Chapter 1527 Enemy situation

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The Goguryeo people obviously did not believe Li Jing's lies.

However, they seemed to think that Li Jing was easy to talk to, so the envoy quickly returned and said that there was no problem in surrendering to the Tang Dynasty. As long as the Tang army could retreat, all conditions were easy to negotiate.

Li Jing immediately became happy. This reminded him of the rumors about Yang Guang's personal expedition to Liaodong. Well, it was later confirmed by his daughter and son-in-law that no matter how outrageous the rumors were, it seemed that they were not enough to describe his misdeeds when used on Yang Er.

just in case.

The Goguryeo people played a very important role in that bloody and bloody war, and their shamelessness refreshed the world's understanding.

Partnering with Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty, he staged a jaw-dropping farce in Liaodong. Looking through the annals of history, Li Jing felt that people like Yang Guang were ridiculous. Even those ridiculous monarchs in the Jin Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties were inferior to Yang Guang.

Three points.

Well, he obviously has little knowledge. If he lives longer, the descendants of Lao Zhao and Lao Zhu will later make him understand that there is no lower limit for the absurdity of kings.

Moreover, the last king has some absurd colors...


We fought back and forth for two rounds. The two sides with no basis for mutual trust were telling lies. No one would believe the other, let alone take any practical actions.

Well, Tang Jun finally showed with his actions that even if you kneel in front of me, don't try to block my progress. After all, there is only one savior in the world who can save Goguryeo from fire and water.

The Goguryeo people also said that since you are not trustworthy, don't blame me for falling out. So they turned the Goguryeo Royal City, which is Pyongyang City, into a standard military fortress, and planned to have a brutal offensive and defensive battle with the Tang army here.

Yes, the Goguryeo people were not so arrogant this time and did not intend to compete with the Tang army for the beach in order to prevent the Tang army from crossing the river.

There were still some Goguryeo generals left who had experienced the Battle of Liao River. After suffering heavy losses, they finally understood one thing, that is, fighting the enemy by the river was not a good choice.

Moreover, it is very dangerous when defeated by the enemy. It is easy to be followed and chased by the enemy and enter Pyongyang City.

This is obviously the reason why Lai Huer taught them a lesson.

Of course, this also has something to do with Goguryeo's defeat in Liaodong, which severely damaged their national power again. Many of Goguryeo's elites were wiped out in the war with the Turks last year.

In other words, Goguryeo's current national strength has reached the edge of desperation and is not enough to support them in a head-on battle with the Tang army.


At the end of July in the sixth year of Yuanzhen of the Tang Dynasty.

The south bank of the Xishui River has been covered by the army. Looking from the north bank, the south bank is within sight, and there are endless camps, and the edge can't be seen at a glance.

When it’s time to eat, smoke is everywhere and can even form a scene similar to dark clouds in the sky.

The sun, moon and stars flag of the Tang army fluttered in the wind in the camp. When daylight came, people shouting and horses neighing could be clearly heard from the other side.

At this time, the Goguryeo people no longer doubted the intentions of the Tang army, and they no longer harbored illusions.

There were no more envoys coming and going. On the plain on the north bank, the sentinels of the Tang army who had crossed the river in advance had begun to have the most direct contact with the Goguryeo people.

The scouts of the Tang Army traveled very far. Well, the peninsula is a long and narrow area, and the east side is mostly mountainous and hilly, so no matter how far it is, it can't be far.

The scouts went up the river to patrol the hilly areas in the east, where they encountered a strong resistance from the Goguryeo people. The news that reached the south bank was that there was a large army stationed in the east, and the name of Yeon Gaesomun was often mentioned.

As for how many soldiers and horses there were, the scouts could not detect it. The terrain there was too complicated, and if you went deep into it, you would have reached the home ground of the Goguryeo people who were more familiar with the terrain.

The tough mountain people and hunters were the main force that pursued the retreating Sui army. They were a very effective group and were also the main source of Goguryeo soldiers.

The most powerful of the five tribes of Goguryeo, the Shunnu tribe, lived in the eastern mountains. There were many Fuyu and Woju people among them.

The Woju people should actually be regarded as a branch of the Mohe people. They were widely distributed in Taihuang Mountain, which was later the Changbai Mountain area.

They used to call themselves the Wuji people, which means forest tribe. Apparently they were one of the ancestors of the later Jurchens.

When the Fuyu people dominated the Northeast, they had many dealings with them. During the Wei Dynasty, when the Wei army broke through the capital city of Wan, King Fuyu took refuge in the tribe of the Woju people.

During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, with the expansion of the Fuyu people, the Woju people, who had been in a state of fragmentation, finally came under the rule of Goguryeo.

So some Woju people moved south and mixed with the indigenous people in the eastern part of the peninsula and the Fuyu tribe. This is what later people often called the Nanwoju people.

There are also their relatives, the Beiwoju people, in the mountains to the north, but the tribes in the north are not so obedient. They often come out to plunder Goguryeo villages and so on. They are similar to some Mohe tribes in the west and are very difficult to get along with.

This is also the strength of the Shunnu tribe. They have lived in the mountains and forests in the east for a long time. They fish and hunt in peacetime, wear armor in war, and are both soldiers and civilians. Most of them are tough and good at fighting. They have become like the tribes in the western plains who were influenced by Buddhism.

It opened up quite a distance.

The saying that the more primitive the people are, the more barbaric they are, makes sense when applied to them.


The situation in the east was not very clear, and the expected battle across the river seemed unlikely to happen. Li Jing knew immediately that this battle was going to be a bit troublesome.

If the Goguryeo people defend the royal city, the Tang army near Pyongyang City will need to be prepared to attack the city.

The detective report came back that the Goguryeo people had set up countless camps and forts within a radius of more than 20 miles from Pyongyang City, which was very large.

Li Jing knew that this was not a project that could be completed in a month or two. It was probably a fortification built by the Goguryeo people to deal with the Turkic talents.

Now it happened to Tang Jun, which was a bit unlucky.

The scouts sent out to the north also sent back news that there were many Wubao in the north, which confirmed Li Jing's guess.

Son-of-a-bitch Turks, Li Jing secretly cursed. The Turks had completely defeated the Goguryeo people and made it impossible for the Tang army to eliminate the main force of the Goguryeo people in the field.

This reminded Li Jing of the Battle of Nanyang a few years ago, which was the most difficult battle that the Tang army had encountered since it started its army.

Although Li Jing was not the leader of the army, Li Jing still remembered Yuchi Gong's face when he arrived at Jiangling and the criticism he received later.

This chapter has been completed!
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