Chapter 1800 Countermeasures

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The economic issues of this era are not complicated, and there is not much to talk about, but if you underestimate them, in a few years, it will become a major event that will lead to the rise and fall of dynasties.

Salt policy is one such issue.

In another time and space, after the Tang Dynasty flourished and declined, the salt administration was the main source of national income, and the cost plus the court premium was still within a normal range.

However, due to the corruption of the government, merchants had to be recruited to participate. The merchants did not care about so many, colluded with the officials, only hoarded the goods, and then sold them at high prices, which was even more profitable than the court.

As a result, the salt government collapsed, but the court could not make much money. A large amount of money flowed into the pockets of nobles and profiteers, making the court's wealth increasingly scarce, and mutinies followed one after another.

Nowadays, there is not such a big problem. It is just that a large amount of sea salt has flowed into the market, causing a certain panic and causing a setback in salt prices.

As long as the court responds promptly, there will be no serious consequences.

No matter how much the court officials discussed, no one proposed to let merchants participate in the salt policy. Even the warrior Yu, who was a merchant, did not come up with such a bad idea.

The matter of salt and iron is related to the country and cannot be interfered with.


In fact, after holding two Umrah meetings, Li Po understood that the collapse in salt prices was largely caused by rumors, which could be easily solved. As long as the government publicity was in place, salt prices could soon calm down.

The people of the current generation were not as colorful as those who came later, nor were they as knowledgeable. As long as the government was passable, they would trust you. Many times, no matter how many rumors there are in the market, they are not as useful as an announcement from the government.

Su Quan's letter was more profound. Wine, salt, tea, porcelain, fabrics, etc., have always been the tools for trade between the Central Plains and foreigners. Most of these are made from renewable resources and reprocessed, and will be put aside later.

, are high value-added commodities, and are also an external manifestation of the advanced nature of the Central Plains civilization.

For example, sea salt, a salt production method that can be sold on a large scale, can only be realized with the prerequisites of the Central Plains' manpower and material resources, as well as advanced technology.

Neither the Turks nor the destroyed Goguryeo could compare with the Central Plains dynasty in this matter.

In the past, salt and iron were strictly controlled because the Central Plains itself did not have enough.

Now that the control over Haiyan has been relaxed, it is easy to capture the market without any calculation or planning.

What's more, Su Dan also mentioned the use of currency...

Very insightful suggestions, just like when Su Dan suggested casting silver treasures to alleviate the economic crisis in Shanxi, it reflects the talent and vision that a minister of the Ministry of Revenue should have.

Outstanding officials are born from crises. Those who only know how to hold on to the power in their hands and fight with others, no matter how many times they win, if they cannot solve practical problems, they cannot be called outstanding.


On the first day of August in the seventh year of Yuanzhen, the imperial court urgently issued a reform plan on the salt policy, striving to restore the price of salt in various counties and counties in the Tang Dynasty to a certain level before September to ensure the imperial court's fiscal revenue.

The source does not suffer too much loss.

Some officials in the Ministry of Revenue were reprimanded because they were not aware of the impact the new salt-making technology would have on the court, and they were derelict in their duties.

For the culprits, local officials in Haicheng treated them lightly and did not impose much punishment. They only ordered them to suspend the shipment until the price of salt calmed down.

The sea salt transported from Haicheng to the capital was confirmed by officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry. Both the quality and quantity were much higher than before.

In particular, several batches of fine salt are very suitable for the exclusive use of nobles, and they can be added to tributes, which shows that the quality is indeed very good.

The people in the Ministry of Revenue called it Haicheng fine salt. The craftsman supervisor also looked at it and felt that it could be improved. The traditional brine salt production can also achieve this effect, but the process is too complicated and the cost is very high.



Because of this incident, some people were demoted, some were reprimanded, and others received benefits. Some officials from the Ministry of Revenue and Haicheng received rewards.

The two men who served as craftsmen's supervisors were even given knighthoods.

This actually means that the crisis is not that serious and everything is under the control of the court.

In addition, the imperial court announced accordingly that it would establish salt farms along the coast, continue to expand the scale of sea salt production, and liberalize salt trade with the Turks.

Seafood pickled with salt will also be first included in the Tang Army's military supplies list, and will be purchased by officials from the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household Affairs. Soon, there will be more varieties in the Tang Army's recipes, although the taste is not very good, especially the

Northerners are not used to these kinds of foods.

But it basically ensured the nutrition of Tang soldiers, which was much stronger than the previous corn rice with pickles.


At this imperial meeting, the price of salt in Chang'an was the first to stop falling and rebound, followed by counties in Guanxi, and then local governments also took action. By the end of September of this year, there was a crisis about salt prices.

It was also completely eliminated.

The court's control is still very convenient. As long as it is not accompanied by large-scale corruption or other problems, simple fluctuations in salt prices are not enough to shake the rule of a powerful dynasty.


After the court meeting, Li Po was very tired after a few days of busy work. Seeing that winter was about to begin, all the major events for this year were almost settled.

With so many prisoners of war, next year is destined to be a new scene. Li Po has a clear understanding of this, and the Tang Dynasty is entering its prosperous age non-stop.

In the past few years since the founding of the country, everything that needs to be done has been done. The political power has been stable, the army has been strong, and the territory has gradually come to an end after rapid expansion.

The only foreign enemies of the Tang Dynasty were the Eastern and Western Turks, and now they were attacking each other. This was the best time for the emerging dynasty of the Tang Dynasty.

Everything is prosperous, and God has also sent warmth. The climate change is not obvious, but everyone can feel that the weather seems to be warmer than before, especially in the north.

This is great news for the agricultural empire. More and more grain production will feed more people.

Li Po is not sure whether the earth has entered a climate cycle again. Anyway, in recent years, the weather has been mostly good in various places, and large-scale disasters have become less and less.

Maybe this is what the ancients often said about luck?

At the end of every dynasty, natural and man-made disasters always occurred. In contrast, at the beginning of each dynasty, disasters were eliminated and people felt at ease.

The Tang Dynasty seems to have encountered such a good time. As long as he, the emperor, and his ministers do not make mistakes, everything will develop in the right direction, and by the way, the foundation of a strong dynasty that will last for hundreds of years will be laid.


After going to court, Li Po returned to Tai Chi Hall, changed into casual clothes, and sent someone to summon Luo Shixin, who wanted to go out of the palace to relax.

Well, the royal dynasty has just ended, and it’s time for dinner after a while, so it’s only right to go to the mother-in-law’s house to eat chicken, and then go to Li Sanniang’s place to eat some food.

The arrangement was very good, but Luo Shixin didn't come, but Ashina Rongzhen came, because in two days, Luo Shixin was going to get married with Cheng Dashu's family.

The days passed quickly, and most of the procedures that the two families should go through were completed. In two days, the Luo Mansion would send the betrothal gift to the Cheng Mansion, and Luo Shixin needed to go back to take care of it.

Luo Cheng is still young and will get married in a few years. This is an engagement, which means that the two families have become in-laws.

Li Po was so busy that he forgot all about it, but Li Bi didn't forget it. He specially gave some things and sent someone to Luo Mansion long ago.

As for Cheng Dabeard, they also benefited from it. After all, it was the emperor who granted the marriage, so they made Sun the county lady. This married couple in his family had indeed made a lot of money.


When Li Po left the palace, most of the time either Luo Shixin was there or Ashnarongzhen was guarding him. There were few exceptions. I guess if someone wanted to assassinate him, he would have to say, "If you want to kill Li Ding'an, you must first get rid of Luo Shixin."

Shinarong is really two people.

Luo Shixin and Ashina Rongzhen are the kind of people who are brave and whose hands are faster than their brains. With them guarding him, Li Po feels very relieved.

Facts have also proved that what was said in the romance novels is all nonsense. Since Li Po entered Chang'an, he has never experienced an assassination.

It is also very rare for emperors of past dynasties to die at the hands of assassins. The story of Sun Ce taking advantage of the assassins is somewhat worthy of caution.

Most of the unlucky ones actually died at the hands of close servants and palace servants. There were very few cases where powerful ministers actually killed the king in the end.

Generally speaking, you don't need to worry too much about the emperor's personal safety. More often than not, if someone wants to kill the emperor, they will most likely resort to poisoning, and other accidents such as falling into the water or falling down.

No one wanted to bear the reputation of killing the king. For example, Yu Wenhua and the two brothers hanged Yang Guang in Jiangdu. At that time, Yang Guang was already infamous and aroused the public indignation of the world. But once he died in Yu Wenhua

And in the hands of brothers.

However, those two people still became street rats, and no one wanted to have anything to do with them. Dou Jiande even chopped off their heads and sent them to Luoyang.


When the group left the palace, Ashina Rongzhen made a rare complaint to Li Po, "Li Zhen has always been hiding in Qingning Palace for two months..."

Li Po wanted to laugh, but looking at those red eyes looking at him seriously, he had no choice but to say helplessly: "My daughter is seven years old this year. She can read and understand many things. If you continue to force her to break her muscles,

Of course she wasn't happy.

Did you beat her so hard this time that you ran to Qingning Palace and refused to go back?"

Ashnarong thought about it seriously, shook his head and said, "I can't remember clearly. I wanted to catch her, but I couldn't find her. My husband, please pay attention when you go to Qingning Palace. If you see her, catch her."

Wait for me to come over.

She was still not strong enough. When I was seven years old, I could already run with a lamb in my hand and drive away the wolves that were staring at the sheep.

People who read too much have too many thoughts and will not be happy. Just like my teacher, he always looks sad. I know it is because he knows too much."

This chapter has been completed!
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