Chapter 1482 The King

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After a confusing battle, it did not decide whose fate was as both sides expected.

Yalong's army successfully crossed the river and defeated the Supi people stationed along the river. It may be said that they defeated the enemy, but it is not accurate. They failed to annihilate the main force of the enemy army. Instead, they felt like they were bitten.

The Supi people felt that they were defeated, but well, their injuries were not as serious as they thought, and they still had the strength to fight.

However, with their morale weakened, they chose to join the Queen who came from Yema Yilin and retreated to the wilderness area northeast of Nyenchen Tanglha Mountain.

In fact, it won't work if they don't retreat.

The tribes in the Shannan area have lost favor with the Supi people, and they generally want to return to Tibetan rule. This prevents the Supi people from recruiting too many local warriors.

This is also the reason why the Supi army has always been small in number.

And because Subimara was eager to fight the Yalong people, he brutally raided and suppressed the tribes here, and many people were turned into their own slaves by the Suvi people.

From this point of view, the Supi people have not learned the lessons of their predecessors.

Of course, Subimala was quite smart. She knew how to share the spoils of war with the nobles and various tribes to improve the morale of her subordinates. In this regard, she was relatively successful.

For example, this army of several thousand people failed to stop the Yalong people from crossing the river and suffered many casualties. However, it still retained its strength and did not escape. This is the credit of Subimāra.

However, the situation of the Supi people deteriorated rapidly.

When the Xiangxiong people in the west received the news of the Supi people's defeat, they immediately sent an army of more than 5,000 people to join forces with the Yalong people. The Yalong people's army suddenly increased to more than 12,000 people.

Those people in Luoche City immediately showed their loyalty to the new king and handed Luoche City, the capital of the Tubo King, to Qizong Nongzan.

Abandoning Zong and Nongzan were very proud, which was consistent with his expectations and undoubtedly greatly enhanced his self-confidence. In fact, in the process of quelling the rebellion of the Yalong tribe, he had gradually become a qualified king.

His father, Langri Lunzan, unified the Shannan region and established Tubo, restrained the tribal nobles politically and gave ordinary herdsmen a better life.

A series of reforms were also carried out in the military, which made the Tubo army stronger. This was vividly reflected in the process of unifying Tubo, as well as the expedition to the highlands to the north, the conquest of Tuyuhun and the war of the Qiang tribe.

So Qizong Nongzan doesn’t think that after the civil strife in Tubo in the past few years, people will forget everything about Tubo. How can those old nobles who are fighting for power and profit compare with his wise father?

When he leads his troops to the north, there will be countless people welcoming the descendants of Langri Lunzan back.

Now, everything is as he expected. Those despicable people who rebelled against the gods and poisoned his father will be reduced to ashes in the anger of the gods and the descendants of the seven kings.


The Xiangxiong people have always been outsiders. Having been influenced by Buddhism for a long time, they have lost their wild nature and are becoming less and less interested in war.

Nie Xu (also known as King Xiangxiong) of the Xiangxiong people is now respected as the son of Buddha by the Xiangxiong people, which shows the profound influence of Buddhism on the Xiangxiong people.

The army slowly entered Luoche King City.

In front of the Tubo Palace, Abandoned Zong Nongzan stood on his horse.

The palace was still the same as before. When they evacuated that day, they left in a panic and threw a lot of things inside. Some people even suggested setting fire to it, but Qizong Nongzan did not agree.

The entire Tubo Royal City was built by his father. In more than 20 years, Luoxue City became the most prosperous city in Shannan.

Nobles from various ministries gathered here to make suggestions for the Tubo King. Businessmen rushed here one after another and brought countless goods.

Everyone regarded this place as a God-given place, and its reputation even spread to Tianzhu, attracting some Tianzhu monks to cross the mountains and wilderness to Luoche City to spread Buddhism.

Both commerce and sects brought prosperity to Tubo, and also brought opportunities for expansion to the Tubo people.

Merchants wanted more goods and slaves to sell, while sects wanted to spread the voice of the gods to farther places, which led to the Tubo expedition.

At the same time, they also had sporadic battles with the Tianzhu people...

Some of the back-and-forth battles with the Tianzhu people were not the main theme, because due to the restrictions of the terrain, both sides did not have many ways to defeat each other, and caravans were more frequent.

The Tibetan army on the Northern Expedition injected fresh blood, batches of slaves and various trophies into Tibet, making Tubo suddenly "rich".

Unfortunately, perhaps because of the expedition, many people who were extremely loyal to Langri Lunzan left Shannan, allowing some people who were resentful of Langri Lunzan to find opportunities.

In fact, when it comes to the Tubo rebellion, the reasons are very complicated, and the expedition was just a trigger.

A few years later, Langri Lunzan's son retook the capital of Tubo, but without many nobles, businessmen, and citizens, Luoshu City was already in a state of depression.


Abandoning Zong Nongzan entered the palace and sat on the throne where his father had once sat.

Well, don't overthink this place. The royal palaces or even palaces in the Central Plains will not appear on the plateau.

Luoxue City was formerly called Quxue Wotang, which means the dam on the lower reaches of the Jiqu River. It is actually just a swamp.

At the beginning, people built a temple here, and then developed from the temple to the surrounding areas, eventually forming a city.

All the cities on the plateau were built this way, with almost no exceptions. Therefore, the original intention of the Tubo people in building the city was not to protect themselves, but to bring themselves closer to the gods.

The layout of the Tubo Palace is full of religious overtones. The largest place is not the house where the Tubo King will gather his ministers, but the sacrificial square, where there are statues of various gods.

It seems that it is not the King of Tubo who governs Tubo, but the gods who are in charge of everything.

The first thing that Abandoned Zong Nongzan did when he entered the palace was to hold a sacrificial ceremony. The captured Supi and those nobles who had opposed Langri Lunzan were pushed out and had their heads chopped off.

The smell of blood lingered in the Tubo Palace again, and the statues of gods looked down at it all. They should be very satisfied with the blood food offered by the believers. They were kind and did not blame them for the stupid mistakes they made, but gave the believers their hearts.



The royal flag of Tubo was once again hung on the top of Luoxe City. The young man sitting on the throne in the palace accepted the obeisance of his ministers and was full of ambition.

The threat from the Supi people is already negligible, because the army he has led has reached more than 15,000 people. This is not a force that the Supi people can stop, even if the god Asura appears in person... Abandoned Zong Nongzan will invite the Yalong tribe

The gods stepped in to teach him a lesson.

The ministers and generals were also very excited, praising the bravery and wisdom of the new king. The priests were asking the new king to hold larger sacrifices to please the gods, because it was obvious that the gods had given Tubo a new king and helped Tubo.

The restoration of the country was successful.

The businessmen who came with the army made various calculations again, happily looking forward to the huge benefits they would get.


Looking at the excited ministers, while Abandoning the Zong was proud of his praises, he was also thinking that he should put down the rebellion of the Supi people as soon as possible and complete the great cause of unifying Tubo like his father.

It must be said that the young king has the ambition and ambition he deserves, and he is also very clear-headed about the situation. This is undoubtedly an extremely rare quality.

Of course, this is not some special talent, nor is it a blessing from the gods, but the words and deeds he has received from his father Langri Lunzan since he was a child.

In those years, he learned various knowledge in various temples, got to know the nobles of Tubo, and laid a solid foundation for inheriting the throne early on.

Just talking to his ministers, his spirit suddenly fell into a trance.

In the eyes of his ministers, their king seemed to have heard or seen something particularly funny, and burst into laughter. He laughed continuously and shed tears of laughter.

Not knowing why, they followed their king and burst into laughter.

It wasn't until Qi Zong Nongzan was trembling with laughter, his face turned pale, and he was sweating profusely that the clever attendants rushed to Qi Zong Nongzan's side and helped him take the cold food powder.

Qizong Nongzan quickly returned to normal, thanking the gods in his heart for the gift, and his spirit and body were once again integrated. He waved his arms and said to his ministers enthusiastically: "The gods told me that all the Tubo people are He

people, including the Subi people.

Who is willing to go to those two women on my behalf? Tell them that I, the descendant of the Seven Kings and the son of Langri Lunzan, am willing to forgive their folly, as long as they can respect me again.

All Supi people will still be our brothers and sisters. Let the hatred pass. We have lived here for generations and are the gods' darlings. Let us welcome the days of stability again, as close as before."

His favorite minister Daze immediately stepped forward and said, "Daze is willing to go to Nangle City on your behalf. I think the Supi people will appreciate your kindness and tolerance and will return to the banner of Tubo."


Some people disagreed and raised objections.

Some people suggested that Zong Nongzan should abandon Zong Nongzan and marry the little queen Subimulao of the Supi people, and let her kill the big queen Subisuluo, just like what Langri Lunzan did during the civil strife in Supi.

, taking advantage of the internal conflicts in Supi to quell the rebellion of the Supi people.

Qizong Nongzan thought this idea was very good, so he sent Daze to lead people to see Subimuluo.

Experience is very important, and the political manipulation is actually based on the story of Langri Lunzan’s conquest of Supi.

Qizong Nongzan also showed his ambition. What he wanted was a complete Tubo, not a kingdom without Supi people.

Before the Subi people responded, Qizong Nongzan sent people to capture Yema Yilin and maintain the offensive against the Subi people.

At the same time, he also summoned the leaders of various tribes in the Jiqu area to meet in Luosucheng. A few years later, there was still a lot that needed to be done to restore Tubo rule here.

This chapter has been completed!
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