Chapter 669 Pregnant woman

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There is a house to the west of the Han Dynasty. This is an independent courtyard with more than a dozen houses. It is close to the west garden, two woods, a pond, and not far away is the school ground.

The location is not bad, the environment is not bad, but it is not very quiet.

This is Ashnarong's real residence. When choosing it, the hostess didn't look at anything else. There was only one that was close to the school grounds, so the hostess chose it as a place to stay.

In fact, Hong Yanzhu rarely lives here. She usually stays in the main residence of Prince Han's Mansion. After all, as long as she is here, the power of guarding the inner residence will come into her hands.

The guarding of the inner palace of the Han Dynasty is very light. Even now, the number of female family members and attendants in the inner palace of the Han Dynasty does not exceed a hundred. Nowadays, the number of female officers in the inner palace is just like the outer palace, and there are many vacancies.

The hostesses of the inner house don't care much about this, so there are few rules. A few young women often play tricks, but they are different from the daughters who are raised in the house and live by intrigues.


Even if the female concubines of the Han Dynasty are playing tricks, they still exude a strong spirit. Those who are bullied are not only short-sighted, but also have inferior strength.

For example, it would not be surprising if Li Chun was caught without a long sword one day and was beaten by Li Bi, and Li Chun took the opportunity to retaliate when Li Bi was not paying attention when stretching his muscles.

Red Eyes rarely had the opportunity to show force, but even Li Chun didn't want to provoke him for no reason. He was a fierce man who even wanted to kill his sister.

Since Hongyanzhu became pregnant and the King of Han went on an expedition, she returned to her residence to wait for her childbirth and rarely appeared outside.

This is a woman who can endure loneliness, but never knows what loneliness is.

In the hall of the house, which is spacious and bright, Ashina Rongzhen is sitting on the couch. As usual, she frowns slightly and rubs her bulging belly, like a dog that has eaten and drank enough, a little lazy and a little impatient.

of beast.

Several sturdy women were sitting on the ground outside, with relaxed and cheerful smiles on their faces, whispering to each other from time to time. They were all Turks, and they had more or less the blood of the Western Turkic royal family.

The exiled Western Turkic nobles who were so desperate back then that they wanted to sell their goods were now in a different situation than they were then.

The surviving cubs have grown up, and most of them are serving in the northern army. If the number of people is not too small, they should be able to gather some troops.

Even so, the Jinlang Banner in the Western Turks of Daizhou is still very conspicuous, and I believe it will not take long before it can regain some of its glory.

Most of the women are already old, and seven or eight of them have died of illness in the past two years alone. The life of exile has caused serious harm to their bodies and spirits, but compared to their relatives who have died, they are still lucky.

, because they found a home for this line of relatives.

It's a pity that they didn't get to see the two princesses give birth to a child...

Now, women have come to Jinyang one after another and gathered around the two princesses. Only those stubborn guys who want to smell the fragrance of green grass, hear the sound of horse hooves and the loud prairie pastoral songs will continue to stay in the north.


The women stretched out their legs and feet comfortably and basked in the sun. In fact, like their princess, they didn't care how many tribes there were now or whether everyone could return to their homeland in the distant Western Regions. They only knew that they had enough food and sunshine.

My whole body was filled with warmth. This day must have been blessed by God. Any complaints would be blasphemy against God.

The world was raging with war, and God couldn't bear to see such a group of people taking their leisure too far, so they kicked some god aside and caused trouble for this group of pagans.

Someone from the front came to report that Princess Jialan was back with Ashina Danai in hand.

The women stood up one after another, trying hard to recall the lean and ugly child back then. They pushed and pulled the unlucky one out and asked her to report to the princess.

In their opinion, generally speaking, pregnant female beasts are very violent, especially the princess with a pair of red eyes, which is much more terrifying than any beast.

Therefore, they all silently prayed for the returning tribesman in their hearts. Even if they could not get a response from the gods, they should still be able to get him a good position with the gods.

"Bring him here."

The red-eyed woman waved her hands impatiently. The women outside were right. Ever since her ambition gradually became apparent, this woman's mood was indeed not very beautiful. In addition to becoming more and more inconvenient, it also affected her appetite, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Her healthy and strong body became a little weak, especially since she could not follow her husband to the south...

Well, the trait of motherhood is missing from her. It can also be said that the more powerful a woman is, the less motherly she is. Moreover, she has no idea about children, so she has already experienced trouble.

Even so, in fact, the importance of this child to her and to her tribe is self-evident.

This is the second child of King Li Po of Han Dynasty. If it is a boy, he will be the eldest son of the Han King's concubine. Even if it is a daughter, she will also be the eldest daughter of the King of Han Dynasty, and the child will also have the blood of the Western Turkic royal family.

Whether now or in the future, the birth of this child has important political significance.

It's just that these things are naturally not within the scope of Ashnarong's real consideration, and there are also few tribesmen around her who have such a vision.

At this moment, her wine-red eyes turned, showing a strange light. She raised her arms and sat up straight. Because she was a little uncomfortable, she patted her belly lightly and made a pop.

There was a crisp sound, and the maid who stood against the wall in fear, trying her best to pretend that she was invisible, immediately trembled.

Naturally, the person who is about to become the concubine of the Han Dynasty cannot only be protected by some old Turkic women. There are more than ten maids here, plus two doctors who are proficient in gynecology.

The total number of people here accounts for less than half of the attendants of the Han Dynasty.

King Li Po of Han Dynasty had a small family, and every child was very precious. Li Bi did not dare to ignore it, and often taught the other two inconspicuous guys to stop disturbing this violent and violent pregnant woman.

At this time, the red-eyed man who finally regained some energy tilted his head and thought again, Ashina Danai... Well, I still have no impression, which is not surprising. There are many men with the surname Ashina in Western Turks, and almost all of them are attracted to her.

Trampled under her feet, there was almost no one worthy of her attention.

Of course, it is also a very unfortunate thing for the Ashina man who is in her eyes, because it usually means that you will not live long.

There is only one exception among them, and that is Western Turk Chuluo Khan, her nominal father. Of course, if necessary, she will also not hesitate to chop off the head that makes her particularly disgusted.

Speaking of which, there are only two men who can leave traces in her life. One is the teacher who once taught her, and the other is her husband. As for the others, they will not occupy any position. As time goes by,

, will be completely forgotten by her.

Ashina Danai, who had disheveled hair and a bruised nose and face, was pushed into the courtyard. A group of Turkic women gathered around him and observed him inhumanely. Finally, they concluded that the child had indeed become uglier as he grew older.

One of the oldest women said regretfully that even if the gods saw this child, they would send him back to the human world. Well, to translate, that means you are so ugly that even the gods are not willing to accept it, so you can only

Kick you back...

To be honest, it's not that people don't see ugly people, but that Ashina men generally have profound facial features and possess some of the characteristics of Eastern and Western races that were later mentioned. Even if they are not very handsome, they are still handsome.

It is absolutely rare to grow up like Ashina Danai.

At this time, Ashina Danai was completely wilted. He felt that with every step he took, he was moving away from the light of the gods and closer to the devil's territory.

At this time, he had participated in various wars from the Turks' southward march to Li Tang's southward march. All his glory and courage had dissipated, leaving only boundless fear torturing him.

The psychological shadow planted in childhood and adolescence quickly took over his mind and tightly held his soul with just a suitable opportunity.

The blue-eyed Turkic royal princess appears here. Is the red-eyed devil still far away?

Astianxiang took the opportunity to leave the crowd, and moved towards the main hall with his head tilted forward. Until he saw the real owner, he looked around like a cautious fox for a while, and then took a few steps forward, with a smile like a flower, haha, the guy with red eyes is getting bigger.

Her belly looks really ridiculous. She won't bully her again now, will she?

Like Zhang Liang before, she was still quite far away, so she waved her arm and said crisply: "I personally sent the person over to you. Don't blame me. He is a little dishonest and he was beaten several times by me."


"By the way, the princess said that the descendants of Western Turks are working for Li Tang, which is very bad and needs to be strictly disciplined. Well, that's all. I still want to go to the door, so there is no need to send him away."

After saying that, without waiting for a reply, he turned around and ran away. He walked straight to the door and vomited a few times. Then he hit his head hard with his fist. What was he afraid of her doing? Could she still chase him out? Besides, what?

The one who does not watch the gate is the dignified Princess Jialan of Turks, the sister of Shibi Khan, the daughter of Princess Yicheng of the Great Sui Dynasty. Do you even take gatekeeping as a matter of course?

The distressed Princess really wanted to go back and beat that ugly man with a stick. As for the guy with red eyes, let's forget it. Even the gods can't do anything to her. What can she, a "little" Princess Jialan, do?

How about that?

Of course, after staying here for a long time, although this person has become much less courageous, he has become much more thoughtful, and his ability to conquer fire has become more prominent...

This chapter has been completed!
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