Chapter 1579 Storage

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"I have read the submission from the Donghai Protectorate, which states that the silver reserves are huge, rare in the world, and very easy to mine. If this is true, I think it is better to gather manpower to Fusang next year, mine a large amount of silver, and then transport it back to the Tang Dynasty.

As for the silver mines in various places now, those that are not being mined do not need to start construction. Even those that are being mined can be shut down as appropriate. This is for future generations. What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Changsun Shunde said while quietly observing the emperor's face.

Wei Jie nodded secretly. This was undoubtedly a good policy for the country. The Central Plains was indeed rich in products, but not everything was there. There were few mineral deposits such as gold and silver.

For hundreds of years, Buddhism has flourished in the Central Plains, and many monks are fat and fond of managing fields and other products, as well as amassing money.

The banner was to create a golden body for the Buddha statue, so a large amount of gold and silver went into the Buddha's pocket, and the rest was used by the nobles to cast utensils.

In addition, the Hu people liked these things more than the Central Plains people, and a lot of gold and silver went to the Turks and the Western Regions. When the Tang Dynasty used them, they were in trouble.

Wei Jie strongly agreed with what Changsun Shunde said. Since gold and silver treasures have been minted, a large amount of gold and silver must be stored in the national treasury for future use.

From this point of view, overseas silver should be the first choice. He also heard that there is no shortage of gold in Funan, Zhenla, Tianzhu, and even the Western Regions. If they can all be snatched away...

In his late fifties, Wei Shaofu is still handsome and elegant, but he is also very wild at heart.

Originally, he wanted to echo Changsun Shunde, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them down.

He thought of Changsun Shunde's reputation, but that was second to none. There were too many people who were courteous to him now. Why? It wasn't because he was a close friend of Governor Li Jing.

People who want to cling to him are now all-pervasive. Wei Jie used to be quiet when he was the Shaofu, but now... it makes him very troubled.

Moreover, both the Shaofu and Taichang Temple are deeply involved in the palace. When purchasing in the palace, businessmen who are qualified to become imperial merchants pursue and block big shots like him. Therefore, the position of the Shaofu Supervisor is very challenging.


Wei Jie is a calm and calm person, and he is also very smart. He has also been a former Huang family man, so he acts cautiously and will not leave any clues to others.

The eldest grandson, Shunde, was very attentive to him. When he heard that he had come to the palace to perform something, he actually waited outside the Taiji Hall. The so-called courtesy for nothing was either adultery or theft, so Wei Jie was already a little wary.

Especially after I heard some things from friendly sources not long ago, I became even more respectful of Changsun Shunde.

As a result, he swallowed back what he originally wanted to say. He didn't want to act like he was on the same page as Changsun Shunde in front of the emperor.

It's just that the matter involves the Shaofu. The eldest son, Shunde, is the servant of the family. He is temporarily in charge of all affairs under the family and has the power to counsel the court.

He can talk about anything, but did he come here specifically to talk about this, or did he have other things to discuss with the emperor and he just happened to meet him?

So Wei Jie kept his mouth shut and made up his mind to leave immediately after the report was over.


Li Po looked at his eldest son, Shunde, and thought that this man was very forward-looking, but it was a pity that most of his energy was focused on fighting for power and profit.

I wonder what he will do when he knows he can no longer take over as the leader?

People like Changsun Shunde who kept cliques together, didn't know the current situation, and didn't know how to advance or retreat. At a glance, it was obvious that they were the products of the war in the late Sui Dynasty. They also had strong traces of clan influence on their bodies. They were the kind of people Li Po disliked the most.

During the more than ten years of war at the end of the Sui Dynasty, people who could not be counted died one after another. The reason why Changsun Shunde survived was not because of his brilliant vision like Feng Deyi, Chen Xiaoyi, Pei Shiqing and others.

It's not like Du Fuwei, Cheng Zhijie and others, who are like a fish in water in troubled times and have strong survivability, so they can survive by chance.

The eldest grandson, Shunde, is more like Yu Wenshiji, Yu Shinan and others. They relied on their family background and resources to survive today.

Many of them were tired and didn't want to go through any more trouble, so they became subordinates. No matter where they took up their posts, they were careful lest something go wrong.

But there are still some people among them who still look very "ambitious" and jump up and down, unaware that there is a sharp knife hanging over their heads, and disaster is imminent...


"Well, this is quite insightful. Let's take a look next year. As long as the silver produced by Japan is suitable and easy to excavate, just follow what Changsun Qing said.

In any case, this is a business without capital, and the benefits must be great.

What the Shaofu and the Ministry of Household Affairs have to do is to weigh it carefully, and don’t let the world’s prices rise just because there is too much silver and the people cannot afford it.”

Seeing that his advice was accepted by His Majesty without hesitation and his tone was very relaxed, Sun Shunde's face became happy and he stroked his beard.

Wei Jie then said: "Your Majesty, don't worry. As for the coinage and expenditure, I will have the Ministry of Household Affairs submit it to you. There won't be any mistakes."

This is a very cunning statement, but it is also true. The imperial court has always had a certain proportion of how much silver money is issued, and it will not be issued indiscriminately unless it is absolutely necessary.

This standard is controlled by the Ministry of Revenue and has little to do with the Shaofu. The power and responsibility lies with the Ministry of Revenue.


The next day was a small court meeting with officials from the Ministry of Revenue, and the Tai Chi Hall was very lively this time.

Su Quan, the Minister of Hubu, led senior officials from the Hubu to attend the meeting, and Dou Dan, the minister of Sinong Temple, also led officials from Sinong Temple to attend the meeting. The two families used to be one, but now they are separated, and there is competition and estrangement.

When it comes to farm matters, we need to confirm and cooperate with each other, but there are also many areas of dispute.

Sinong Temple felt that the Ministry of Revenue should give up its sectarian views and delegate power to Sinong Temple regarding matters related to agriculture, farming, salt affairs, treasury affairs, garden water affairs, and even the system of dividing land acres, and just deal with land taxes.

This request is indeed a bit excessive. It is simply asking for Su Dan's life. If it is successful, half of the functions will disappear. Can it still be called the Ministry of Accounts?

Su Tan naturally took the lead and only left the warehousing, farming, farming and other chores in the hands of Sinong Temple. Sinong Temple did not need to think about other matters.

Dou Dan worked hard for a while, but he soon discovered that Sinong Temple was already very busy with just one warehouse, and there was no need to mention the others.


Now Dou Dan is complaining to the emperor, "Your Majesty, the warehouse restructuring has been going on for several years, but there are still many obstacles. As for the repair of warehouses in various counties and counties, I have discussed it with Yun Ding...Yun Shangshu many times, and sent a submission.

I don’t know how many.

But there are always delays on the part of the Ministry of Works, and the counties and counties are also pressing for the construction deadline. Alas, Sinong Temple has just been restored, and it has no reputation. The temple’s orders are not in the capital. If this continues, I can’t think of anything..."

Hearing what he said, Su Dan sat opposite him and immediately laughed in his heart. Dou Guangda had said the wrong thing.

Sure enough, Li Po frowned and looked at Dou Siqing, "Is it impossible to think about it? Then what do you want me to do? Do you want me to give you some ideas? Do you want me to be the Sinong Siqing?"

Li Po hates when people tell him that there is nothing he can do. He always believes that no matter how many problems there are, there are always ways to solve them. Anyone who says there is nothing they can do is either incompetent or lazy.

Nowadays, Li Po rarely falls out with his ministers, especially the important officials of the court. Look at eldest son Shunde, even if Li Po doesn't like this person, he can still speak calmly.

It's rare to see such harsh words.

Of course, Dou Guangda and he were "acquaintances", maybe out of habit. When he saw this guy, he wanted to give him a few sticks. Mainly because Dou Guangda offended him more than once or twice. He didn't say it, but he always said it. I wrote it down in a notebook for Dou Guangda.

I remember that my team had just opened... Well, among all the civil and military officials in the dynasty, Dou Guangda was the only one who could eat a meal cooked by him with care. Are you angry?

Dou Dan lowered his head in grievance, knowing that this would be the case. This was not the first or second time. Anyone who went to the Tai Chi Hall to report something would be scolded.

In other words, Dou Guang is generous, otherwise he will definitely die of fear?

The two young ministers from Sinong Temple shrank their heads and would not say anything nice to Shangguan at this time to change things. Although Dou Siqing was a good person, his family background was also of the highest caliber.

But they all heard that they had some grievances with the emperor in the early years, especially when they heard that Mrs. Li in his family had a good relationship with the emperor...hey, who would be stupid enough to get involved.

Li Po doesn't care what others think, whether Dou Dan has any face or not, anyway, this guy is very thick-skinned, otherwise he wouldn't be alive now.

After calming down, he said again: "How can the Ministry of Industry dare to neglect the important matter of warehousing? Don't come in front of me to complain, and use your brains more. Otherwise, what use do I need from you?"

That's what he said, but he had already made a note to Yun Dingxing in his mind. Was he just focusing on building the palace? He would have to ask Yun Dingxing later.

What a bunch of donkeys and horses, they can't move without moving?

He turned around and looked at Su Dan who was gloating about his misfortune, "Yuan Zai is in charge of the household department, so he doesn't care about some things? Government affairs are delayed, what good can you do?"

Now it was Dou Dan's turn to laugh. What made him particularly jealous was that the emperor only called him by his first name, but the old Jinyang people were different.

It's just that Su Dan didn't feel so honored. Back then, he, Chen Xiaoyi, and Wen Yanbo served as assistants to the King of Han. They were serious ministers who followed the dragon, and their relationship with the emperor was extraordinary.

But speaking of it, he was the youngest among the three, so the emperor treated him a bit harshly, and he did not get the respect of the emperor like the other two.

He knew in his heart that this was not a bad thing for his subjects. It would be bad if the emperor smiled and called you brothers all day long.

He thought for a moment and thought that he had done nothing to displease the emperor recently, and then replied: "Your Majesty, don't worry. There is a war outside this year, and roads and ditches are being built. There is not much food and grass in the warehouses, let alone old food." I mentioned it, so the repair of the warehouse is not urgent.

Your Majesty will allow me to wait for a while, while the minister from the Ministry of Industry will go and discuss it with Yun Shangshu. I think Yun Shangshu knows the pros and cons and will not miss any important matters of the imperial court."

This chapter has been completed!
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