Chapter 737 Detailed work (5)

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A storm caused many waves in Jinyang City.

In fact, not many people died. Prison officer Liu Zhisheng and his family were killed without any surprise. There is nothing to say about this. The middleman business is sometimes very risky.

Some people were implicated and were convicted one after another, but the king of Han had no intention of killing anyone, so hundreds of people were escorted and exiled to the north.

Li Shentong was finally released, and the King of Han allowed him to live in Jinyang, but everything that Li Shentong had pursued so hard had left him.

His story has spread, and no one will think about the details, nor will they pity a complete loser. All that falls on him is contempt and contempt.

It is rare for a great nobleman from Kansai to fall into such a state of ruin.

It is not an exaggeration to describe Li Shentong's experience as living an ignoble existence. Of course, the nobles since the late Jin Dynasty indeed lacked the determination to rather live in pieces than in ruins.

There is no need to elaborate on the deeper reasons for this. In fact, in people's eyes, Li Shentong survived in the most humble way and became an unworthy disciple of Li Yuan's lineage in Kansai, ruining the reputation of the Li family.

In other words, no matter where this news spreads, it will make people sneer at the Li family tradition. This is the most undesirable and worst situation for a wealthy family.

Therefore, Li Po's goal was generally achieved.

And Li Shentong's life and death became less important. In fact, according to Li Po's original idea, this time he wanted to kill a guy with two bigger heads. After all, the war was imminent, so he would first bring people to sacrifice the flag to show his determination.

It is very necessary.

But in the end, things went smoothly, and Li Shentong survived. After he walked out of Jinyang prison, he was immediately placed in Jinyang City, not far from the main residence of the Wang family, and was under the responsibility of the Jinyang Wang family and the Ministry of Rites.

Responsibility for supervision.

In fact, Li Shentong has entered a stage where life is worse than death. His neighbor is Feng Qianli, the treasurer of the Ministry of War. This person has not been killed. Like Li Shentong, he is shown to others as a living example, with a strong sense of warning.

In this way, the reputation of the King of Han for being tolerant was further enhanced, which seemed to be more successful than the blood shed on the ground.

It's just that this kind of thing is invisible in the eyes of those smart people. The extremely hypocritical face of the king suddenly became clear in many people's minds.

For example, after hearing about this incident, the current head of the Wang family, Wang Ze, the Minister of Rites, only said four words expressionlessly, which was extremely shameless.

He didn't mention anyone by name, so everyone has their own guess as to who he was scolding. Anyone who knew what he was thinking knew that this involved Li Shentong and Yang Gongren. As for whether it also included Han King Li Po... Well, then

Only God knows.

After hearing this, Pei Shiqing, who was in Shangdang, shook his head and sighed, and said to those around him, "Don't speculate too much, we and Li Tang have become a big enemy."

This incident was not big, but its impact was far-reaching. The cunning temperament of Han Wang Li Po was clearly displayed, making many people very afraid.

For Li Po, the matter was settled, and he felt relatively proud. In fact, he did not realize that his handling of this matter was somewhat inappropriate and his vision tended to be "short-sighted."

Because as a king, if he only pursues immediate benefits, he is likely to lose in the long term. He broke the current rules. In addition to damaging the reputation of the Kansai Li family, he actually did not gain much benefit. He was purely killing the enemy.

The result of losing one thousand to oneself is eight hundred.

It's just that Li Po didn't think about the gains and losses in detail. The war was about to start, so how could he have the time to think too much? He was thinking about taking off Li Shentong's head to strengthen the hearts of the people, so what about the rest?


In February, the spring breeze is rippling in the south and the grass is lush, but in Jinyang in the north, the spring is still cold and the vegetation is lonely.

The group of people meandered along the wall of Wang's family in Jinyang and came to the old tree with jagged branches. Li Po stationed his horse under it, and the well-trained guards dispersed.

Li Po turned over and dismounted, looked up, walked forward, patted the tree trunk, smiled, turned to Wang Qi who was following behind him, and said, "Not long after I led the troops south to Jinyang that day, I didn't know what to do.

I just chatted with you for a few words, but my ambition suddenly arose, and now that I think about it, I haven't even said thank you."

His words were naturally half-truths. If he could arouse his ambition by having a few words with a little girl across the wall, that would be... well, if that were true, what would be the difference between it and joking.

But the situation at that time was that he had just led his army into the big city of Jinyang and occupied Li Yuan's lair. He was very determined in his behavior, but he was murmuring in his heart. He neither wanted to plunge into the whirlpool of war in the Central Plains, nor did he want to let it go.

It's a great opportunity, but it's also mixed with the entanglement of how to deal with the Turks.

In general, his head was quite dizzy at that time, and he even began to complain about Li Yuanji's fellow, for throwing a fortified city like Jinyang to him so easily, which shows the hesitation in his heart.

He also had concerns about how to deal with the Jinyang Wang family. In other words, many things had not been sorted out yet, and he felt very uncomfortable.

But it was under this old tree that he finally came up with the idea of ​​competing with the world's heroes, strengthened his determination, and started to deal with the Jinyang clan.

This is something that is difficult to tell to outsiders, and even when I think about it, it feels like it was a lifetime ago and I cannot explain it clearly.

So after hearing this, the talented girl of the Wang family turned rosy. She obviously remembered what happened that day. In addition to praising her youth, ignorance and extraordinary courage, she also felt that time had passed too fast.

The argumentative little girl has long since disappeared, leaving only the secret room of the Han Dynasty Palace.

She raised her head shyly and slightly confused, and asked, "Your Majesty... where does this thank you come from?"

Li Po didn't answer, only turned around and gently stroked the rough body of the old tree, murmuring: "It's been a long time... Today I can protect one side, but I don't know if I can turn danger into safety like you and stay standing forever."

What about pouring?"

Lao Shu responded with silence, destined to have no response, but Li Po smiled and said in a louder voice, "When I have settled in Xijing, I will move you to the front of the palace so that you can also experience the splendor of Chang'an."

Everyone had different expressions after hearing this, but no one like Yu Wenxin, Xue Wanche and others could agree with him. Li Po was already the King of Han, so what else could anyone else say in front of him?

Even Wang Qi kept her mouth shut, pondering the meaning of these words.

She knew why Li Po came to Wang's house today because her father, Wang Ze, the Minister of Rites, heard that the war was about to start and wanted to accompany the army...

The meaning here is actually very clear. The Wang family wants to move to Kansai. At least Wang Ze's branch wants to take the opportunity to cross the river with the army and find another door.

Obviously, the Wang clan leader has now determined that in this year's battle, the King of Han will have plans to head west to secure Chang'an, so he took advantage of the situation and made his request.

The meaning is obvious. In addition to wanting to gain some military glory, he is also very determined to risk his life and fortune.

Of course, a family like the Wang family is certainly not a temporary act. If that were the case, how could the Wang family have stood in Jinyang for thousands of years without falling?

Speaking of which, when Li Yuan was in Jinyang, the Wang family had already intended to follow Li Yuan south to Chang'an. However, Wang family hesitated later. At first, she was worried that the powerful clans in Guanxi would be squeezed out when they arrived in Chang'an.

Later, when changes occurred frequently, the will of the Wang family became even weaker, not only because they offended Li Yuan, but also because they offended the King of Qi, Li Yuanji.

The arrogance of the Kansai nobles made everyone in the Wang family angry, so no one mentioned the matter of relocating the clan anymore. Moreover, the Wang family elders headed by Wang Cong became increasingly conservative and were even less willing to take such risks.


Now that Wang Ze was in charge of the Wang family, he saw that the Han Dynasty's career was flourishing and the image of the wise ruler was becoming more and more apparent. The young disciples were once again ready to make a move. After several discussions, a decision was finally reached.

In other words, the Wang family is preparing to move their clan, which is a huge event for the Wang family, and the same is true for the Han king Li Po.

Even though he had never had a good impression of Wang, this time, Wang's actions were undoubtedly appreciated by him.

Because he has always believed that if you want to get something, you have to pay the same price, and people who always want to sit back and enjoy the gains... Humph, where can there be such a good thing in the world?

The more long-term consideration is that once Cheng'an is captured, he will face a group of people from the Kansai clan. With the help of the Jin clan, the trouble will be reduced a lot.

Li Yuan is a good example. He raised troops from Jinyang and went south to Chang'an, but rarely used Jin people. Look, he should have given up his eldest son to regret now, right?

This is obviously good news, good news that allows him to go there in person...

There was more than one piece of good news. Shortly after Zhang Liang left, Zhang Lun and Xu Shiji, who were stationed in Hongnong, received a battle report. On the 26th of the twelfth lunar month last year, Xu Shiji led his troops into the mountains and wiped out more than 40 groups of mountain bandits, and finally caught up with Shan.

The Xiongxin bandit group killed single Xiongxin in formation, captured many, and eliminated the largest group of bandits in Hongnong.

It is nothing new for Henan generals to kill each other, but this time, Xu Shiji gave a satisfactory answer.

However, these guys did stupid things again when they reported their merits. He mentioned in the report document that he and Shan Xiongxin were both colleagues and brothers, and he begged the King of Han to allow him to take the punishment for his small merits.

He was buried honorably in Shan Xiongxin Yunyun.

This is obviously because he wants to gain merit and gain a good reputation. Li Po despises such a guy the most. Well, he seems to be similar to himself...

So he wrote in his reply, "There are many bandits in Henan, are they all your brothers?"

When the reply was sent to Hongnong, Xu Shiji felt a chill in his heart when he looked at Zhang Lun, who was scratching his big beard.


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