Chapter 512: Gathering Soldiers

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These two beatings made Yuan Long fully aware of the dangers in Jinyang City. He had been a local emperor for several years in the north, but when he came to Jinyang, he immediately became a gray grandson.

Such a gap made him just want to leave Jinyang as soon as possible.

Li Bi didn't keep him, but he was a close relative and couldn't let go. Although he was angry with him, he still had to sit down and have a deep talk with Yuen Long, and then let him go south to Jiangjun to serve Li Po.

It's just that Yuen Long, the unlucky man, left his pregnant wife in Jinyang again.

After this incident, if Yuen Long wants to make a comeback, it will have to put in ten times more effort and effort than before.

Many things in the world are like this. If you can't cherish the people now, you will lose the future to a large extent. It is true that it is the driving force for human progress. But if you can't treat your own people correctly, you will only taste the bitter consequences instead of making great progress.

Go one step further.


Compared with these things at the frontier fortress in northern Shanxi, the war in the south is the most important thing.

There is no need to doubt anything in these years. Everything will be based on victory in the war. This is an unchangeable prerequisite.

At the end of the first lunar month, when the cold wind was still biting, Jiangjun already had a large army gathering.

After defeating Li Shentong's army of more than 200,000 that day, the various tribes dispersed and rested for a long time. However, because the battle was relatively compact, the army did not really disperse. Moreover, the surrendered troops were screened and the troops of each tribe were replenished.

Things kept going, so the infantry went through another swell this winter.

At this time, the Jin army was in a bit of chaos. The various guards were still being formed, and the division of powers and responsibilities was fiercely contested. With the addition of some surrendered troops, chaos was inevitable.

Of course, these are all relative terms. The back-and-forth battles between hundreds of thousands of troops in the southern part of Bingzhou allowed this army to go through the running-in period early.

The chaos mentioned here is completely different from the characteristics displayed by the rebels. Now that a war is imminent, Li Po strictly ordered each guard office to sort out their duties as soon as possible, and soon the layers of the army that gathered one after another became clearer.

This process does not need to be described in detail, because the Wei Mansion under Li Po is already connected with the military power, and all troops and generals are available. There is not much to say in setting up the Wei Mansion. Each of them can fill it with their own soldiers and generals.

It's just that six more guards suddenly appeared. The number is indeed a bit too much, and each person's qualifications are different, so the struggle for power and profit is inevitable.

Over the next few days, after Li Po's military orders were issued one after another, this chaos was quickly contained, and the generals of the Wei Mansion also calmed down.

Military discussions were taking place one after another. At this time, Sima Wangqing, the general manager of the general administration, also came to Jiangjun and took over the important affairs of the army's food, grass and supplies.

In addition to urging Jinyang to transport grain and grass south as soon as possible, they also coordinated the grain and fodder in the granaries of Linfen and Jiangjun. People from the Military Law Department also gradually entered various departments of the army to strictly enforce military law.

Li Po has always wanted to establish the Military Intelligence Department, but it has nothing to show for it. The proposal to fill the Military Intelligence Department with military scouts is not in line with Li Po's original intention. Moreover, Li Po has not found a suitable candidate to take charge of the Military Intelligence Department so far.

He could give it a try himself, but it would definitely not work...

Talent is a thing that is already abundant nowadays.

Needless to say, in Chang'an, the capital of the west, and Luoyang, the capital of the east, there were many Jiangnan disciples gathered under Xiao Mian's account, all of whom were quite talented. Dou Jiande also received a share of the Sui Dynasty's inheritance. Most of the courtiers who accompanied him in Jiangdu were collected by him.

Over the past year, we have begun to intensify efforts to control Hebei and Shandong.

It is said that the reputation is not bad, but if you imagine the scene in Hebei and Shandong in recent years, you will understand how hypocritical this good reputation is.

In addition, under Li Po's rule, most of the talents in Jin Dynasty, except those who followed Li Yuan south, have gathered around Li Po. They are still insufficient compared to the previous ones, but they are definitely more than enough compared to the inferior ones. As long as Li Po is given time,

He can actually find any kind of talent.

(, The war is about to start again, so Ah Cao’s update will be a little slow, please forgive me.)


This chapter has been completed!
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