Chapter 499 Raid (3)

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Longmen City is not a big city. The city wall is not high and it is still an earthen fortress. It is the seat of Longmen County and is close to the Yellow River. Its most important function is actually on a Yellow River ferry.

One of the two large ferries connecting Shanxi and Guanzhong, its importance is self-evident.

Longmen City, like Pucheng in Hedong County, was built for the Yellow River ferry. It was almost a transit place. Whether caravans or government officials, as long as they took the Longmen Ferry, they would pass through Longmen City.

Therefore, the land area of ​​Longmen City is not considered large, but the city has always lacked permanent residents.

In short, this is a place very similar to a border town. There are troops stationed all year round. In the early years of the Great Cause, business and travel exchanges were very prosperous.

But now, after the defeat of the Tang army, Li Po sent his army south and captured Longmen, and this place has become a standard military camp.

In July and August of this year, in order to prevent the Tang army from attacking, more than 10,000 troops were stationed in the city.

But at the beginning of winter, the defenders returned to Jiangjun one after another to spend the winter. The most important thing was the cavalry. They definitely couldn't stay here in Longmen, so they all returned to Jiangjun.

There are actually quite a few garrison troops in the city now. Zhang Lun and Chen Li each lead 2,000 infantry, plus Xun Xiang's 1,000 cavalry, and almost 5,000 soldiers and horses are stationed in Longmen City.

Originally, Yu Chixin and Wang Zhibian were the main forces stationed at Longmen.

It was decided well at the beginning, with two people taking turns guarding the dragon gate.

But then Wang Zhibian was promoted to the commander-in-chief of Daizhou's march, and he led his trusted generals to Jinyang.

Then Yu Chixin received the order from General Li Po and led his troops to welcome Xiao Hou's return south. Both the left and right guards and Li Po himself were preparing and considering the military rewards at the end of the year...

Well, to sum up, although there are many defenders in Longmen City at this time, they have a very fatal flaw, that is, no one has the qualifications and the exact military order to command them uniformly.

The origins of the three leaders are also very different. It goes without saying that Zhang Lun is a general who was surrendered by Li Tang, Chen Li is considered a member of Li Po's wife clan, and Xun Xiang is a confidant general of Yuchi Gong.

Three people with completely different backgrounds, let alone good friends with each other, would feel like they didn't agree with each other even if they said more than one word to each other.

The differences between factions in the Bingdai army became particularly obvious at this time.

It is somewhat similar to the Tang army that guarded Jiexiu back then. The difference is that the conflict between the generals of the parallel armies has not reached that desperate level, and there is not as much clannishness as the Tang army.

Moreover, the men who led the army were experienced in battles and knew how to restrain their soldiers. Of course, the most important thing was that there was no conflict of interest among them.

If they want to lead the military power of Longmen alone, they are not qualified, and guarding Longmen City is not considered a credit, so there is no need to strive for credit.

Therefore, the garrison was divided into three parts. Zhang Lun was stationed in the south city, Chen Li was in the west city, taking care of the north city, and Xiang Xun led the cavalry to be stationed in the east city.

It can be regarded as a clear distinction between Jingwei and Jingwei, each performing its own duties, and the water in the well does not interfere with the water in the river.


Longmen City was as quiet as a sleeping giant beast in the wind and snow, and in the darkness outside Longmen City, thousands of Tang troops led their horses in a patient circle and turned to the east city.

As for why, it is too simple. The most threatening unit to the cavalry is always the cavalry, so the Xunxiang Division must bear the brunt.

Where did such detailed military information come from? Naturally, it came from the Tang envoy who returned to the west bank of the Yellow River.

The low city wall was not difficult to climb. Li Shimin just looked around in the dark, then ordered people to go up to the city and open the city gate as quickly as possible.

Because he couldn't wait any longer, the weather was getting colder and colder. If he waited until this night passed, Li Shimin was not sure how many people would be able to fight the enemy with swords and guns.

No one was watching on the top of the city, and the city wall guards had all retreated into the towers or barracks under the city walls.

There were no ice and snow guards, and no matter how strict the military discipline of the Bingdai army was, it was not strict enough to force the soldiers to go to the city to keep a lookout in such weather, because this was not considered wartime at all.

If it were normal times, this laxity would definitely be nothing, but the unexpected enemy made this laxity fatal.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, who were completely frozen, gritted their teeth and climbed up the city wall. They cleared two towers first, then quietly went down to the city and pushed open the east gate of Longmen City.

But this is not Lucheng after all, and those stationed in the city are not Luzhou's rebels, and Xunxiang's subordinates are the most elite among the defenders in the city.

Although their sense of danger is not as good as that of wild beasts, they have done a lot of bloody killing and have naturally developed an intuition.

The city gate had just been half-opened when shouts of questioning sounded from inside the city wall.

Then came the sound of warning horns and hoarse shouts, which spread clearly in the winter night.

Taking advantage of the situation, the battle in Longmen City began.

"Kill, kill in."

Li Shimin drew out his steel sword, shouted at the top of his lungs, urged his war horses, and took the lead.

The soldiers of the army, who had formed a dark formation outside the city, kicked the horses' belly one after another and rode forward.

The sound of horse hooves finally completely shattered this silent winter night. Under the dim moonlight, the army spread like a shadow towards the gate of Longmen City.

Xun Xiang didn't have any problems like Liang Jiuchun, he always slept well.

But when the horn sound was just faintly heard, Xun Xiang jumped up on the bed like a corpse. He shook his head in a daze, listened for a while, and his expression changed drastically.

Because he knew that no one would dare to play the game by blowing the horn at midnight.

At this time, he would not think about where the enemy came from or how they could attack Longmen City at this time.

He didn't care about dressing up, grabbed the steel knife on the bed, kicked open the door with almost the upper body and rushed out.

Not long after, a dozen soldiers had gathered around him, and more disheveled soldiers ran out of the barracks outside.

The chaotic sounds and sights did not make Xun Xiang lose his judgment. He led his men and ran quickly towards the city gate, and asked the soldiers to pass orders to the two battalions, asking them to quickly gather their soldiers.

But after a moment, he stood still, tilted his head in confusion and listened. Suddenly he leaned over and fell to the ground. In the blink of an eye, he jumped up again.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry to the stable, mount the horse, mount the horse, here comes the cavalry, here comes the cavalry."

At this time, he was more like Liang Jiuchun who died in the battle. He had no accurate reaction in battle, but it was still too late.

The Tang army had swarmed in from the east gate, and the sound of horse hooves could be clearly heard by the defenders in the city.

This sound is so familiar to them...

(Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, irritates Ah Cao so much. Someone is occupying Ah Cao's broadband. Opening the web page is like an old cow pulling a cart. Uploading chapters is painful and makes people crazy. Is there anyone who knows computers? Please think of something for Ah Cao.

Ah Cao didn't open any programs, and I checked and found that it was indeed not the computer's own program that was occupying the bandwidth. The downloadable traffic was always full. What should I do?)



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