Chapter 779 The general trend (six)

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Chang'an City, Zuokangfang.

Former Sima Li Wu of Princess Pingyang's Mansion walked around Zuokangfang main road a few times. When he turned the corner again, he quickened his pace and ran into the path. He walked zigzag for an unknown amount of time before he came.

Go to the front of a yard.

Still worried, he looked around and saw that there was no movement at all from the ears and eyes placed around him. Then he knocked on the courtyard door with peace of mind. Soon there were footsteps inside, and Hu Dalang yawned and opened the courtyard door for him.

Li Wu glared at him fiercely, "What time of year is it and you can still sleep? If there is something wrong, I will only ask you."

The two have known each other for many years, and Hu Dalang is not afraid of this "dwarf". I think back when he was running errands in Mayi, he was never afraid of anyone. Later, when he went to Chang'an to run errands for others, he became the personal entourage of Princess Li Xiuning of Pingyang. It can be seen that

There are many big shots...

Hu Dalang, who has opened his eyes, is no longer afraid of anything.

"Come on, don't bluff me. All the people living around here are our brothers. They can hold up for a while even if the sky falls. What could possibly go wrong?"

Li Wu entered the door, closed it smoothly, and did not get angry with him. He just urged: "Stop nagging, go, and take me to see Chang Shi."

Hu Da curled his lips and muttered, "What a long history, Sima, you are the only ones who still take it seriously..."

Of course, although he is now older and has become more nagging, he does not dare to slack off in his work. He has stayed in Chang'an City peacefully for nearly ten years, and now he is experiencing turmoil again.

I'm going to lose my life.

He himself is not afraid, but these many brothers who get along day and night, plus his wife and children, cannot let others catch him and lose his head because of his negligence.

The swordsmen of Mayi back then now have deeper concerns and are no longer so ignorant and fearless.

Although it has been a few years since this house was purchased, this is the first time for Li Wu to come here, because the most basic requirement here is to keep it secret. He, a Sima of Princess Pingyang Mansion, attracts so much attention, so it is not suitable for him to hang out here.

The house looks ordinary, but in fact it is connected to other places. I turned to the wall of the back house, opened the secret door, and entered the neighbor's house. I walked two more yards, and it took a lot of effort to enter the owner's residence.

Little thought.

Hu Da calmly led the way, saying that this damn place was inconvenient. His son was clamoring to go out and play every day. He didn't know when this kind of hiding in Tibet would end.

On the other hand, they cursed that the Li family were not a thing? They would not repay kindness with hatred? They had never beaten anyone? Just treat them like little people.

Li Wu seemed to have a fire hidden in his heart. He was even more annoyed by this guy. He wanted to shut him up, but considering Hu Dalang's temperament, he just let it go.

Li Wu has already passed his thirties, has he lived a stable life for a long time? Even a desperado like Hu Dalang has become a human being, let alone Li Wu.

He read a lot with his uncle and started practicing calligraphy and painting at some point.

Those few years when he first came back? He could always recall what it was like to be at the frontier. In his dreams, he could hear the earth-shattering sound of horse hooves and the blood-curdling cry of killing.

But after a long time, the whole person became calmer, especially with his uncle as an example...

For example, if 500 people came to Chang'an, less than 50 of them can still gather around and trust each other. The rest either married wives and had children and lived a stable life, or they have been won over by others and parted ways.

This is the power of time. In front of it, any kind of loyalty, any kind of courage, and any kind of vigor can be worn away and changed.

Li Wu often thought about what would have happened if he had not come to Chang'an. Among the names that gradually spread to the world in Jin, he must be Li Wu. You must know that when he was in Yunnei, he had already become the leader of everyone.

His military exploits were no worse than those of Yuchi, Buqun and others, and as a member of the Li family, he naturally had certain advantages.

Every time he thought about this, he felt regrets, complaints, and even some resentment in his heart. But thinking about it again, as a relative of the Li family, he came back to Chang'an to handle family matters, so he really had nothing to complain about.

Of course, showing Princess Pingyang her family was something he had never expected and would often feel awkward about. The inside story seemed a bit strange, and he couldn't quite tell what the relationship between the general and the princess was.

But regardless of whether there is a hidden secret or not, it is very inappropriate for the old Li family to take shelter in the princess's mansion. However, after so many years, both Li Jing and Li Wu are extremely grateful to receive the courtesy from Her Highness the Princess.

Just like now, the Han king's army has arrived at Chang'an City, and it is really not easy for the princess to let their uncle and nephew escape.

As my thoughts continued, I came to a courtyard. The courtyard was very lively, with cocks crowing and dogs barking all the time. Li Jing, the former Prime Minister of Mayi County, was sitting on a low table next to a stone table, holding a scroll in one hand and scrolling in the other.

Holding the head of a yellow dog, he was reading a book intently.

There was no trace of anxiety in his expression, he was as leisurely as a country man.

After meeting his uncle, Li Wu tried his best to calm down his angry mood before stepping forward to greet him.

Li Jing then raised his head. Compared with the past, except for his increasingly gray hair, this person has not changed much. He always looks like he has pearls of wisdom in his hand. In fact, he is still confused when doing things. Ping Yang is often blown away by his emotional intelligence.

Your Highness the Princess is teasing you.

"But there is news from outside?" Li Jing asked immediately, indicating that he had not forgotten his ability to know things from the slightest. He also showed that his leisurely appearance was mostly an act. His son-in-law was about to enter Cheng'an. He, the father-in-law, was not excited.

It's a liar.

Li Wu didn't know how to pretend, he laughed, it was hard to hear, he didn't know whether he was happy or sad, even he seemed to be shocked.

"The King of Han has arrived at the city, and may be about to attack the city..."

Li Jing stood up slowly, his hand holding the scroll trembling visibly, "You came so quickly. Didn't you say you were still with Feng Yi two days ago?"

There is no need to explain this. The news in Chang'an City is now like a mess. Rumors are flying all over the sky, and I don't know which one is true and which one is false.

But everyone is sure of one thing. King Li Ding'an of Han led his troops across the Yellow River, King Li Shenfu of Xiangyi County was defeated, and Li Ding'an's troops pointed directly at Chang'an. These news should be true, otherwise the city of Chang'an would not be closed with its four gates.

, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The people in the Li family were also worried, including Li Jing. No one thought that one day they would become relatives of the emperor. All these years they had been complaining that Li Ding'an was involved and their life was not easy.

Li Jing, the unlucky man, was the biggest victim. As soon as his official career improved, he was knocked back to his original shape and hid in the princess's mansion to live a leisurely life.

And his brother Li Yaowang was not well either. He had just invited Yu Wenshi to recover, but when Li Shentong was defeated, he suddenly became a punching bag and was reduced from his position to the people. Now it is good, the whole family has been arrested


Hearing the news, Li Jing did not applaud, but that night a rare table of wine and food was set up, and Hu Dalang, whom he had always disliked, was pulled to the table and had a few drinks.

It can be seen that the two brothers have been grudges for many years and have been unable to resolve them. If they get the opportunity, it is normal for them to stab each other several times.

"Siege the city? It shouldn't happen...Chang'an City is high and deep...Those who can enter Chang'an must do so without fighting..."

Li Jing paced back and forth, mumbling to himself. In fact, the tangle in his heart was even worse than that of Li Wu. He couldn't figure it out. He barely managed to survive in the frontier.

A student, by the way, married his daughter, how did he end up in today's situation.

He, Li Jing, must be blind. Why didn't he see that day, that ordinary, only passable "come-to-do" son-in-law, now rushed to the gate of Chang'an...

If he had known this, why would he have sneaked back to Chang'an in embarrassment and been frightened for so many years? There are not many good people in Chang'an. The longer he stays in this kind of land of tigers and wolves, the more he misses the Mayi people.

"Simple and honest".

Of course, it would be different if his son-in-law led troops into Chang'an. Whether as a teacher or father-in-law, he might be in a position that he had never thought of before.

What he is afraid of is that once his son-in-law comes from a remote place to the prosperous Chang'an, he will be dazzled by the grand scene of Chang'an, such as Princess Pingyang... and be surrounded by those treacherous sycophants who are accustomed to sweet-talking, such as Pei Ji...

Li Jing immediately thought too far. Li Wu looked at him and thought, "It doesn't seem appropriate to come here to discuss important matters with his uncle. Is he too happy? Or is he too scared?"

"As my uncle said, the city of Chang'an is so tall that it is difficult to enter. And we are inside the city, how can we not do our best to respond?"

Li Jing came back to his senses and thought about it for a moment, then returned to his old self, holding his hands behind his back and saying: "I, Mr. Li, have very few friends in the city. Even the five hundred warriors who entered the city back then, how many are left now?

How can we respond when we are so few and weak?"

"Your Majesty, Princess, allowed us to leave. Did you want us to open the city gate? If Qiang did it himself... he was eventually captured and taken to the top of the city. How did you let the King of Han outside the city behave?


Li Wu thought for a while and had to admit that what his uncle said made sense, but he was still confused in his heart, "What my uncle said is true, but if we don't contribute, who will dare to contribute? How much effort will it take for the King of Han to attack the city outside the city?"

Li Jing glanced at him sideways and exposed him mercilessly, "Are you afraid that the King of Han will blame you when he enters the city?"

Li Wu hesitated, obviously Li Jing was right. Of course, he can't be blamed for this. After all, he was only in his early thirties, and his ambition for success was still there. If he could contribute some strength in the battle for the King of Han to enter the city, it would be easier to talk to him later.


After so many years, the general has become the King of Han. He really doesn't know what terrible changes will happen to the general who always laughs so horribly, is not very big, and kills a lot of people, that he becomes the King of Han.

Do you still remember that Li Wulang worked for him?

This chapter has been completed!
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