Chapter 188 Besieged

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In his spare time, the two chief officers of the Heng'an Town Army had a more in-depth exchange of views in the Bamianglou. Afterwards, Li Po had a bruised eye and his cheek was a little swollen.

Heng'an Town General Li Bi looked fine, but she was the only one who knew the discomfort all over her body.

Don't get it wrong, the male and female had another fight, which really tightened their nerves and relaxed them.

The two of them might have been tired from playing, so they hugged each other and took a nap.

This can be regarded as the most intimate contact between two people.

Afterwards, the two people finally calmed down and decided on some strategies. They talked about whether they could complete it, but they both understood that once the Turks came, they would really have to fight hard.

As the saying goes, war years cannot tolerate too much love between children.

Next, there are still many, many things waiting for them, and they must not have as big a heart and leisurely elegance as Sui Emperor Yang Guang.

They were all afraid that the Turks would take advantage of the lack of careful consideration.

Next, various drills for defending the city have become a must-have military training program for Heng'an Town. Teams of Heng'an Town soldiers walked up to the city wall and tossed back and forth.

Wang Qing led Xu Zhao and others to cut down all the woods outside the city, and the craftsmen were working hard to make various weapons to defend the city.

Then, Li Bi ordered Li Wu to lead people, and asked the magistrate of Yunnei County to visit the rich households in the city door to door, coercion and inducement, in addition to asking them to donate some food and grass, and hand over all their adult servants to the Heng'an Town Army.


We must also ensure that once the Turks come, no one will dare to risk their lives to open the city gate for the Turks.

The cavalry of Heng'an Town is the sharpest offensive weapon of the Heng'an Town army. They are commanded by Li Bi and Li Po respectively.

The two finally separated. Li Po stayed at Bamian Tower, while Li Bi went to the south.

In fact, this time there was a big deviation from Li Po's expectation.

In May, there was not much movement from the Turks, but news came from Mayi.

Li Yuan, Duke of Tang Dynasty, became the pacifying ambassador to Hedong. He led troops into the Jin region and defeated the Wu Duan'er rebels at Longmen. This was a good start, and it also opened up the road from Jin to Guanxi.

In this way, as long as this comforting ambassador is here, the Jin region will not fall into anarchy. It is very likely that next year, frontier fortresses like Mayi will receive support such as food and soldiers.

As for this year, let's take a break. Ambassador Li hasn't gone to Jinyang yet.

However, I have to say that some people cannot tell it at ordinary times, but at a critical moment, they are just unreliable.

For example, Wang Que, the prefect of Yanmen, heard that Ambassador Li had arrived in Hedong. He immediately left his official duties and ran to Jinyang to prepare for Ambassador Li's arrival.

This was undoubtedly scared away, and many people began to send people to the Turks. As for what they were doing, is there any need to guess?

Li Yuan led the soldiers he gathered from the northwest and walked very slowly, and later stopped. It is said that he wanted to go to the party to eliminate the bandits.

It can be seen that people are not stupid.

But there are stupid people. Emperor Yang Guang felt uncomfortable staying in Chang'an. At this time, he missed Luoyang, the eastern capital, because there were not so many people with ulterior motives and no military power there, which was frightening.

Kansai clan.

So the emperor set off in a hurry again and went to Luoyang.

When he arrived in Luoyang, he didn't stop, so he ordered Yu Wenshu, Pei Ju and others to build dragon boats again. The ones he rode on before were either old or burned by Yang Xuangan.

At this time, his original intention of building the dragon boat was probably to go to Jiangdu, where he felt safe. After all, that was where he started.

The big and powerful families in the south of the Yangtze River had all interacted with him at that time and spoke highly of the king of Jin at that time, because it was he who preserved many Buddhist temples in the south of the Yangtze River when Emperor Wen ordered the abandonment of Buddhist temples and advocated civil rule.

Taoist temple.

However, that was many years ago. Now in Jiangnan, with the same wars and wars raging, it is hard to say whether he, a Buddhist disciple who has committed many injustices, will be welcomed.

The last breath of the Sui Dynasty was still lingering, and Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty simply cut it off.

Maybe it's because I was the king of Jin back then, but I haven't visited Jin yet. Maybe it's because I have been to the Western Regions and seen the customs of the Western Regions. I went to Liaodong and saw the wind and snow in Liaodong.

In Jiangnan, I saw misty rain.

He hasn't traveled to Jin yet. Isn't it a regret in his life?

Of course, it may also be that the Turkic First Bi Khan did not pay tribute this year, and there was news that the Turks wanted to rebel, which made him feel that it was time for him, the military god, to appear again.

Therefore, Emperor Yang Guang set out from Dongdu in June and issued an edict to patrol the north.

This time, the momentum could not be compared with that of the Northern Patrol to Yulin. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of troops, not even 100,000, only a pitiful tens of thousands of people followed him from Dongdu.

The emperor had done many things to seek death, but this time was the most serious one.

Not only was he prepared to wait for the tiger himself when the war was imminent, but he was also afraid that the tiger would not know that he was coming, so he sent a message to the Turkic Shibi Khan and asked him to come to Jin to worship, just like his father Qimin Khan did

Like that.

The imperial edict took the post road and passed through Yunneicheng.

Seeing the envoy, the two chief officers of the Heng'an Town Army had different moods.

Li Bi was startled, and then she felt that the emperor must have gone crazy and was afraid that the Turks would be slow to move south, so he came up with such an idea to remind others.

Li Po was happy. Yes, if he didn't remind him, he would have forgotten it. It should... seem to have happened.

This is really great. With the emperor as bait, the Turks can't help but chase the emperor like crazy? The pressure on Yunnei's side must have been greatly reduced.

This envoy, who was born in a powerful family in Luoyang, looked like he was mourning for his heir. Well, it would be an exaggeration to say that he was ready to die. It was unknown who he had offended to be assigned such an unfortunate mission.

However, what is surprising is that not long after, the envoy and his retinue returned to Yunnei completely, and ran away with a certain fate.

Li Po took the time to ask, and found out that the Turkic Khan seemed to be quite gentle and did not make things difficult for them. Although there were many people in the Turkic Khan's account, it seemed that he wanted to eat them, but he still came back alive.

As for what Shibi Khan said, only Zhengzhi knew clearly, and it was to be repaid to the emperor.

Li Po took a guess. It didn't take a very smart mind for Li Po to understand that such a big surprise was given to him. If it were him, he should be afraid of scaring away such a fat prey, right?

Isn't it right to restrain the murderous aura a little bit?

But obviously, Sui Emperor Yang Guang has now fallen into a strange state, and his IQ may have been exhausted by years of innovation.

So, he was angry, and Shibi Khan told him that he was too busy and would not come to see you this year. When you come again next year, I will wait for you with my troops.

This kind of soft yet hard, hard yet thorny words made Yang Guang intolerable.

So, he crossed the river in July and entered the northern part of Yanmen in August. His entourage also expanded to tens of thousands of people. He obviously wanted to be more serious with Shibi Khan. I am coming this year. What can you do?


When Shibi Khan heard that Emperor Sui had really come, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and wished he could shout, "God help me."

Immediately, he led nearly 300,000 horses who had gathered in Yunzhong Grassland and swarmed south.

There is no doubt that this is a powerful blow.

You must know that although the Turkic Khanate always claimed to have millions of soldiers in armor, in fact, when they were at their most powerful, they never used more than 300,000 troops at a time.

There are many reasons for this. One is that the territory of the Turks is too large, stretching from east to west and from north to south. It is very difficult to gather too many people for a war.

Secondly, the form of tribal alliance also made it impossible for them to work together, and some tribes were simply unwilling to send troops to serve the Khan.

Thirdly, the internal struggles of the Turks have never subsided. Whether it is the Khan or the leaders of each department, when they can use five points of strength, they will never use six points. They must always keep their family assets to guard against those who stabbed them in the back.

Knife guy.

Being able to gather nearly 300,000 soldiers and horses in half a year is a sign that the Turks are getting stronger and stronger. It also means that Shibi Khan was almost mad by Sui Emperor Yang Guang, so he gathered such a large army.

Prepare to move south in a big way.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the Sui people were in civil strife and wanted to take advantage of the situation.

Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty was lucky because he had a good sister, now Turk Ketun. The Great Sui Dynasty and Princess Yicheng, who was pro-Turkish, sent a message to Yang Guang in advance. After that, Khan had already led his troops south and asked him to

Return south quickly.

In fact, without Princess Yicheng's message, as the journey northward gradually extended, the ministers around Yang Guang began to feel desperate, and all kinds of words of advice came.

This made Yang Guang's journey much slower than he expected, and he did not enter the Mayi territory.

In fact, according to the idea of ​​this already slightly crazy emperor, he was going to Yunzhong Grassland to meet the treacherous Shibi Khan, and with his unique personality charm, he would persuade and allow Shibi Khan to continue to be his minister.

But... how could you do this? I came to talk to you, and you actually wanted to send troops to capture me and take me back. It's so cruel of you.

So, as soon as the news from Princess Yicheng arrived, the ministers without saying a word, hugged the emperor and rushed towards Yanmen.

Because at this time, the Turkic army had already crossed the Great Wall and was rushing south quickly. No need to ask, the target was the emperor's northern patrol car.

As a result, another emperor appeared in the North who was besieged by the Beihu army.

In August of the eleventh year of Daye, Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty was besieged at Yanmen.

Also besieged were Yunnei, Shenwu, Mayi and other northern cities.

What made the situation even more serious was that Li Jing, the Prime Minister of Mayi County, responded to the emperor's request from Dao Zuo, and together with some of Mayi's subordinate officers and generals, followed the emperor to Yanmen City. The entire Mayi army was leaderless and in danger.

Wang Que, the prefect of Yanmen County, was unlucky to be one of the entourage in Jinyang and was brought back to Yanmen.


This chapter has been completed!
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