Chapter 844 March (1)

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Shuofang is connected to the valley garrison in the north.

This is a long-abandoned military town. It was built by Yang Guang in the early Sui Dynasty for the Northern Patrol to Yulin. It was used as a resting place on the Northern Patrol's route. It had similar functions to a post station. It was just to receive the arrival of the large group of people and recruited tens of thousands of civilians.

Build a small town here.

In the thirteenth year of Daye, the last few old soldiers who guarded the city here dispersed, and even the valley garrison was abandoned. Does the scene look familiar?

That's right, just like those military villages in Dingxiang County back then, they have all been forgotten.

Keliangusu's location is still very important. To the northeast is Yulin County, and across the river is Yunzhong Grassland.

To the west is an endless desert, inaccessible to people, while to the east is the endless Great Wall of Han Dynasty. On the other side of the Great Wall is Diaoyin County, which is blocked by the Great Wall. It is a completely different world.

Extending to the southwest along the Great Wall, only a hundred miles away is Yanlv City, Shuofang County, which is also the Tongwan City built by the Huns. It can be said to be one of the few large cities outside the Great Wall.

The Huns spent a lot of time on this capital city, but unfortunately within a few decades, the Huns completely disappeared. This was their last bit of glory.

As for Yanlv City, if you go further south, whether you enter Honghua County via Wuyuan or Yan'an County via Ningshuo, there will not be many obstacles in front of you, and you can go straight into the hinterland of Kansai.

Since Yang Guang visited Yulin in the north, Liangu Shu has been lonely for too long, and the Kuye River has been flowing silently beside it for many years.

And in this year, in the eighth month of the first year of Yuan Zhen in the Tang Dynasty.

More than 30,000 Turkic troops crossed the Yellow River from the direction of Beibian Yulin and arrived at Liangu garrison, completely breaking the peace here.

The cavalry of more than 30,000 people was enough to occupy more than ten miles around Liangu garrison and set up a simple camp. After traveling for days, the Turks were a little tired.

They quickly unloaded the saddles and other burdens on the horses, and took the empty water bags to the river to get water for the horses and themselves to drink. In the evening, the Turkic camp finally became quieter.

The Turkic warriors began to take out the dried meat and gulp down the food with cold water. The noble generals lit a bonfire and put the freshly killed sheep on the barbecue in preparation for their dinner.

There were no enemies around them, so fireworks were inevitable.

So many Turkic warriors followed their wise and brave Jieli Khan in this expedition. They didn't care much about who their opponents were, because with so many Turkic warriors gathered together, how could they fail?

Just like how they defeated the more than 100,000 troops of the Western Turk Shekui Khan a few years ago, almost everyone in them was confident that they could defeat any enemy under the leadership of the Khan.

The long march did not dampen their fighting spirit, because the Khan told them that after defeating the enemy, they would gain rich trophies, enough for the warriors who followed him to live an enviable life from then on.

Night finally fell on the earth, and dotted bonfires dotted the night of this wasteland inside and outside Liangushi.

The only relatively intact house in Liangu garrison, where Yang Guang was stationed, is now overgrown with weeds, and the sand and dust blowing from the desert have almost buried the entire house.

After a little cleaning, Ashina Qiuluo, the Turkic Jieli Khan, moved in, and at the same time, this place became the heart of the Turkic army.

Jieli Khan's followers were guarding the surroundings. They also lit several bonfires and cooked much more food than outside.

"If it's fast, it will take more than one day, if it's slow, two days will be enough... Yanlv used to be a big city, but now there are probably not many people there. There is a grassland there, and you should be able to have a good rest."

The dark-skinned guide drew a simple map on the ground while talking.

Surrounding him were the Turkic generals headed by Jieli Khan Ashina Qura. They were eating food and listening to the guide's words. The firelight in the room flickered and shone on them, like a group of ghosts having a meeting.


"Khan, where are we going? We have come so far. If we went west, we might have been able to find the tents of those who betrayed the gods. But now, there is nothing..."

Once someone starts to complain, some other people will not be polite. Turks do not pay attention to tact, and many people will speak directly even in front of their khan.

"Yes, Khan, the soldiers are already tired. If this continues, will they have the strength to fight when they see the enemy?"

"If we keep walking south like this, will we reach the land of the Sui people?"

"I don't like fighting with the Sui people. They always hide behind the city walls and shoot cold arrows at you. When you let them go, they will rush out and snatch your cattle and sheep."

"That's right, a bunch of despicable guys, more annoying than the hyenas on the grassland."

A group of bearded Turkic generals started their unique chat mode and started taunting the Sui people on a daily basis. Some of them didn't even know that the Sui Dynasty had died.

While they were talking, the guide also picked up a leg of lamb and started to chew it. It was very dangerous to be with these violent Turkic nobles, and there was always the possibility of losing one's life. The only advantage was that he could eat hot meat.


Ashina Qiuluo's eating appearance was no better than others. His messy beard was covered with grease. He would smear it on from time to time and then wipe it on his leather robe to add some defense to the shiny black leather robe.

And that young Turkic nobleman who rushed to the city of Mayi in a fit of passion, was chopped twice, knocked down with a stick, and almost lost his life, has long since grown into a qualified commander.

He is the youngest son of Shibi Khan, and is now the Western Khan of the Turks. He is the well-deserved leader of this Turkic army. When he speaks, no one dares to speak out.

"Stop arguing about this. We are very close to the feud... It doesn't matter to tell you now. There is a new khan in the south. You should all have heard of it. His name is Li Po, and he married the most beautiful man on the grassland.

That flower that is delicate and always exudes fragrance, my sister (actually his aunt) Princess Jialan is my wife."

"The Whip of the Gods..." Someone muttered in a low voice.

If Li Po were here, he would definitely refute him. He has not officially married Ashina Tianxiang as his wife, and he has never been used as a whip by others to beat the poor Turks. You are completely slandering.

Ashina Qiuluo took a bite of the mutton leg fiercely, as if he was eating the flesh of his enemy, "The whip of the gods, that's right, it's him, a guy whose hands are stained with the blood of Turkic warriors, and deserves to go to hell."

"You mean he has become the emperor of the Sui people? And King Khan also married his daughter to him...Are we going to fight him?"

Most of the generals were surprised. Only the most loyal ones knew this in advance, but they didn't know why Khan wanted to be the enemy of that man, although everyone wanted to cut off the man's head to prove themselves to the gods.

of martial courage.

But to be honest, it takes a lot of courage and strength to be an enemy of the cunning and ferocious Whip of the God. It would be best for that man to have killed countless Turkic warriors and marry the most beloved daughter of the Khan King.

proof of.

And it seems that the gods have no objection...

"Two years ago, someone came to me and asked me to send some Turkic warriors to help him fight and seize some Sui cities, but his return was not very good.

Someone who just wants to make us bleed without giving proper compensation is not suitable as a friend, so I rejected him.

But there was something he said that moved me very much. If the Sui people fought under the same flag, we Turks would have no chance of defeating them, just like Qimin Khan... He once knelt down

Falling in front of the Sui Emperor and shouting Holy Khan is a shame for us Turks..."

Ashina Qiuluo slapped his chest, "So today I led you here. Not far to the south is the capital of the Sui people. They call it Xijing Chang'an. If we can attack it..."

In the darkness, Ashina Qura's eyes seemed to be dancing with flames, and his voice was like a devil throwing out tempting bait.

"There are countless treasures, countless slaves, and countless women waiting for us to capture it. As long as we occupy it, we can spend the cold winter there and then return to the grass with everything we capture.

Come up.

At that time, everyone will become heroes among the Turks, even the royal court... will cheer for our achievements, and every corner of the grassland will praise our good name."

The generals' breathing gradually became heavier, and their eyes were flashing with greed. Otherwise, how could Li Po say that the Turks were not very smart.

They are always easily excited, allowing their animal nature and instinct to take over, while the traces of reason on their bodies are not obvious.

Just like now, only a few people will mutter a few words in their hearts. Back then, Shibi Khan led more than 300,000 warriors in the southern expedition. What did he get in the end?

Is the Sui city really that easy to attack? If nothing is gained this winter, can our tribe afford such losses?

As Ashina Qura expected, it was okay to let these nobles attack the Sui people, but if the opponent was the most ferocious one among the Sui people, they would retreat.

The precedent set by Khan Bi Khan's southern expedition that year was too bad. More than 300,000 people went south, and gained nothing except killing many Sui people. They were also bitten severely by the Sui people.

The second southern expedition also failed. They suffered a bloody blow in Mayi. When more than 100,000 troops left, they were seriously injured by the enemy, which directly led to the Turkic civil strife.

After so many years, the Sui Dynasty has already entered the later stage of the separation of princes, and its strength has become a bit weaker. However, the Turks have never moved south in a large scale. In addition to their own reasons, I am afraid it is because everyone thinks that there is no point in fighting the Sui people.

any benefit...

This chapter has been completed!
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