Chapter 786 The general trend (thirteen)

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The surname Gao is undoubtedly a common surname, and there are Han people and foreigners among them.

The Gao Lun branch is a descendant of the Bohai Gao family and is a typical example of foreigners integrating into the Han people. There are countless famous ministers and generals among them, and even an emperor like Gao Huan.

In addition, Gao Xi, the famous prime minister during the Kaihuang period of the Sui Dynasty, was also a member of the Bohai Gao family.

Therefore, this is a very prominent family, and it is a core member of the top families in the world today. No one is willing to provoke them easily, unless they themselves commit evil.

Since the Daye period, the Gao family, like the Dugu, Chen, Xiao and other aristocratic families, has undoubtedly gradually gone downhill, because they have been attacked by Yang Guang in all directions.

When Li Yuan ascended the throne, as Guanxi gradually became more stable, all the families improved, and the Gao family was no exception. They established a firm foothold in the household department and were of great help to the family.

At first, Prince Zhan Shi Li Gang was appointed as the Minister of Household Affairs. Who was Li Gang? His ancestral home was also Bohai. He and the Gao family were serious fellow villagers, and he took great care of Gao Lun and others.

When Li Gang resigned due to Liu Wenjing's case, he recommended Gao Lun to succeed him as the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. Gao Lun was originally a member of the prince's party, and now that there was no one available, he was recommended by Li Gang and was successfully promoted to the position of the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

But this was almost the beginning of Gao Lun's nightmare.

Because not long after, King Li Shimin of Qin returned to the capital due to illness and immediately appointed Minister Zuopushe. Unfortunately for Gao Lun, the prince felt that his military merit was insufficient and asked him to go out to lead the army.

This time it was embarrassing. Not only was the backer gone, but a big enemy was also appointed as the immediate boss.

No matter what his considerations were, Gao Lun was unambiguous and only had eyes for the prince. When King Qin's decrees came to him, he would often put them on hold for a while, and he was not very respectful to King Qin himself. Li Shimin hated this deeply.

Later, both Gao Lun and Gao were unlucky.

The case of the Gao family and his son having an affair with the same daughter and causing death caused a stir in Chang'an. By the way, they also dealt with Li Yuanji, the king of Qi who was the magistrate of Chang'an at that time. It can be said that killing two birds with one stone? After that, they still couldn't grasp the handle of others.

It can be seen that the King of Qin was cruel and vicious.

If this is just Gao Lun's lax management of the family and his personal ethics, but he can still barely gain a foothold in the household department? Then later, Gao Lun's nephew colluded with bandits in Shu, robbed the army's food and grass, and wanted to surrender to Xiao Mian.

After the attack, Gao Lun, the Minister of Household Affairs, could not continue to be a minister.

According to the usual practice, once the emperor got angry, he would cut his position to serve the people. So Gao Lun was unlucky enough to become a commoner.

It can be said that reducing the rank of nobles to civilians was a common punishment during this period, and most people were reinstated within a few days.

It's probably equivalent to the emperor giving you a blow on the head, then remembering your kindness, patting you on the shoulder, and lifting you up from the ground.

From the emperor's point of view, this is a very good art of government. It can make you awe and grateful at the same time. What a good thing? You might as well do it more.

In fact, this is completely the emperor's own illusion? Take the recent events for example? Li Yuan was demoted by Yang Guang to be a civilian official? Brothers Dou Wei and Dou Kang were also demoted to be a civilian official. Finally, look at these

When the man had time, he gave the emperor a hard blow.

Gao Lun was extremely unlucky. The prince was not in the capital, and Pei Ji, Li Yuanji and others were punished by the King of Qin. They no longer dared to act like monsters.

In addition, the war with Han King Li Ding'an became increasingly unfavorable and the situation became increasingly bad, so Gao Lun was forgotten by everyone, intentionally or unintentionally.

Gao Lun was naturally very dissatisfied. The King of Qin was just a party, but the prince was very dishonest. There is no need to go into details about how important the household department was. Let’s just say that the household department was under the command of Gao Lun when it came to allocating food and grass to the army by the river.

, it gave Tongguan no less convenience and favoritism, and no less it caused trouble for King Qin’s subordinates.

Such efforts are very rare among the prince's party. Now that I have been offended, has the prince ever said a word to me, Gao Lun? Use any of his strength?

He would not have thought that at that time Wang Shichong was bracing his teeth and preparing to attack Tongguan from the west, nor would he have thought that the prince needed the support of the King of Qin. How could he fall out with the King of Qin because of his Gao Lun?

In any case, resentment arose from this, which is very common in political disputes in the court, but Gao's surly side also showed up at critical moments.

Because he was in a depressed mood, Gao Lun often said that Prince Li Jiancheng was unkind and unjust when he was drinking with his friends. He, Gao Lun, had always followed the prince's lead and supported the prince, and never complained. Now that he had ended up like this, the prince did not care.

How can you treat others so poorly?

And the emperor, if we, the Gao family, had not spoken for him in the capital, how could he be where he is today? Now he is still married to our Gao family’s daughter, but he listens to the slander and slaps our Gao family in the face indiscriminately. He is really not a human being.


Well, this seems to be the legacy of the late Jin Dynasty. The heroes and nobles lost their respect for the imperial power, so they kept saying strange things, and even slapped the table and stared at the emperor or superior officials in front of him. In the end, everyone had to fight with each other, which was rude and barbaric.

It’s really hard to describe in words.

Gao was one of the best...and his "drunk gaffe" soon reached Li Yuan's ears.

Li Yuan was naturally unhappy, but Gao Lun and Liu Wenjing were different. Liu Wenjing's kind of shabby settlement was rare in Kansai. In addition, the struggle for power was too fierce, so he would be killed. However, Gao Lun was Gao Lun.

His son, this is what Li Yuan values.

So Jiang Baoyi was just assigned to keep an eye on this guy. In other words, he was almost under residential surveillance.

But Gao Lun's surliness was not just expressed in disrespectful words. He was very unhappy. He drank too much at home and would kill servants and maids when he drank too much. He also played some very bad games and was cruel.

Not much worse than the Turkic nobles.

When the foreign enemies came, Gao Lun immediately saw the opportunity for "revenge", and immediately gathered his friends and prepared to do something to show Li.

When General Zuo Wuwei Jiang Baoyi led his men to surround Gao Lun's mansion, Gao Lun was drinking with several people in his back house and ordered his generals to whip two servants who had made mistakes.

Every scream sounded to them like fine wine to go with the meal, and the crazy laughter echoed in the hall. The servants waited beside them in fear, fearing that they would also be used to do something to them.

When the wine was full, Gao Lun even took off his coat and went to the scene himself. His skin and flesh were torn apart by the whipping, and he wailed and turned around. Soon he gradually lost his voice.

Gao Lun then gave up and wiped the blood stains on his face. A hint of satisfaction appeared on his hideous ghost-like face. He turned around and said to everyone with a smile: "Li Ding'an, you are a lowly family man. You are lucky enough to enjoy a high position. You can do it for me."

With the help of others, use his hands to eradicate Li Yuan and his son..."

"I'm afraid that if we drive a tiger to meet a wolf, Li Yuan and we can still be called brothers. But Li Ding'an started out in the wilderness and has a wolfish ambition. Once he enters the city, he may suffer a backlash."

"There is only one Dong Zhuo, so why worry? All you need to do is find one Lu Bu and take his life easily."

Several people were so drunk that they were so excited that they forgot all about it. They talked about all kinds of nonsense, and they all looked like they had a chance to win, and they had everything in the world.

When Jiang Baoyi and his men broke in, they saw just these drunkards. Gao Lun pointed at his nose and scolded him, spitting all over his face.

Gao Lun indeed drank too much, and he always looked down on this close minister of the emperor, the Jiang family of Jinzhou. How could it be considered a family? The ancestors of my servants are probably a bit more noble than him...

But at this moment, Jiang Baoyi appeared in front of him without any warning. In anger, he took advantage of the alcohol and cursed him all over his face.

He said forget about anything else. The Gao family always wanted to get some preferential treatment, but he should never expose Jiang Baoyi's scars and talk about how Jiang Baoyi was doing in Jin. Not to mention the rat scurrying back, he might not be doing well in Jin.

He had to endure hardships and beg for his life, but when he came back, he was still making trouble, and he didn't know who he sold to, so that he could be promoted to such a high level again.

Jiang Baoyi's face turned red and white. New and old grudges were added up. He couldn't help but feel angry. He drew his knife and chopped the drunk Gao Lun to the ground with one blow. He still couldn't forgive his hatred. He chopped a few more times and finally

He was pulled away by the frightened guards.

At this time, Gao Lun was bleeding profusely, twitched a few times, and died immediately.

After seeing the blood, Jiang Baoyi did not calm down, but became more and more manic. The repression of these years, and the ecstasy of once having power, seemed to have suddenly found an outlet to vent at this moment.

Jiang Baoyi shouted: "The matter has been done and cannot be spread."

These guards were his confidants. After hearing these words, they all felt that they were reasonable. After hesitating for a moment, they all drew out their knives and followed Jiang Baoyi to kill everyone in the courtyard.

Afterwards, Jiang Baoyi smelled the fresh smell of blood. Although he felt happy, he could not hide his fear. You must know that the Gao family is not that easy to offend. In normal times, he would not dare to commit murder in the Gao family's mansion even if he had the guts to do so.

At this moment, his mind was burning. He had done such an irreparable thing. He was really angry and scared. The guards slowly gathered around him. When the murderous aura gradually subsided, they all ran out of ideas.


After a long time, Jiang Baoyi gritted his teeth and said: "Go, find something to ignite the fire, burn this place, and say that Gao Lun conspired to rebel. We surrounded him in the house. Knowing that he was unlucky, he set fire to himself and died."

When the guards heard this, they all agreed. Well, if you don't set fire to kill people, you will always feel that there is something wrong. The general is the general, and it is beyond our reach.

When the flames rose over the Gao Mansion and thick smoke spread everywhere, Jiang Baoyi's legendary life reached a new level. He probably never thought in his life that his hands could be stained with the blood of the Gao family's children, right?

A fire broke out in Gaofu, thick smoke billowed into the sky, and everyone in the mansion dispersed. But before that, the soldiers of Zuowuwei Mansion surrounded Gaofu...

Once these news spread, no one cared whether you were setting yourself on fire or not, and the chaos in Chang'an City suddenly reached a new stage.

This chapter has been completed!
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