Chapter 1400 Help

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The little queen Subhimala is the biological sister of the elder queen, which is relatively rare in the history of Subi.

The big queen and the little queen come from the same lineage, which is actually not conducive to rule. The ancestors of the Supi people set up two queens just to check and balance each other.

However, it is understandable based on the current situation. According to the tradition of the Supi people, the little queen is the first heir to the big queen.

The previous defeat of the Supi people was due to the disagreement between the two queens. The eldest queen was assassinated, but the younger queen was unable to convince the crowd. Now, two sisters have been elected to prevent this from happening again.


Subimuluo hurried back to the royal city, just to see the envoy of the Tang Dynasty.

After the restoration of the country, the Supi people were attacking the Six Yak Tribes to which Yalong belonged. Ever since Langri Lunzan was poisoned and a rebellion broke out in Luoxe City, the war in Tubo had been going on for more than a year.

The tribes of Yalong were retreating steadily under the siege of various rebel armies, but the situation was not optimistic for the Supi people.

As the main force of the rebels, Su Pi and Xiang Xiong did not have unified voices within them.

Many of the great nobles among them had previously been married to the Yalong tribe, and had enjoyed great benefits from it, and they admired the wise Langri Lunzan very much.

Even though Langri Lunzan has returned to the Kingdom of God, they are still unwilling to attack Langri Lunzan's descendants.

Especially the Xiangxiong people, they have had contacts with the people of the Yalong tribes for a long time, and their beliefs have gradually become unified.

Therefore, they did not act actively during the civil strife in Tubo.

The Supi people wanted to occupy Luoshou City, establish their authority, and reunify the Tibetan tribes.

This is actually the legacy left by Langri Lunzan. He unified Tubo, just like the former Qin Dynasty in the Central Plains, pointing out the direction for later generations. It turns out that the various tribes in this world can be kneaded together.

With such an example, what people pursued later was obviously different from the previous melee vendettas between various ministries. They had more ambitious goals.


In fact, Luoche City, the royal city of Tubo, became the meat thrown out by the Yalong tribe. Both Supi and Xiangxiong were eyeing it, but no one dared to easily enter Luoxe City.

As a result, a strange confrontation formed near Luoche City.

In addition, it is extremely difficult to advance into the hinterland of the Yalong tribes in the Yalong Valley area in the south of Shannan. There are Luoche cities blocking it in the north, and they also encountered strong resistance from the Yalong tribes.

After fighting several battles this year, Su Pi and Xiang Xiong had conflicts, so their offensive dropped sharply.

This is similar to the situation when the rebels rose up in the late Sui Dynasty. Everyone revolted to resist the cruel oppression of the government. However, the rebels could not unite together. They were full of contradictions, fighting each other, and no one could trust others.

Su Pi and Xiang Xiong are like this. The Yalong tribes are still strong, but the rebels are showing signs of splitting. While they want to preserve their own strength, they don't want to let the other party take advantage of them.

The civil strife in Tubo reached a stalemate in a confused manner.


The little queen Subimuluo was only sixteen years old, but she was the main force in Subi Kingdom who advocated attacking the Yalong Valley and completely defeating the Six Yak Tribe.

The royal city she chose for herself was also closer to Luoxue City, which can now be said to be the forefront of the war.

She is completely different from her sister who likes to enjoy herself. There are some ambitious young nobles gathered around her. Unlike the old people, they want to build their own achievements.

Moreover, they have less involvement with the nobles of the Yalong tribe, and lack awe of Langri Lunzan.

Seeing that the war gradually turned into a stalemate, the Yalong tribe got a precious chance to breathe.

The Xiangxiong tribes were located in the southwest of Supi, like a plate of loose sand, holding back the Supi people and lacking the will to attack the Yalong tribes.

Some nobles among the Supi people were also unwilling to give her their full support.

Subimala became anxious, and she and her subordinates also clearly realized that it was difficult to achieve the previously set goals with their own strength.

So when the news of the envoy from the Tang Dynasty reached her ears, her eyes became bright again, so she quickly returned to Subi King City.


"I heard that the Tang Dynasty defeated our hero Qilebu Maben and killed many warriors... May the warriors who went on the expedition rest in peace and return to the kingdom of gods after death..."

The young queen is still growing up, but she looks much stronger than her sister.

Her face was also heavily painted with paint, her hair was messy and draped over her shoulders, and she didn't wear many accessories. She only had a knife and a dagger around her waist, which was rare among Subi nobles.

She was sitting in the hall, with some exaggerated gestures when speaking, looking energetic and active in thinking.

To be honest, Cheng Dabeard felt that the little queen in front of him was more like a king.

She first expressed her sincere condolences to the envoy from afar, but unlike her sister, she quickly got to the point.

It can be seen that Subishura doesn't like this sister very much. Well, a more accurate statement is that she is a little afraid of her sister.

"My sister, Zilbumaben, has passed away. Perhaps she is enjoying food and glory in the kingdom of gods. Let's not talk about him anymore, right?"

Cheng Dabeard deeply agreed. Zhang Lun and Fan Wenjin had done a great job. Cheng Dabeard had done nothing. If he was implicated here, it would be unjust.

Fortunately, the queen's husband was kicked out, otherwise he would have felt even more uncomfortable.


Cheng Dabeard sat up straight and showed his attitude towards Nang Nie, Ashina Nishu and others.

Before, he felt that none of these Supi people were worth talking to, but now it was different. "The so-called warriors of the Tubo people were all beheaded in the Tang Dynasty.

No one can offend the majesty of the Tang Dynasty without paying the price, but His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is kind and does not hold a grudge against you because of this small offense.

He sent me here to talk to the Supi people. He didn't want everyone to shed any more blood. Her Royal Highness the Queen has accepted his goodwill and is ready to have contacts and trade with the Tang Dynasty.

Now Lord Mo Luo has mentioned Qilebu, does he want to take revenge on the Tang Dynasty?"

Subishura looked at the righteous bearded man in surprise, feeling a little intoxicated. She seemed to smell a strong masculine scent, and she liked such a man even more.

Her sister didn't have so many thoughts, she shook her head with a smile and said: "Your Majesty the Messenger has misunderstood. Although we are far away, we Supi people have heard that the Tang Dynasty is powerful and cannot be offended.

Like my sister, I am very willing to associate with powerful neighbors...

Speaking of Zilebu Maben, he is our uncle. He is a hero of the Subi people. He once led the warriors to fight for the Subi people.

It's a pity that he gave in to the devil and forgot that he was a descendant of Asura. It was he who invaded the royal city of Queen Cibensu.

So when the Subi people regained their glory, I killed his descendants.

The queen is the beloved daughter of the Asura God. Even if they are no longer worthy of enjoying the worship of the Supi people, they cannot be harmed by the Supi people."

Even though the little queen is young, she speaks clearly and coherently, which is completely different from the incomprehensible Subi nobles that Cheng Dabeard met before.

"Actually, when it comes to Zhilebumaben, what I want to know more is how the warriors of the Tang Dynasty defeated him. Can they also help us Supi people defeat those damn devils just like they defeated him?"

Cheng Dabeard suddenly became interested, and now he looked like a rebel leader. He had not felt any tense atmosphere in King Subi City before.

If he hadn't known that Tubo was still in civil strife, he would have thought that the civil strife was over.

Those Supi nobles were cursing the Yalong people, but it was more like talking happily, but no one cared about the war. How did it look like there was a civil strife?

"Does the devil your Highness refers to the main tribe of Tibet, the Yalong tribe?"

"Who else could there be besides them? Those monkey-born guys used despicable means to take away our most precious things and drove our warriors to fight for them...

Well, I don’t want to describe their evil to the envoy. I heard that the envoy wants to take people to Luoxue City. I advise you not to do this. Those demons are not as hospitable as us Supi people."

Cheng Dabeard rolled his eyes and said: "Yes, I received very good hospitality here, especially Her Royal Highness the Queen. Her enthusiasm made me feel like I was back home..."

Knowing that the envoy had already moved into her sister's palace, the little queen glared at her sister and wanted to drive this unnecessary guy away.

The cruel and pleasure-loving queen moved back. She actually wanted to stuff this terrible sister back into her mother's womb.

"Since we are already like family, can we Supi people ask for some help from Datang?"

"Of course, if you really need Datang's help." Cheng Dabeard said without hesitation.

"Heavy snow is coming, and warriors have to put down their swords and guns and prepare for the winter.

Originally, when the weather is warmer next year, I will personally lead the warriors of Supi to make the final attack on the Yalong people. No matter what the result is, our fate will be decided by the god Asura.

But if Datang can help us, everything will be different..."

As she spoke, she looked directly into Cheng Zhijie's eyes, hoping to let the other party understand her courage and honesty, "Of course, I swear to God Asura that after the victory, I will give generous rewards to Datang, and the gods will witness our success."


Emergency medical treatment...

Cheng Dabeard, who has experienced many battles, immediately understood that the situation of the Supi people was very bad.

Because he didn't think the little queen could understand exactly what the word "Tang" meant. With just a few people like Tubo, if it wasn't limited by geography, it would be like a joke for the Tang Dynasty to destroy them.

Now that the Supi people are asking for help from the Tang Dynasty, it is more like a drowning man grabbing the last straw and just trying to pull hard to see if he can use the strength to climb to the shore.

This chapter has been completed!
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