Chapter 1615 Banquet (1)

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Most of the people who entered the dynasty knew Chinese. Only the Tubo people were in a hurry. The smart ones took advantage of the opportunity to come to the Tang Dynasty and learned some simple daily expressions, while the stupid ones still spoke like chickens and ducks.

In fact, even if you learn some Chinese, you still can't understand what His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is saying. There is no one to translate for them at this time, and there is no one in the court who understands Tubo dialect.

You can't just recruit Cheng Dabeard to be their translator, right?

Of course, even if they understand, they probably have no idea about good neighbors and bad neighbors. For them, having a neighbor like Datang is a bad luck.

The Tang army's march south caused more killings on the plateau than they had in decades of internal strife. Fortunately for the Xiangxiong and Supi people, they originally hoped to get rid of the control of the Yalong tribe.

But the White Yak Tribe in the Yalong River Valley, also known as the main Yalong Tribe, was killed by the Tang army. How did the people of the Black Yak Tribe feel?

Last year, all they saw were blood and corpses, and all they heard were the Tang army's cries of death. Can they feel the power of benevolence from it?

Maybe, it's just that people from afar are kind and fearful...

In addition, the people of Funan were actually trembling under the attack of the Tang Dynasty. The Turks were better off, but they did not want to have a strong neighbor like the Tang Dynasty.

Among the outsiders present, only the Queen of Silla had bright eyes, looking at His Majesty the Emperor with admiration, almost slapping her hands.

His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty's lofty speech obviously failed to arouse resonance. The envoys had different expressions and did not know how to cover up. The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Li Po naturally didn't think there was anything wrong. It didn't matter whether the neighbors were kind or evil. As long as the Tang Dynasty was strong, no matter how vicious the neighbors were, they had to talk nicely.

As for benevolence, haha, it is all the result of the sword.


After having a drink with the foreign envoy, Li Po felt that his beautiful words were very authentic.

Then he raised the wine cup again and said, "It has been six years since the founding of the Tang Dynasty. Thanks to the bloody battles of our soldiers, we can drink and enjoy ourselves here. I built the Merit Forest to worship not the gods and Buddhas in the sky, but the heroic soul of our Tang Dynasty."


I would like to toast them here. Their heroic souls are not far away. May our subjects of the Tang Dynasty be happy and their foundation be everlasting."

After three glasses of wine, Li Po took a sip of alcohol. The monkey wine tasted good. I can’t blame everyone for liking it, but the output was a bit low.

Moreover, this thing does not require rigorous craftsmanship. It is said that if a jar of wine is buried, the success or failure depends on God's will. Therefore, the taste of each jar of monkey wine is different, which is similar to the blind box opening later, which is also interesting.


After the formality was over, Li Po waved his hand, "No need to be restrained, gentlemen. Let's have a banquet today. Don't talk about state affairs. Just focus on having fun... Haha, just pretend that I'm not here..."

The emperor's words were a little out of tune again. When the ministers heard this, many of them laughed.

That's what I say, but the emperor and queen are here, and everyone is not a fool, how can we really pretend that they don't exist?

According to the procedure, the two prime ministers, Shangshu Zuopushe Wen Yanbo, Zhongshu Ling Xiao Yu, and quasi-prime minister Changsun Shunde, who was temporarily in charge of the family affairs, toasted to the emperor and empress in turn.

Then there are the ministers and ministers of various ministries. The hierarchy is strict and the etiquette is standardized. No one will do something new and different.

In fact, in this period, it would be inappropriate to mention Hu Feng's spread to the south. The imperial court has fully restored Han rituals, which are somewhat stricter than those in the pre-Sui period.

It was just that the Tang Dynasty had not been established for a long time and Hu Feng could not be completely eradicated. And from a more macro perspective, Hu Feng's spread to the south was not all bad.

The martial spirit of the Tang Dynasty was enhanced, and the folk customs became very open and tolerant, which also created favorable conditions for the establishment of a glorious empire.

What we need to get rid of now is actually the surly and irritable atmosphere brought by the barbarians.

Learning from each other's strong points and making up for one's shortcomings, discarding the old and incorporating the new are the reasons why Chinese civilization can continue.

Generally speaking, the social atmosphere in the early Tang Dynasty was actually very rare. Whether before or after, there was rarely such a period of open and active society.

Maybe it was because the chaos lasted for too long and the people wanted peace of mind, or maybe it was because the national integration had reached a certain stage. Anyway, in the long history, the early Tang Dynasty had its unique position.


The drums and bells in the hall were blaring, the soldiers entered the hall, and the sound of gold and swords was loud.

Don’t get me wrong, this is not a Hongmen Banquet. What is playing in the palace is the Emperor’s Breaking Formation music. This is the military music of the Tang Dynasty, which has been completed for a year.

To the beat of the drums, the strong soldiers wore heavy armor, and every step they took was accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps and the sound of the armor and stomach hitting.

As the formation changed, the long swords roared into the wind, occasionally accompanied by the roars of the soldiers, which shook the palace and reverberated.

The martial arts was so strong that the eyes of foreigners jumped when they saw it.

Almost all the ministers in the palace came out of the troubled times of the late Sui Dynasty. At this time, no one would be intimidated by the momentum. Instead, they were enthusiastic, knocking cups and chopsticks to support his voice.

Li Po watched and listened, feeling a little excited. He turned to his wife and said: "There are still a few people. Why not find a day in the future to recruit troops to practice martial arts. The momentum must be very majestic."

Li Bi had not led an army for many years, and her eyes were shining now, and she nodded with emotion, "We held a military competition in Yunnei that time.

The soldiers like it very much. If my husband is interested, it would be a good idea to act accordingly."

Li Bi obviously didn't quite understand what Li Po meant. Naturally, what Li Po wanted was a grand military parade, which was two different things from a military competition.

However, Li Po thought about it for a while and finally let go of his thoughts.

Now, unlike later, there is no such strong national support. Just recruiting the army to Chang'an will cause countless troubles, and money and food are also problems.

It did not have much effect in inspiring the morale of the army and the people. The roads were inconvenient and only the people in Chang'an could see it... The most important thing was that it could not promote the country's prestige and frighten the enemy.

In other words, just to watch the excitement, if you propose it, what is the difference between it and Yang Guang's flash of ideas? In the eyes of the ministers, it is probably a sign that their self-confidence has expanded and they have begun to act recklessly.

Li Po felt itchy for a few times, but finally his reason prevailed.

But if this idea doesn't work, let's try another way. Maybe there won't be so many obstacles. Li Po always has a lot of ideas, so he suddenly thought of other ways.


A song called "The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty Breaks the Formation" won applause from the whole hall.

The soldiers bowed and retired, and the ministers took advantage of the space to exchange cups and cups. Naturally, the foreigners were the first to pay their respects. After half a round, the three Turkic envoys couldn't stand it anymore.

Datang's wine is good, but it's not the way to drink it... They also want to taste the food on the table...

This chapter has been completed!
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