Chapter 4312 Wu Qi

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 The jade talisman of the Lord of the Martial Palace.

This is the symbol of the identity of the Lord of the Martial Palace.

Throughout the ages, in countless eras, there have been several masters of the Martial Palace in the Era Club.

But the real power of the Lord of the Martial Palace lies in this jade talisman. It can be said that whoever can obtain the jade talisman has the same rights as the Lord of the Martial Palace.

If Chu Fengmian wanted to rescue the Sword Demon Holy Son, what he needed was naturally this jade talisman that represented the identity of the master of the Martial Palace.

"It is absolutely impossible to give this jade talisman to others."

Hearing Chu Fengmian's words, the Lord of the Martial Palace frowned and said coldly.

"If there is no sincerity, I will have no choice but to rob him. And with what Wu Dian has done, it will not be easy to calm my anger."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

But anyone can hear the murderous intent contained in Chu Fengmian's words, and the threat in his words is self-evident.

If you don't give the jade talisman of the Lord of the Martial Palace to Chu Fengmian today, don't blame Chu Fengmian for going on a killing spree.

"Zu Long, you are a traitor who betrayed the Martial Palace. Now that you have come back, you actually want to seize the position of the Palace Master? Ridiculous! This is the headquarters of the Era Society, not a place where you can act arrogantly. If you dare to go on a killing spree here, you will not do it today.

Don’t even think about leaving alive!”

Suddenly at this moment, a roar sounded from the crowd.

Many of these Martial Hall disciples are self-reliant on their status. They have never taken Chu Fengmian, the Holy Son of Martial Hall, seriously in the past. They have always obeyed Chu Fengmian's instructions. Now they see that Chu Fengmian actually wants to

Seizing power will naturally make you more dissatisfied.

"threaten me?"

Hearing this roar, a smile appeared on the corner of Chu Fengmian's mouth. The murderous intent in his eyes became even worse, and he suddenly looked into the crowd.

"Zulong stop!"

The Lord of the Martial Palace seemed to understand what Chu Fengmian was thinking next and spoke quickly.

But Chu Fengmian didn't care at all. He suddenly took action and volleyed towards the crowd and sucked it in. He saw a young man being sucked out of the crowd by Chu Fengmian.


This young man was caught by Chu Fengmian, and his strength exploded wildly. A powerful and boundless martial intent condensed on his body, turning into a huge body.

Although the young man in front of him is only an eighth-level immortal emperor, his strength is no weaker than that of a real ninth-level immortal emperor, at least no less powerful than the elder Wu Kuang whom Chu Fengmian defeated before.

, two elders Wu Ni.

This kind of strength is not inferior to that of the former Sword Demon Holy Son, and he is qualified to become a Holy Son in the Era Society.

However, even Elder Wu Kuang and Elder Wu Ni were nothing more than a one-shot enemy in front of Chu Fengmian, and the same was naturally true for the young man in front of him.

Chu Fengmian waved his hand casually, and the young man's power was easily suppressed by Chu Fengmian and held in the palm of his hand.

"Do you think I dare not kill you?"

Chu Fengmian looked at the young man and said calmly.

"Zu Long, this is Wu Qi, the only disciple of Elder Wu Tian. Don't hurt him!"

Seeing the young man being held in Chu Fengmian's hand, the Master of the Martial Palace was startled and spoke quickly.

Does he know Chu Fengmian's character? He has no scruples when it comes to killing people. Although Chu Fengmian will not completely fall out with Wu Dian now because of the Sword Demon Saint Son, he is also afraid that Chu Fengmian's brain will get hot.

, really killed this Wu Qi.

"Wu Qi?"

After hearing the words of the Lord of Martial Palace, Chu Fengmian understood the identity of the young man in front of him. He had also heard the name of Wu Qi before. This man was a disciple of Elder Wu Tian and was also a disciple of Martial Palace before Chu Fengmian joined Martial Palace.

Among them, the number one genius.

Originally in the Martial Palace, many Martial Palace disciples thought that Wu Qi would become the Holy Son of the Martial Palace, or even the next generation of Martial Palace Master.

After all, the qualifications displayed at Wu Qi Station are no less than those of the saints, and he is a disciple of Elder Wu Tian. With the support of Elder Wu Tian, ​​who can compete with him.

Even Wu Qi himself believed that his position as the future Holy Son was certain. As long as he could survive the heaven-defying catastrophe and become the Son of the Era, he would be the Holy Son of the Martial Palace.

However, the appearance of Chu Fengmian broke all his plans, which made Wu Qi extremely dissatisfied with Chu Fengmian, the Holy Son of the Martial Palace who suddenly appeared.

Now that he saw that the traitor Chu Fengmian had come back to show off his power, he couldn't help but speak out. However, he did not expect that Chu Fengmian's strength was so terrifying. He was almost helpless in front of Chu Fengmian.

When he tried to fight back, Chu Fengmian pinched him.

"Do you know my identity? Don't let me go yet! Otherwise, when my master comes here, you will die!"

Wu Qi was held in the palm of Chu Fengmian's hand to suppress him. He was still extremely arrogant and roared repeatedly. Power burst out from his body, trying to escape from Chu Fengmian's suppression.

"Death is imminent? You still dare to threaten?"

The murderous intent in Chu Fengmian's eyes was even worse.

"Let go of my disciple!"

But at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from the depths of the martial arts palace. The speed of this escaping light was extremely fast. The moment this escaping light approached Chu Fengmian, from this escaping light, suddenly

A fist burst out.

This fist wind, mixed with the true meaning of martial arts, struck Chu Fengmian in the air.

"Finally, here comes someone who can make me take myself a little seriously."

Seeing this fist blast coming, Chu Fengmian muttered to himself. He continued to hold Wu Qi with his left hand. In his right hand, a sword intent condensed and turned into a spiritual sword. Chu Fengmian saw

Feng Mian swung his sword.

In an instant, a sword light shot out and collided with the fist wind in the air.


The two forces collided, and they were evenly matched.

A figure emerged from the ray of light. He was a middle-aged man. He seemed to be about the same age as the Lord of the Martial Palace. However, the aura on this man's body was vaguely reserved. He was older than the Lord of the Martial Palace.

A bit more powerful.

The strength of the Lord of the Martial Palace should be regarded as an extremely powerful figure in the realm of ancient times, and the strength of the middle-aged man in front of him is probably close to the peak of the realm of ancient times.

If this person has another chance and his strength reaches a further level, he may be qualified to attack the realm of Dao Transformation. Of course, there is still a huge gap between this person's current strength and the ninth-level Immortal Emperor who has truly reached the realm of Dao Transformation.

But such strength is already worthy of Chu Fengmian taking it seriously.

"Elder Wu Tian."

Without asking, Chu Fengmian knew who the middle-aged man in front of him was.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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