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Chapter 1792 Brother and Sister

Li Po smiled happily, stroking his hands, feeling a bit like a young girl growing up in my family.

In fact, Li Chun's temperament is not impetuous, but he is too energetic and always gives people the impression that he cannot calm down. In addition, he is a woman, which is even more inconsistent with the value orientation of the world.

In fact, Li Po never worried that the girl would do anything harmful to the world like those nobles. He was just worried that the girl would run out without saying a word and wander around the world for you.

It's not like she's never done this before.

Moreover, when she was young, Yan Lu often told her that she would take her out to see the world and meet swordsmen from the south, which made her yearn for the chivalrous behavior of swordsmen in the world and hoeing the strong and supporting the weak.

In fact, the folk knights just have the word "xia" in their names, and they mostly refer to those urban foxes and social rats who do nothing to produce and spend all day doing nothing.

In addition, most of the people with military powers were not good people. In the chaotic times of the late Sui Dynasty, these people were often the ones who killed people indiscriminately and massacred innocent people.

In the princes' tents, such characters are indispensable as villains. Like the chivalrous knights who despise life and death but attach great importance to promises and kill powerful people, such as butchering pigs and dogs, they are all products of artistic processing.

I can’t say it doesn’t exist, but I can say it’s rare in the world.

Who do you think has nothing to do but is willing to walk outside the law with a murder weapon?

Therefore, it is said that people in the world have learned martial arts, goods and the emperor's family. Once they have the ability, the first choice is to join the government or join the army. How can they do the loss-making business of drawing a sword to help when there is nothing wrong?


Because Li Chun is a swordsman, it can be said that she has a chivalrous spirit in her body, but then again, she is not the kind of person who has a strong sense of justice and is willing to do justice to others anytime and anywhere.

It's similar to those other people. They are armed with force and always want to use it to show off their abilities.

Under Li Po's words and deeds, he didn't have much sense of justice, but he definitely couldn't do anything evil. Now he can still remember his origins and know that he remembers the hardships and remembers the sweets. Li Po is naturally very happy.

I feel that although the girl is over thirty, it is a bit ridiculous to be so lively, but she understands everything she should know. What does this mean? It means that there is no big problem with her education method.

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"It's up to you to make the decision about the son you give birth to. When he grows up, I'll just give him a nickname."

The brother and sister looked at each other and smiled happily. In just a few words, they gave the child a name, and the cousin's name was also expected. However, Xu Shiji, as a father, was no longer in trouble.

Xu Shiji didn't quite understand what happened. He just felt that they were going a little too far, but he didn't dare to say anything.

However, Li Po did not forget him. He turned to look at him and said, "You are the father of the child. Do you have anything to say? Do you think the name Xu Qing is okay?"

What can Xu Shiji say? What can he dare to say?

He said two good words in a row, and seeing his wife's happy look, a sincere smile slowly appeared on his face.

Li Po ignored this idiot and once again confirmed that his sister was fine, and asked if there was anything missing in the house. If not, he would go to the palace treasury to pay for it.

There is an air of saying that the whole world belongs to our family and we cannot treat ourselves lightly.

Li Chun said that he had been using the sword for several years. If he wanted to get a good one, he didn't need any ancient swords or anything like that. He just wanted the craftsman to make a weapon that was convenient for him.

Li Po touched his beard and glanced at Xu Shiji. Xu Shiji understood it clearly. Why did the emperor need to intervene in this matter? He immediately tried to persuade her. When she could leave the house, everything would be easy to say.

In fact, both men understood that this was a act of coquettishness towards their brother. Otherwise, as the eldest princess, what good things would she not be able to get?


After talking for a while, Li Po looked at Xu Shiji and said: "I have formed an alliance with the Turkic Khan. We will send troops to Gaochang next year. You must be familiar with military books and strategies. The teacher is also returning to the court. This winter, you and the teacher will go to Gaochang."

Together with the Ministry of War, we will formulate a strategy for dispatching troops."

Xu Shiji's heart beat a beat faster, but when he heard the last word, his heart returned to his stomach.

"Gaochang and Qiuci are both adjacent to the Tang Dynasty, why only Gaochang?"

Li Po smiled and said nothing. He just picked up the tea bowl and took a few sips.

Xu Shiji pondered for a moment and suddenly said: "I made a mistake in asking the question. In the internal conflict among the Turks, we have to wait and see the situation before we can make a decision."

Li Po put down his tea bowl, nodded and said: "That's the reason. Turks have been divided into eastern and western parts for decades. They have been like two countries for a long time. We are not trying to stop the fight. It is not appropriate to get involved too deeply at this time.

Most of the emperors and ministers of Gaochang are descendants of the Han family, so there is no need to go to war. However, Qiuci is different. There are many people and it is in the Gobi desert. It is useless to take advantage of it. On the contrary..."

Xu Shiji said with a smile: "On the contrary, they are approaching the foothills of the Tianshan Mountains, which makes the Turks unable to free their hands and feet. Your Majesty is wise and can be said to have strategized and won the battle thousands of miles away."

This flattery was so comfortable that Li Po couldn't help laughing.

When it came to the war, the two actually had a lot in common. Seeing how happy they talked, Li Chun was very pleased and sent someone to prepare lunch.


Speaking of military affairs, Xu Shiji was different. He seemed to be energetic. His achievements may not be comparable to others, but his ability to lead troops is undoubtedly the most outstanding among the generals.

If he hadn't married the eldest princess Li Chun, he would definitely have had a place in the East China Sea War.

In the early Tang Dynasty, Xu Maogong must have been indispensable for various military operations to expand territory.

Therefore, if you take advantage of most, you have to pay the price. In the past two years, he has missed many opportunities to build his career.

When the generals talked about Xu Shiji behind his back, they would always say jokingly, "Prince-in-law, you have few military achievements. No matter how noble your status is, you will not get the sincere respect of others."

At this time, he said: "The matter of sending troops to the Western Regions, I think it depends on His Majesty's wishes."

Li Po raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? How do you say this?"

Xu Shiji was not in a hurry, he had already entered the state, and he was completely different from before. He calmly poured a cup of tea for the emperor, "Your Majesty has made an alliance with the Turks and promised to only take Gaochang.

It should be to let the Turks feel at ease to send troops. The Tang Dynasty had no plans for the Western Regions.

It is easy to grasp the balance between this. We only need to send thousands of troops and cavalry to defeat the small country of Gaochang and only backhand. This not only abides by the covenant with the Turks, but also does not require much effort.

The time set for dispatching troops next year is very good. This year there will definitely be a war between East and West Turks, it just depends on the outcome.

It's just that I don't know that Your Majesty... really believes in the promise of the Turks so much? In my opinion, this is the time to restore the Western Region..."

Generals are like this. With their achievements in front of them, they have no reason not to seize them. As for what the future will be like... let's talk about the victory. How can we still see the merits of opening up territories and expand our territory but not seize them?

After hearing this, Li Po really wanted him to pound the herbs and heal his brain first.

Xu Shiji secretly glanced at the emperor's face, showing no expression of appreciation, so he smiled to himself and said, "Alas, it is really not appropriate to start a war with the Turks now. It's my minister Meng Lang."

Li Po snorted, "It's good that you know, the country is exhausted, and life has just passed a little bit... You leaders, you can't always think about making achievements, you also have to think about the people of the world, right?"

Speaking of this, Li Po remembered that the guy in front of him was a living bandit who had sprung out of the bandits' den in Henan. To tell him to cherish the people was to play the harp to a cow, so he couldn't help but give him a fierce look.

Xu Shiji lowered his head and listened to the instruction, but he was also beeping in his heart. I just said that I wanted to see what you wanted. Why did you fall out with me even as you said it?

Li Poze continued: "Qingqi takes Gaochang and sets up troops in Zhangye. This should be a feasible strategy. Let's discuss it based on this.

Then you have to prepare grain and grass in Liangzhou this year, and you, Zuowu Houwei, will take care of it. The grain harvested during the Mid-Autumn Festival in Sichuan does not need to be transported to Chang'an. It should be sent to Liangzhou. It should be enough. You can do these things.

Just discuss it with Su Yuanzai.

Auntie doesn’t need you to accompany her at home all the time. You keep wandering around in front of her, so be careful if she gets upset and stabs you with a sword."

With errands to do, Xu Shiji was in high spirits. When his uncle said this again at the end, his heart trembled twice as usual. He smiled bitterly and said: "Your Majesty knows her, so I am staying at home with her."

After having her for a few days, she is already a little impatient."

Li Po sneered, "She is married to a hero, not a loser who stays at home and raises children. Please cheer me up. She has only been in the capital for a long time, and she looks lazy. She even went to get some herbs."

Be your great general and don't forget your ambitions. The Western Regions cannot stop the Tang Dynasty's cavalry. You are still so young and you will have the opportunity to lead the army again."

Xu Shiji was overjoyed and beat his chest hard, "Your Majesty, don't worry. I will definitely live up to your Majesty's expectations and lead the troops with peace of mind... with the people in mind."

Li Po laughed.

Li Chun, who had been accompanying them all the time, was not happy anymore, "Let's just talk about business, why does it involve me? He, brother, even if he wants to die, he can't stay at home anyway, but

It's not that I dislike him for being hopeless.

How many days have you been at home? The whole day has made you smell of herbs. When I asked him what he was going to do, he said that he had nothing to do anyway, so why not find something to do and just entertain himself.

Humph, when I wanted to stretch my muscles and have some fun, he disappeared. It seems he was really afraid that I would stab him with my sword."

Xu Shiji laughed and said, "My aunt is very skilled. I am just a scholar. Who is your opponent? Wouldn't it be bad if you find me?"

Li Chun glared at her with disdain, just like her husband.

Next to him, Li Po watched his sister and her husband flirting and eating a mouthful of dog food. He felt very uncomfortable. He opened his mouth to try to provoke the relationship between husband and wife, which always gave Xu Shiji a few solid blows.

But I still held back in the end. As an elder brother, you can't be so out of tune, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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