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Chapter 1575 Resignation

"Why do I feel that not many people are talking about the reduction of rank this year?"

When Li Po thought about this, he was quite confused. The reduction of titles had actually been going on for more than a year. The main purpose was to identify the titles awarded by the previous dynasty. Some of them were recognized by the way because it was the time to employ people.

More than twenty years have passed since the fall of the former Sui Dynasty. There are not many people who can be knighted in the previous dynasty and still live to this day.

What was carefully screened was actually the titles inherited by their descendants. According to Li Po's discussion with his ministers, most of them would be cancelled, and those who had made meritorious service in the Tang Dynasty would be given other titles.

The remaining ones either have great reputations or have made many achievements, and have a place in the Sui History revised by the Tang Dynasty. In other words, if the Tang Dynasty recognizes their achievements, then they can take care of them.

As for the titles awarded by Li Yuan, they will all be taken away, because when the time comes, there is no need to worry about whether it disturbs people's hearts.

This matter was done by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Li Po thought that the scope of titles was very broad, but Li Yuan had awarded countless titles in just a few years.

Nowadays, there are quite a few Li Yuan who works in the Tang Dynasty who have demoted people. There should not be many people who expressly oppose it, but there should be more than a few voices discussing it, right?

But in fact, he didn't hear anyone talking about this matter, so he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Pei Shiqing laughed and said: "Your Majesty, the imperial court originally recognized only a small number of titles from the previous dynasty. This is already an act of tolerance and mercy by Your Majesty. Who will make an issue about this?

Furthermore, even if there is some slight noise, it has already been kept by various ministries and will naturally not reach His Majesty’s ears.”

Okay, there is nothing unclear. Everyone has already been mentally prepared for this. A few years ago, there might be some people who were dissatisfied and would say a few words. In the sixth year of Yuanzhen, only those who don’t know enough will do this.

Filed a petition to protest.

Their petition could not even be delivered to the provincial government, but was stopped at various ministries.

The so-called time has changed and the world has changed, that's it. What was a big event back then can only be regarded as a smooth process now, and it will happen naturally.

Li Po thought to himself that this was because he had been emperor for a long time and had become alienated from the following situations, which was why he was like this.

There is no way. It is common for people who are emperors to stay in the palace for a long time and not know what is going on. He should be doing well. After all, he has come from the grass to where he is today step by step.

If it were a prince like Li Yuan who had been raised in the palace since childhood, he would just not be fooled by his subordinates, let alone compared with his father.

"That's good. It gives you more room to describe your merits to everyone. In the past few years, I didn't dare to award people with titles for fear of being blamed. Why do you think this is so embarrassing?"

Then the palace remembered the laughter of the ministers again.

It's really funny when you think about it. In those years, titles were given out indiscriminately. If someone voted for him, he would immediately receive a title. Not only that, these people who voted for him would also have to ask for rewards from their subordinates.

The situation at that time was that neither Li Yuan nor Xiao Xian, Dou Jiande and others had any savings, so what else could they give? They could only be awarded titles.

To the end of the spam, when I was comparing myself to others and wanted to compare myself to others, I was too embarrassed to mention the title.

It's just fine now. For example, the only person with a title in the palace now is Pei Shiqing. Wenxi County Duke is not even a County Duke.

The title of county duke is among the four levels of nobility in the Tang Dynasty. The top three are the county lord, county duke, and princess, etc., the second level is the county lord, the prince, the country's lady, etc., and the first level is the prince and princess.

, the eldest princess and other direct royal families.

The titles in the same rank can also be easily distinguished based on the title. Back then, Li Po's self-proclaimed King of Han was a small king, which was the lowest among kings. But generally speaking, this was only the emperor's brother and the prince.

The treatment that can only be obtained is not the lowest king title, such as King of Lujiang, King of Ping An, etc., which are given to the branches of the royal family.

For another example, Wenxi in Hedong is the hometown of the Pei family. The significance of the title Duke of Wenxi County is unusual. In addition, as the founding Duke of the country, not everyone can compare with it.


"Next spring will be the year of the Beijing Examination again. The staff should make preparations early. Don't make the same decision as last time, waiting for everyone to finish the exam before deciding where the Jinshi will go."

Someone immediately answered: "Your Majesty, don't worry. All the Jinshi scholars from the fourth year of Yuanzhen have been appointed. The performance evaluations in the past two years have been pretty good. Many people are watching. I will never let things go wrong."

Li Po nodded, "I'm not worried about anything. After all, the local government will definitely be able to find some suitable positions this year, but there will be more people coming to Beijing to take the exam this year.

So the Ministry of Rites has submitted a letter to select more people, mainly to serve in the north. You guys can weigh it and see if they are suitable?"

Yan Shigu said: "This is true. After several years of recovery, both sides of the Yellow River have become somewhat alive. They are in need of capable people to govern, and the Jinshi who have passed the examination are just for their use."

At this point, he changed his tone and said: "I heard that the Ministry of War has also taken measures. In the past two years, the army has been reduced and the number of soldiers has increased day by day. I want to let the Ministry of Personnel arrange it. Your Majesty will see if you can also give it a try.

Some people go to local offices?”

This is not new, there have been many measures to receive these soldiers before, and there are many ways.

The local Zhechong Prefecture was able to receive some veteran soldiers with rich combat experience. The surrendered troops of some princes in the late Sui Dynasty were the focus of elimination. Most of them were converted to civilian status on the spot, and the more elite ones were added to the regular army.

But this is not enough. The size of the main army of the Tang Dynasty is still larger. In the past two years, the policy of elite troops and simple administration will be implemented. This is when the imperial army system should come into play.

Some soldiers will be transferred to the Fubing Army and serve as the reserve military force of the Tang Dynasty.

For some meritorious people who no longer want to hang out in the military, their way out is to serve in local governments.

In fact, throughout the ages, and even in the future, the same strategies have been adopted. There is no need to innovate and try to come up with new ways to solve old problems.

Li Po pondered for a while, then waved his hand and said: "Then you should discuss this matter with the Ministry of War. Those guys...well, those people are rarely literate, and they must be doing menial work where they work. Why don't you give me a try?"


You discuss a charter and come up with it. It would be best if they were transferred based on merit. If that doesn't work, let them serve as supervisors. Anyway, roads and ditches are being repaired everywhere, so there is no need to worry about not being able to accommodate them.

When talented people come forward and the official performance appraisal is completed, it will not be too late to be appointed to another position."

The ministers nodded one after another and began to flatter the emperor. The emperor indeed had many methods, and his casual remarks were refreshing. If he could always be by His Majesty's side, he would surely broaden his horizons and become a good official.


The Umrah meeting has been going on for a day and everyone is very tired.

This kind of small court meeting at the end of the year is not just about asking and answering questions, but also dealing with a lot of official business. The big court meeting at the beginning of next year will have a farewell to the old and welcome the new year. The gains and losses of Yuanzhen's six years will be summarized in the main hall of Taiji Hall, and the new year will be held.

The one-year plan will also be announced at that time.

The two or three months at the end of the year are the time reserved for courtiers to carry out these government affairs.

So Li Po held a banquet in Ganlu Hall to entertain the officials of the Ministry of Personnel.

When everyone had had enough food and wine, they resigned one after another, but Pei Shiqing, the official minister, did not move.

After everyone left, Li Po looked at the veteran minister and said with a smile: "You have been talking for a day, and Pei Qing still has something to say?"

As soon as he heard these words, he knew that Li Po was in a good mood. He had been in a bad mood since Feng Deyi's death. He seemed to have recovered at the end of the year.

When I was talking to the officials in the Ministry of Civil Affairs, I made a lot of witty remarks and livened up the atmosphere.


Pei Shiqing had had a few drinks before. He was old and was not strong enough to drink. He didn't drink much, but he was already tipsy.

At this time, he slowly stood up and prostrated himself on the ground.

As soon as Li Po saw this posture, he knew what he wanted to do without even thinking about it. You must know that people at this time did not pay much attention to the etiquette of kowtow.

We worship the heaven and the earth, our parents and the emperor, and the Buddha and the Three Pure Ones. Although the emperor is among them, the normal rituals definitely do not include the ritual of prostrating.

Anyone who performs this great ceremony must talk about important matters. If it is an important matter for officials and will not be avoided by everyone, then only private matters are left. What private matters require great courtesy and worship?

Sure enough, I heard Pei Shiqing say: "I have passed the ancient times this year. I have been an official since I was young in the Qing Dynasty and have been the assistant of the county for more than fifty years.

Every time I think about it in the quiet night, my words and deeds are not good enough, my talents may be insufficient, my writing cannot prosper a country, and my military power is not good enough to control a country. But today, what is the only thing that is beyond ordinary people's circumstances?

If Your Majesty had not considered the ministers old and despicable, removed them from the county, entrusted them with confidants, entrusted them with important responsibilities, and used their talents, how could he be in charge of the staff and live in Lingyan Pavilion?

Your Majesty's kindness to me cannot be repaid by my death. However, Cai Yong has the feeling of leaving his car to mourn his old age, and Li Tong has the wisdom to avoid honor and beg for his life. I dare not cling to power and position. I would like to resign to your Majesty now, and please have your mercy.


Li Po sighed secretly, got up and came to the palace, helped him up with his own hands, took Pei Shiqing's arm and patted him twice, "Pei Qing and Pei Hongda are brothers of the same race, right?"

Pei Shiqing nodded and said, "He is my brother, but we have already lived in separate houses."

Li Po smiled and said: "I went to Luoyang to see him at the beginning of the year. Pei Hong was over eighty years old. He was still thinking sharply when talking, and he spared no effort to make progress.

Your Majesty should have heard about it in the court. In addition to handling government affairs, he is also recruiting people to write books. I allow him to take charge of Henan, so he is relieved.

You are almost a round younger than him, right?"

Pei Shiqing trembled in his heart, thinking, how can I compare with that turtle? It can be said that Pei Hongda is to blame for the chaos in the world, but that bastard can still live to this day, he must have been forgotten by God.


For example, Feng Deyi died in his sixties, why didn't you mention it?

He knew that when a high-ranking official in the court like him resigned, the emperor would definitely try to retain him. Whether it was true or false, he had to be grateful.

This is an inherent process. Unless the emperor is too stupid, even if he doesn't like you, the emperor will not show his ruthless side to others.

This chapter has been completed!
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