Chapter 1530 Crossing the River

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In early August of the sixth year of Yuanzhen of the Tang Dynasty, the war against Goguryeo began.

After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the two separatist forces of Xiao Xian and Dou Jiande were put down successively, and Wang Shiyun and Du Fuwei took the initiative to surrender.

This was also interspersed with the pacification wars such as the Western Turkic Khan Ashina Qiuluo led his army to invade the south, the Tibetan invasion, and the quelling of the riots of the tribes in the northwest and the remaining forces in various places.

After forming an alliance with the Turkic Khan Ashina Yanghuan, the Tang Dynasty sent troops to destroy Baekje, Silla became a vassal, and then destroyed the Japanese state. Li Daozong, the governor of the South China Sea, led troops to pacify Linyi, Li Jing, and Wang Ze sent troops to pacify

Lingnan and so on.

But this year, Ashina Danai, Ashina Tong'e, Wu Tong, Chen Li and others led their troops to destroy Tubo on the plateau.

It can be said that in the early years of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, there was never a moment of idleness. There were wars almost every year. The advancement of civil society and martial arts gradually made the Tang Dynasty gradually stabilized both inside and outside the country.

In the late autumn and early winter of this year, the Tang Dynasty finally shot an arrow of revenge against Goguryeo, the ancient enemy.

In another time and space, when the Tang Dynasty attacked Goguryeo, the history books painted a picture of unity. All the soldiers in the world were willing to follow the emperor to perform meritorious service in Liaodong.

There must be an element of exaggeration in this. I guess Li Erlang wanted to compare himself with Yang Erlang and make himself more wise and powerful. Look at the excitement when you attacked Goguryeo. What was the scene like when I raised an army?

Is it obvious who wins the hearts of the people more?


When we arrived at Li Po, there was no big publicity in the country, so it couldn't be such a grand occasion. In fact, even if it was publicized, it might not make so many people willing to serve in Liaodong.

However, in order to boost the morale of the troops, it was natural for the Tang army officers and soldiers who came to the Liaodong Peninsula to regard this battle as a battle of revenge.

Everyone in the army, from the leading generals to the Tang soldiers below, knew before the war that the previous dynasty repeatedly attacked Goguryeo, and hundreds of thousands of people fought with blood.

Although those were all events of the previous dynasty, too many people died in Liaodong. From Emperor Wen Yang Jian to Yang Guang, they conquered Liaodong three times. In thirty or forty years, nearly a million people died in Liaodong, not counting the requisitioned civilians.

of casualties...

Not too far apart, many of our brothers and sisters in our hometown had died. In addition, the officers had deliberately indoctrinated us, so we began to think that if we did not avenge this revenge, we would be in vain.

Together with the heart of revenge, they are an army that can fight a hundred battles, but they will immediately become murderous.

Tang Jun is now like a beast with teeth and claws, and its danger is increasing every moment.

The voice of the army calling for war has been heard endlessly, which is undoubtedly a sign of high morale. At this time, the generals in the Tang army are also experienced in battles, and most of the army's sergeants have also experienced the war in the late Sui Dynasty.

In addition, in the past two years, the Tang Dynasty had reorganized its army and implemented military disciplines, strict military disciplines, rewards and punishments, etc.

So this is a sword that is getting brighter and sharper, exuding an ominous aura all the time...


At the end of July in the sixth year of Yuanzhen in the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Gongjin, the Minister of Household Affairs, came to the army after a long journey. He would take over the logistics of the army.

Accompanying him are Wei Zheng, the chief historian of Luoyang, Gao Jifu, the inspector of the temple, and Zhao Guangshi, the doctor of the Ministry of War, who will be in charge of military law and other matters.

The other is Liu Chaozong, a doctor in the Ministry of War, who naturally represents the Military Intelligence Department of the Ministry of War.

The arrival of these people seemed a bit hasty and sudden, but from another perspective, it may be possible to realize that the imperial court showed its determination to win this battle.

At the same time, the generals in the army could also feel that the imperial court had tightened restrictions on the expeditionary army.

This had never happened in some previous wars. The emperor had great trust in the generals before the army, and it could even be said that he was indulgent.

Only this time there is something different...

Li Jing and others felt a little guilty about this, but at the moment of the big event, everyone could no longer care about discussing the direction of the court. For example, the strategy of the Ministry of War would always be changed beyond recognition when it came to the front of the army.

The so-called general will not accept the order of the emperor, and when fighting, it depends on the generals in front of the army...


On the third day of August in the sixth year of Yuanzhen of the Tang Dynasty, on the peninsula that had already been covered with battle clouds, the horn of the Tang army's attack sounded.

The first to take action was the naval force led by Du Fuwei.

The Tang army ships gathered at the mouth of the Xu River poured into the Xu River.

In fact, before this, the Tang navy had already turned the river into its own territory, and Goguryeo's navy could not compete with the Tang navy on the river.

The Goguryeo people did not intend to compete with the Tang army on the water. In mid-July, they saw the Tang army gathering on the other side, and the navy made repeated provocations on the river.

In desperation, the Goguryeo people simply burned most of the ships and all the docks to prevent the Tang army from capturing their own warships, and ceded the entire river channel to the Tang army.

The warships of the Tang Army sailed unimpeded on the water. In the second half of July, the navy moved up the Shuo River and even patrolled the Langlin Mountain Canyon area on the upper reaches of the river. They were even ambushed by the Goguryeo people in some narrow places of the river.

several times.

These small-scale fighting will not have much impact on the upcoming war, and they are not even considered desserts before the meal.

In the mountains and wilderness on the north bank of the Xishui River, the confrontation between the Tang army's Tanqi who crossed the river and the Goguryeo people had already begun. These can be said to be the prelude before the outbreak of the war.

By August, for the Tang Army, which controlled the entire Xishui River, had a complete logistics system, formulated strategies and tactics, and had all the army units at designated positions, the prerequisites for launching a war were ripe.


Once the flames of war are ignited, it is difficult to extinguish them, especially when a national war of this scale enters the practical stage, almost no one can stop the war.

The moment the Tang navy entered the Zhushui River in large numbers, it also symbolized the official outbreak of the war between the Tang Dynasty and Goguryeo.

Because there was no obstruction from the Goguryeo people on the shore, the densely packed Tang army warships covered the river where the Zhushui River entered the sea without any scruples, and quickly spread forward.

The Tang army on the south bank of the Xishui River began to form formations in the early morning. According to the previously formulated plan, General Zuo Xiaowei founded Chen Yuan, led General Zuo Yuwei Pei Xingyan and others, leading 40,000 troops to cross the river in advance.


On the river, nearly 10,000 large and small ships of the Tang Dynasty Navy were swimming upstream, like a spreading dark cloud, covering the river. Viewed from the shore, it can be said that it is like thousands of sails racing, hundreds of teams competing for the current, and the rolling

But it was the chilling atmosphere unique to large armies in battle that made the river wind in late autumn and early winter even more chilly.

It was noon, and the troops of the Tang Army who were waiting on the shore were resting on the spot. As a result, wisps of smoke rose from all over the shore, and the soldiers of the Tang Army eagerly watched the fleet of boats passing by on the river.

This is a scene that people will never forget, just like when millions of troops fought to cross the Liao River. Years later, it is still as clear as yesterday in the minds of Li Po and others.

The sun gradually moves westward from overhead.

An unknown number of boats passed by, and finally a large group of small boats stopped on the water.

The craftsmen in the army led by the young craftsman Liu Qingze and others had been waiting on the shore for a long time. They directed the boats on the river to dock one after another, and then used chains to connect the approaching boats together and quickly extended to the other side.

Drive away.

In order to increase efficiency, some people have even crossed the river to the other side. They also did the same from the north bank. In less than an hour, the two sides met in the river.

The soldiers who had been prepared immediately took wooden planks and laid them on the connected ships, forming two pontoon bridges that could allow the army to pass.

This is a demonstration of the national power of the Tang Dynasty, just like the construction of pontoons on the Liao River when the Sui Dynasty conquered Liaodong. At this time in the world, there are only one person in the world who can show this ability.

One family, no other semicolons.

This is a manifestation of industrial power. Although it is not worth mentioning compared with later times, it is unmatched by anyone in this world.

It seems simple, just connect the boats and lay wooden planks on them. In fact, you must first have enough boats to be used as pontoons. Apart from Datang, who else can own so many ships? Apart from Datang,

, who can use local materials at any time to build so many boats to make pontoons?

Then there is the calculation of the water conditions, how to make the pontoon float stably on the river, etc., which all require a certain amount of craftsmanship. It cannot be built by just anyone.

Otherwise, Yu Wenkai would not have been reprimanded for his disadvantages in building the floating bridge...

When the bridge was built, it was shortened by dozens of meters, which prevented the army crossing the river from getting ashore. It was so awkwardly jammed on the river. Can you imagine how ridiculous this scene was?


Li Jing rode a horse and stood high on the shore, with a clear view of the river and the shore. Seeing the pontoon taking shape, Li Jing's already skinny face showed a smile, and he thought that it was lucky that it was not too short.

Liu Qingze sent someone to report that the pontoon bridge had been built.

Li Jing immediately ordered: "Send an order to General Chen and ask them to cross the river as soon as possible."

As the long trumpet sounded, the left guard general Pei Xingyan threw the flag forward and moved it forward, and soon stepped onto the pontoon bridge. The Zhushui River was not very wide, and Pei Xingyan's flag quickly reached the other side.

On the two pontoon bridges, 40,000 Tang troops immediately passed through the pontoon bridge. About an hour later, 40,000 Tang troops had crossed the river.

The 40,000 troops led by Chen Yuan served as the forward force of the Tang army. In addition to protecting the beachhead, they also had to cooperate with Liu Qingze and others to establish several camps on the shore.

After that, it will become the center of the army, and most of the food, grass and baggage will be temporarily placed here. It is not so much about building a camp as it is about building a city.

For example, as 40,000 Tang troops crossed the Huishui River, groups of Japanese, Baekje, and Silla people passed through the floating bridge to the other side. They were the main force in building the camp.

Just like the civilian men who accompanied the army to Liaodong back then, all the hard work was theirs, and they could also be used as cannon fodder when the war was stalemate.

The army recruited about 70,000 to 80,000 people from Baekje and Silla, and 20,000 to 30,000 from Japan. If this battle was lost, the Tang Dynasty would definitely be very painful, but for the people of Baekje and Silla,

That is a disaster.

This chapter has been completed!
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