Chapter 514 Uneasy

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Of course, when he heard the words "undesirable", he was inevitably a little disappointed, but it was different from when he suggested to Li Zhongwen to retreat to Queshu Valley. At that time, it was done knowing that it was impossible to do, but now, it is a real thing.

Regarding his own future career and destiny, the level of detail is naturally very different]

After pondering for a long time, Zhang Lun said slowly: "The manager is worried about the Turks..."

Zhang Lun looked at Li Po's face, and then said: "If that's the case, I don't think it's necessary... Recently, I asked others and felt that it would be good for me to form an alliance with the Turks, and Liang Shidu is a Turk

My subordinates, if we attack the capital of Liang, we must first cut off all contact with the Turks..."

"We might as well send people to the north and persuade the Turks to order the Liang divisions to join me in attacking the Tang Dynasty. If the Liang divisions don't obey, they will be guilty of the Turks. I can take advantage of the situation to attack them. If they do, the war in the northwest of Li and Tang Dynasty will start again, and so will I.

It is of great benefit, but this is just a brief view of the general, I wonder what the general manager thinks?"

Li Po blinked his eyes and thought about it carefully. He was actually a little surprised. This man's broad vision was really impressive.

This seems to be a real and feasible strategy, not the product of a hot head.

Liang Shidu and Li Po were both members of the heroes in the north, and they were also closely related to the Turks. The difference was that Liang Shidu had already surrendered to the Turks, which was why he based himself from Lingzhou to Yulin

The foundation of this rather vast land.

And the territory under his jurisdiction, Li Po, had few borders with the Turks, and the time he had been in contact with the Turks was not long. We came and went, and it was almost a covenant forged with blood.

Therefore, it seems that Liang Master is more closely integrated with the Turks, but having said that, Li Po is fighting for peace here. Under the equal relationship, even if there are not so many arguments, he still has another advantage.

There is no need to listen to Turkic orders.

In this way, the relationship between Jin and the Turks can be regarded as a kind of cooperation that comes and goes when they are not. It is not clear whether they are enemies or friends, but Liang Shidu is among those who are controlled by others.

From this, what Zhang Lun said is quite feasible.

It was not difficult for him to send people to the Turks, and he could also meet Princess Yicheng directly. Since Li Tang was deeply hated by Princess Yicheng, it was probably a matter of course for Liang Shidu to go south to attack Tang.

Obviously, what Li Po had in mind was completely different from what Zhang Lun stated, and he had no intention of marching westward to Yulin to attack Liang Shidu. Now the enemies in his eyes were not only those surnamed Li, but also those surnamed Li.

After a while, Li Po touched his palm and said with a smile: "Good strategies are rare, and General Zhang's talent is indeed extraordinary... But I just want to ask you, how far is it from Taihang to Lingzhou in the northwest?"

Zhang Lun imagined it for a moment and his expression changed slightly.

But before he could speak, Li Po had already continued: "Poliang Master Du Yi'er, but the border between me and the Turks stretches for thousands of miles, and with tigers and wolves like the Turks as neighbors, the Great Wall cannot stop the fierce north wind.

...At one point, it would be a bad idea to attack Liang's capital from the west."


Zhang Lun walked away slowly, but Li Po was in a good mood. It is not a bad thing to frustrate this person. Generally speaking, when you are most proud of your life, it should be a bit unlucky to follow him. Otherwise,

, some people can get carried away very quickly.

He poured some cold water on Zhang Lun here, and then wrote a letter to ask Zhang Jin to send people back to Jinyang, and ordered Chen Xiaoyi to send capable people north to the Turkic Yazhang and his party to lobby Princess Yicheng and the Turkic nobles.

In fact, it was only at this time that he finally completed the transformation from a military general to a politician, and began to use the art of combining vertical and horizontal directions unskilledly.

But the pace of the war will never stop because of this. The first month has just passed, and the army gathered in Jiang County has officially exceeded one hundred thousand. With military orders being passed around, they are beginning to get ready to move.


Hancheng, always known as West Longmen, is diagonally opposite Longmen Ferry across the surging Yellow River. It is one of the main routes from Guanxi to Jin Dynasty. From here to Feng Yi, it is only less than a hundred miles away. They are all in

It is one of the key passes in the northern part of Guanzhong.

Such a place has a very important characteristic, that is, when there is war, it is designated as a military town. Its main characteristics are sparsely populated and barren fields. Once the peacetime comes, it becomes prosperous again.

Hancheng has now experienced such a drastic change. In the early years of the Daye, the population of Hancheng was more than 20,000 households. Of course, civilian service accounted for almost half of them.

In the fifth year of Daye, Emperor Yang Guangda of the Sui Dynasty visited the north with great fanfare. The population of Hancheng increased sharply, reaching more than 30,000 households. Of course, this was also caused by the people in Guanzhong and Shanxi who were on standby after transferring grain and grass.


But now, after almost ten years, things and people in Hancheng have changed. At this time, there are only a thousand households in Hancheng's household registration records.

The war and the geographical location and topography of Hancheng have determined that this data that can stun people in the world is very reasonable and reasonable. The term floating population can be roughly applied to the population of Hancheng.

Now, as the war continues, Hancheng has regained its identity as a military town. Forty thousand Tang troops spent the winter in Hancheng. The men, women, and children in the county have all moved out of the city under the care of the benevolent King of Qin.

They settled along the foothills of the mountains in the northern part of Hancheng.

At this time, there is no need to talk nonsense about how much war has damaged people's livelihood. It is not an exaggeration to say that King Li Shimin of Qin was kind. He did not recruit all men into the army, nor did he use women as camp prostitutes. He could still tolerate it.

These people have houses to live in, food to eat, and they can survive the cold winter. This is undoubtedly the best manifestation of kindness.

The best house in the county is now the main tent of the Tang Army.

At this time, Li Shimin was sitting in the main hall of the house, and a dozen generals wearing helmets and armor were sitting on both sides.

Most of them are generals under the command of Tiance Mansion, and a few others, headed by General Liu Shirang, are not far from His Highness the King of Qin.

It can be seen from here that after a winter of reorganization, Li Shimin has firmly grasped the military power of these 40,000 soldiers and horses. In addition, Tang Jianbu, the internal history commander stationed at Feng Yi, and Dugu, the minister of the Ministry of Works stationed at Yongfengcang

The Huai'en tribe also had to obey the orders of King Qin.

In other words, as long as his two brothers don't cause trouble, all the Tang armies scattered along the Yellow River will be under the jurisdiction of Tiance Mansion.

At this time, everyone in the hall was in a state of excitement, with strong curses in the Kansai accent rising one after another, causing the two generals from Jin to frown, and the flames in their hearts to jump.

, but he refused to speak easily, lest he offend the public.

Yes, at this time, the name Li Po and Li Ding'an have completely become the representative of the Jin people among everyone. When the rude generals vent their anger, they will never care about their words and bring in some of their comrades.

It's not to blame for their anger. At this time, even Li Shimin, who was sitting in the middle and had always been known as a wise man, had an angry look on his face.

Because the news of Murong Luohu's death finally reached here.

Murong Luohu is not an ordinary person. He has the most prominent surname among the Xianbei nobles. Although he has declined, he is also one of the clans in Guanxi with deep roots.

And he is also one of the confidant generals that Li Shimin relies on most. Among the generals in today's Cefu, regardless of family background, military exploits, or even position, as well as his closeness to Li Shimin, he can be compared to Murong Luohu.

Very few.

If Murong Luohu died in battle, that would be fine. After all, we are all leaders of the army, and we know the dangers of having no eyesight in the battle formation, but we can be caught and beheaded...

Well, instead of saying that everyone is angry at the enemy's cruelty and viciousness, it is more appropriate to say that they have a strong feeling of sadness over the death of a rabbit or a fox.

The formation of this kind of psychological state is natural for them who have good backgrounds. You must know that whether it is the established rules or reality, they actually ensure the survival rate of a group of people like them to the greatest extent.


Just like the stalemate with Xue Ju in the northwest for two or three years, which can be said to have resulted in countless killings, but among the famous generals in the Tang army, have you heard that any of the famous generals in the Tang army were captured and beheaded by Xue?

Even a man as cruel as Xue Rengao did not kill him. He just imprisoned some of the captured people in Qinzhou Prison.

And now, that guy from Jin dared to operate on a kid from Guanxi. Murong Luohu's head fell off easily. What effect did this have...

In fact, it is similar to what Li Po thought. Li Zhongwen's weight is not enough. Murong Luohu, if you look at the reaction of the generals of the Tang Army now, you will know that the weight is not comparable to that of Li Zhongwen.

Amidst the noise, Li Shimin held his chest and coughed several times. The anger and hatred in his heart for Li Ding'an were the same as those of the generals, but there was also a trace of fear mixed in, which made him very uncomfortable.

The news of Murong Luohu's death vaguely told him that if there was another defeat in the war, the person whose name would be publicized next time would probably be Li.

In his opinion before, Li Ding'an was still an opponent who knew how to restrain himself. Unlike Wang Shichong and Xue Ju, he was more like Xiao Xian from the south...

But now, the hatred formed by blood can only be washed away with the blood of both parties.

This was originally in line with the strategy he had decided before, but it made him extremely uneasy, and then this uneasiness was mixed with anger, making him feel more and more anxious.

He felt his heart beating faster and faster, and the noisy sounds around him made him even more irritated. He coughed a few times, and his body, which had just recovered, felt uncomfortable again.

He waved his hands vigorously to calm everyone down, and tried to cheer up his spirits before saying: "General Murong was unfortunately captured. Although he died with honor, I will use Li Ding'an's head to pay tribute to General Murong's spirit in heaven one day..."

"Yuan Qin, the enemy has been making frequent movements recently. Please tell me what news you have found..."

(Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, alas, Ah Cao won’t apologize. Last night, the computer crashed suddenly, and the screen was black when I turned on the computer. I called customer service today, and they said they wouldn’t be able to repair it until tomorrow. Ah Cao had to carry the computer to the mall for repair. He was busy until the afternoon. Ah Cao also

There is no way, it’s a natural disaster.)


This chapter has been completed!
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