Chapter 759 Crossing the River (3)

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Building pontoons and crossing rivers to attack the enemy is a very common method in war. No general will suddenly realize it when he sees a big river, and then find a way to cross the river.

Especially in large-scale military campaigns, when the number of soldiers reaches a certain level, the cost of recruiting ships is too high, so building bridges becomes the only method.

Of course, it is impossible to build a bridge on a water surface as wide as the Yangtze River.

On this day, the Jin army came from all over the country, and the method of building pontoon bridges was really eye-opening.

After the two pontoon bridges were set up, two large ships floated down from the upstream. The large ships were filled with big men holding long shields and wearing bright light armor. Obviously, these were heavy infantry that were increasingly rare nowadays.

Once the two large boats were in place, they immediately closed the gap between the pontoons and brought the front end of the pontoon closer to the shoal.

Not counting this, groups of soldiers held prepared wooden planks and began to lay them on the bridge deck. In less than two hours, the two pontoon bridges had already taken shape on the water of the Yellow River.

The Tang army was stunned. The rhythm was wrong, which made them feel extremely uncomfortable. Shouldn't crossing the river be a force attack? Why are you doing so many tricks?

Obviously, the Tang Army generals on the river beach have realized that it is impossible to cause large-scale damage to the enemy on the river.

This is also the case. The unwilling Tang army drew their bows and shot at the command. The arrows rose and fell like raindrops, but they were blocked by the canopy of the pontoon and they gained very little.

Adequate preparations before the war made the Jin army more calm, and they were already capable of many battles, so they were better able to adapt to the atmosphere of the war.

Almost in the blink of an eye, everything was ready, just waiting for the battle across the river...

Li Po, who was at a high place, smiled with satisfaction. He felt that he had grabbed the corner of the goddess of victory's clothes and needed to hold on tightly, unable to relax even for a moment.

"Blow the drums and pass the order to General Yuchi to cross the river..."

The rumble of war drums is the most shocking note in war. When it appears on the battlefield, it means that countless blood will be shed.

Yuchi Kai's flag began to move forward slowly, and the officers continued to shout rudely. Under the leadership of the officers, groups of soldiers, armed with swords, guns and bucklers, stepped onto the pontoon in sequence and quickly marched to the other side.

This is different from the forced crossing of Fengling Ferry last year. No fighter planes are needed, and the enemy on the other side will not easily give up the beach. There is no doubt that the Tang Army is a very powerful enemy.

Even though he fought with Li Tang repeatedly over the years and won many times, Li Po never denied this. Looking at all the princes in the world, he and Li Yuan are the only ones with a complete bureaucratic and military system.

The remaining few, even Xiao Xian, were unable to do this, because when they started, they gathered various rebel armies, thus making their military system more and more chaotic.

The advantages of the Tang army have always been obvious. They received a large number of officers and soldiers in the late Sui Dynasty. Their combat effectiveness and cohesion were unmatched by other princes. The only unlucky thing was that they met Li Po who came from the border. His subordinates were even more powerful. As an elite frontier army of the Sui Dynasty, the Tang army was dwarfed by them.

The young and vigorous Jindi soldiers boarded the pontoon bridge and ran forward unsteadily quickly. The next step was to seize the beach.

At this time, the bows and arrows of the Tang army had stopped. Thousands of Tang soldiers arrayed themselves on the river beach. Under the orders of the officers, they moved forward slowly, apparently to defend the river beach.

The heavy armored infantrymen on the ship jumped off the bow one after another, and began to set up defenses in the shallow river water. Others were pulling the iron ropes to nail them into the ground to complete the last step of the pontoon bridge.

Compared with the Tang army, they seemed too thin, and subsequent soldiers were quickly joining them.

As the Tang army moved forward, the sound of war drums on both sides of the strait intertwined, and the shouts of killing finally resounded across the shore.

The Tang army did not leave much time for the enemy to prepare. The arrows rained heavily on the river beach, and the Jin soldiers who boarded the beach fell to the ground one after another.

But once the war starts, it will not stop because of these casualties.

Soon the two armies collided at the beach head. They raised their swords and guns simultaneously, shouting to kill each other. Arrows danced in the air, and the swords flashed. Countless people screamed and fell to the ground during the collision, and blood flowed out wantonly.

But this was not the most tragic moment of the battle. The Jin army continued to replenish the military formation through the pontoon bridge, struggling to block the Tang army's offensive.

At this time, the situation at the beachhead was a bit strange.

Originally, the defensive side would have more choices. Generally speaking, attacking halfway across the river is the most commonly used tactic. That is to say, let some enemy troops cross the river, then gather together to destroy them, demoralize the enemy troops, and then

Hold the beachhead and make the enemy feel helpless.

Of course, this is definitely different from a strategic half-crossing attack.

But the Tang army chose to defend the beachhead, which was the safest and most rigid tactic. This made the two armies into a life-or-death situation once they came into contact.

This showed that the generals of the Tang army were not confident enough and did not have the confidence to fight the enemy head-on and win in one battle. But having said that, this did cause a lot of trouble for the Jin army.

It was difficult to make up for the disadvantage in numbers. The beach seemed to be crowded with people at once. The front line of defense could not help but be compressed by the Tang army. Soon they gathered together and kept retreating.

Casualties are one thing, but they have almost made it impossible for the soldiers who landed later to gain a foothold. Once the Tang army launched an offensive, they had no intention of stopping and were ready to push the enemy down the Yellow River in one go.

When Li Po saw this, he just frowned and didn't worry much. The battle when the army crossed the Liao River gave him a lot of experience.

On the one hand, the Tang army on the other side did not have many troops, and on the other hand, he believed that the battle for the beach was actually just the beginning for the army he led. The Tang army on the shore would definitely not be able to stop the army.

In other words, once he made up his mind to cross the river and enter Kansai, the battle for the beach was just a local battle and had no impact on the overall situation. It just depends on how much effort it takes.

Just like the more than 200,000 Goguryeo troops on the other side of the Liao River were unable to stop the Sui army from forcibly crossing the beach, the performance of the Tang army at this time actually proved this from the side.

Li Shenfu...Li Po curled his lips, did he want to leave all the Tang troops guarding Feng Yi here? Then he really had to thank him.

In fact, what he was thinking about now was how to get the army to cross the river as quickly as possible before the Tang army gathered. It could be said that from his perspective, the temporary disadvantages and setbacks were nothing.

Even if the Tang army could block Yuchi Xin's troops from the shore today, it would only be a small trouble for him who commands the army.

What's more, is Yuchixin really willing to be easily blocked by the Tang army? Then how can he have the face to stand side by side with other generals who are full of meritorious deeds?


A big man covered in armor jumped out of the ship vigorously. He was a battalion lieutenant, the most important force in the army.

As soon as he got off the boat, an arrow grazed his face, leaving a bloody gash. He just turned his head and kicked and hit the person in front of him to drive away.

With a ferocious look on his face, he howled like a wild beast, "Fuck me, charge forward, charge me up."

When the Han Dynasty from Youzhou set foot in Qin for the first time, he greeted the Qin people fiercely in his own way.

With ferocious momentum and rich combat experience, the monsters they trained killed several people as soon as they arrived in front of the formation, and took the lead to rush into the Tang army's formation.

This is a typical example of leading by example, and it can also inspire the courage of the Chinese army. His subordinates only shouted, followed behind the battalion captain, and squeezed in regardless of death.

The Tang army was very dense, turning this charge into the most dangerous hand-to-hand combat. Puff, puff, puff, the sound of swords and guns piercing flesh was enough to make people feel horrified.

On the other side, the same story was unfolding. All the troops moved forward bravely. Two teams of dozens of people inserted themselves into the Tang army's formation like sharp knives and kept moving forward. The bravery and skill of the Jin army was at this moment.

, was performed vividly.

This is very similar to the Battle of Liao and Shui. The warriors who dared to die rushed forward, frustrated the enemy's formation, and used the toughest method to open the door to victory for the following army.

There was a slight disturbance in the Tang army's formation, and their offensive faltered.

Soldiers kept jumping off the ship, and finally stabilized their steps in the shallow water. The big man holding a strong shield moved forward vigorously, forcing the enemy to retreat.

The space is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more soldiers are crossing the river. Hundreds, thousands, more and more every moment. The arrows of the Tang army have turned the river beach into a thatched grassland. The screams are endless, and the people flowing down are

The blood not only dyed the river beach red, but also gave the water by the river a strange color.

But this did not stop the enemy. When the Jin army gained a foothold, their terrifying power was revealed. They grew up in various wars in the late Sui Dynasty. They were the most proficient in killing. They were well-trained.

The morale is high, the equipment is complete, and there is no fear of casualties.

In front of such a military force, it doesn't matter what kind of enemy it is. What matters is whether the value of victory matches their casualties.

A flag of the sun, moon and stars finally fluttered in the wind by the river. What was even more coincidental was that as the Tang army continued to retreat, their general flag fell crookedly.

At this point, there is no longer any suspense...

Li Shenfu was furious and immediately wanted to send troops to continue fighting the enemy for the beachhead. The generals under his command also requested orders one after another.

But Li Shenfu hesitated after all. Behind them was Feng Yi, and there was no room for error. If they were entangled with such an enemy by the river, what if...he didn't dare to think about it, and he also didn't dare to bear such a result.

So Li Shenfu made a decision that seemed wise at the time but was criticized later, and he retreated to Feng Yi.

This was actually the result of Li Tang's slow response. The river defense line was too long and the troops were too dispersed, which was also an important reason for the failure of the Battle of the River Bank.

When the Tang army's military order to retreat was issued, the situation on the river beach was already out of control.

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