Chapter 790 General Trend (Seventeen)

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A living brand like Changsun Shunde will naturally be exploited.

Company Commander Sun Shunde himself has this realization. There are advantages and disadvantages to surrendering quickly. You surrendered so easily today, but if I am in trouble tomorrow, will you run one step faster than others?

The Changsun family is an in-law of the Li family. Although she is inferior to the Dou family, Xiao family, etc., she has already hugged the thigh of the King of Qin tightly. She always follows the King of Qin's lead in everything, and is an out-and-out member of the King of Qin's party.

Now this is the bad luck. Once the King of Qin was defeated, people like them who came to Chang'an from Luoyang became particularly embarrassed.

You may say that they are prominent, and they are indeed prominent. Their families have been officials for generations, and they are also well-known high-ranking nobles in the Eastern Capital. However, if you say that they can be ranked alongside the great nobles of Kansai, that is not necessarily the case.

They have no foundation in Kansai, otherwise they would not hang themselves on a tree by King Qin. It is not because they have a shallow foundation in Kansai that they have no choice but to do so.

What troubles them even more is that the wealthy families of Dongdu have been fighting against the Kansai family for some years. Once they come over in a hurry, they will inevitably be greatly ostracized, so life is not as easy as it seems.

For example, the two uncles and nephews of the eldest son, Shunde, lived in Kansai with great fear and were demoted out of the capital several times. The eldest son, Shunde, had just returned to the capital, and his nephew, eldest son, Wuji, had been in office in Chang'an County for three years.


What's good now is that not only is his backer gone, but both his uncle and nephew will also become prisoners of the rank and file. How can the sadness of this situation be tolerated by outsiders?

Therefore, even if the decline is faster, there are deep-seated reasons. If the Li family fails, the Changsun family must find another way out and get ahead of the Kansai people.

And if someone uses it to do something, you can only accept it helplessly? Do you have to look like you are grateful? As for the reputation of the Changsun family, how can you care so much now?

Of course? Children of a wealthy family like them must have confidence. At this point, Changsun Shunde never belittles himself. He believes that the King of Han will soon discover the value of their Changsun family.


Li Po had no time to care too much now? The city of Chang'an finally opened its arms? This was a historic moment, and it was led by him. The indescribable emotions were tumbling in his chest again.

Only he himself understands that he has created a brand new history? It has also been changed by history.

Did the times create heroes? Or did heroes create the times? It doesn't matter in the face of the fait accompli. More than ten years have passed since Yun Nei raised his army. Now he looks back? Can he say with certainty that he did not waste any time?

He has not failed to live up to God's blessing, although he often muttered something about God not being blind.

When he was thinking a lot, he was surrounded by people and arrived at the gate of Chang'an City.

Time passed slowly while waiting. The outside world was so noisy. It made Li Po gradually frown. The people who were paying attention to him all the time made their hearts rise.

Many people, including Changsun Shunde, were wondering, did the King of Han think that the speed of entering the city was too slow?

In fact, the army entered the city very quickly, and most of the generals were impatient and almost wanted to spread their wings and fly into Chang'an City.

Although many details had been agreed upon before, it was dark and chaos was inevitable when it was finally implemented.

With the help of Changsun Shunde's generals, the Tang army soldiers laid down their weapons one after another and handed over the key points of city defense in the north of the city to the Jin army.

As the army entered the city, the Tang army defenders in other directions also received the news, so those who hesitated immediately made up their minds, and the messenger asking for surrender quickly appeared in front of Li Po.

Almost no one in the outer city defenders wanted to resist. Such a performance would probably make even the victors sigh.

Several small-scale fights occurred, but they were quickly suppressed by their former comrades without any intervention from the Jin army.

This process was very similar to when Li Yuan led his army into the city. Everyone offered refuge in the city one after another, and rushed into Chang'an City without much effort. It was not until they entered the inner city that they encountered the tenacious resistance of Yin Shishi and others.

It was so smooth that it was unbelievable. When the news reached Li Po's ears like water, Li Po responded quickly with the explanation of Changsun Shunde.

Instead of ordering his generals to take over the defense of the four cities, he ordered the troops to be stationed on the spot and not to move. He also ordered them to be on guard against anyone making trouble.

This avoids confusion to a large extent.

But having said that, this night was undoubtedly the most chaotic night in Chang'an City in recent years.

This is a large city inhabited by hundreds of thousands of people. Looking around the entire world, there is only one such city. When it fell, it also behaved extraordinary.

Not long after the army entered the city, a commotion finally broke out in the city and spread to all directions like ripples.

At this time, the real bad guys emerged, including the urban foxes and social rats, some soldiers in the army, some officials in the government offices, some people with grudges, politicians with ulterior motives, etc.

Robbery is the theme, murder and arson are incidental. Everything that can happen when a city falls can be epitomized in Chang'an City at this time.

It's just that a microcosm is a microcosm, and it cannot really destroy this big city, because the fire is not big enough, the chaos is not thorough enough, and the people are not crazy enough. The most important thing is that there are people who are firmly maintaining the basic order.

"You are not allowed to go out."

"Those who fight with weapons in the market die."

"Those who break into houses without permission, kill people and set fires will die, those who build money and plunder them will die."

Accompanied by the sound of horse hooves, groups of knights held torches and began to patrol the streets, shouting loudly to stop the crowds from going out.

In fact, since the Jin army besieged the city, the Tang army had already implemented a curfew, and ordinary people no longer even went out during the day unless necessary. Now, when the army enters the city, almost all those who dare to wander around in the streets are bandits and are dead.

Not a pity.

When the moon was high in the sky, the Jin army finally took control of the outer city of Chang'an. The surrendered Tang army generals nervously restrained their troops and sent messengers repeatedly to request an audience with the King of Han to prevent others from going there first.

Give yourself some eye drops or something.

Li Po could only continue to comfort him, and asked people to go and explain that the enemy and ourselves were unknown at night, so all ministries were asked to wait quietly until dawn to avoid panic and disaster.

It was not until the riots in the city subsided and the sky became slightly brighter that Li Po entered Chang'an City surrounded by everyone. After one night, the outer city of Chang'an finally changed its owner.

The defense changes in the four cities also began one after another. Under the supervision of the Jin army, the Tang army officers and soldiers returned to their camps in the city one after another. No general orders were allowed, and entry and exit were prohibited.

The generals of the Tang army also came to pay homage to Li Po one after another. Regardless of their origins or power, almost none of them was inferior to Changsun Shunde. They had different postures and temperaments, but they were all firm in their surrender.

The attitude they put out was unanimous, trying their best to please the new owner, but not saying a bad word about the old owner, and acting very measured.

Of course, they are all people whom Li Yuan trusts, and speaking ill of the old master is tantamount to slapping yourself in the face...

And among them, for example, Li Yuan, the Duke of Huangtai County, is Li Yuan's nephew. He has only returned from Shuzhong a few days ago. He is probably feeling regretful and shrinking his head. He is afraid that Li Po will find him on the head and take advantage of him.

Come kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

When he had to speak in front of Li Po, in addition to the usual rhetoric, he also said vaguely, "Although my surname is Li, and Li Yuan are the same family, he and Li Jing have some friendship. When they were in Shuzhong,

, If it weren’t for him, Li Yuan, Li Jing might have been in trouble.

He was Li Jing's savior. Li Po didn't know whether what he said was true or not, but he knew that this person was very scared and a bit cowardly. The Li family might as well take more care of him. As for whether he was there

Acting, Li Po didn't have time to distinguish.

There is also Dou Cong, the general of Youtunwei, who is also a relative of the Li family in Guanxi. This man is so careless that he has no idea that his brother Dou Gui is lying half-dead in the military camp outside the city. If his head is cut off, his brother will also

Life is not guaranteed.

Dou Cong is actually different from others. Changsun Shunde, Li Yuan, etc. all started their careers as Xunyin. It is true that they joined Li Yuan very early. However, on the way south, they all came from Ping Na Na Na and did not personally lead the troops in battle.


But Dou Cong was a real general who led the army. He had actually seen battles with the Sui army. He was awarded an official title for his military merits and was much stronger than other Li clan members.

As a leading general, he has always had a bad temper. The reason why he surrendered to Li Yuan was not for anything else, but because he broke the law and fled to Taiyuan.

What makes people even more worried about him is that this guy was granted the title of Duke of Fufeng. Fufeng is also the hometown of King Li Po of Han Dynasty. He has already granted his hometown to his sister. Do you think Dou Cong is dangerous?

But Li Po definitely couldn't care less about paying attention to him right now. As soon as he entered Chang'an City, a large number of nobles rushed up. Each of them seemed to have a name, but in a place like Chang'an City, each of them seemed to have a different name.

Not very conspicuous.

Li Po said some words to them to stabilize their emotions. This is something Li Po is very good at. No need to go into details. When he was in Yunnei, he was able to entertain Kansai nobles like Li Er and Dou Dan.

, and let them speak for themselves. Now that you are the King of Han, you don’t have to waste any effort.

He also chose Li Yuan to accompany him. When everyone took a look, they felt somewhat like a rabbit dying and a fox grieving for its own kind, but it was inevitable to take pleasure in others' misfortune. People in Kansai were not monolithic.

The sky is finally bright, the last step has arrived, the inner city of Chang'an...

The army began to enter through the North Gate, which was actually not far from the Imperial City. In the dark night, the loudest shouts of killing in Chang'an City were at the South Gate of the Imperial City, the Hanguang Gate, the Suzaku Gate, and the three southern gates where the gates were installed.


The internal strife of the Tang army was extremely concrete there.

This chapter has been completed!
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