Chapter 1616 Banquet (2)

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The moon rises above the railings, and the singing and dancing in the Liangyi Hall continue to go on.

Speaking of which, the neighbors of the Central Plains Dynasty all belong to a nation that is good at singing and dancing.

Nowadays, people from outside also bring some new things. To be honest, they are just new. You can take a look, but most of them cannot escape the category of ritual dance. It can only be said that they are refreshing, but they do not contain much art.


At this time, the songs and dances of the Tang Dynasty have broken away from the stereotypes of the Shang, Zhou, and even the Qin and Han Dynasties. They have made great progress in expressiveness, making them pleasing to the eye and showing a strong sense of civilization.

The atmosphere in the palace was very lively. Li Po drank a lot. Li Bi had already made excuses to go back to the harem. The ministers... The good drinkers were naturally fine, but the light drinkers were already blushing and shaking their heads.

But this is a palace banquet after all, and no one would let loose and cause an accident.

On the other hand, two of the three Turkic envoys had been drunk under the table, and one had a very good drinking capacity. He was still staring at the dancing figures in the palace, his eyes full of predatory desire (harmony).

The Turks have always been unruly, but Yang Shidao, a member of Zhongshushe, was very clever and ordered the palace officials to ask Luo Shixin to take care of them.

Luo Shixin then reluctantly got up, walked to the Turks' table, sat down, and put his arms around the Turks' shoulders.

The other party struggled a few times, but it seemed like he was tied up in an iron hoop and couldn't break free.

Luo Shixin grinned widely, muttered a few words with a smile, and pointed to the wine bottle on the table. The other person had a furious look on his face, but the other person's strength was too great, and a ferocious smile gradually appeared on his face. He tightened his hand and held him tightly.

The pain in my shoulder doesn't stop.

So the Turks gave in, picked up the wine pot and drank three pots in a row, leaving juice dripping on his clothes. Luo Shixin couldn't help but laugh, slapped him on the shoulder, and repeatedly praised him for being sensible.

Then he beckoned someone to bring another jar over, patted open the mud seal, picked up the jar, and drank an unknown amount. Then he put the heavy jar on the table and stared at the Turks with his reddish eyes.

, as if trying to eat each other.

The Turkic man became completely honest, said a few words, picked up the wine jar and drank the rest of the wine, and then... fell down on the table...

Luo Shixin wiped his mouth without feeling satisfied, turned around and looked around, got up and went to the Tibetan people again, causing trouble for a while.

The Tubo people have always kept a low profile. They were new here and didn't know anyone. Looking at the prosperity of the palace, they had never seen such a scene on the plateau. Their eyes were almost blue with envy.

They feel that everything here is good, but they can’t blame His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty for being called the Son of Heaven. The place he lives in is not comparable to the Kingdom of God they imagined?

Facing the uninvited Luo Shixin, they were all respectful. Subimulo also took the lead in toasting Luo Shixin. She also praised Luo Shixin's figure in the simple Chinese she had just learned. She wanted to try it in person.

Touch it.

The boldness of the Central Plains women was beyond their reach, which made Luo Shixin's momentum weaken a lot. He had a few hasty drinks with them and then left in a daze.


At this time, Queen Jindeman of Silla quietly came to Li Po's banquet and bowed her head, "Your Majesty, it's been a long time since I saw you. I'm having a nice drink today. My daughter is here to toast you."

His eyes were full of flattery and a bit of resentment... That little appearance could make people's hearts melt just by looking at him.

Li Po secretly said something terrible. It had indeed been a long time since he had seen him. The main reason was that he wanted to show off Silla. Two of the three countries on the peninsula had been wiped out by the Tang Dynasty, leaving only Silla.

It was impossible to hand over the entire peninsula to Silla, but he had no idea how to reward Silla for his contribution.

It would be best if the Silla people themselves could be more sensible and come up with a plan that the Tang Dynasty could accept.

Of course, that must be an ideal situation, but the reality is that the Tang Dynasty is too strong and Silla has now lost its autonomy. If it wants to live a stable life, it must obtain the approval of the Tang Dynasty.

In other words, Datang had the final say in everything, and any of their suggestions could not be implemented without Datang's consent.

There are also high and low vassal states. Without Goguryeo as an enemy, Silla's status immediately became a little embarrassing.

This is also the reason why Queen Kinderman of Silla immediately set off to Chang'an after the war.

As for the talk about father and daughter, it was just a joke that day and a comment to cheer up. It was really uncomfortable to say it at this time.

Fortunately, Li Po was thick-skinned. He raised his glass and said with a sanctimonious smile: "What daughter is not a daughter? You are my hero. Come, have a few drinks with me before you leave."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Kinderman smiled like a flower, covered his mouth and nose and took a drink. He walked to Li Po and knelt down next to him, and took the initiative to pour wine and dishes for Li Po.

The ministers' eyes immediately turned around, but they all avoided it, as if they didn't see anything.

The leader of the Silla Kingdom was a woman, a young beauty, and the story of her relationship with the Emperor was spread when she first entered the court.

It is not a strange thing, and the princess of Silla, Jin Shengman, has entered the palace as a concubine, so Silla is the closest vassal state to the Tang Dynasty.

Many people were drinking and thinking in their hearts, looking at this, the exchanges between the two countries will probably become closer in the future. His Majesty, the Emperor, has worked really hard for the country...

It is said that there are many beauties in Silla and they are very charming. In the future, will we also welcome a few of them into our family? Hehe...


Kinderman couldn't care less about the thoughts of the people in the palace now. When he got the opportunity, he had to seize it.

"Your Majesty, you should drink more slowly and order more dishes, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to get drunk."

Li Po followed his example and ate a few mouthfuls of fish and two slices of lamb breast. Kinderman also peeled a shrimp for him. While watching the singing and dancing in the palace, Li Po shook his head happily.

"Your Chinese is getting better and better. Well, you have a bit of a Hebei accent. How did you get it?"

Kinderman laughed and said, "Your Majesty, must you have forgotten that Master Cui is from the Cui family in Boling, Hebei Province, and he taught me Chinese. Not only me, but also the dignitaries of Silla Kingdom, most of them are disciples of Master Cui. So the Chinese we speak is

Naturally, he spoke with a Hebei accent."

The Master Cui she mentioned was Cui Dunli, the young minister of Honglu Temple who was sent as an envoy to Silla. This gentleman has been gone for several years, and now his reputation is known to everyone in Silla.

Because of the increasingly close ties with the Tang Dynasty, Cui Donli taught the Silla nobles language and etiquette in Silla. The Silla nobles were proud to sit with Cui Jun to discuss state affairs and talk about the past and the present.

Of course, there are absolutely only a handful of Silla people who can say a few words to Choi Don-rye, so Choi Don-rye's status in Silla is comparable to that of a state minister.

Li Po nodded, "Cui Dunli is knowledgeable and talented. It is right for you to respect him, but in a while, I will call him back to the court to report on his duties..."

Kinderman let out a low voice, "Then my daughter will lose a good mentor and friend? No, no, no, my daughter must ask His Majesty for a favor and let Master Cui stay in Silla for a few more years.

Your Majesty doesn't know that Master Cui lived a very good life in Silla. He never suffered any grievances. His food, clothing, housing, and transportation all depended on the royal system, and the people who served him were all carefully selected.

There seems to be a saying in the Central Plains that one is happy but does not miss Shu. Master Cui is like this. He is happy here but does not miss Tang."

Li Po couldn't help laughing after hearing this, "What you said is interesting, but I don't know that there is an old saying in the Central Plains that it is difficult to leave the homeland. He is a descendant of the Bolingcui family and does not live overseas often. Wine and beauty cannot tie him down.


Moreover, he has made great achievements outside. If I don’t reward him, wouldn’t it chill people’s hearts?

Don't worry, there are many learned people in the Tang Dynasty, I will just send some more people to Silla.

Logically speaking, I shouldn't tell you this. You have to think of it yourself. You are the leader of Silla, and the future of Silla is in your hands. You should think more about it when encountering problems.

For example, Cui Dunli has been in Silla for more than three years, right? Since you respect him so much, you must put yourself in his shoes. This is the way to win people's hearts.

If you take the initiative to ask me for credit and let him return to Tang Dynasty to receive rewards, Cui Dunli will definitely be grateful to you. After returning to Tang Dynasty, can you not speak for Silla?

You see, this is what is often said in the Central Plains: the way of a king, not seeking temporary gain or loss, but only looking for the long term, don’t you think it makes sense?"

The people of Silla spent their whole lives thinking about the twists and turns of the Han people, but they may not be put to practical use.

Li Po was talking about how Cui Dunli was doing, but in fact there was a deep meaning behind his words.

I don’t know how much she understood. Anyway, the Queen of Silla was full of little stars. Her admiration was beyond words. She lowered her head and said, "My daughter has been taught. A king must be broad-minded. My daughter understands..."

Li Po knew that she was deliberately trying to please him, and that a woman's methods were just that. In his opinion, there was nothing unusual about her. She was just a daughter-in-law, which was a bit overwhelming.

Kinderman peeled another prawn for him and said softly: "My daughter is about to leave for home..."

Li Po tilted his head and glanced at her, "Didn't you say we would leave in March? There are still two or three months left, right?"

Kinderman sighed, "Two or three months is not much. The time spent with His Majesty is always too short. Besides, Your Majesty may not be able to see me once a month. What's the use of longer time?"

Li Po even got goosebumps when he heard this, "Who did you learn this from? Change it back to me quickly, don't act like a monster."

Kinderman curled his lips and couldn't help laughing, "They all say that women in the Tang Dynasty are made of water. Men like this delicate look. Don't you like it, Your Majesty?"

A few wisps of black lines appeared on Li Po's forehead. He knew that this must be someone in the palace trying to trick her, because every woman in the palace knew what kind of woman he liked.

"You are the leader of the Silla Kingdom, and you are also my minister. If you are not good at learning, you must learn these things. I know what is on your mind, so don't think wildly. I will call you in a few days to have a detailed discussion.

You'd better think about how to talk to me later."

So Kinderman calmed down and knelt down next to Li Po, pouring him wine and peeling shrimps for him. If Li Bi was still here, he would definitely be furious.

This chapter has been completed!
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