Chapter 1450 Situation

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There are more than 9,000 horsemen, with three horses per person, and almost half of the horses in Liangzhou and Lingzhou have been included in the army.

This was mainly due to the capture of many Tibetan horses and the Turks bringing some war horses.

The army flooded through the mountains and wilderness like a torrent...

Since the war in the late Sui Dynasty, there have been several major battles in the northwest. However, such a large-scale cavalry group, in addition to Bai Yusuo's rebel army, was also the Western Turkic Khan Ashina Qura who led his army to invade the south, and

The Tubo people were comparable to the Tang army in the first battle.


The army stayed in Jishi Town for two days, then set off one after another, heading south into the Jishi Valley Road.

Five days later, the forward troops of the army finally emerged from Jishi Mountain. In front of them was the highland wasteland.

It was already the end of March, it was late spring in the south, but the ice and snow in the wilderness had not yet completely melted.

It was two days later that the army completely entered the highlands. At the southern foot of Jishi Mountain, the army rested and reorganized again.

Mainly because some people have altitude sickness and need to adapt.

Ashina Danai and others discussed it and estimated that it would take one to two months to get to Supi.

Of course, if the army hurried forward without hesitation, it would actually take less than a month to reach the destination. But what they led was not a small army, but a serious army. There were many things that needed to be paid attention to and they could not leave.

so fast.

But we can’t delay too much on the road. One is the problem of food and grass, and the other is the Supi people asking for help from the Tang Dynasty. The reinforcements naturally need to arrive as soon as possible, otherwise the Supi people will be destroyed before the reinforcements arrive. This is not a joke.



Spring is a time when everything revives and is full of vitality.

Tubo, which is located on the plateau, is still having internal strife, but the Yalong tribes in the Shannan area have finally passed the most difficult period, unified their internal affairs, and are ready to counterattack and reunify against separatist forces such as Xiangxiong and Supi.


At this moment, the leaders of the Six Yak Tribes did not know that an expeditionary force had already set off to help Subi regain his kingdom.

In fact, they didn't consider the external environment at all. For many years, they had only a few opponents on this land in the southern part of the plateau.

This undoubtedly limited their horizons. The Tang Dynasty was too far away for them. Even if the two countries had a brief intersection, Tubo's plan to conquer the northern highland tribes was frustrated.

But for the Tubo people who were in the midst of internal strife, that was already a few years ago.

In any case, no one had such foresight and could predict that the Tang Dynasty would send troops to participate in the civil strife in Tubo.

This is especially true for the people of the Liuyak tribe who live in the Yalong Valley. They have lived here for generations and regard this place as a land given by God.

The Xiangxiong people in the west and the Supi people in the north, as well as the mountains in the south and east, have blocked the sight of the Yalong people. For thousands of years, in the southern part of the plateau, plots similar to those in the late Han Dynasty in the Central Plains have been playing out.


When the Xiangxiong people became powerful, the Yalong people united with the Supi people to fight against them.

When the Supi people became stronger, the Yalong people became friendly with the city-state of Xiangxiong.

Due to transportation limitations, people from three city-states or three tribes would also enter into marriages and alliances with various purposes. Accidents that went against the general environment frequently occurred.

And religious conflicts have never stopped.

Being in this closed environment all year round makes it difficult for the six yak tribes living in the Yalong Valley to breathe smoothly, because they cannot trade freely with outsiders like the Subi and Xiangxiong people.

This caused Yalong's aristocratic class to undergo many transformations, and eventually became full of aggression, because they yearned for the outside world, so expansion came from this.

As a result, a hero was born among the Yalong people, namely Langri Lunzan. He led the six yak tribes to annex Xiangxiong and Supi and established the Tubo Kingdom.

But the good times did not last long. After his death, Tubo immediately fell into division. The conflicts between the various tribes were not eliminated, but were hidden during his rule.

In the sixth year of Yuanzhen of the Tang Dynasty, two or three years have passed since the civil strife in Tubo. The plot is still extremely complicated, but outsiders are watching with eager eyes. This undoubtedly brings great variables to the people who only want to restore the glory of Tubo.


Thousands of miles away, Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, was as prosperous as spring.

At the beginning of spring, the Silla people came to Chang'an again and asked His Majesty the Emperor to allow Jin Deman, the true king of Silla, to come to Chang'an in person to pay homage.

Li Po agreed without hesitation and issued an edict to Silla to summon King Zhenwo to see him.

At this time, the Tang Dynasty had destroyed Baekje and the Japanese Kingdom, and its control over Silla had further deepened. This year, the Tang Dynasty will send officials across the sea to Baekje and the Japanese Kingdom to completely incorporate them into the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Silla survived and became a vassal state under the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty also sent officials to permanently exert influence on it in all aspects.

The situation on the East China Sea is becoming increasingly clear. Only ships from the Tang Dynasty and Silla are now traveling on the sea, and the situation is quite good.

And this meeting has just begun, and Datang has not really exerted its strength yet, because as Datang's national power is gradually recovering, based on the current national policy, Datang's pursuit of maritime interests is endless.

The only thing that could limit the Tang Dynasty's hands and feet was that the navigation technology was not advanced enough, which made it impossible for the Tang Dynasty's ships to sail across the oceans.

Of course, this is something in the future.

This year, various departments of the Tang Army will mobilize some elite soldiers and generals to gather on the peninsula. Li Po discussed the number with his ministers and found that it should be between 150,000 and 200,000.

With the experience of cross-sea operations, the emperors and ministers of the Tang Dynasty abandoned the land route that Yang Guang had traveled in disgust.

From today's perspective, the three expeditions to Goguryeo seemed like a lonely one. The army's retreat was almost entirely under the threat of the Turks. Even if Liaodong was successfully recovered, it would not be able to connect with Hebei and send troops to garrison there.

I don't know when I will be alone.

This situation does not exist at sea now. During the attack on Goguryeo, the ships of the Tang Dynasty could completely imitate the story of "Guarding Children" and Zhou Fashang's story, entering the Xu River from the sea and assisting the army to cross the river.

The conditions were so convenient. When Lai Huer led his army to conquer Goguryeo, he used this opportunity to invade Pyongyang City. Unfortunately, his success failed.

Especially when he attacked Goguryeo for the third time, Laihuer still led his army across the sea, attacked Shebei City, and defeated the Goguryeo army. The Goguryeo monarchs were shocked, and asked for surrender again, and also sent back the traitor Husizheng of the Sui Dynasty.

Yang Guang was also very proud and announced the strike again, and Lai Nv had to return depressed. Yang Guang's operation was a bit confusing, but it was not incomprehensible. Three expeditions to Goguryeo cost countless people.

Whether Pyongyang City can be captured or not is actually irrelevant to Yang Guang, or even the Sui Dynasty. What Yang Guang wanted at that time was just a result, a result that could restore the lost face.

In fact, his face was already bloody and bloody, with nothing left.


The Tang army's current advantage was unmatched by the former Sui Dynasty. It chose to attack Goguryeo by sea not only because of Li Po's vision problems, but also because no one restricted him during this period.

He doesn't need to worry about serving his subordinates. To be more precise, it should be for the world's nobles to balance the interests of attacking and destroying Goguryeo. Let this person perform meritorious service, let that person die, etc.

The Tang Dynasty had one and only one goal at this time, and that was to push Goguryeo to the ground, rub it hard, and surrender? That didn't exist. If the Goguryeo monarchs and ministers were not brought to Chang'an, it would be a failure.


Goguryeo didn't think so. They remembered the events of more than ten years ago very clearly. As long as they surrendered, the enemy would retreat.

What's more, the history books written by the Goguryeo people now show that the Sui army was defeated three times, and even the Sui Emperor Yang Guang was shot and blinded in one eye.

I don’t know if they have seen the Three Kingdoms now. Anyway, Moliji Eulji Wende, who was that year, crossed the river alone and made a circle among the Sui army. It is said that he was left behind by Zhongwen and others.

"The genius studies astronomy and makes clever calculations on geography. Since the victory is great, I am satisfied and wish the clouds would stop."

Yu Zhongwen and Yu Wenshu didn't mention it at all after the two unlucky men abandoned an army of 300,000 men and fled back like crazy. Most of them were made up by the Goguryeo people, and they made it as bizarre as Zhuge Crossing the River.

Li Po was in the army at that time. When he heard about this incident, he even murmured to himself that instead of arresting the person and interrogating him for details about Goguryeo, he actually let people flee. The two generals Yu Zhongwen and Yuwenshu were really

It's polite.


According to Goguryeo, Ulji Mundeok defeated the Sui army with a million soldiers on his own. This is how Ulji Mundeok's battle to become a god came about, and there was no mention of the attack on Pyongyang City by Gogo Yool.

However, because Eulji Mundeok was killed by Gowon, no matter how good the Goguryeo people were, they still had to worry about the emotions of the king and the powerful ministers. Therefore, the record of Eulji Mundeok became an abridged version, which did not give the Goguryeo people much to play.


Now that Gowon is dead, Goseong succeeded to the throne, and redressed Eulji Mundeok's rebellion. Everyone started to brag about it, and the Goguryeo God of War had a godhead. Later, he was praised as a "descendant" who could not beat him with eight poles.

The first god of war in the universe.

However, no matter how confident the Goguryeo people were, it was an indisputable fact that Goguryeo's national power was declining.

The most powerful period of Goguryeo was actually from the end of Jin Dynasty to the reign of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty. Goguryeo always had Liaodong, and Silla and Baekje in the south became vassals one after another.

At that time, Goguryeo was said to have millions of people with armor, and most of the Mohe, Khitan and other tribes in the northeast were subordinate to it.

Even though their relations with the Central Plains and the Turks had some twists and turns, they did not cause too much trouble, and they were handled diplomatically successfully.

The three powerful countries in East Asia each maintain their own territories and maintain a delicate balance.

Yang Guang ruined all this, and wars broke out between the three big countries. In fact, everyone was not safe, and their heads were broken and bloody, and the ground was covered with chicken feathers.

The Sui Dynasty was overthrown, the Turks were severely damaged, and Goguryeo was also dying.

But now that the Tang Dynasty and the Turks have concluded an alliance, the eyes of both countries have fallen on Goguryeo...

This chapter has been completed!
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