Chapter 451 Seize!

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Xu Qing was very anxious.

Four days have passed since the last spirit ghost inspection.

In four days, although the total amount of Dao Fruit they obtained has reached more than a thousand, and the captain spread the word of blessing, it attracted many Shenglan tribesmen to apply for Taiwanese citizenship.

Under the captain's operation, a lot of rare treasures were harvested.

But their real target, the Immortal Ten-Intestinal Tree, has never fully matured.

As time went by, Xu Qing gradually became uneasy. This uneasy feeling was the same as when he was in the county capital. It all came from his Tiandao Mosasaurus. In addition, Muye had also been missing for a long time.

He could vaguely feel that Muye was in a place far away from here.

"They should have been sent to the dynasty of the Shenglan tribe..." Xu Qing pondered, checking the Dao Fruit he had obtained. After calculating his military achievements, his desire to leave became more and more intense.

But the captain was unwilling.

"Little Ah Qing, let's stay one more day!"

"I have a big customer tomorrow asking for blessings. Besides, I heard someone say that someone recently felt the changes and fluctuations in the ten intestines of the True Immortal while practicing. This means that they are about to mature."

"Let's wait a little longer. After all, the opportunity is rare. If we can enter the ten intestines of the real immortal, we will really achieve perfection this time. I have been waiting for this day for a long time." The captain's eyes were filled with desire and madness.

Licking lips, quickly

Sound transmission.

"We can't eat the Dao fruits outside, but Xiao Aqing and I have studied it. The true Immortal Ten Intestine Tree should be edible, and it is extraordinary. Every bite must be an explosion of spiritual energy."

"You also want to speed up your cultivation, don't you? I guarantee that we can do it this time."

"The most important thing is... Little Ah Qing, this time Senior Brother is going to give you an earth-shattering and unparalleled super fortune! I can't say it now, this matter is mysterious, I can only do it, not say it, you believe me!"

"As for the method of leaving, I also have a way. I have prepared a very powerful treasure that can teleport us back to Fenghai County instantly. However, the consumption of using this thing is staggering, so we still need the True Immortal Ten Intestine Tree itself."

After Xu Qing pondered, he glanced at the captain, gritted his teeth after recalling everything in the past, and agreed to wait one more day.

Just like that, the night of the fourth day arrived.

Late at night, when Xu Qing was studying the statue of Krishna, his mind suddenly moved, causing waves in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Vaguely, in his perception, in the direction of the True Immortal Ten-Intestine Tree, a monstrous fire suddenly rose up. This flame was burning blazingly, shaking the earth.

But when I opened my eyes to look, everything disappeared.

Xu Qing's eyes showed strange light.

"Is this what Mu Ye and the captain said about the fluctuations of the True Immortal Ten-Intestinal Tree?"

Xu Qing murmured, looking at the darkness in the distance and closing his eyes again.

After a long time, in his induction, the flame vaguely formed again. As it continued to burn, Xu Qing seemed to see a figure in white robes, where the True Immortal Ten Intestine Tree was, facing the sky in the flames.


It was not just one person, but countless figures gradually transformed around it, all dancing together.

These figures dance in strange ways, with a sense of mystery, like sacrifices, pleasing God.

At this moment, as it dances, the surrounding flames rise even more, rising and falling together, becoming more and more powerful.

There were even waves of drum beats echoing from there, each sound falling on Xu Qing's mind, as if it was replacing his heartbeat.

There are also ancient chants, speaking inaudible spells in a tone that Xu Qing has never heard before.

Gradually, I felt that the sky in the illusion seemed to have opened a huge gap at this moment. There seemed to be an unimaginable existence in the gap, staring at the earth, as if waiting.

I don’t know how much time passed, but an excited voice came from the mouth of the dancing figure in the center. He raised his right hand, and his abdomen was immediately torn open, and winding intestines floated out of his stomach.

Come out, twist like a snake and rise into the air.

Along with the dance and the sound of drums, these intestines kept twisting.

Then all the figures around raised their hands to open their stomachs and let their intestines fly. Looking from a distance, it was shocking to see countless intestines flying into the air.

This scene had some kind of strange power, affecting Xu Qing's perception, so that Xu Qing couldn't help but have an uncontrollable impulse to follow them and eat their belly.

But the next moment, as the third and fourth heavenly palaces in his body vibrated, the power of poisonous pills and purple moon spread, causing waves in Xu Qing's mind, and the urge to open his stomach slowly weakened.

When he sensed the direction of the True Immortal Ten-Intestinal Tree, the sea of ​​fire there instantly swelled up, emitting a shocking blood light and filling the entire world. Xu Qing's body shook violently, he opened his eyes, and woke up from the illusion.

The sky outside is bright.

It was a human-shaped life-fire lantern floating between heaven and earth under the canopy. It lit up again as the sky outside the canopy changed, and its light shone in all directions.

At the moment of dawn, a burning smell, centered on the ten intestines of the Immortal, instantly spread in all directions, covering every area under the canopy, and also penetrated into Xu Qing's nose.

At first smell, the smell was like burnt flesh and blood. It was pungent and also had some fishy odor. However, I took a thorough whiff, and when I took a second whiff, it turned into a strange fragrance, which hit my face and was refreshing.

Enter the mind.

Xu Qing's sixth heavenly palace has been half-formed due to the previous killings in Area C. Now it trembles slightly under the fragrance, as if it has been stimulated and affected, and it has accelerated its materialization.

Xu Qing's eyes lit up.

Captain at the moment

He also noticed the strangeness and rushed out of the side hall, with madness and desire in his eyes, breathing rapidly and looking in the direction of the True Immortal's ten intestines.

"The Ten Intestines of the True Immortal are in full bloom!"

Almost at the moment when the captain's words came out, the sound of roaring from heaven and earth was heard from the place where the True Immortal Ten Intestines were located. There were twelve sounds in total, each one became stronger than the last, until finally it seemed as if it could open up the world.

Shocking everyone.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the violent sound, Xu Qing witnessed with his own eyes that the huge canopy above this area slowly began to shrink, causing the sunlight from the outside to fall continuously on this area that had not been shed for hundreds of years.

If you look closely, you will see that the canopy is not actually shrinking, but that the tree trunks entangled within it are separating from each other.

After this process lasted for half an hour, as the outside world became completely bright and all the sunlight fell in, the canopy... disappeared.

The ten huge tree trunks, which do not touch each other and rise in different directions, appear directly in the eyes of all the onlookers here.

Ten tree trunks, like ten intestines, swaying between heaven and earth!

Countless fruits formed rapidly on it, turning into countless eyes, looking at the earth in the distance.

Xu Qing stood up suddenly. He finally waited until the ten intestines of the True Immortal were in full bloom. After looking at each other with the captain, they both saw the excitement in each other's eyes. The two of them immediately walked out of the hall without any hesitation.

As for Qingqiu and Ning Yan, they were also shocked by the changes in the Ten Intestinal Tree, but they were not allowed to continue to check and had to follow Xu Qing as he waved his hand.

The group of people quickly left the main hall, got up and were about to fly out of the Zenith Kingdom to the True Immortal Shichang. But at this moment, the teleportation array in the Zenith Kingdom shone brightly, and a roaring sound was heard. The next moment, figures in black clothes appeared one after another.

Transformed directly from within.

The person in charge was a middle-aged man, who, like the leader of the Zenith Kingdom, was a spiritual treasure cultivator. When he appeared, he noticed Xu Qing and the captain, and walked straight towards them.

Behind him, figures in black robes followed each other, their movements were neat and unified, and their expressions were filled with solemnity, and they followed the roar and flew out.

There are three hundred in number, and the weakest among them are also the four Celestial Palaces, among which there are more than 40 in the Seventh and Eighth Celestial Palaces, and ten Nascent Souls.

Their appearance made Xu Qing and the captain feel nervous, while Qingqiu and Ning Yan even took a breath.

This kind of clothing, this kind of chilling meaning, and the ginkgo leaves embroidered on the robes, the sword holder is familiar with them, it is their sworn enemy in the Shenglan tribe...the black-clothed guard.

Looking at its organization, it is clearly a complete squadron.

Especially the middle-aged man with Lingzang cultivation, whom the captain had never seen before, but Xu Qing had seen him, more than once.

The first time I saw this person was when Kong Xianglong killed the Quasi-Nascent Soul at the border. The other person was extremely angry.

The second time we met was at the Sword Holding Palace. This person was taken by the Yao family and questioned Xu Qing and others.

Now, it’s the third time!

"It's him!" Xu Qing's heart flashed with murderous intent, as the middle-aged man arrived quickly with his black-clad guards.

As he got closer, not only did this person's figure become clear in Xu Qing's eyes, but all the black-clothed guards behind him also came into Xu Qing's eyes.

Xu Qing scanned the area and suddenly locked onto one person.

This person is a young man with a handsome appearance and a good temperament. His cultivation is even more amazing. Although he is not a Yuanying, he still has the strength of the Nine Palaces. The black guard robe he is wearing has two silver leaves on it, one more than other golden elixirs.

It is equivalent to those ten Nascent Souls.

What made Xu Qing pay attention to this person was that there was a life lamp in this young man's body.

Because it was transformed into a life palace, it was not very clear to outsiders, but Xu Qing felt clearly that it was a blue stone lamp, carved in the shape of a lantern.

Almost at the moment Xu Qing glanced at the young man, the middle-aged black-clad guard at the head approached Xu Qing, cupped his fists and bowed, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Zhou Xingwu, the black-clad guard commander of the Tianfeng Kingdom, has been ordered to come here to greet you and escort you to the Tianfeng Kingdom!"

After Zhou Xingwu bowed, the black-clothed guards around him instantly spread out to form an arc and bowed to Xu Qing and the captain.

Seeing this scene, Qingqiu and Ning Yan breathed slightly.

Xu Qing looked calm and did not speak. The captain on the side raised his chin, frowned slightly, and spoke.

"Everyone, please step back. It's not up to you to decide whether to go to Tianfeng Kingdom or not."

Zhou Xingwu had an expressionless face and did not look at the captain. Instead, he looked up at Xu Qing and said in a deep voice.

"The emperor has appointed me, and my responsibilities are my responsibility. I hope you will not make things difficult for us." He knew that this was the son of God who was suspected to be of the supreme bloodline. Although the emperor's request should not be ignored, as a black-clothed guard, he naturally had the ability to do so.

Your own way of doing things.

As he spoke at this moment, he raised his right hand, and the surrounding black guards immediately spread again, changing from a semi-surrounded state to a complete surrounded state. However, none of them dispersed the slightest evil spirit. They all bowed their heads respectfully, and their cultivation levels did not move.

But this attitude

Very decisive.

Seeing this scene, the captain narrowed his eyes and was about to speak when Xu Qing suddenly spoke softly.

"May I have your name?"

As soon as he spoke, Zhou Xingwu's eyes darkened slightly, and he noticed that the person he was looking at at this moment was the son of the admiral behind him.

"Sir, Lin Yuandong, a humble official." Being stared at by Xu Qing, the admiral's son immediately took a step forward, with an indifferent expression, cupped his fists and spoke.

Xu Qing nodded and spoke calmly.

"Zhou Xingwu, take out his life lamp, I want it."

This chapter has been completed!
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