Chapter 1422 The subjugation of the country

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"Five years have passed in a blink of an eye, and life flies so fast... Almost all the old people left behind by Li Yuan in the palace have been released. The servants in the palace can be recruited from Chang'an and Jingzhao, and they can be selected.

Things have been delayed again and again.

Will there be a general election next year?”

The selection matter has been delayed for almost two years. Li Po obviously didn't pay much attention to it, which made his ministers tired. If they remembered it, they would mumble a few words in front of the emperor. If they couldn't remember, they would forget it.

No one will push this matter hard, especially since none of the eunuchs in the palace have ever been favored or powerful, so the matter of selection is not very popular in the palace.

It's like this internally and externally. If no one cares about it, nothing can be done.

Li Bi is a little hesitant now. If the palace is to be built next year and selection is to be carried out, will some people say that the emperor started to have fun when he saw that the world was stable?

Such a reputation is not friendly to the emperor and can easily lead to bad morals.

Sure enough, Li Po said: "Let's wait a little longer. Things in the palace seem to be fine. It's just that there are a few less people to help. It doesn't matter. It's not too late to make sense after this period."

Li Bi had some thoughts on this, "Some time ago, Silla donated a few women to the palace, and it seemed fine. Now that foreigners are coming to Tang Dynasty one after another, why not let them bring some women to the palace? I don't know if it's appropriate?"


Li Po looked at his wife and smiled, saying to himself that your idea is very unique. The exotic scenery is the most exciting... Do I have to thank you?

I felt very happy in my heart, but I said in a habitual pretentious manner: "What you said, I am not a person who is greedy for beauty. There are already a lot of people in Chang'an City whispering behind my back. You still want to talk to me?"

spread his reputation to foreign countries?”

Li Bi showed her eight teeth and giggled.

"Marrying with a foreign country is never a trivial matter. How can someone with a bad reputation care so much about it? My husband and children are still young, and we don't have that many brothers and sisters. Do we have to bear the burden ourselves?

Regardless of the Wei, Jin, Wu Hu countries, and the Sui Dynasty, there are some foreign women serving in the palace, so how can the Tang Palace be outside? Otherwise, it will look much inferior."

Li Po thought for a while and said helplessly: "What you said makes some sense, so I'll let people think about it. Alas, those who can do more work. This is true for those who can't help themselves in ancient and modern times..."

Then the laughter of the couple rang out in the hall again.


In mid-December, the Japanese surrenderers were deported to Chang'an.

It's snowing heavily and it's freezing cold.

A group of more than a thousand people braved the wind and snow to enter the Chang'an city gate.

After crossing the ocean in the middle of winter and trudging thousands of miles, more than 300 people from the Japanese country arrived here six or seven years ago, and only more than 100 people were left alive to reach their destination.

The strongest young men and women survived, but almost all the elderly and children died on the road.

That is to say, the people who escorted them here felt that it would be difficult to account for all the people who were dead. Otherwise, there would only be two or three kittens left in Chang'an.

The soldiers escorting them had changed five or six times along the way, and now they were all Tongguan defenders. They had been severely frozen for more than 200 miles.


Shang Gongxuma showed her head out of her mother's increasingly cold embrace, exhaled a breath of white air, and squeezed into her mother's arms shivering.

She is the youngest daughter of the Zhang family in Kamiyao. She is one of the only two children left in the team and is only five years old this year.

The first batch of people to be deported to Chang'an were mainly from the Shanggong royal family of the Japanese Kingdom. Their relatives were also collected by Li Jing one after another and sent to the Central Plains as the second batch.

Li Jing didn't think much about the season. He didn't care whether these people died or not. As long as one or two of them went to Chang'an and were seen, it would be fine. Anyway, the credit of the soldiers of the Eastern Expedition would not go away.

The most important point is actually the destruction of the Japanese country, the credit is still small, and furthermore, they are far overseas, and it is impossible for him to send soldiers to escort these people back to show victory, so there is no need to spend more effort.


The Shanggong clan is undoubtedly a big family in the Japanese country. Ever since the Asuka clan rose to prominence, they have controlled the power of the Japanese king for forty or fifty years.

Regardless of whether they are the Shangiya clan, the Soga clan, or the Monobe clan, they were all retainers of King He clan back then. Looking at their family history, they are actually not much younger than those old families in the Central Plains.

Now that the Shanggong family had suffered a disaster, they were almost uprooted by Li Jing. They were searching according to the family tree they kept in Pingjing. Except for Tamura and some people who fled into the mountains, there were no other fish that escaped the net.

When we set out from the island, there were still mostly women. When we got to Chang'an, there were more men than women.


Kamigiya Owari is the son of Queen Suiko and her half-brother King Minda.

His parents were close relatives, and Kamimiya Owari had been weak since he was a child. Kamimiya Owari died on the road before he even reached Tsushima Island after setting off from Japan.

Kamimiya Kuma is still young and doesn't know what this means. Her mother is the daughter of the Soga family, and she and Owari are actually close relatives.

There is no way, the clans of the Japanese country have controlled power for too long, and the class has been in a state of solidification. They are not willing to marry outsiders, and they have to keep the blood pure. There is no ethics. Nowadays, intermarriage between relatives is common.

Counting to the top of each family, almost all of them are like this.

For example, the eldest daughter of Kamigiya Owari was married to Prince Shotoku, but Prince Shotoku is actually the nephew of Queen Suiko, because his mother is the half-sister of Queen Suiko Nadabe, but from the perspective of the royal family, it can be said that

Her nephew, because Prince Shotoku's father is King Minda's cousin.

Isn't Kamiya Owari's daughter the niece and granddaughter of Prince Shotoku?

In addition, Kamimiya Owari married Soga Yada, so according to blood relationship, she is Kamimiya Owari’s aunt.

This kind of showmanship makes Silla and Baekje pale in comparison. It's not that they don't have it there, but it's just that they really don't have such a natural attitude as the Japanese.

So Owari only has a daughter and no sons, and his brother Takeda also died young. There is no way, this blood is too pure, Takeda can't bear it.

What's even more outrageous is that Owari was so weak and yet gave birth to such a young and healthy daughter. It's hard to tell whose daughter it is.


Shang Gong Xuma only showed her head slightly, and then she went back in. She leaned closely against her mother, sucking in the little warmth and humming coldly.

Her mother mechanically patted her back to comfort her, and kept saying, "We're here, we're here."

I don’t know whether I read it to my daughter or to myself.

This was much better than when we first landed. It wasn't too cold at that time, but everyone was measuring the land of the Central Plains with their feet.

It wasn't until they passed Luoyang that they changed to a carriage.

However, those soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who were like wolves and tigers were suffering from the wind and cold outside, and their tempers were extremely bad. From time to time, they had to look for remedies from Jiang Ren, so many people died.

It was only after passing Tongguan that the escorting soldiers restrained themselves, because the officers were afraid that they would not be able to explain themselves to the capital and would not allow any more deaths.

The officials of Honglu Temple shrank their necks, took over the convoy with the soldiers of the Habayashi Army, and led the convoy to the post house of Honglu Temple.

Now this place is not what it used to be, it is very lively.

The people of the Turkic Royal Court who were stationed in Chang'an felt that this place was too simple and crude, and they had been punished a lot before, so they moved out of the post house and rented a mansion nearby to serve as the liaison office of the Turkic Royal Court in Chang'an.

Because the relationship between the two families has gradually eased and become friendly, the court has taken care of them, but if you want to enjoy extraterritoriality, don't dream about it.

Among the post houses in Honglu Temple, people from the Western Turks are present, with the largest number from Silla. The people who surrendered from Tubo are temporarily settled here. They may move away after the merits are rewarded at the end of the year.

Because after all, Nang Nie took the initiative to submit, and he was regarded as a meritorious service to the Tang Dynasty. He must be commended, granted a title, and received a casual position in the Yulin Army.

Well, overall there are quite a few people here...

It's just that because the Japanese were surrendered, they didn't get any preferential treatment when they arrived here. They were all detained in one place, waiting for the right time to use them as tributes.

But for the Japanese, it was a narrow escape. When they saw the hot soup served, they all burst into tears and kowtowed on the ground.

The Japanese have always had a sense of consciousness. When they are beaten, they stand upright. When they barge their teeth at you, you have to be more careful. They never lack animal nature, they only lack conscience.


The disheveled and thin Soga Yata protected his daughter and the soup bowl, and repelled several male members of the family with fierce eyes.

Then she pulled her daughter's head upward and drank the hot soup. Too many people had died, and she had to live...

When there was only one soup base left, she finally stopped shivering, and then fed the soup base to her crying and weak daughter.

Someone else brought gruel and pickles, and the Japanese people's eyes turned green, but they didn't dare to snatch them wantonly amid the scoldings of the newcomers.

Suga Yatian, like the others, bent down and knelt down constantly.

This is no longer a matter of etiquette, but has become their instinctive reaction.

At this time, the members of the Japanese royal family, no matter how smart their brains were, were frozen into a paste by the winter in the Central Plains. They had no time to think about the future. They had to survive first.

Several officials from Honglu Temple were busy allocating rooms for the Japanese to stay.

There were about a hundred people, all with disheveled hair and dirty faces. Those who knew they were descendants from the Japanese Kingdom, but those who didn't knew they thought they were a group of beggars.

The people from Honglu Temple held their noses and walked among the Japanese, separated the men and women, made several large wooden barrels, and washed and rinsed the Japanese. They first made these descendants look like themselves, so as not to bring any diseases here.


It took a long time to drive these people into each room.

The officials of Honglu Temple were so tired that their backs and backs ached. They had seen quite a few Jiangren, but they had never seen such miserable people as the Japanese in recent years.

The preparations were obviously not sufficient. I heard that there was a second wave, and everyone was complaining.

But I have a new understanding of the pain of country subjugation...

This chapter has been completed!
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