Chapter 758 Crossing the River (2)

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The ancient land of Jin was surrounded by the Yellow River.

The history of Pujin Ferry is also very long, and it is also known as Fengling Ferry and Longmen Ferry in the world.

Pujin Ferry is the most important transportation thoroughfare connecting Qinchuan and Jindi. It is famous for its wide river beach and is convenient for traffic. Compared with Fenglingdu, the river surface at Pujin Ferry is relatively narrow and the water flow is much faster.


The Pujin Bridge across the river underwent large-scale repairs during the Kaihuang period. Later, during the Daye period, because Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty carried out large-scale construction projects across the country, the status of Pujin Bridge rose a lot and was carried out.

Reinforced several times.

During this period, oxen and horse teams rumbled across the bridge, and the Yellow River's natural chasm became a thoroughfare.

But the war at the end of the Sui Dynasty ruined all this. When Li Yuan led his troops southward, he successively defeated the Sui armies stationed in Hedong. Sang Xianhe, a powerful general under the control of Qu Tutong, burned the pontoon bridge in anger and cut off Li Yuan.

The most important passage across the river.

If Feng Yi's thief Sun Hua hadn't surrendered to Li Yuan, it would have been very difficult for Li Yuan to cross the Yellow River. You must know that the Sui army's military deployment at that time was much stronger than that of Li and Tang today.


It was the early spring in the North, the ice and snow had only melted for about a month, and the flood season of the Yellow River was still far away. This was the main reason why Li Po chose to lead his troops across the river at this time.

There are many key points in the battle across the river, but in the view of Li Po, who experienced the Liaodong War, the most important thing is how to build a strong pontoon bridge.

At that time, Yang Guang led a million-strong army to cross the Liao River. The battle across the river actually only lasted two or three days. For more than a month after that, people were busy building more pontoon bridges on the river to transport the army and food and supplies.

Transported to the other side.

Of course, what impressed Li Po deeply was the luxurious water building that was as spacious as a galloping road but did not allow soldiers to step on it.

The memory has gradually become distant, but it cannot be forgotten. The experiences and lessons learned have become nutrition and have been nourishing the career of His Highness the King of Han.

"Report, Mr. Yun reported to the king that the boat has been launched. In less than an hour, the pontoon bridge will be completed."

From a high place behind the army, he could get a close look at the overall situation. Li Po nodded slightly and said, "Go back and tell the minister, don't be a few feet shorter like Yu Wen Shangshu did back then. Hehe, I don't have a wheat iron staff under my command."

The Mai Tiezhang incident was undoubtedly one of the worst scenes in the first expedition to Liaodong. Yun Dingxing would not have known it. That incident directly led to Yang Guang's rampage, and the first expedition to Liaodong failed miserably.

Returning actually stems from this.

The plans of the Ministry of Industry, which had been revised several times, were also displayed under the spotlight at this time.

Soon, more than a dozen "weird-looking" boats were connected to one place with iron ropes and flowed down the river from the upstream.

The deck of the ship is very wide, the draft is very deep, and the canopy of the ship is raised, forming a triangle directly on the ship's deck, connected in one place, just like there is an extra corridor on the river that is neither wide nor narrow.

Yuchi Gong, who was next to Li Po, widened his eyes and looked at it for a long time before muttering, "This damn thing can also float on the water, it's so weird."

Others felt similar to him, but Li Po curled his lips and said to himself, a group of idiots who lack imagination, huh, what a rare sight.

Of course, he also forgot that when he saw these weird things on Jinshui River, he also wanted to kick Yun Dingxing a few times.

In other words, this has been tested. The Ministry of Engineering was not idle this winter, drilling through the ice of Jinshui. It took a long time to practice before bringing His Highness the King of Han to watch.

This is also the masterpiece of He Chou and Yun Dingxing. The only thing they regret is that the Jinshui River is not as fast as the Yellow River.

When the ships came nearby, they dropped their anchors and threw out two thick chains. People who had been waiting on the shore immediately rushed up and dragged the iron ropes and nailed one end of them into the ground.

The Tang army on the other side was obviously also surprised. After making a noise for a while, they rushed to the river beach and fired arrows.

This method of building a bridge is so fast that it is beyond people's imagination. It can also be regarded as a demonstration of the highest architectural level left over from the Sui Dynasty. Li Po accepted He Chou and others and regarded them as treasures, but at this moment

Got the best return.

It went very smoothly, except for an unlucky boatman who was injured by an arrow and fell into the Yellow River, which also happened to be the first casualty in this battle.

Li Shenfu, the king of Xiangyi County, has indeed arrived...

Most of the people in the Kansai Li family know how to fight. This is a very important part of the inheritance of the Kansai aristocracy today. It is obviously different from other clans. This undoubtedly created their martial spirit. It was not without reason that the Kansai people were able to dominate the world back then.


But then again, generals are a scarce resource at any time. Li Shenfu has courage and knows military matters...and, well, there is nothing else.

And the fact that he was able to lead troops to garrison Feng Yi's important territory was nothing more than having the word "Li" on his head. Needless to say, Li Yuan's characteristics in employing people were needless to say.

The defense by the river also reflects this. Prince Li Jiancheng is in charge of Tongguan, Princess Pingyang Li Xiuning is now in Yongfengcang, Feng Yi is Li Shenfu, the king of Xiangyi County, and only Hancheng is Hou Junji, who is also the confidant of King Li Shimin of Qin.


Behind them, there is Shaanxi Daoxingtai as support. The Shangshu of Shaanxi Daoxingtai is Xiao Yu, who is also a relative of Li Yuan.

It's hard to say how strict this arrangement was, but it was still much stronger than Qu Tutong's. At least when the enemy was about to cross the river to attack, no one thought of "abandoning the dark and turning to the bright."

But Li Shenfu was restless. He had read the articles sent from the other side, and he was frightened when he read an article criticizing rebellion.

He understood that this article was not of much use now, but the content could not be dissipated. Once the attack and defense at the river failed, someone might give him a fortune in danger.

In this day and age... not many people can be trusted. I have to say that his thoughts are very similar to Li Yuan's, and he feels that relatives are more reliable.

His feelings these days were completely opposite to Li Shimin's. When he learned that Li Ding'an was really sending his army south and wanted to cross the river to attack, he immediately felt that defending was the top priority.

At this time, he would not admit that he was in a panic because he did not have many troops.

Last year, many troops were transferred from Feng Yi to the west. Originally there were 40,000 to 50,000 people, but now there are only more than 25,000 left.

While he was complaining about the idiots in the court who had deceived the emperor and allowed the traitor Li Ding'an to take advantage of him, he kept asking Chang'an for help.

At the same time, he also considered himself very wise. After taking over the military power by the river, he immediately ordered people to demolish the recently rebuilt Pujin Bridge...

In fact, it can be seen from these psychological processes that Li Shenfu is a relatively mediocre general. He has certain rules about when and what to do, but he must not have high hopes for him.

There is no need to belittle anything, because there are the most generals like this in the army. As generals, they will make you feel very useful, but as commanders along the way, their shortcomings will be exposed when their duties are difficult.

They are not bold enough when they should be bold, and they are not careful enough when they should be careful. Once they encounter a strong enemy, they may become a typical example of one general's incompetence and exhaustion of the entire army.

At this time, Li Shenfu was undoubtedly startled by the enemy's magical tower bridge method. If I had known this, what the hell would I have demolished before.

Not to mention, there is a horizontal line coming from upstream and stopping more than twenty steps away. The difference from before is that they are pulled by cattle and horses on the shore, and they can control the speed very well to avoid being like the previous ones.

Ships collide, causing accidents.

With extremely thoughtful thinking, Yun Dingxing made a great contribution in Li Po's mind first.

The generals on both sides of the Taiwan Strait watched eagerly. Both the enemy and ourselves felt that they were waiting, and the time seemed extremely long.

Above the river, two headless snakes swayed, looking extremely unstable. They were still twenty or thirty steps away from the other side, and they were indeed short...

Li Shenfu laughed at the right time and said to the left and right: "Maybe the iron rod will come back today?"

The generals and staff around him also laughed, but everyone understood that the enemy was well prepared and it was absolutely impossible to repeat the story of Liaoshui. This battle was inevitable. However, seeing the prince look relaxed, he felt at ease.

Quite a few.

Li Shenfu slightly boosted the morale of the people around him, and then said in a deep voice: "Send the order, the front troops line up forward, and tell all the troops to kill those who retreat."

General Zhang Gong asked for an order, "Your Majesty, I am willing to guard the river beach and will not let a thief cross the river."

Naturally, Li Shenfu would not allow his close army general to leave his side at this time, so he only said in a gentle voice: "Don't be impatient for a moment. Although Li Ding'an comes from a humble background and is uneducated and incompetent, he is extremely cunning. If he attacks me without any reason, he will definitely have someone to support him.

We’ll talk about it later.”

Everyone is convinced, and if the king's command is determined and he has the style of a general, we only need to fight to the death with the enemy...

Li Shenfu's performance was remarkable. With him in the army, he could indeed stabilize the morale of the army. Of course, no one knew that at this time, the prince was already hesitant in his heart.

Behind him was Feng Yi. He led 20,000 people to the ferry. Once he failed...if Feng Yi failed, what would happen?

At this time, he complained again about being in love with Princess Li Xiuning of Pingyang. He had sent a letter to Yongfengcang for several days, but there was no movement there. Could it be that he wanted to sit back and watch his lover cross the river? Or he still remembered his elder brother's exploits back then.

, don’t want to bring troops to help?

Thinking of his brother, Li Shenfu was even more angry. You must know that his brother Li Shentong and he were both father and brother. They had watched him grow up. Needless to say, the relationship between the brothers. Ever since Li Shentong was captured, he had tried every means to

If you want to save your brother, if you don't "talk lightly", you will always get the clan leader's nod. Otherwise, he will even want to use Li Ding'an's father-in-law Li Jing to call his brother.

In this matter, he had great complaints against Li Yuan and his son, and Li Xiuning became the outlet for his emotions.

While he was so upset, he didn't even realize that he had developed a great fear for the lowly family member on the other side.

Before fighting, I was already timid...

(I went through numerous tests today, and was finally told that I still have to wait in line for the surgery, and the line lasted until Friday. Ah Cao was also drunk.)

This chapter has been completed!
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