dam.

The Goguryeo people did not have the time or skills, but they repaired the damage and kept the dam intact.

When the embankment burst, most people were awakened but could not react much.

In fact, there are more than 8,000 people stationed here, with only 1,000 Goguryeo defenders and part-time supervisors, and the rest are Goguryeo civilians.

In the art of using people's power, there is a world of difference between the King of Goguryeo and Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty. To be honest, he only used the word ruthless.

Of course, the living conditions of the people of Goguryeo do not need to be described too much.

This night, the fate of everyone in the camp no longer depends on how noble they are or whether they hold a knife, but on luck.

When the dam broke, the Goguryeo people who woke up fled in droves.

The water broke through the dikes and roared out of the valley. This was obviously the time when the water front was at its strongest. Of course, its destructive power was far less than when it was raging down and getting faster and faster.

However, the narrow river channel could no longer accommodate its thick body, and the Goguryeo camp was affected at that time.

When the waves hit the Goguryeo camp, the crest of the waves was actually several feet tall.

Whether they were people or tents, they collapsed under the rolling waves. The horses were thrown into the air like toys, fell down, and disappeared into the water like other things without a trace.

The fleeing people were swallowed up one after another by the giant beasts behind them.

The scene at this moment was spectacular and cruel. Most of the people who could witness it turned into fish and turtles.

Only a few people escaped up the mountain. Others who were lucky enough were on the outskirts of the camp. Most of them were Goguryeo officers and soldiers guarding the place.

When the water rushes here, some of the successors are exhausted. The place where the water prefers to go is always downstream.

Therefore, the Goguryeo camp was only affected because it was too close to the river bank.

Before dawn, the flood here actually receded.

The entire camp was in a mess, corpses of men and horses could be seen everywhere, and more were swept downstream by the water.

The surviving Goguryeo people finally returned to the camp one after another in shock. Under the leadership of the surviving and relatively high-status people, they began to search for survivors and rummaged through the baggage.

In fact, everyone here is left with only fear for the rest of their lives after the disaster.

Before the military order arrived, the dam broke first, which would have led to beheading.

But they had never thought that the real danger would come from the Sui army's attack.

However, after such a mess, the so-called golden body of the Goguryeo God of War was half mixed up.

Later history records mostly said that the Goguryeo people originally dammed the river upstream of the Sa River in order to flood the Sui army. However, the dam failed first and thousands of soldiers were lost.

However, later generations who were very imaginative said that the Sui army was aware of it and broke the dam first to release the water, and then argued endlessly, but there was no research basis and it could not be recorded in the official history.

However, someone finally found some clues when looking through the Sui Dynasty case files...

But that is all a matter for later generations. At this moment, Li Po, as the instigator, has climbed to the top of the mountain, and more and more people are gathering around him.

Everyone began to sit down and rest, check their weapons and weapons, and prepare for battle.

(Originally, Ah Cao wanted to arrange a battle, but then he thought about it, there were too many consequences, and he needed to find out the deficiencies. Therefore, Ah Cao was lazy and used a strategy instead. It was a bit taken for granted. Please don't complain. Ah Cao continues to work hard.



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