Chapter 843 Embarrassed

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The two cars carrying the nobles drove through the Zhuque Gate and entered the imperial city, where the two sides separated.

Li Chun and Ashina Tianxiang would not follow Queen Xiao there. They got off the car here, and after saying goodbye to Queen Xiao, they all reluctantly got into Ashina Rongzhen's car.

Ashina Rongzhen has always had a strong aura, and even Li Chun is reluctant to get too close to her, let alone Ashina Rongzhen, who comes from the Turkic royal court. Just like the Eastern and Western Turks, they are naturally in conflict with each other.

Moreover, when she first arrived in Jinyang from the Turkic Royal Court, she was caught by Ashnarong Zhen and received a good beating, so after that she never saw Ashnarong Zhen face to face.

Red Eyes treats everyone the same, except that Li Chun gets some preferential treatment from her, after all, she is her husband's favorite girl.

There were two more people in the carriage, and the space was enough. It was just a little more stuffy than before, and no one wanted to talk.

The motorcade stopped for a moment and then moved forward, bypassing the main gate of Taiji Palace, passing through Yong'an Gate, passing through Tongming Gate, passing through Chengqing Hall and going to Baifu Gate to put Li Chun down.

After Li Po officially proclaimed himself emperor, Li Chun actually had his own palace complex, which was the Princess Courtyard on the west side of Taiji Hall. The buildings of Qianqiu Hall should no longer be grouped together with the concubines.

Of course, when it comes to things that should or should not be like this, Li Chun has always tried his best to get rid of the option. But with her own territory, if she dislikes the deserted situation, she will go to the harem to have fun and will not care about it.

What should or should not be done?

At this time, the motorcade had been replaced by chariots, and the team had also lost a lot of weight. They walked for a while before they actually entered the Forbidden Garden.

As soon as you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea. This is how later generations described the palace, but how can the palace city contain those strange women?


Empress Xiao on the other side had also arrived at her destination. Her brother Xiao Yu and his clansmen were waiting in front of the palace gate. The daughter of the Lanling Xiao family finally returned to Chang'an City, but the world had changed.

But the queen of the former dynasty was still able to return safely after many years and had a very nice place to live in Chang'an City. This is a legend in itself.

And her relatives will not neglect her because she has been living abroad for a long time and her status is very different from before.

This is not only because the Lanling Xiao family has to take care of their own face, or because they have family ties, and how much favor they received from Empress Xiao back then, etc. The most important reason is actually the attitude of the current Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Po, towards Empress Xiao.


Not only did she allow Empress Xiao to live in Jinyang Palace for many years, but she also arranged for her to live in the palace of Yang Jun, the then King of Qin, after receiving the invitation from the capital Chang'an.

This made the Xiao clan members heave a sigh of relief.

If the emperor takes Empress Xiao into the palace, Xiao's face will fall to the ground, and she will have to force a smile and say congratulations. After all, the previous dynasty has long gone, and the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, who is carrying the flag of the sun, moon and stars, accepts the former emperor.

The legacy of the Sui Dynasty is taken for granted. Other than laughing at Xiao, others will not make much comment on it.

Maybe it will become a good story among the people.

Allowing Queen Xiao to live outside has actually given the Xiao family a lot of face. For them, this is undoubtedly one of the most tolerant actions of the new emperor.

Empress Xiao got out of the car in front of the door, and the people waiting there bent their waists deeply. There were white-haired old people, young children, men and women, some wearing official uniforms, and some wearing...


But without exception, they all have the blood of the Lanling Xiao family flowing in their bodies.

When Xiao Yu raised his head, he was already in tears, "Sister, you are finally back."

Empress Xiao had anticipated these scenes, but she didn't feel any joy at that time. Moreover, the former Sui Empress had been wandering away for many years, so what would the clansmen think of this woman who had returned home?

Moreover, there have been many incidents over the years, but the Xiao family members have not had much help, which inevitably makes her quite resentful. You must know that when she married Yang Guang and did so many things for the family, how many Xiao family members were rewarded because of her?

That's too many to count...

The most famous among them is the current Liang Wang Xiao Xian. If he were not a relative of Empress Xiao, how could he have the capital to start a business when he could not even eat enough to eat?

She has always been tolerant to her people, and as long as she can do it, she will basically respond to their requests.

But when faced with a crisis, how many tribesmen can step forward to help her tide over the difficulties?

These vague resentments have followed her for a long time. Even during the journey south, they often bothered her. To her, seeing each other was like arguing with each other but not seeing each other...

But when I really saw these tribesmen, either strangers or familiar ones, all my previous thoughts became fragmented.

While wiping the tears that kept flowing down, she choked and said: "Yes, yes, I'm finally back, alive... I can still see my brother, God has been so kind to me."

The Xiao clan members buried their heads there and burst into tears. Xiao Yu couldn't help but cry loudly: "I am incompetent and let my sister suffer..."

On the steps in front of the mansion, I don’t know how many tears were received by the Xiao family. All the men, women, old and young burst into tears. I don’t know if this was also the case when the Xiao family was subjugated.

Empress Xiao has experienced many storms in these years, and her mood stabilized quickly. She looked up at the plaque on the door of the mansion, wiped her eyes and said that she had read it wrong.

There are only two big characters on it, Xiao Ting... The road to Xiao Ting is long and winding and unforgettable...

Empress Xiao's maiden name was Xiao Ting, and her nickname was Meiniang. Yang Guang liked to call her by her nickname, but the name Xiao Ting was not known to the world, except for records in the palace...

No matter how good-tempered Empress Xiao was, she was a little angry at this time and asked, "Did I ask someone to get it here?"

Xiao Yu was a little dizzy from crying. He tried his best to wipe away his tears, turned his head and glanced slightly, then pursed his lips and said as if he was about to cry again, "Sister, this is the plaque personally approved by the Supreme Being. The word is "Yan".

Shi Gu’s handwriting.”

Speaking of this, his mouth became more and more bitter, "Previously, everyone discussed that the place where sister lives should be called Xiao's Mansion, but some people said it was not suitable... It would be better to call it Lady Xiao's Mansion. Report to the Supreme, and the Supreme said

It sounds like a temple, no.

My brother was also talkative, so he wanted the Supreme Being to give him a name, so the Supreme Being approved this plaque."

Empress Xiao's sadness was completely gone. A woman's maiden name appeared on the plaque in a big way, which made people feel extremely ashamed.

In addition, these tribesmen did not want her to use the word "Xiao Mansion". Apparently they felt that as a woman with such a special status, she should not represent the main branch of the Xiao family.

This is just like Princess Pingyang Li Xiuning's residence will never be called Li's Mansion. If there is any house in the world where the female protagonist is the head, most of them will take the husband's surname.

Empress Xiao's husband is Yang Guang, so she can't make her mansion Yang's mansion, right? She doesn't have any other titles, so the name of the mansion turns out to be a big problem.

In comparison, Li Po felt much more generous. He felt that people like the Xiao family were extremely useless and had no sense of responsibility, so he fought for Empress Xiao.

Not to mention Manchang'an, even if we search the whole world, even if the atmosphere is open now, no woman will openly hang her name above the door of the palace. It is really the only one in the world.

Even when the Turkic Khan Ashina Yang Huan came, he still had to express his admiration.

The effect of this episode was really good. Empress Xiao was embarrassed and extremely disappointed with her tribe, so she quickly drove Xiao Yu and others away on the pretext that she was exhausted from the journey and needed a rest.

After everyone left, the eunuch who had been accompanying her whispered: "The Supreme Lord said, if the empress is not happy... then you can enter the palace and ask for the title of madam. There is no need to vent your anger on the clan members."

At this time, Queen Xiao had already entered the back house of the mansion surrounded by everyone.

After Yang Jian moved to the new capital, the mansion here only experienced two owners, and was repaired and expanded several times. Li Shimin didn't have much time when he left, so it was able to be occupied without much tidying up. The mansion was also full of Qin Wang's family members and servants.

traces left behind.

This place did not seem too deserted. After Empress Xiao set out from Jinyang to the south, many palace people were brought in, most of them were Li Yuan's old friends, which could be regarded as solving some troubles for the palace.

After listening to the eunuch's words, Empress Xiao could only nod. She also thought of the big plaque hanging in front of the palace door again, and her eyes suddenly turned red with embarrassment.


Later, in the side hall of Taiji Palace, Li Po soon received a series of news. Li Chun did not hide the fact that he sneaked out of the palace to meet Empress Xiao and his party, and reported everything to Li Po.

The emperor is very busy, so he can only listen to these as a break from his busy schedule.

The red-eyed mother and daughter arrived safely. We have to go and have a look at night. I don’t know if the devil of Western Turks will be as powerful as before after giving birth to the child.

Now he is also a man with both sons and daughters. His son Li Yuan can now run and jump. He has started to read and practice calligraphy with the teacher. I don’t know if it is because he is too young or something. Anyway, reciting a poem makes people anxious and want to beat him up.

, his physical fitness is top-notch, and he has a lot of fun rolling around.

His son's future was unpredictable and he couldn't figure out what would happen to him. This was especially true for his daughter. How to educate her was also a big problem. Just look at Li Chun and you will know that he is really not good at educating his children.

As for Empress Xiao's side, he wasn't very interested. It was just the drama of reuniting after a long separation, and how could people in the family be so emotional? They were just acting for people to see, and he was one of the audience.

Imagine Empress Xiao's expression when she saw the plaque, and she will be able to gain some happiness from it. Even if you feel uncomfortable, you have to endure the emperor's pranks.

To him, these were just minor episodes. He was waiting for Empress Xiao to enter the palace and ask for a title, and some traces of the former Sui Dynasty would be erased.

At this time, his concerned eyes were already looking far away to the north.

This chapter has been completed!
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