Chapter 190 Tragedy

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This battle is the first battle in Heng'an Town, and there is no room for failure. Lewen Novels |

Both Li Bi and Li Po understood this. The origins of the Heng'an town army were very complicated. Once they failed in the first battle and faced a large Turkic army, it was difficult to say what the consequences would be.

Today's northern men are actually not much different from the northern grassland people. They believe in the strong, despise the weak, and are not willing to stand on the losing side.

In other words, their loyalty cannot withstand severe tests. Unless you lead them to victory one after another, they will shed their blood for you without any regrets.

Yes, let’s give it a rest as soon as possible about national justice. A large number of them can’t even tell whether their ancestors are Hu people or Han people. It’s sheer nonsense for you to talk about national justice with them.

This is a relatively special time period. The Sui people have indeed developed their own sense of belonging, but the time is still too short and the sense of belonging is not strong. This can be clearly seen from the fact that the heroes of the North have surrendered to the Turks. .

Therefore, only victory, only sufficient food and fodder, and only showing momentum are good ways to unite the morale of the army.

In other words, in this era, it is impossible to build an army with a sense of nationality as its soul, whether it is the Sui Dynasty or the Turks.

Neither Li Po nor Li Bi would think so much or think so far.

They just know that this battle must be fought well.

Over the past year or so, they have put in a lot of efforts to gradually shape the Heng'an town army, and gradually gained the recognition and trust of the generals and soldiers.

But this is not enough. They still lack the last condition, which is to use the blood of their enemies and countless corpses to build their glory, so that they can completely control this increasingly large army.

Therefore, they have been preparing for this battle for a long time. If the enemy comes in force, they are ready to lead their troops and fight hard.

If the enemy comes not too many, but definitely not too many. In fact, that is the worst situation. The enemy may not attack the city violently. They may not be able to do anything but continue to confront the enemy.

If there are few people coming...that would be ideal, and it means the enemy is underestimating the enemy.


On the fourth night when the Turks arrived outside Yunnei City, several arrows with letters tied to them shot into the Turks' camp from the darkness.

Inside the largest felt tent, lights flickered.

The young and strong Jisi was competing with a leg of mutton. His big, greasy hands seemed to have grabbed the enemy's neck, gripping the bone stick tightly, and his hard teeth kept scratching the bone stick. There was a crisp squeaking sound.

This is a Turkic person, but his slender eyes and flat facial contour are different from the Turkic people with high eyebrows and deep eyes.

Well, he is a Tiele person. Just like after the Xianbei people entered the Central Plains, their descendants liked to regard themselves as Han people. It can be said that the Tiele people and the Turks are indistinguishable from each other now.

Jisi is the younger brother of the leader of the Tie Le Pugu Tribe. This time he followed Shibi Khan southward and led his army to Yunnei City.

The more than 20,000 troops he led were all Tiele warriors.

Just like Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty did not trust the nobles of Guanxi, Shibi Khan was also wary of the Tiele tribes, especially the large Tiele tribes like the Pugu tribe.

As a result, the name of bravery spread across both sides of the Tula River, and even the cool water of the Tula River sang about his bravery. The Pugu tribe royal family, Pugu Jisi, could only lead the Tiele warriors under his command.

It became an insignificant side force.

The fortified city of the Sui people was very tall. After seeing the city, Jisi quickly realized that unless the warriors had wings, they would not be able to climb up.

This made him, who was already very angry, even more angry. Otherwise, he would not be gnawing on the leg of mutton in such a night. He imagined that it was the meat of a cowardly Sui man.

At this time, he had begun to imagine how to deal with the Sui people after they invaded the city. Should he drag the enemies to death behind the tail of a horse like before, or directly chop off their heads? Or, he could use boiling water.

How about boiling some to death?

But just when he was intoxicated in the imaginary scene of killing, his loyal guard sneaked in quietly.

Like him, the guard had a mysterious smile on his face, which was roughened by the cold wind on the grassland.

"General, what they said is right. The Sui people are not united. Some people want to open the city gate and welcome us in."

Jisi was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly he was overjoyed. He threw the sheep bones far away and kept rubbing his hands on his chest, "Oh? My brother, you really brought me good news. You have been here all the time."

If I stay here, I'm afraid my knife will get rusty."

The guard bared his white teeth and beat his chest, "Under your light, the Sui people can only hide like mice. Tomorrow, the warriors will follow you to dig them out."

Ji Si laughed out loud, turned around and asked, "What did they say?"

"They brought news with arrows, saying that early in the morning, as soon as it gets dark, the city gate will be opened for us..."

Jisi stroked his hard stubble. When he was excited, he looked like a lion, but when he calmed down, he became a qualified commander.

He patrolled the tent twice like a wild beast, "We all say that we cannot listen to the words of cowardly people, let alone enemies... Everything those white boys told us has a fishy smell...

…Ask Karan and the others to come over, I want to discuss it with them.”

The so-called Bai Xiaozi is a contemptuous name given to the main Turks by the Tiele people. At this time, it can also be used for the Sui people.

They became strong because of the Turks, but they also declined because of the Turks. Therefore, although the Tiele tribes are the most important part of the Turkic tribes, their struggle against the rule of the Turks has never stopped.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night for the Tiele people.

The next day, before daybreak, the Tiele warriors, wearing tattered leather robes and exuding a wild atmosphere, had already mounted their horses at the urging of their leaders, and quietly left in groups.


They are all good warriors, but they are not very good at conspiracy. The straight-forward nature of the grassland war suits their character. When they came to the Sui Dynasty and faced the cunning Sui people, they were naturally at a strategic and tactical disadvantage.

Tiele's generals discussed it all night, but actually they didn't come up with anything. They just felt that it was a bit dangerous to enter the Sui city so easily.

So, they also made simple responses.

In the dark night before dawn, it was quiet, and the voices of Tiele warriors could be heard from time to time. Indeed, a more sophisticated strategy was really a bit too high for these rough Tiele warriors.

The sky was gradually getting brighter, and just when Tiele generals were getting impatient and curses could be heard from below, the tall and heavy door slowly opened with a heart-wrenching creaking sound.

More than a dozen people struggled to push the city gate, and the noose was also clattering. From the gradually opened city gate, a few people poked their heads out and kept waving to the Tiele people who had been waiting for a long time.

Jisi stared at everything in front of him, feeling that it was not very real, but he had to believe that the city gate just opened in front of the Tiele warriors.

He gradually became excited, but he still followed what he had discussed with the generals before. He waved his hand, and the soldiers in the front row, who could no longer restrain themselves, immediately urged their horses and rushed toward the city gate.

The dense sound of horse hooves finally sounded, which also symbolized the beginning of the offensive and defensive battle of Yunnei City.

Someone was screaming on the top of the city, and the sound of clashing weapons and screams suddenly rang out, followed by the sound of a low horn, whining in all directions.

That was definitely not the attack horn of the Tiele people, but a warning from the Sui people.

The Sui people who opened the city gate turned around and ran away, as if they were going to help their companions. Gradually more and more people appeared on the city wall, shouting in panic and running back and forth. Ji Si finally believed that this big Sui city was really...

Opened his arms to himself.

But he still did not give the order and the whole army moved forward.

A thousand Tiele warriors are enough to guard the open city gate, so there is no need to be too anxious.

A thousand warriors could indeed guard the city gate, but the lesson was so profound that they deliberated all night and even forgot to discuss how narrow the seemingly wide gate was.

Because the tribes on the grassland never had such a thing as a city gate, the last time the Tiele warriors rushed into the city, well, it can almost be traced back to their ancestors, the Huns.

Of course, this is a joke. They have also participated in some wars to seize control of the Western Regions. However, the Turks split, which meant that the Tiele people split. The warriors of the Servant tribe under the rule of the Turks Royal Court saw a city.

The opportunities are few and far between.

Moreover, they lack the spirit of humility.

Then, tragedy happened. The high-speed war horses rushed towards the wide-open city gate, and with a bang... some rushed in, and some were squeezed out of the city gate and directly hit the city wall.

Li Bi, who was standing on a building with a wide view, stared dumbly at the crazy suicidal behavior of the Turks. He felt that what Li Po said was true. The Turks didn't seem to be very smart.

This is undoubtedly like someone suddenly farting in a very serious situation, which is very loud and smelly, full of embarrassing comedy effects.

Of course, on the battlefield, it would be a disaster.

The Tiele warriors, for the first time without encountering an enemy, were thrown on their backs. The sounds of broken bones of men and horses came and went, mixed with people's exclamations and screams, just like a series of car accidents later.

The enemy's self-mutilation behavior caused obvious deviations in the script. Fortunately, Li Bi was not a stickler for rules. He waved his hand, and a group of cavalry with crooked armor ran from the street to greet the people entering the city.



This chapter has been completed!
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