Chapter 497 Raid

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Late at night, Battalion Captain Liang Jiuchun was carefully wiping his sword.

Liang Jiuchun is a typical Mayi man. He is in his early thirties, with a slovenly appearance and a full beard. When he squints his eyes, he looks quite honest, but when he opens his eyes, he looks like a wild beast.

An old man from Liang Jiuchun's Heng'an Town Army, who later came under Chen Yuan's command, lost an ear in the snowstorm in Liaodong, and received a severe blow on his shoulder when he followed Chen Yuan to suppress bandits in Hebei.

So when the cold winter came, half of his body ached, making it difficult for him to sleep peacefully.

As soon as he couldn't sleep, he got up and played with his steel knife, and then began to think about how he went from a small pawn to the position of battalion captain today.

This was undoubtedly the most proud thing in the first half of his life.

Now he is regarded as a subordinate general under Yu Chixin. He leads his battalion of 500 soldiers to garrison at Longmen Ferry. There is a large army gathering in Longmen City more than 20 miles behind him.

Like everyone else, Liang Jiuchun also believed that this year's war was over long ago, and all that was left was to be rewarded for his merits.

Thinking about the military exploits he achieved this year, Liang Jiuchun sighed. Don't even think about being promoted to a captain with this. The military exploits of the infantry and cavalry are really incomparable.

Most of the comrades who came back from Liaodong at that time were serving in the cavalry army. Even if they were still hanging around in the position of brigade leader, their military achievements would make Liang Jiuchun far away.

Thinking of this, Liang Jiuchun muttered, damn...if he hadn't said a few words to Chen Yuan, he wouldn't have been picked by Chen Yuan to join the infantry.

The promotion of officials is not slow, but the feeling of being a dwarf is really not good.

Just when he was thinking wildly, a strange feeling came to his mind. He was stunned, tilted his head and listened.

He stood up slowly, walked a few steps, pushed the door open with a knife and walked out of the barracks.

There was no one in sight in the camp, and the north wind howled and beat on Liang Jiuchun's body, making him shiver a few times.

But after many years of fighting, he always felt that something was wrong.

He wandered around in the darkness, squinting and looking at the village wall that stood there like a shadow. It was too dark to see anything, and there was nothing on it.

Where were the soldiers keeping watch at night? Liang Jiuchun frowned, turned around and went to the barracks next door, kicked the door hard, and soon all his guards woke up.

"Let's go to patrol the camp with me."

The five soldiers looked at each other, probably cursing in their hearts, damn the weather, they were sleeping soundly, how are you going to follow you to patrol the camp?

Why are we patrolling a camp with over 500 people?

At this time, the sound of the village gate creaking open clearly reached the ears of Liang Jiuchun and others.

There is no need to say anything more. Several torches were lit at the entrance of the camp, and the sound of horse hooves was heard not far away. With such a rhythm, even people who have not experienced a battle can understand what it means, let alone these soldiers who have fought hundreds of battles.


Enemy attack...

The low sound of the horn sounded instantly in the camp.

The eliteness of the Bingdai military was also revealed at this time. The key point was not how calm the soldiers were when attacked and how powerful their combat effectiveness was, but that the army was filled with a group of officers with rich combat experience.

For example, the moment Liang Jiuchun realized that he encountered an enemy attack, he immediately blew the warning horn. When the sound of horse hooves entered his ears, he immediately ordered his soldiers to mount their horses and leave the camp from the east to ask for help from the Longmen army.

Such a reaction is enough to prove that Liang Jiuchun is a qualified general.

Unfortunately, no matter how accurate the prediction is, it cannot cover up the fact that precautions are lax.

At this time, the Tang army had already blocked the four gates of the camp. This battle was obviously aimed at annihilating the defenders at Longmen Ferry.

It can be said that since Li Po Daizhou raised troops, his subordinates have never been subject to such a sudden attack. On the contrary, sneak attacks on the enemy are their patent.

Li Po, who attached great importance to grasping battlefield information, would never let the enemy get under his nose.

But as the territory expanded, it finally happened that the geese pecked out the eyes while hunting geese all day long.

Murong Luohu led his troops to swarm into the camp. The remaining two thousand cavalry dispersed and surrounded the camp. They faithfully carried out Li Shimin's military orders and did not let anyone escape.

The soldiers who had just woken up from their sleep rushed out of the house in a hurry. Most of them were knocked to the ground by the cavalry rushing towards them in the dark, and then trampled on them.

King Qin Li Shimin stood quietly in the darkness outside the camp. He did not feel the joy of success, but instead his brows gradually wrinkled.

Because the shouts of killing in the camp gradually became more intense, which showed that the cavalry rushed into the camp and did not defeat the enemy's fighting spirit in the first place.

Soon, there was a fire in the camp. Li Shimin swung his riding whip anxiously, wishing he could lead his men into the camp himself to see what was going on.

He knew very well how many troops were stationed here and who would lead them. However, after the camp was broken, the course of the war was different from what he expected.

"Go and ask me if there are any escaped soldiers who have been intercepted..." Li Shimin ordered.

In the military camp, Liang Jiuchun had been hugged and dragged behind by the soldiers.

A long arrow penetrated deeply into his right rib and passed out from the left rear. Blood trickled out of his body and quickly took away his strong vitality.

This was the price he paid for ordering people to set fire to his military tent so that more soldiers could gather around him. More enemy cavalry had already gathered around him.

Liang Jiuchun gritted his teeth, pushed away the bodyguard who was dragging him, stood up, staggered back to the place where the fire was brightest with the knife in his hand, opened his big mouth stained with blood, "Hoo ho..."

Howling like a dying wolf king, swaying in the north wind, is a signal for a decisive battle. People living in the northern border like to use such sounds to boost their fighting spirit. You can also use

It comes to express one's unyielding and heroic spirit.

The sound stopped suddenly, and Liang Jiuchun fell to the ground and died.

Sounds like howling wolves echoed throughout the camp, and under the light of the fire, the soldiers of less than a hundred people went crazy, shooting the charging cavalry off their horses one by one and killing them to the ground.

, even if it often costs more casualties, it doesn’t matter.

The sound of killing gradually subsided, and for more than half an hour, the tall and strong Murong Luohu finally came to Li Shimin to resume his life. The camp had been captured, and few prisoners were surrendered. Almost all the enemy troops in the first battalion, led by the battalion captain Liang Jiuchun, died in the battle.

Into the camp.

(monthly ticket monthly ticket)



This chapter has been completed!
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