Chapter 1798 Northeast

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It is indeed not that easy to make the nobles pay taxes, and it is extremely easy to repeat. After all, the ruling class is a group of nobles, and they are both referees and players. It is always half the result with half the effort.

Whether it is the current aristocracy or the elite, the truth is actually the same. If it harms their interests, they will either suffer backlash or have their policies deformed.

The test for a governor is not only the various methods, but also the need to grasp the appropriateness and find a path that can be accepted by most nobles.

This actually had little impact on the policy policies of the early Tang Dynasty. The issue of land annexation did not need to be considered at all. As society became more and more stable, the wealth of the nobles increased rapidly.

The struggle between the old and new aristocratic classes has largely ended, and under the strong rule of the founding monarch, all conflicts have been suppressed.

In general, everyone's life has improved visibly, and various military victories have inspired people in the country.

One result is that the resistance to the nobility's taxation is no longer as great as before, and the new nobility can accept this level of taxation.

Most of the old aristocratic Japanese class declined during the transition from the old to the new, so the external manifestation was that the voices in the government and the government discussing the tax system gradually became quieter.

By the seventh year of Yuanzhen, the aristocratic class of the Tang Dynasty gradually became accustomed to paying taxes regularly. Those who could not survive and fell into bankruptcy were mostly caused by poor management.

The emerging aristocratic group is content. Most of their families are not large and their land holdings are not that large, so there are no conflicts of interest.

For them, after getting the life they want, paying taxes to the government will not affect their status and increasingly better quality of life.

The emerging aristocratic group has just taken shape, and has no strong desire to squeeze other classes to ensure its own interests, nor does it have such a realistic environment.

Therefore, it is easy to understand that the land tax in the Tang Dynasty has increased to a higher level every year in recent years. This is actually the best welfare for a period of time at the beginning of the founding of the country.

With the new dynasty and the new atmosphere, everyone's tolerance threshold is relatively high, and they can try any policy with the same accuracy.


Datang's infrastructure project construction has been going on for two years. The scale of the project is not large, and it cannot build large projects. It can only be regarded as tinkering.

The precious wealth left over from the former Sui Dynasty was inherited by the Tang Dynasty, mainly the Chidao extending in all directions and various water conservancy projects, which were almost completed, and the Tang Dynasty did not open another small map.

The post system was restored in the seventh year of Yuanzhen's reign, and it is estimated that it will be almost completed in the eighth year of Yuanzhen's reign.

At the end of this year, Li Po planned to ask his ministers to discuss and start building two new roads next year, one from Chang'an Wannian County to Shuofang.

One is the Chi Road from Liangzhou to Zhangye.

The road from Chang'an to Liangzhou was left by the Qin and Han Dynasties and was expanded in the Sui Dynasty. It was mainly used to increase troops to Liangzhou. Most of the time, it was used to facilitate business travelers and transport grain and grass to Liangzhou.


In fact, the first thing to do is not to do anything else, but to seek the opinions of officials from the Ministry of Industry. Whether it is from Wannian County to Shuofang, or from Liangzhou Guzang to Zhangye, they are all sandy areas.

Li Po didn't know if the road could be repaired with current engineering technology. This required professionals to give practical suggestions. If everyone said no, even his emperor could not change this objective fact.

Li Po didn't dare to be too ambitious. If it were Yang Guang, he wouldn't be so stingy. Maybe with just a wave of his hand, he could build the road to Beiwuyuan or Dunhuang.

Manpower and material resources? That doesn't matter. No matter how many people die, it is not considered. It just depends on when it can be completed.

Li Po didn't have that kind of courage. He could only take it one step at a time. Before he even started, he thought of failure.


Amidst the chaos, news from the northern Turks gradually spread back to Chang'an.

The Turks raised an army, and military observers sent by the Tang Dynasty followed the army. The news came back that when the Turks raised an army, they only had 50,000 or 60,000 soldiers.

It is said that when they arrived at the Jinwei Mountain area in Mobei, there were still large groups of people waiting there, mainly the servants of the Tiele people, plus some nomadic Turkic tribes there.

The Turkic army can reach a size of nearly 100,000 people there, and further west, people will gradually join the army.

Going all the way to the foot of the world, and joining together with Xueyantuo's tribes, the Turkic Western Expedition Army will exceed 100,000 people, and it will be a huge cavalry group.

Since the Eastern Expedition of Shegui Khan, the Turks have not fought a large-scale war for many years.

Of course, more than 100,000 cavalry will be a terrifying military force at any time. The structure of the grassland empire also destined that such an army would rarely appear.

For example, Shibi Khan led an army of 300,000 people to go south and surrounded Yanmen. This was the same as Yang Guang's army of one million people to conquer Goguryeo. It used the power of the entire country.

Failure to win such a large army is equivalent to defeat, because the national strength cannot afford military supplies. The result has been seen by the world. The Sui Dynasty collapsed, and the Turks also changed their khans.

The same is true for this Turkic Western Expedition. The large army has brought heavy pressure to the Turkic Royal Court. This year and next, the Turkic Royal Court will collect offerings from various ministries that are twice as much as in previous years.

That is an unbearable burden for many small tribes. They can barely survive this winter. If the war does not end next year, I am afraid that some Turkic tribes will disappear on the grasslands in the harsh winter.

If the Turkic Royal Court fails to defeat the Western Turkic King's Account, then it may become a reality that the Turkic Khan Ashina Yanghuan leaves the Tang Dynasty and becomes a regime in exile.

Li Po, who was far away in Chang'an, looked to the north, imagining the grand scene of the Turks' Western Expedition, and at the same time calculating where the first great war between the Eastern and Western Turks would take place.

The decisive battle between the two sides should break out between August and September. Strategically speaking, the Turkic Royal Court has a certain advantage because they have concluded an alliance with the Tang Dynasty and received the Tang Dynasty's commitment.

From the perspective of specific battles, it is impossible to evaluate. It depends on the capabilities of the leading generals on both sides.

Both sides had a large number of cavalry. Li Po took on the role and conducted a little deduction, and finally came to the result, which made no sense.

For Datang, no matter how the war between East and West Turks was fought and what the final outcome was, it would be profitable.

In a cavalry battle, it is difficult to accomplish all the results in one battle. Maybe next year the situation will be clearer.

The Turks want to gather under the banner of the golden wolf again... This statement was said by the Turks at the alliance meeting, which made Li Po feel very funny. The Turks have no self-awareness, and they do not have that kind of cohesion at all.

Is there any difference between Western Khan Ashina Qiuluo taking over the Western Regions and Yehu Khan? Such a situation will not enhance the national power of the Turks, but will only bring the Turkic royal court and the Tang Dynasty closer.

Because if you want to frighten the Western Khan who is in charge of the Western Regions, you need the help of the Tang Dynasty. Maybe in a few years, problems that cannot be solved by war will be solved at the negotiation table.


At the end of July, Yu Wenxin, the general manager of Youzhou, sent a message to the capital from the imperial guard general Wei Chikai. Yuchi Kai had led troops to station in Yingzhou, and had made contact with the Turks, preparing to attack Liaodong City together next year.

After many years, soldiers and horses from the Central Plains once again appeared outside the Great Wall in the Northeast.

When Yuchi led his army northward and passed through Bailang Mountain, they also wiped out a few fierce bandits, and the military report that came from them contained more content than Yu Wenxin.

Yingzhou is a place outside the Great Wall. It has been occupied for many years and the situation there is relatively chaotic.

The Turks followed the agreement and indeed moved some tribes to other places, but there were also many people of all kinds who stayed behind, hiding in various dark corners to watch, and the most numerous of them were horse bandits.

Many of them are soldiers left behind by the former Sui Dynasty, and there are also some tribes from the northeast. The barbaric Mohe people are also one of the protagonists.

The Sun, Moon and Stars Flag of the Tang Army reappeared in the Yingzhou area. What greeted the Tang Army was not warm hospitality, but all kinds of resistance. Obviously, they were more willing to listen to the guidance of the Golden Wolf Flag.

The reason is easy to understand. The management of the Turks is very loose. They generally do not pursue absolute control. As long as the people here can obey orders and send warriors riding horses and holding bows and arrows to fight with them when needed, they can stay here.

stay alive.

The management method of the Tang Dynasty was obviously not so simple. When Yuchi and his troops entered Liucheng, their first priority was to wipe out the bandits in all parts of Yingzhou.

Well, those who could not talk well to the Tang army were among the rebels. There were many Hebei officials who followed Yuchi out of the fortress to restore the prefecture and county jurisdiction of Yingzhou.

The other is to work with the Turks to blockade the western Liaoning area and eradicate Ashina Duo's ears and ears here.

Yu Wenxin, the general manager of Youzhou, suggested sending someone to contact the people in Shiwei in the north.

The people of Shiwei, also known as Donghu, first appeared in records during the Northern Wei Dynasty. No one can tell where they originated and which ethnic group they belonged to.

In the Northern Wei Dynasty, it was said that they were of the same kind as the Khitan people, and later some people said that they were descendants of the Dingling people. When the Shiwei people entered the Sui Dynasty, it was said that they spoke the language of the Mohe people, and they also said that they were Wuhuan people.

It was the Wuhuan tribe whose great Chanyu Tadun was beheaded by Zhang Liao in Bailang Mountain, but later some people said that they were the descendants of Yuwen Xianbei.

Based on these records, it is obvious that the so-called Shiwei people today are just a hodgepodge of various tribes in the Northeast.

At that time, the Shiwei people moved south due to a snowstorm and competed with the Khitan people for pasture. The Turks finally chose to help the more familiar Khitan people and drove the Shiwei people back to the north.

Many Shiwei people died, but they also felt the power of the Turks, so they sacrificed their knees and gave many cattle and sheep to Ashina Duowen.

Yu Wenxin believed that summoning Shiwei people to join the battle was very necessary to contain Ashina Duowen and cut off the possibility of him leading his troops to escape to the north.

This chapter has been completed!
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