Chapter 738 Revisiting

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Li Po's guess about Xu Shiji's thoughts was absolutely correct.

What kind of brothers can he and Shan Xiongxin be? Are they brothers who stab each other in the back?

Previously, Li Po's military order was sent to Hongnong, asking Zhang Lun and Xu Shiji to eliminate the banditry, focusing on some people led by Shan Xiongxin.

Then... Soon Xu Shiji happily led his troops out to suppress the bandits. The battle report said it was relatively simple, but the actual situation was that the people who fled from Wang Shichong's army transformed into bandits. In this winter, they were almost too hungry to stand it.


At the beginning of winter, many people came out of the mountains to vote for Zhang Lun and Xu Shiji. The leading party should not be too large.

When Xu Shiji sent out troops, the target was actually very clear. The other bandits were just incidental. They chased Shan Xiongxin for dozens of miles in the mountains before killing this Henan bandit who had been wreaking havoc in Henan for more than ten years.

It can be seen from this that there is no brotherhood between the two, and the depth of hatred between the two is probably beyond people's imagination.

In fact, it is easy to explain that when Xu Shiji went to Wagang to join the bandits, he was forced to do so.

Zhai Rang and Shan Xiongxin fell into a trap in Wagang. They were evil-minded and cruel, and wanted to kill everyone in their family at every turn. Xu Shiji was frightened so much that he went to Wagang to join the gang.

The root of the disaster had been sown at that time. The feud between Xu Shiji and Wagang generals had been entangled for more than ten years. The back and forth, the flash of swords and shadows, were much more exciting than the romances of the Sui and Tang Dynasties written by later generations.

Even they themselves are not sure how much blood was shed and how much grudges were forged during this period. What kind of comradeship and brotherhood are there to talk about?

Xu Shiji is good at this. He has never considered the Wagang bandits as his accomplices. Shan Xiongxin, Qin Qiong, Cheng Zhijie and others have separated and combined to make things like the Three Kingdoms. That is called Huanshi's torment...

As a result, these guys have developed the habit of covering themselves up no matter what they do, mainly because they don't want others or their subordinates to say that they are not loyal enough.

Well, this is a confusing account that cannot be explained clearly. If the love between brothers is really like in the later novels, how could Shan Xiongxin die?

Shan Xiongxin's fate is almost doomed. He maintains that his ancestors have been famous and he is one of the founders of the Wagang Army. He thinks that his status is higher than others, but he is not as good as Qin Qiong in winning people's hearts. In terms of thick skin, he is not as good as Qin Qiong.

He also lacks many talents like Cheng Zhijie, so his ability to lead troops is only so high.

As soon as Zhai Rang died, he regarded himself as the leader of the people, and even Li Mi and Wang Shichong did not pay much attention to him.

So after all the trouble, it was only a matter of time before he was killed. Being able to live for such a long time was actually a sign that God had taken more care of him.

And after killing Shan Xiongxin, Xu Shiji felt as happy and beautiful as Yang Gongren, and there was no hesitation like Yang Gongren at all. Once the breath that had been stuck in his chest for many years was cleared, what do you think of this person's psychology?

What is the status like?

It's simply refreshing. This is...

In his excitement, this man forgot about the temperament of the lord he was serving. Of course, he had been away from Li Po for almost half a year, and he had made military exploits one after another, which made him feel a little dizzy.

So the smart guy started to express his loyalty. Yes, what he said was just to prove that he was a kind person and would not be ungrateful. What else could it be if it wasn't to express his loyalty?

Do you want to leave a good reputation for yourself? You know, Xu Shiji was in his prime at this time, and reputation was not that important to him.

It's just a bit self-defeating. What Li Po wants to tell him is that you first surrendered to Zhai, then worked for Li Mi, then went to work for Li Tang, and now you have surrendered to me. Your loyalty... Let's not talk about this issue yet.


The back and forth made Xu Shiji very uncomfortable. Liu Jingsheng, Xie Zheng, Liu Chaozong and others happened to arrive. Xu Shiji rolled his eyes and had another idea.

Well, this guy is like a donkey being whipped with whip after whip. If he gets a little complacent, he will be hit hard and he can only be whipped in circles.


Li Po doesn't care so much, but his employment style has become stable.

He will treat people from aristocratic families with courtesy, but don't think this is a good thing. Once you offend him, he will be particularly vicious when dealing with people.

He would have a very bad attitude towards guys from a rough background, but if he made a mistake, he would be more tolerant in dealing with them.

For example, when he came to Wang's mansion this time, Wang opened the front door as if facing a formidable enemy, and was greeted by more than ten or twenty people named Wang, headed by Wang Ze.

He was surrounded by people and walked into the Wang family's mansion. Without a few words, Li Po smiled and said to Wang Zedao: "I visited Wang Zedao for the first time a few years ago. The gate is tall and splendid, and there are many wise people. I suddenly feel admiration when I look at it. Today I am here again."

...Haha, looking back, it feels like yesterday."

It was not a good thing to say at first sight. At that time, Mrs. Wang was still holding on to the pretense of being a powerful family member in Jinyang. Even if she asked for help, she would inevitably look a bit arrogant when receiving people.

In just a few words, he vividly described Wang's original appearance, which was enough to embarrass the Wang family's children.

Don’t understand? How could you not understand? This is the tune that people like Wang like the most.

Wang Ze looked slightly embarrassed and smiled apologetically: "Your Majesty's visit is enough to bring glory to our Wang family. There are countless sages in Jinyang family, but how many people can welcome Your Majesty outside the door? Your Majesty has been so kind to us."

It’s great.”

The flattery was good, and the topic was also changed well. Li Po felt that the newly elected leader of the Wang family was indeed the right person.

He smiled and nodded, and said casually: "Last time I came and went in a hurry without taking a closer look, but today I have to ask Wang Shangshu to guide me and take me to visit the king's house again."

Wang Ze was stunned for a moment, and immediately thought in his heart, he was fully involved in the whole process last time, and it was at that time that his father, Wang Cong, lost his position as the leader of the Wang clan.

Is there any difference this time? Wang Ze's back felt a little cold, but he had no reason not to agree. He immediately agreed, accompanied Li Po with a forced smile, and walked towards the depths of Wang's mansion.

Li Po took his time, chatting and laughing with his companions, and walked around the Wang family's mansion again. He came to the front of the Wang family's ancestral hall again, and offered another stick of incense to his ancestors. As for such incense, Wang family

Whether the ancestors are willing to enjoy it or not, only God knows.

I estimate that if the ancestors of the Wang family were really spiritual, they would definitely kick this treacherous boy to the sky. He would not bully others like you.

However, Li Po was not injured at all, the sky was clear and clear when he was offering incense, and there was no abnormal movement at all, which shows that the ancestors of the Wang family are still very "reasonable".

The expressions of the Wang family's children who accompanied him here varied. They were neither as excited nor as angry as when Li Po entered the mansion. Most of them felt that the scene was familiar and yet strange.

Some people have already turned their attention to Wang Ze, and they are almost thinking in their hearts, are they going to have secret talks with the Valve Master again? Will the Wang family have a new Valve Master?

This kind of divergent thinking is relatively active. If Li Po knew about it, he would definitely praise it, because this is the effect he wants. He can intimidate wealthy families without any harsh words. It can be seen that as the number of people in the family increases,

The more contacts he had, the more his political skills improved.

After coming out of the Wang family's ancestral hall, he casually responded to Wang Ze's words of gratitude with red eyes and good acting skills. Li Po was actually thinking that his Li family's ancestral hall should be made more presentable, otherwise it would be fucking worse.

Doesn’t it seem too shabby to be here?

Or... make the Wang family's ancestral hall more dilapidated? He is the only one in the world who has such a thought... It can be seen that the saying, accompanying the king is like accompanying the tiger is very reasonable.

Because you never know when the king will have some inexplicable thoughts. If you are unlucky enough, there is nothing surprising about falling victim.

The King is the most bizarre and terrifying creature in the world...

Fortunately, Li Po is quite reliable. Just think about it. He has the strength to make his own ancestral hall taller. It will be much easier than demolishing other people's ancestral halls.

When he came out, Li Po saw Wang Cong again.

This man's beard and hair were all white, and his old eyes were dim. He was helped to come to Li Po and saluted Li Po.

Li Po was quick and held the old man's arm. Wang Ze next to him was a step slower and could only stare a few times at the people who came around his father. He remembered the brothers, nephews, and fiercely.

I thought in my heart that I must strictly enforce the family rules when I go back and let them know the taste of addition.

There is nothing new in the mansion, and even a polite family cannot escape intrigues.

Wang Cong's speech was already a little slurred, and his hands were shaking. In Li Po's eyes, he was suffering from Alzheimer's disease, stroke or Parkinson's disease, and his days were probably numbered.

He also understood that it was normal for Wang Cong to quickly collapse mentally and physically after losing the power to take charge of the Wang family. A man cannot lose power for a day.

He held Wang Cong's arm with a smile on his face, put his ear to Wang Cong's mouth and listened, then turned his head and said a few words in Wang Cong's ear. The old man actually laughed.

This scene was very warm and harmonious, and it moved many honest Wang family members inexplicably. People who are not honest... well, they are not honest anymore. How dare they say something?

After staying in the Wang family's residence for a short while, Wang Ze accompanied Li Po back to the Wang family's main hall. According to Wang Ze's arrangement, he should have a good talk with Li Po. It would be best to leave His Highness the King of Han to have a dinner at the Wang family's residence.

, if possible, find some young men at home to show His Highness the King of Han...

Needless to say, these arrangements were all the way for nobles to welcome distinguished guests, but Li Po had no intention of doing this. He didn't even take a sip of tea. He just patted Wang Cong on the shoulder and said with a smile: "The Wang family is maintained by you. It's a blessing for our family.

Just this one thing...can protect our descendants for generations..."

Just like last time, the process was a bit slow, but the ending was straightforward, but the result was completely different.

This chapter has been completed!
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