Chapter 1704 Calculation

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The changes in the imperial examination in the seventh year of Yuanzhen are actually not small.

Not to mention that there were many more scholars coming to Beijing to take the exams. The liberal arts college where the last exams took place in Beijing was also expanded in the fifth year of Yuanzhen's reign, and several gardens were built around it. They wanted to make it more elegant and unique, but also to ensure tranquility.

The Wenyuan is next to the Imperial City. On the east side of the Imperial City, opposite to Buzhengfang, it is a relatively prosperous area. In the third year of Yuanzhen's reign, it was vacated and became the location of the Wenyuan.

After several years of construction, today's Literary Academy, with its deep woods and tranquility amid the bustle, is very different from what it was in the fourth year of Yuan Zhen's reign.

The candidate's house has also been built to be more spacious than before, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant outside. During the three days you live here, you will definitely be able to express your thoughts and make full use of your talents and learning.

Well, these are all jokes. The country's talent evaluation ceremony naturally needs to be better and better, otherwise it will be the dereliction of duty on the part of the officials.

And the exams will become more and more difficult...

As for the process, apart from the increasingly perfect and strict supervision and the addition of some subjects, there are no other major changes.

It's just that the imperial court had some spare power and decided to be more humane and give certain preferential treatment to those scholars who came to Beijing. For example, they could enter and enjoy the forbidden gardens around Chang'an at will.

When holding cultural conferences, as long as they do not delay their official duties, court officials can be invited to go and communicate with the scholars. The court will not control or object to this.

Scholars who want to study in the Imperial College, Chang'an Academy, or Maritime Academy can apply at will. As long as they meet the qualifications, they can enroll.

Those who are talented and have outstanding performance can even be actively invited by these places. This was the case during the last Beijing Examination, which can be regarded as opening up another shortcut for scholars to enter the officialdom.

Also, for those who are living in poverty, the imperial court will find you a place to stay for free, and provide you with all the food and drinks for free.

Of course, there are not many scholars taking the exam nowadays, and many of them come from wealthy families, so the court does not need to worry about their daily lives.

Their coming to Chang'an can also promote Chang'an's economic prosperity.

The disadvantage is that these people are related to some people in Beijing. When they come to Beijing to rush for the exam, they ask for favors and establish relationships, which can easily cause malpractice in the examination room.

It's just that in the past two years, there have been no accidents. After all, the emperor and the important officials in the court are watching carefully. Anyone who wants to lead a bad reputation must be careful about their wealth and life.


The officials of the Ministry of Rites were very excited when they left the Taiji Hall. The imperial examination, which is held every three years, will definitely become a grand event every three years if it continues like this.

How does a country's destiny come about? It is reflected in these major political affairs. Every administration can achieve good results and be recognized by the people of the world, and the national destiny will naturally come.

For the emperor, the imperial examination may be just one of the major events that need to be carefully considered, but for everyone in the Ministry of Rites, it is the most important thing.

When things are done well, the officials of the Ministry of Rites will do their best.

Although the Ministry of Rites is only under the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Household Affairs, it does not manage many practical matters and lacks some power. The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Punishment are both powerful departments of the state.

The reason why the Ministry of Rites ranks high is that the people of the Central Plains value etiquette and morality. People from the Ministry of Rites are indispensable to handle any matters involving the court.

The people in the Ministry of Rites can only get some hard work from it, and they will win if there are no mistakes. Moreover, there is Taichang Temple in the palace and Honglu Temple outside. These are all government offices that overlap with the powers and responsibilities of the Ministry of Rites.

The product of internal and external checks and balances.

Look at how Sinong Temple took all farming matters into its arms a while ago. Did Hubu say anything?

Officials in the Ministry of Rites also have concerns in this regard, but they are not as urgent as those in the Ministry of Husbandry.

From the moment the imperial court opened its doors to recruit scholars, the Ministry of Rites was in charge of the matter. If efforts were not made to get things done, the matter could be left to the Ministry of Personnel.

By that time, the Ministry of Rites will completely fall behind among the six departments...

This is the benefit of establishing a bureaucracy. They supervise each other and check and balance each other. There are many cooperations and connections in between.

It is the essence of the wisdom of intelligent and learned people since ancient times. Even more than a thousand years later, the bureaucratic structure of China cannot escape from this category.


Li Po had three small court meetings that day, and he was almost too tired to stick out his tongue.

Originally, he planned to call several prime ministers and quasi-prime ministers to the Liangyi Hall in the evening to discuss the alliance with the Turks while having dinner.

Of course, it is inevitable to talk about other political matters.

However, after the last Umrah meeting was held, and after Dou Dan, the minister of Sinong Temple, led the people out, Li Po leaned on his chair and exhaled, feeling deeply tired.

He stood up and punched his waist, sighing pretentiously in his heart, secretly thinking that he was getting old and his energy was not as strong as before. Sitting here talking, his mouth was dry and he was very tired. Fortunately, his hair was still there, like Li Gang

He was already semi-bald.

It's just that people nowadays have more unique hairstyles and can cover them up a bit, otherwise it would be really unsightly.

Dou Dan still has some abilities, but he is too careful when presiding over government affairs. He comes to ask for instructions every three days, which makes him a little annoyed. Do you want to rely on him to suppress Su Dan?

However, it is understandable that the powers of Sinong Temple have been greatly expanded recently, which naturally caused dissatisfaction from the Ministry of Household Affairs. Su Yuanzai, as an old man from Yunnei, was not something Dou Guangda could contend with head-on.

Li Po didn't care about the strife between his ministers, as long as it didn't go too far, he always thought it was a good thing. Otherwise, how could the emperor hold on to the imperial power?

Because the weaker party in the struggle will definitely find ways to get closer to the emperor. This is a necessary means to stabilize the imperial power. The ministers should all be harmonious, and it is he, the emperor, who should worry.

Thinking of Su Dan, Li Po thought about this official fan. He heard that he was seeking the position of Minister Youpushe. With Su Yuanzai's merits, he must be qualified enough.

It's just that Li Po felt that Su Yuanzai was a bit proud of Shu. The Minister of Hubu was known as the Minister of Planning, and it was the most special department among the six.

If you are promoted to Minister Youpushe, you have to step down from the position of Minister of Household Affairs. Li Po would not allow anyone to hold multiple posts like the former Sui Dynasty, because he felt that manpower was sometimes poor and had to hold multiple posts.

Even if a person is extremely talented, if he has so many responsibilities, there will always be areas that he cannot take care of.

Duan Wenzhen, the Minister of War at that time, died on the way to conquer Liaodong. It was obvious that he died of exhaustion.

At that time, Duan Wenzhen was the general of Zuohouwei. He served as the chief minister of the Ministry of War, the inspector of the Honglu Temple, the palace supervisor of Jiangdu, and the general manager of the march of the Northern Expedition, coordinating the affairs of all departments of the army.

Since Daye 6, Duan Wenzhen has been busy attacking Goguryeo. In Daye 7, a million troops gathered in Hebei and waited there for a year.

Duan Wenzhen had to coordinate and manage everything from top to bottom, as well as the formulation of strategies to attack Goguryeo. No matter how talented he was, he couldn't be used like this, right?

The same was true for Yu Wenshu later, who held multiple positions. While constantly taking the blame for Emperor Yang Guang, he also built ships for Yang Guang's third tour of Jiangdu.

Both he and Duan Wenzhen were generals with outstanding military exploits, and they were both representatives of generals and prime ministers, but in the end they both died of exhaustion in their posts.

Later, Wei Xuan, Fan Zigai and others were no different, and they all died of illness one after another.

So it can be seen that Yang Guang can use people, and the people he uses are not bad, but he doesn't know how to use people, so he has used so many good generals.

So many good ministers were turned into traitors by him. This was a standard example of an emperor being careless, which affected his ministers and caused so many famous ministers and generals to end up with a discredited reputation.

This does not include Gao Jiong, He Ruobi and others who were killed at the beginning of the great cause, and Yang Su who died of illness...


The shortcomings of the former Sui Dynasty were shocking. Even if Li Po trusted Su Quan very much, he would not make an exception for him. Once Su Quan was promoted to Shangshu Youpushe, he would definitely relinquish his post as Minister of Household Affairs.

That must be a foolish move to choose sesame seeds over watermelons. Su family is good at martial arts and arithmetic, so he will be very successful in the position of Minister of Household Affairs.

Su Yuanzai was fine when he was young, but now he has become an official fanatic like his grandfather. He thinks about promotion all day long, so Li Po felt that he should have a good talk with Su Yuanzai.

Alas, the emperor is really worried about his position. If you, Su Yuanzai, dare to take your good intentions for granted, I will definitely let you know why the flowers are so red.

In fact, Li Po knew that Su Dan saw other people getting promoted one after another, and some people climbed directly on top of him, making him extremely envious and jealous.

You must know that when he was in Jinyang, the three important ministers around Li Po were Chen Xiaoyi, Wen Yanbo and Su Dan.

Now that Chen Xiaoyi has retired and is retiring in Jinyang, Su Dan will naturally not be jealous of him, but Wen Yanbo is already Shangshu Zuopushe, a serious prime minister.

Su Dan was still convinced by Wen Yanbo, but why should Xiao Yu? There were also Feng Deyi, Fan Wenjin, and then reluctantly Wang Ze, Li Gang, Yun Dingxing, Yang Gongren and others, who were now in the court alongside him.

Do these people have more merit than him?

Is it better than his talent? So the more I thought about it, the more depressed I became.

He didn't dare to speak ill of the emperor, so he tried to get promoted by himself, without thinking about how his grandfather fell into the trap during the Sui Dynasty.

Thinking of Su Dan, Li Po was not in a good mood. It was a routine operation to place cronies in the household department, and he would contact Wen Yanbo from time to time. Almost all the old officials in Jinyang knew that Su Yuanzai liked to make friends.

When they went to ask for help, they agreed very happily. Then you really have officials below the fifth rank for you to choose from.

If Su Quan had not performed his duties as the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, Li Po would have suffered a lot for him. After so many years, Li Po could have seen the Su family's family tradition of martial arts.

All of them are five to six people, and they look polite, but in fact they have a lot of calculations in their hearts. They are worthy of being well-educated. If you are fooled by their appearance, you must have been sold by them and you still helped them.

Counting money.

From Su Dan to Su Shichang, everything is a fucking virtue...

This chapter has been completed!
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