Chapter 1430 Destiny

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"Who can write your Excellency, Baishou Taixuan Sutra... Is the Taixuan Sutra here referring to the Yangtze Taixuan Sutra? Although I haven't read it, I also know that the so-called mysterious is mysterious, the door of all mysteries, and it talks about destiny. The number?

Does this mean that instead of writing the Sutra of Taixuan in vain, Yangzi might as well write down the deeds of strong men?"

She read it word for word for a long time, but the last two sentences were unclear because she had not read Yang Xiong's Taixuan Jing.

But she has heard people comment that the masterpieces of the Han Dynasty are comparable to the Yi Tong, and the brilliant masterpieces that can be compared with the Yi Jing can be seen as ordinary.

The poem was so powerful and powerful that it could be called a masterpiece. She had never experienced it before, and it was true that she was greatly shocked. However, there was a vague intention to belittle Yang Xiong, and she did not agree with it.

Lu Xiangjun snorted twice. Although he complained a little, he was still satisfied with Li Keqing's performance.

"The Yangzi Taixuan Sutra written by Yang Gong was previously hidden in Luoyang. It was sent back to the Guanwen Hall in Chang'an the year before last for collection. Due to the war, some parts were missing.

After I got this poem, I went to Guanwen Hall to read it for more than a month. The meaning was too difficult, so I asked someone to ask questions. As my sister said, most of it was about celestial phenomena, calendars and the like.

The Han Dynasty admired the teachings of Lao Zhuang and Zhuang Zhuang, taking the way of heaven into the way of humanity, and taking destiny into law. It seems to have nothing to do with this poem. I guess it was when people wrote the poem at that time, they did it casually and thought of the Yangtze Taixuan Sutra. , so we just ended it.

It’s just that those who read it have a hard time understanding the taste.”

Li Keqing nodded enviously, "Well, you can go in and out of a place like Guanwen Hall at will. Are you sure you're not showing off?"

However, she still very much agreed with what Lu Xiangjun said.

There are many famous scholars in the past dynasties, and there are many whose writings can be compared with the Yangtze Taixuan Jing. However, the Taixuan Jing is mentioned here. The reason why, I am afraid I have to ask the poets to get an answer.

"Who wrote this poem? If word spreads about such a famous poem, it must be that it surpasses all other poets and leads the way. Since my sister has mastered it, why don't you think of visiting it?"

Seeing her like that, Lu Xiangjun knew what she was up to, and he couldn't help but think, "If you, Li Keqing, dare to meet me, then I really have to admire you."


This poem "Xia Ke Xing" was actually used as a side note for Li Chun's sword dance in Jinyang Palace. Naturally, she stole it from her brother's study.

Empress Xiao, who was watching, took note of it and kept it in her house. She would take it out from time to time to taste it, and every time it was like drinking a fine wine. Now she took it out because she wanted Lu Xiangjun to compose a tune.

The main reason for this is that Mr. Lu Xiang composed the song "Sapphire Case" so well that he had to continue. Otherwise, how could Empress Xiao be willing to treasure it and show it to others?

But when she gave it to Mr. Lu Xiang, Mrs. Xiao also said that this poem was written by His Majesty in private, and she didn’t mind it being circulated outside. She just wanted it not to be publicized like the Sapphire Case.

Well, it was the emperor who did it again. Lord Lu Xiang finally became numb like everyone else and felt that His Majesty the Emperor was really omnipotent...


So at this time, she vaguely said to Li Keqing: "Look what sister said, if I can go to meet someone, why would I go to Guanwen Hall? I'm not a bookworm. I have been there for more than a month. My eyes are dizzy, and all I dream about are the great truths and mysteries...

Alas, it is difficult this time. I came to look for my sister today because I want her to paint a good painting. I want to make Mrs. Chu happy first, so as not to blame me for not being able to compose a good song."

Naturally, Li Keqing would not refuse to agree to this request, and it was exactly what she wanted.

Both of them are creative people, and both need something to inspire inspiration, among which poetry is one of the best media. For example, Lu Xiangjun's previous composition of Sapphire Case made her piano skills reach a higher level.

The same is true for this song Xia Ke Xing.

It is not as gorgeous and meaningful as the sapphire case, but its sharpness and strength are far better than the sapphire case. It is like people from the north and the south living in the same room. Although they are both human beings, their temperaments are very different. Southerners

Gentle and elegant, Northerners are high-spirited.

"It turned out to be from Madam Chu's Mansion. Isn't it a new work by His Majesty?"

Seeing that Mr. Lu Xiang was mysterious, Li Keqing joked and didn't go into details.

Although she instinctively wanted to meet the author and flirt with him, she might be able to tailor a song for herself. This was a common trick used by famous prostitutes.

But she used to live among the rich and powerful all day long, and she knew that she knew too many truths that were not good for herself.

While talking, she carefully put away the poem written by Lu Xiangjun. This is hers, and Mrs. Lu will not give it to her again if she asks for it.

He was still talking, intending to distract Madam Lu.

"You are also thinking about sister for this matter. Thank you very much, sister. However, it will take some time to paint. You have to wait until after the new year. You don't want to give your wife a gift at the end of the year, do you? Then I can't rush out."

"Don't be in a hurry, just be careful. Is the portrait that my sister painted for His Highness King Wu ready? Don't delay. I took a special look when I entered the palace. The Lingyan Pavilion is almost completed."

Li Keqing smiled and said: "The painting is finished. I heard that it has been passed on to my disciples some time ago. I wouldn't have used this much time. But you don't know about the person who is Ma Jijiu. In order to prevent me from painting other people's portraits, I have been doing this all the time."

It took until the end of the year to give the nod.

It’s so mean-spirited that it really makes you feel ashamed.”

"Wouldn't that hinder my sister's business? It's really not kind enough. I also thought that my sister could use this to become famous and attract more customers."

Lu Xiangjun said regretfully, without any intention of ridicule. They, famous prostitutes, carry the ability to make a living in their lives, one is their appearance, the other is their skills, no one can take them away.

But no matter how beautiful you are, no matter how good your skills are, you still need reputation. Famous prostitutes are famous before prostitutes. Without reputation, everything is in vain.

Li Keqing has a good opportunity this time. If he can publicize it and paint a few more paintings, he may be able to gain a foothold in Chang'an. It's a pity.

Li Keqing said nonchalantly: "Ma Jijiu has appointed me as the chief registrar of Chang'an Maritime Academy. I told you last year and a half that if there are no omissions, you can recommend me to the Korean Academy of Literature and get a doctorate in literature."

position, then we sisters will be able to serve as ministers in the same palace, hehe."

Lu Xiangjun was more shocked. She had been in Chang'an for several years before she happened to get into the palace of Mrs. Chu, and she played a piece of music for the emperor with great effort, and then she got an official position.

But how many days has Li Keqing been here?

Seeing Mrs. Li's proud look, her mouth felt a little sour.

Rolling his eyes, he began to spit out the fragrance, "Look at my sister, one mouthful of horse sacrifice wine... let me think about it, it seems that King Ma Bin has not been married yet?"

However, this amount of damage is not beyond the range that Li Keqing can bear. When she was in Jiangling before, there were only one or two people who could break into the house, not to mention that she was married.

Li Keqing gave Lu Xiangjun a roll of his eyes.

"Let's forget about gossiping, but don't go out and talk nonsense. My sister is old and has such a background, so I don't dare to ruin her reputation."

Lu Xiangjun shook his head and laughed, "We have seen a lot of men, and you can tell what they are thinking just by looking at their eyes. Most of them are just for show, but they are full of male thieves and female prostitutes.

Sister, you should go back with me. Wouldn’t we be free and at ease under Mrs. Chu’s house?”

Li Keqing smiled gently and charmingly, "Sister, do you really want to live alone forever? You have to know that when you reach your age, it will be difficult to find a good man."

So the two promiscuous women opened up a big topic and discussed the issue of marriage.

Lu Xiangjun has a lot of ideas and seems to have budding feminist ideas. He feels that men are unreliable and only by self-reliance and self-reliance can we find a way out and live a much happier life.

Li Keqing adheres to the traditional concept and feels that a woman must eventually marry and have children to be complete. Even though she encountered ups and downs in the past, it has not changed her concept. She just believes that it is destined.

Although the two of them have different temperaments and completely different values, they both know one thing. The fate of promiscuous women like them is not very good. Many of them end up halfway and die at a young age.

It was extremely difficult for them to settle down in Chang'an from Jiangling. As for the future, they could only go with the flow.


But in the end, Mr. Lu Xiang took Li Keqing back to Chang'an. What they were most afraid of was the New Year's Day. Being alone without family members would inevitably lead to loneliness and coldness. Now that they had the opportunity to join a group to keep warm, it was naturally the best.

Lu Xiangjun huddled in his seat again. Li Keqing wanted to open the window and look at the snowy scene outside, but she severely stopped her.

What's so good about snow? It's a rarity in Jiangling. But when we get to Chang'an, it snows all over the place in winter. It happens every year. It's really worthless if people are freezing to death.

After entering Chang'an City, Lu Xiangjun said to Li Keqing, "Sister, I have been in Chang'an for half a year, and you haven't been anywhere yet, right? When the weather gets warmer, I will accompany you for a walk.

Although this place is not as unique as the Jiangling landscape, there are still some good places to visit..."

Li Keqing said: "That's good, then I'll ask my sister to be the one to lead the way."

Lu Xiangjun said with some emotion: "In the past, when we went out, most of us would hug each other. It looked good, but in fact we were only thinking about how to deal with people. How could we care about traveling around the mountains and rivers?

It's pretty good now, no one is bothering me anymore...

There are more people from the south now, and Bai Hongyu even sent someone to send a message to her some time ago. After greeting her, I think she also has the intention of traveling north..."

Li Keqing laughed and said, "Both civil and military figures are white and red, and her sword dance is a masterpiece in Jiangyou. It is rare for ordinary people to see it. If she really makes it, we must let her perform it well and feast our eyes."

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but feel happy. The one who came first would naturally take advantage, and those who came later would have to try their best to please them. Is this a disguised homecoming?

Perhaps because they talked too much, the two of them gradually started to get into a fight, and they no longer bothered to say any more witty words. The carriage stopped in the middle of the carriage.

After driving for a while, the carriage moved a little slower. The retinue outside the carriage said to the carriage, "There are some sergeants in front of us. Let's get out of the way."

This chapter has been completed!
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