Chapter 1700 Property (2)

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The peninsula is relatively barren, but even the barrenest place has its own unique features.

There are ginseng and some other special plants in the mountains of the peninsula. When Du Fuwei was in Chang'an, he heard stories about the emperor's love for exotic flowers and plants, so he also became interested.

I had people get some and send them back. In fact, they were mainly medicinal materials. Because the mountains on the peninsula are the remnants of the Taihuang Mountains, the vegetation is almost the same as in Liaodong.

These things are not very unusual, almost all of them were copied from the royal city of Goguryeo.

Among the things Du Fuwei brought back, the most special ones were some living animals.

There were more than a dozen falcons, a group of hounds, a black bear, and some seafood, including fish and shrimps. They picked up the big ones, raised them in seawater, and sent them back all the way. No one knew how many of them would die.

Li Po nodded repeatedly after hearing this. Lao Du was really serious. So when he was on the peninsula, Du Fuwei thought of this. He couldn't blame him for living so richly in Jiangdu.

There is no comparison between this person and other people. There is no way. Some people are born with clever skills, which means that Du Fuwei has a special status. Otherwise, he would probably be a good hand in any official position, and his thoughts would be there.

Look at Fan Wenjin and Wang Ze, two pieces of wood, they came back empty-handed. They have been serving as ministers for such a long time. Don’t you know how to bring back some local specialties for the emperor to see?

Of course, even if Du Fuwei did this, he would definitely be the first to refuse to agree if it were anyone else. Do you know that it would waste people and money? What should others do if they imitate the same?

When you get to Lao Du's place, you can tolerate a little, and your thoughts will be different. You see, Lao Du won the battle, and when he came back, he still wanted to give gifts to the emperor. Two civil servants were full of knowledge, why were they so disrespectful?

Can you be a human being?

Li Po opened the small account book without hesitation and made a note for Fan Wenjin and Wang Ze.

In fact, Du Fuwei had been talking for a long time, and the so-called strange things were not very strange. In Li Po's eyes, there was nothing useful, so he could only follow Lao Du's wishes.

In fact, what worried Li Po the most about the peninsula was the mineral deposits on it. The fact that Goguryeo could develop so powerfully was inseparable from this.

Their forging skills are very advanced, because there should be some high-quality iron ore, copper, zinc and other mineral deposits on the island.

There is no shortage of these things in the Central Plains, but there are not too many, and with the mineral deposits, the Korean Protectorate can make their own armors and weapons, which is very convenient.

The harvest of the war in the East China Sea was here. Japan discovered Yinshan, which Li Po had expected. Japan produced silver and Tianzhu had gold. Even if he didn't pay much attention to it at that time, he had always heard about it.

Such rare metals could only be used as currency in this world and could not produce chemical products. But having said that, a large amount of gold and silver flowing into the Central Plains was a prerequisite for a prosperous age.

To allow these gold and silver to circulate, it would be best to gain the recognition of those foreign races. In this way, the influence of the Tang Dynasty would naturally increase day by day.

Currency wars have no difference in era, only in form.


It's a pity that the harvest can only be so much. The agriculture on the peninsula is very backward and there is nothing worthy of praise. The high-yield crops that Li Po wanted are still missing.

The seeds and other things that Du Fuwei brought back were all so-called exotic flowers and herbs in the mountains. They had nothing to do with agriculture, they just added some luster to the gardens of Chang'an.

And because the latitude of the peninsula is relatively high, the plants on the peninsula can indeed be grown in the northern part of the Central Plains, so there is nothing unusual about it.

Li Po accepted Du Fuwei's wishes with peace of mind. The royal treasury in the palace was now very wealthy, and its wealth increased rapidly.

As long as the country is prosperous, there will always be no need for the emperor. Otherwise, how can we maintain the life of a large family? The few things that Li Xiuning moved back are not enough now.

A meal that is enjoyed happily can be said to be a feast for both the host and the guest.

During the dinner, Du Fuwei also told Li Po that he must never listen to the father of the country and grant all the land south of the Zhu River to Silla. If that happened, wouldn't it become the second Goguryeo?

Moreover, Du Fuwei had been on the island for several years and felt that the folk customs there were not very good. It was not for anything else but that those people liked to brag and had soft bones.

The Tang people had only been on the island for a few days? Some literati on the island had already begun to look for their ancestors, as if they wanted to be related to the Tang people at any cost.

This made Du Fuwei very angry and he killed some people to calm down.

What else can I say about Dufu Wei Lingtou? He didn't understand any big principles, but he just felt that the people on the island were unreliable, so he advised the emperor not to trust the Silla people credulously, and that would be the end of it by giving them a little sweetness, but he could not let them

They got a big deal.

Compared with Li Jing's previous petition, look at the gap. It's no wonder that Li Jing stayed in Mayi for more than ten years without moving. Du Fuwei was just a little thief, but he became a prince in the war at the end of the Sui Dynasty.


This is not only due to luck, but also to vision, courage, etc.

Li Po did not say that he had plans for Silla. He knew that Du Fuwei was worried that the emperor would be seduced by beauty. Coupled with the persuasion of the abbot, Silla and the Tang people really became one ancestor.

He just asked Du Fuwei to write a statement and submit it after he went back. This was to be shown to his ministers and let them know that King Wu not only had great achievements, but also gained the emperor's trust. King Wu himself was also very concerned about state affairs.


In this way, no one will always think about cutting off Du Fuwei's head, and his ears will be quieter.

Moreover, Du Fuwei is still very useful. When he is sent out to lead troops later, the courtiers will not be as hesitant as last time.

He finally figured it out. It was a bad idea to always keep people in the capital. Even he himself was a little tired of staying in Chang'an all the time, let alone Du Fuwei, who was young, powerful and wild-minded.

Going out for a walk from time to time will have a certain regulating effect on people's psychology, and Du Fuwei will not think too much about it. Hello everyone, I am also good. In a few years, Lao Du will be old. You let him change his place.

He probably doesn't have the patience anymore.


"Should Your Highness leave the palace right now, or should you let your servants accompany you for a walk in the palace? Your Majesty has asked you to do whatever you want tonight. You can go wherever you want, Your Highness..."

Du Fuwei walked out of the Liangyi Palace in a hurry, and the eunuchs who accompanied him fawned over him.

Lao Du drank a lot of wine, but he had a good capacity for drinking and had been controlling himself not to overdrink the emperor, so he did not drink too much.

With a smile on his dark and red face, he was walking like a carriage in a very relaxed and happy mood. After meeting the emperor, there was nothing wrong with him.

Du Fuwei rolled his eyes and was in a good mood. He smiled and said with a relaxed smile: "Father-in-law, do you think I should go and pay homage to the Queen?"

To be honest, my father-in-law, since I came to Chang'an, I haven't paid any greetings or greetings to the Queen. It's just a convenience, why not..."

The deacon and eunuch of Liangyi Palace was also a figure in the palace, but after hearing these two words, his face suddenly turned pale, he waved his hands and said with a smile: "Your Highness, please don't joke with me, you should tell your majesty about this matter, this slave has such a small life."

If you are so humble, you should stop being like me."

Du Fuwei laughed loudly, but felt a little regretful in his heart. It was all because of drinking, and he was much more courageous than usual. Otherwise, why would he make fun of the Queen, who is still a eunuch...

Moreover, the empress is not easy to mess with. It is said that she often fights with the emperor, and she is also a heroine. If this word reaches the ears of the empress, he, Lao Du, will definitely be sad.

The emperor is not afraid, he knows what Lao Du is like...

Go home quickly, go home quickly. The Yin energy in the palace is very strong, which can easily lead people to talk nonsense. Only the Emperor's Yang energy can suppress it.

He did not forget to threaten the eunuch, "Just pretend I didn't say anything. If even the slightest rumor gets out, I will tear your head off."

The eunuch repeatedly promised that he would not say a word to anyone. After that, he never dared to talk to Du Fuwei again and sent old Du Li out of the palace.

When he came back, he told the emperor about the matter. The eunuch's words were really not accurate at all.

Li Po felt that Du Fuwei's tail was still a little raised, so he had to find an opportunity to make Lao Du sober up. Is your own mother-in-law something that you, Lao Du, can tease? She is really a traitor.

Du Fuwei was indeed arrogant. The meaning revealed by those two unintentional words he said was not very good, that is, Li Po, otherwise he would have to understand how many people had to die for these words.

No matter how many advantages Du Fuwei has, after all, he comes from a rough background, and his lack of understanding of language is fatal to him with his current status.

Many rebel leaders are like this, so most of them don't survive more than two episodes. This is the reason.


The day went by, and the joyous occasion came to an end. In addition to having more joyful conversation the next day, the excitement of yesterday was gone.

At the Chang'an Literary Conference, scholars wrote articles praising their virtues, and with the convenience of Chang'an, they soon spread to various counties and cities, letting the people there clearly know that the army to conquer Goguryeo was about to attack.

News from the teacher.

The territory of the Tang Dynasty also expanded a lot. Such great achievements would have been a story worth writing about in peacetime, but in the early Tang Dynasty, people would have been happy for a while.

Anyway, I heard a lot of rumors about the war in the East China Sea last year, so I am not so excited this year.

In addition, in the early Tang Dynasty, good news came frequently, which raised people's threshold a lot, and they took the victory of the East China Sea War for granted.

This also means that the self-confidence of the entire Tang Dynasty is rapidly building up, which is a good thing.


In the evening, when Li Po returned to the harem, he was greeted by a wave of congratulations.

When talking to Li Bi in the evening, Li Po asked her to prepare a gift to send to Du Fuwei. Li Bi felt that this was her husband's move to win over the hero, so she happily agreed.

She didn't know that Li Po had a crooked idea and wanted to scare Du Fuwei into being more honest and clamp his tail quickly, otherwise this kind of thing would definitely happen from time to time, and it would be a test of Lao Du's mental endurance.

This chapter has been completed!
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