Chapter 1428 Visit

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The next evening, the warrior Xun and his wife went to see Yang Gongren.

Yang Gongren was very elegant. When the warrior Xun and his wife arrived, he was enjoying the snow in a quiet place in the back garden of the mansion.

Of course, he was nearly sixty years old, and although his body was still strong, he was not in such a high mood to go out for a walk in the evening.

But he already knew that the emperor came to Wu Mansion last night, and today his cousin and brother-in-law came to visit, so naturally he had to choose a place where he could hide his words.

There are partition walls between the halls and there are ears and ears. Things that are related to the wealth and life of the Yang family cannot be neglected. Compared with this, what is a little cold?


"Brother, you are so cheerful. You are here to enjoy the snow at such a late hour. You just need to take care of yourself..."

The warrior's nose was so cold that he had a runny nose. He originally thought that he could drink hot tea when he arrived at his uncle's place, but he didn't expect that he would still be cold, so he couldn't help complaining.

He is now very familiar with Yang Gongren, but Yang Shidao is very conceited and is not very willing to talk to his businessman brother-in-law.

Yang Gongren had no intention of being polite to his sister and brother-in-law. He was also too cold to bear the cold.

"What did His Majesty say to you yesterday? Tell me. If His Majesty has something to say in advance and cannot be spread outside, then forget it."

The warrior Xun thought about it for a while and felt that there was nothing hard to say. The couple came here just for this matter and wanted to discuss it with Yang Da. In fact, they just wanted to find some comfort, otherwise they would not know anything about it.

Of course, the emperor seemed to be in a good mood last night, so there was nothing to worry about. After all, this was a good thing, and the warrior Yu did not want to show off in front of his uncle.


The couple basically restored the scene of the emperor's visit to the palace last night with each other's words.

Yang Gongren listened carefully and was secretly frightened.

He carefully recalled the situation of Yang Mudan.

Yang Mudan's father, Yang Da, and Yang Gongren's father, Yang Xiong, were brothers. Their grandfather was General Xingong Yang Shao. Yang Shao died at the beginning of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and went through three dynasties.

As a descendant of the Yang family of Hongnong, Yang Shao naturally had a high starting point in becoming an official. He was a school captain when he joined the army as a young man. Like many people at that time, he started with military exploits and had managed local affairs. His qualifications were extremely impressive.

He mainly fought in the south, attacking Nanliang and defeating Jihu, but most of the places he governed were in the north, Shuofang, Guanxi and other places.

Later, Yu Jin, the general of the Zhu Kingdom, was surrounded when he attacked Nanliang. He was wounded and died in the battle. He won the position of the general of the Jin Dynasty with his heroic efforts.

At that time, it was the time when the Kansai clan was rising and competing with the Shandong and Hebei military groups. It could be said that the situation was turbulent and heroes emerged in large numbers.

Yang Zhong, Yang Shao and his son, Yang Su and others were the most representative figures of the Yang family in Hongnong at that time.

Not to mention Yang Zhong, after Yang Shao's death, both Yang Xiong brothers were good and became prime ministers one after another.

Yang Daren was in charge, and he must have participated in the struggle for the throne between brothers Yang Yong and Yang Guang in the former Sui Dynasty.

Yang Da succeeded in joining the army and won the trust of Yang Guang. He also built the Eastern Capital with Yu Wenkai, He Chou and others, and finally died on the way to conquer Goguryeo.

His son Yang Mian was killed by Wang Shichong...

Calculating this, it seems that this branch has nothing to do with the lineage of the King of Han at that time, and the chance of enmity is greater.

Even if there is some kindness, his nephew Yang Quanjie is Yang Mian's only son and is now in the capital. How can he ignore it?


The couple chatted for a long time, which made Yang Gongren very suspicious.

Samurai Yu kept sniffling his nose. He was in a bad mood yesterday and had some cold.

Yang quickly advised him to go back to the house to take shelter from the wind. The warrior Yu said a sin, looked at the two brothers and sisters who were not moving, and knew that they still had something to say, so he simply left.

Yang thought about it for a long time, and then hesitantly whispered to her cousin: "Brother, I am a womanizer, and I don't know whether I should mention certain things."

Yang Gongren said: "Second mother has been steady and knowledgeable about etiquette since she was a child. She is no worse than a man. If you have anything to say, it doesn't matter."

Yang lowered her voice again, "I don't have good eyesight, and I don't know if I saw it right. I just met His Majesty twice, and I feel... His Majesty looks a bit familiar..."

Yang Gongren glanced at his cousin, then straightened his face, and showed off his majesty as the head of the family, "Just keep these words in your stomach and don't mention them to anyone... Takeshiro..."

There was something really wrong with these words. Yang was horrified and said quickly: "Brother, don't worry, I didn't even dare to say even half a sentence to Si Lang."

Yang Gongren nodded, "That's it. It's always difficult to figure out His Majesty's intentions, but don't worry too much. There are many people close to Your Majesty who have benefited from this, and your family is not the only one.

Just remember to ask Takeshiro not to show off his cleverness like before, so as not to offend His Majesty. The mess in his house needs to be sorted out...

Speaking of which, this is a good thing for you. His family is richer than anyone else. He has become the Minister of Household Affairs. His family is still doing business. There is no need to ask for the impeachment seals of the censors. They are probably all placed in the province.

desk case.

Your Majesty, if you take a walk around the house, these won't be a big deal. You see, as long as Shiro doesn't make big mistakes, no one will impeach him for minor reasons."

Yang gradually became happy as she listened. According to her cousin, Wu's days of fear were finally over. The warrior Xun had left so many tails that a person could pick up a handful just thinking about it.

Li Yuan was fine when he was there, but it has been very bad in the past few years. She is always on tenterhooks, fearing that someone will suddenly come to her one day and tell her that her husband has been arrested, and ask her to find a way to find someone to rescue her, or to find someone to rescue her.

Use family property to redeem people.

Now that she could finally sleep peacefully, the stone that had been weighing on her heart was gone, and her whole body felt much more relaxed.

The brother and sister started walking back while talking.

"Tang's daughter has reached the age of enlightenment... Tang's daughter, haha, what a good name. She is so precious when she is born, but she is inferior to us elders. You must raise her well."

Talking about his little niece, Yang Gongren, who has always been serious, also had a smile on his face. It was obvious that he loved her very much. Well, family affection came second. For someone who was looked after by the emperor, Yang Gongren had to pretend to like her even if he didn't like her, right?

"I originally thought about finding a female teacher to teach her, but since Your Majesty is destined to her, I won't worry about it. Don't keep her in the house all the time. Come here often to walk around, or go back to the clan to see her.

Look, if you interact more with the children of the clan, you will be more friendly to each other in the future."

Yang nodded repeatedly. What she had dreamed of at the beginning was now a matter of course. Apart from being happy, Yang also felt hard to understand.

She would never forget those accidents back then.

Many people died in the Yang family, and even the cousin's son did not escape. At that time, the warrior Yu was a close relative of Li Yuan, so forget it if he did not help, and he might have added insult to injury.

When the warrior Xun was in trouble, everyone in the Yang family looked at him coldly.

After more than ten years of grudges, even though she really wanted to go back to the Yang family's ancestral home to take a look, she felt that she had no face to face the Yang family's ancestors.

In this life, it is estimated that she will never set foot in the Yang family's ancestral home in Hongnong again. It doesn't matter what others say, but this is the most difficult time for her anyway.


Chang'an Maritime College, southern suburb of Chang'an.

On the twenty-fourth of the twelfth lunar month, there was another heavy snowfall.

The large lake at Chang'an Maritime Institute has long been frozen solid, and there is a thick layer of snow on it. The cold wind howls by, occasionally rolling up silver shavings all over the sky.

Several riders protected a carriage and braved the cold wind as they entered the gate of the college.

In the carriage, Mr. Lu Xiang was huddled in his seat, wrapped tightly like a rice dumpling, and holding a heater in his arms. Even so, he was still shivering.

The two maids who accompanied her were as cold as quails, and complained feebly that the lady should not travel in such weather.

Lu Xiangjun got tired of hearing this, so he told them to shut up and carefully opened the window a crack, hoping to take a look at the snowy scene outside and get some air.

But the cold wind blowing in from the crack in the window immediately hit her. Madam Lu quickly closed the window and coughed with tears streaming down her face.

I kept complaining to Li Keqing in my heart. The New Year is coming soon, and the painting has not been finished yet. How hard must this be?

She had not come to visit for more than two months. She was afraid that Li Keqing would die here, so she had to come here to have a look before the year came.

She is from the south. She has lived in Chang'an for several years, but she still can't stand the winter here. Even after a short walk, she gets very cold.

After walking for a while, a follower's voice came from outside, "Madam, we are here."

Lu Xiangjun rolled out of the carriage with difficulty. Because it was too cold, she jumped twice regardless of her manners.

There was a small courtyard in front of me. The door of the courtyard was closed, but the servants had already gone up to call the door.

Mr. Lu Xiang tightened his clothes and looked around. There were green trees, and not far away he could see a corner of the lake. Imagine the scene in summer, Mr. Lu Xiang couldn't help but murmur in his heart, Li Keqing really knows how to choose a place.

After not coming for more than two months, Li Keqing changed his residence.

This is not surprising. When Li Keqing was in Jiangling, he had the ability to make friends with all kinds of people, but he has stopped doing so as he got older.


With a creak, the door of the small courtyard opened. The person who answered the door was an old man with a broken arm.

Lu Xiangjun recognized this person as a teacher in the Maritime Academy. He knew at a glance that he was from the military. He didn't know whether he was deceived by Li Keqing's sweet words or was assigned by others. Anyway, he followed her to protect her.

Lu Xiangjun smiled and stepped forward to salute. The old man beat his chest with his remaining arm and let her into the small courtyard.

The yard is not big, with two crooked neck trees planted, and a few wintersweet branches blooming in disorder.

Lu Xiangjun only glanced at her and then hurried to the main hall of the courtyard. She needed to be warmed up to avoid getting sick from the cold. She was carefree and no one would pity her.

Li Keqing finally came out and saw Mr. Lu Xiang, with a smile on his face that looked like flowers.

"If my sister doesn't show up, I will think you have forgotten her here..."

This chapter has been completed!
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