Chapter 1401 Attack on Japan (1)

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The help that Tang Dynasty could provide to the Supi people was actually limited.

Don't look at another time and space, when Tubo was at its most powerful, it occupied Hexi and even as far as the Western Regions, and even a piece of Shuzhong was occupied by them.

But during the period when the Tang Dynasty was powerful, all the temptations of the Tubo people were forcefully cut off by the Tang Dynasty.

They were not on the same level as Datang. They only took advantage when Datang was weak.

In front of Datang, the most important thing they could rely on was their geographical location.

The Tang army could not move to the high ground in large numbers, so they could only take a step back and force Tibet to surrender.

This is similar to the previous Tuyuhun, Turkic and other tribes...

So on the other hand, if the Tang Dynasty wanted to directly intervene in the civil strife of the Tubo people and help the Supi people attack the Yalong tribes, it was beyond its reach.

But Cheng Dabeard would never show the slightest hint that I couldn't help you. He discussed the issue of foreign aid with Subimuluo in a serious manner.

He doesn't care whether the promises he made now will be fulfilled or not. He is not a god among the Tibetan people, so he only cares about the promises and doesn't care about the results.

After talking for a while, he assured Subimuluo without hesitation that he would send people back to the Tang Dynasty to ask His Majesty the Emperor to send reinforcements to help the Subi people complete their restoration project.

Well, it is certain to send people back. Other matters, such as whether the people in Liangzhou will send reinforcements and how to report to the emperor, are not decided by him as the envoy.

Anyway, he did what he should do.

If the Supi people were defeated, he would immediately flee with his people, at most taking the Queen with him.

If he can't escape, he still has Datang to use this amulet, which should be able to talk to the winner...

As before, if you believe Cheng Dabeard's lies, I'm afraid you will have no choice but to pray for God's blessing in the end.

As for Subimala's promise, the bearded man just listened to it. How could he believe others if he kept telling lies?


Afterwards, he called Hou Junji to discuss it and decided to spend the winter in King Subi City.

There is no need to describe Hou Junji's mood. When he falls into the big pit of Cheng Dabeard, he often has the illusion that the pit is deep enough and he can vaguely see the bottom. But after a few days, he will realize that this big pit is

It's so deep that you don't know what you will encounter next moment.

For example, the fact that Cheng Dabeard slept with the queen made Hou Junji recite Amitabha over and over again.

However, Hou Junji was different from Cheng Dabeard. He wanted to take a look before going to the army next year. He believed that one hundred Tibetan generals would not be as good as him in such matters as war.

What kind of reinforcements? His Hou Junji is enough.

I have to say that he is still so confident, even to the point of narcissism...

Even coming to this hellish place, Tubo, did not dampen his self-confidence. Cheng Dabeard had to admire him in his heart.

It's really not easy for this guy to be alive today.


Just when Cheng Dabeard was playing tricks in Tubo, far away in the East China Sea, the Tang army's offensive against the Japanese country had already begun.

In early August, Li Jing led his army to Silla.

More than 100,000 Tang troops landed one after another and stationed themselves on the west side of the peninsula. The Baekje people were completely silent.

King Wu Du Fuwei did not miss this good opportunity. Before Li Jing arrived, he divided his troops and defeated dozens of Baekje tribes, and captured and killed nearly a hundred leaders and nobles of each tribe.

The rebellion among Baekje tribes that had been going on for a year came to an abrupt end.

The frightened Baekje tribesmen brought gifts to pay homage to King Do and expressed their submission.

Princess Jin Seungman of Silla ran between Silla and Baekje, trying hard to maintain the relationship between the two sides. The actions of the Tang army on the peninsula really frightened the Silla people.

It wasn't until Jin Chunqiu rushed back to the peninsula from Chang'an that the people of Silla felt a little relieved.

When Li Jing landed on the island, Du Fuwei's "bandit suppression" mission was coming to an end, and he personally went to the shore to welcome Li Jing back.

Li Jing stayed on the island for more than ten days and got along well with Du Fuwei.

Well, this is what he thinks, but in fact, Du Fuwei is already eager for this guy to lead troops to the Japanese country as soon as possible. If he continues to stay, Du Fuwei may feel that this guy is just coming to the island to compete with him.

Military power has come.

Because Li Jing was too practical, after getting familiar with the mountains and geography of Baekje, he began to give Du Fuwei advice and persuaded Du Fuwei to search out all the Baekje royal family with the surname Buyeo and hand them over to the Silla people.

He didn't care about dictating strategies and tactics, but he actually came up with such a vicious idea, which made Du Fuwei wary. He didn't know whether it was Li Yaoshi's own idea or the emperor's intention...

If Li Jing were not the head of the country, and Du Fuwei's children were all in the capital, and he still hoped to take care of the Tang Dynasty's job in the future, everyone would be prepared to let him have an accident at sea.


Unconsciously, Li Jing showed his intelligence on the peninsula and began to prepare to lead an army across the sea to the Japanese country.

His preparations were still so complete. He discussed it carefully with Du Fuwei and his generals, then called the Japanese surrender, and carefully inquired about the government and military of the Japanese country, as well as the terrain of the Japanese country.

He spent several days on the peninsula, perfected the map of Japan, and made great changes to the tactics of this battle.

Li Jing's military style was to fight steadily and take military risks.

Originally, the Tang army's plan was to head northeast and attack the Ezo tribes in the northernmost part of the Japanese kingdom first.

The Ezo tribes are natives of the islands, and are not the same ethnic group as the He tribe on the main island of Japan. After the rise of the tribe, the Ezo people were driven to the northern end of the Wa Islands. The Ezo people lived here and called this place

For Ezo land.

They paid tribute to the Central Plains during the Northern and Southern Dynasties and were canonized.

It was not until the late Asuka period of Japan that they became a vassal state of Japan. Therefore, during this period, Japan did not truly unify the islands.

In Ezo in the north and Chikushi Island in the south, there are some tribes that do not regard the Japanese as fellow tribesmen, but just refer to them as Japanese in the eyes of outsiders.

In fact, the situation is similar to that of the Shang and Zhou dynasties in the Central Plains. The island is a tribal alliance formed by the He tribe as the leader and other tribes as subordinates.

During the Asuka Era of Japan, the He tribe gained a certain degree of legitimacy on the island, and the He tribe's court also tried its best to expand this influence.

They just want to unify the major islands and build the people on the islands into a whole, but they are still unable to do so.

Ezo is undoubtedly the weak point of the Japanese state. The people here have had contact with the Central Plains, and there are fewer people and more land. It seemed very suitable to choose this place as the landing place for the Tang army.

This chapter has been completed!
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