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Chapter 487 Golden Crow Swallows the Sun

Outside Zhaoxia Mountain, next to the canyon, Xu Qing squatted there and took a look, then turned and left.

Behind him, as bursts of shrill sounds came, roars also echoed inside, and even more roaring sounds spread in all directions.

Soon, figures of the Yanmiao clan's puppets rushed out of the canyon. At this moment, their spiritual consciousness exploded, sweeping around with grief, anger and fury.

The canyon was in a mess at the moment. There were originally hundreds of Yanmiao clan members, but now there were not many left. Under the power of Xu Qing's poison ban, most of them had been destroyed physically and mentally.

It was Xu Qing's poison that was too cruel.

Those who were not dead were also wailing in pain. They tried every means and could not change their rotten state. They could only watch their mist bodies being corroded, gradually turning into smoke, and dying in both form and spirit.

As for the magic weapon they arranged, it was also interrupted due to this accident. The poisonous mist shrouded the magic weapon and made the foreign matter inside the magic weapon rapidly aggravated, making it impossible to survive forever.

"Who is it!"

Roaring sounds came from outside the canyon, and the seven or eight Nascent Souls of the Yanmiao tribe drove the puppets, each emitting terrifying waves, anxiously looking for the murderer.

Their puppets also rotted rapidly under the drug ban, and even the real bodies hiding inside were unable to escape, and they could not be stopped by all means.

Therefore, they were extremely anxious in their hearts, wanting to find the real culprit and find the antidote. Even if they needed to hide the fluctuations according to the plan, they couldn't care too much now, they broke out one after another and searched in all directions.

But Xu Qing's hidden jade slip was given by Immortal Zixuan and could not be found by these Nascent Souls. Moreover, after he put the poison, he only took one look and left immediately. Now he is approaching Chaoxia Mountain.

After feeling the fluctuations in the direction of the canyon, Xu Qing remained expressionless. He planned to wait until all the Yanmiao people there were dead before going over to investigate.

"Normally, they will die within an hour, so it should be more okay if I wait for three hours." Xu Qing pondered and moved forward quickly, but at this moment, a strong palpitating feeling suddenly broke out in his mind.


Xu Qing's expression changed and he turned around suddenly. His breathing was slightly rapid. He felt an astonishing breath coming from the direction of the canyon. This breath was full of terror, but it was also somewhat familiar to him.

With the emergence of aura, the environment under the Abyssal Sea was also affected, and the heterogeneity became obviously stronger.

What shocked Xu Qing even more was that everything here began to become distorted and vague.


Xu Qing thought about the old man from the Danqing tribe and instantly judged the source of the aura. His expression turned gloomy and he moved faster.

He could feel that this breath did not seem to erupt from the canyon, but rushed into the canyon from another direction.

"She must have been attracted by the fluctuations there!"

"Didn't this god's finger lead old man Danqing to find the sun's remains? How could it be attracted by the fluctuations... Could it be that there are sun's remains in the canyon?"

Xu Qing's breathing was rapid. After he learned about this from his head before, he didn't take it as a priority. He knew that there was a big gap between himself and the god's finger, so he didn't plan to find it.

Instead, he planned to hide himself and complete the mission before reporting the matter to the Sword Holding Palace.

And since Chaoxia Prefecture is so big, the possibility of encountering each other is not inevitable.

After all, the remains of the sun that fell and fell into pieces have long been searched for and taken away by the human race and various forces in the past long years.

As for the vicinity of Chaoxia Mountain, this is even more true. There are no remains of the sun.

Therefore, in such a large Chaoxia Prefecture, the probability of him encountering the fingers of the gods is not high.

"Could it be the head and the stone lion that attracted it?" Xu Qing looked gloomy and suddenly lowered his head to look at the stone lion.

The stone lion immediately trembled and shook its body continuously, as if to tell Xu Qing that all this had nothing to do with him, and its head also hurriedly spoke.

"My lord, it's not me. It's really not me. I don't have the ability to guide the gods."

My head is going to cry, he is really innocent.

Xu Qing's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he made up his mind to take care of the stone lion and his head after he was safe, so he withdrew his gaze and moved forward quickly with a gloomy expression.

He didn't dare to use the power of poison ban, and kept it all in reserve. Although the power of poison ban has cover, which is obvious on the purple moon, the red moon is not nearby, so the drug ban is as effective as blocking the signal.

Now, he is not sure if it will have the opposite effect if he uses it.

Xu Qing was anxious in his heart, and tried his best to activate the Hidden Jade Slips, but in just over ten breaths, the fluctuations behind him suddenly became violent, and the blur and distortion around him were also more intense than before.

When the heart palpitations suddenly reached their peak, a terrifying divine thought spread out from the mist behind Xu Qing, covering all directions.

Covering Xu Qing.

Immediately afterwards, there were roars from all directions, everything was intensely blurred, and an astonishing finger the size of a hundred feet suddenly appeared in front of Xu Qing.

Xu Qing's body trembled, and all parts of his body trembled intensely, conveying to him a overwhelming sense of danger.

There is even a tendency to separate and become independent. They are constantly twisting and twisting, as if they are about to fall off and run away.

Xu Qing didn't hesitate at all. The poison-forbidden power in his body and the power of the purple moon burst out at the same time, covering his whole body while his body quickly retreated.

But it's of no use.

This time is different from the one in the Prison Department. In the Prison Department, the finger was suppressed, but now it is free. Although it was severely injured when escaping from prison, no matter how serious the injury was, Xu Qing could not


Almost at the moment when the divine power in Xu Qing's body dispersed and his own status improved, his mind roared fiercely, and his body lost control and was pulled forward by the burst of divine thoughts from the divine finger.

The power from the fingers of the gods ignored everything about Xu Qing and pulled his body to the rear, where he was piled together with a group of desperate aliens.

The stone lion and head are also among them.

The latter screamed.

"Boss, boss, it's me, it's me, I'm the brain, we are inmates..."

His fingers ignored his head and showed no response to his screams. At this moment, he raised his fingertips, seeming to sense the direction of Chaoxia Mountain and hesitated.

In the end, it did not get closer, but disappeared from the place in a flash, appeared in a very far distance, and moved again, heading towards the place where other living beings existed.

Behind him, there are more than 500 monks caught by him at this moment, and there are also many Yanmiao tribesmen among them.

Xu Qing's arrival did not attract any attention, and the thoughts of all the monks were filled with despair and panic.

And their bodies are also extremely weird.

Hardly complete.

They are divided into countless parts, eyes, noses, ears, internal organs and limbs, each of which is independent.

Even the Yanmiao clan is like this, the mist is divided into countless parts.

It's just that under the power of the gods' fingers, they are all piled together and cannot be separated, so the various parts of these bodies are chaotically close to each other.

This scene is very weird and full of ominousness.

Xu Qing looked ugly, and his mind was still roaring at this moment, but he did not give up. He quickly activated the two divine powers in his body and tried his best to suppress the body that wanted to be separated and independent.

Under his suppression, he barely managed to keep himself intact. When he raised his head with difficulty to look forward, he could only see a hazy area and the rapid passage of countless mist.

Xu Qing knew clearly that he was being carried by the gods' fingers at high speed.

"What on earth is this god's finger going to do!" Xu Qing forced himself to calm down and quickly looked for a way out of trouble.

"The method of suppression used by the Prison Division at that time was to rely on luck..." As various thoughts in Xu Qing's heart were spinning rapidly, a sudden roar came from all directions, and the next moment, the fingers of the gods stopped.

The huge contrast between movement and stillness caused many monks' organs to collapse and explode, and Xu Qing also spurted out blood.

Fortunately, he has divine origin and a good physical body. Although there are a lot of cracks in his body at this moment, it is still intact.

And he could barely see his surroundings clearly.

A piece of rotten meat the size of a thousand feet caught Xu Qing's eyes.

Standing on this piece of meat is an old man with a sad face. He is the old man of the Danqing tribe.

Before Xu Qing could continue to check, his body, together with a large number of organs from all the monks around him, was thrown directly towards the flesh and blood of thousands of feet.

At the moment of contact, the piece of flesh squirmed and split apart, wrapping all the organs that came in. Some were partially exposed, while others were completely swallowed.

Integrate quickly.

The stone lion and head are also among them.

Waves of wailing came from the wrapped monks, some of them voices, some of them spiritual thoughts, containing endless pain.

Most of Xu Qing's body was covered by this piece of meat. As the shrill sounds echoed around him, his mind was stirred up.

Because, he did not feel any pain of being corroded. On the contrary, the moment his body was wrapped by this huge piece of meat, he felt the Golden Crow behind him exuding surprise and extremely strong desire.

"This is...the remains of the sun?!"

Xu Qing's eyes widened, and with the roar in his mind, he suddenly turned his head to look at the old man from the Danqing tribe not far away.

At this moment, the old man of the Danqing clan noticed the head and the stone lion, and also noticed Xu Qing.

Four eyes, looking at each other.

"Haha, we're reunited..." Only one face was left on the head, and now his eyes were aimed at old man Danqing.

Old man Dan Qing ignored his head and looked at Xu Qing with a strange look in his eyes, wanting to get closer.

"Lord Guard?"

"You have made a meritorious service in this matter!" Xu Qing suddenly said.

The old man from the Danqing clan paused in his steps.

Xu Qing's words made the old man of the Danqing tribe shine with a faint light.

He looked at Xu Qing carefully. In his eyes, the guard in front of him did not look frightened at all. He had a calm expression, as if this was not the place where he was a prisoner, but back to Ding Yi.


This scene made the suspicious old man from the Danqing tribe have to temporarily suppress his thoughts. He felt that something was wrong about this matter, so he glanced at his head.

But before he could speak, amidst the reverberation of a large number of wailings, the fingers of the gods buzzed in the air and appeared directly in front of the old man of the Danqing tribe, locking him with the majestic and terrifying divine thoughts.

The old man from the Danqing tribe tried his best not to tremble, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Great Chosen Lord, you are the god of the sky resurrected on the remains of the sun. You are destined to unify the past and achieve the highest status."

The pressure on the fingers of the gods was obviously lessened, and a roaring sound echoed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The old man from the Danqing tribe couldn't control his body well and trembled, but his expression didn't show anything, and he still looked extremely pious, and words like chanting came out of his mouth.

"Chosen Lord, the day of your resurrection is approaching, and the paint activity for shaping your body has been completed for less than half. If it were other vulgar gods, it would be enough to paint the body at this time, but you are the Chosen God.

I must draw the most perfect body in this world for you."

"You cannot be blasphemed."

"So... some life is still needed to make this piece of flesh and blood worthy of the status of the great chosen god."

The god's fingers made a buzzing sound, as if he was a little agitated, and some wounds on his body cracked in the vibration.

But He didn't care. After circling the sky a few times, he suddenly disappeared amid the distortion and blurring around him, and went away again.

Looking at this scene, Xu Qing narrowed his eyes and his inner thoughts were spinning rapidly. He knew very well that his current situation was not only a life and death crisis, but it was also a huge opportunity.

He could feel the Golden Crow Totem behind him, which was constantly heating up at the moment, revealing a strong desire, but Xu Qing was suppressing it to prevent it from spreading out at all.

It's not time yet.

Seeing the conversation between the Danqing old man and the god's finger gave Xu Qing the first feeling that something was wrong with the god's finger...

"You seem a little confused?"

Xu Qing analyzed quickly in his mind, and then put himself into the old man of the Danqing tribe, and experienced the thoughts and state of all these problems from his perspective.

"Head, why are you here? Didn't you hide it well and was found by the guard?" After the god's finger left, the old man of the Danqing tribe breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the head with only one face exposed, and walked away

I went over and took a picture.

"Who am I to answer you? You have the ability to kill me. We are all from the same clan. Am I afraid of you?" His head glared. The old man from the Danqing tribe did not show any angry expression. He raised his hand with a smile and said fiercely.

One shot.

With a bang, his head collapsed.

The old man from the Danqing tribe squatted there, his smile unchanged, and turned to look at Xu Qing, with deep meaning in his eyes.

"Master Guard, you haven't finished speaking just now. Why did I perform meritorious service?"

"Let me think about it, Lord Guard, you don't want to tell me that you were caught by the gods on purpose, and you are not alone. There are many strong men from Fenghai County in Chaoxia Prefecture. What kind of palace master are you?

, Yao Hou, Jun Cheng, their goal is to capture the god’s finger?”

"And your place here is to become a coordinate, so now the big shots have noticed this place, and you say that I have done meritorious service because I delayed the fingers of the gods and bought you precious time to find this place?"

"But, Lord Guard, I am not a three-year-old child. Do you think I will believe these words?" The old man from the Danqing tribe licked his lips, with an evil look in his eyes, and at the same time, he raised his right hand to smash the flesh and blood on his head.

As soon as I took it out.

Soon his head came to life again, and just when he was about to curse, old man Danqing smiled and spoke.

"Head, we are all our own people. I killed you just to save you. Stop making trouble. Also, thank you for helping me get the guard here. You are right, we Ding Yi San Er will be reunited soon."

His head sneered, his eyes showed sarcasm, he neither accepted nor denied it, but rolled around looking for the stone lion.

The old man from the Danqing clan ignored Xu Qing's side and squatted down next to him, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.

"Lord Guard, what, you were right by what I said, right?"

Xu Qing didn't pay attention to the old man from the Danqing tribe. He glanced around expressionlessly and noticed that there was a restraining force here to prevent escape.

This restriction is placed by the fingers of the gods and is difficult to break.

After checking, Xu Qing's eyes fell on the old man Danqing and spoke calmly.

"You don't need to be tempted like this. If you want to survive, just tell me the whole situation as soon as possible."

The old man from the Danqing tribe raised his eyebrows.

The head in the distance looked for the stone lion and laughed mockingly.

"Old man, you are usually so smart, why are you so stupid now? Everyone is reunited here. Either you finish painting the body with your fingers and we will be killed together, or we can quickly think of a way to survive and still test here.

Are you tired of wasting time by testing it?"

The words in his head made the old man Danqing sigh in his heart. In fact, this was indeed what he was worried about. He was marked and couldn't escape, and there were restrictions around him. And his probing words just now, he really wanted to make all of this happen.


But he also knew that this was impossible. Even if Xu Qing admitted it, he would feel that he had been deceived, so he sighed in this complicated and tangled state of mind.

"What can you do? Everyone will die..."

"Back off!" Xu Qing suddenly said.

Old Man Danqing looked at Xu Qing and was about to speak, but Xu Qing ignored him. He had already seen all this and verified what he thought through the conversation between the other party and the god's finger.

For a drowning person, even if you are given a straw, the other person will grab it immediately, but the straw must be real and not too perfunctory.

Now that the heat is almost over, especially with the collapse of the Prison Department, Xu Qing's memory of Ding Yisaner has also recovered too much. He is very sure that he has never used it in front of prisoners like Ding Yisaner.

Exceeding the power of the Golden Crow.

He uses more of the divine persona.

Therefore, this old man doesn't know that he possesses the Golden Crow.

And they were in a hurry when they escaped from prison, so they couldn't know too much about themselves. Although it was possible to know with the weirdness of their brains, this old man Danqing most likely didn't know.

But that's not important either.

If you don't know, the effect will naturally be the best, but even if you know, Xu Qing has other ways to deal with it.

Thinking of this, Xu Qing no longer suppressed the Golden Crow behind him. In an instant, all the fiery power behind it exploded, and the Golden Crow suddenly dispersed into the flesh and blood of the sun's remains.

The entire sun's remains suddenly trembled at this moment, as if they were alive.

There was a roar all around, and when the blur and distortion became more obvious, a heat wave erupted from Xu Qing's body in an earth-shattering manner, rumbling in all directions. The expression of the old man from the Danqing tribe changed drastically, and he quickly backed away, looking in confusion.

To Xu Qing.

At this moment, Xu Qing's expression did not change at all, but a large number of golden patterns appeared on his face.

These patterns spread from the totem on his back to his whole body.

At this moment, the astonishing power from the remains of the sun, with the crazy absorption of the Golden Crow inside, is continuously gathering towards Xu Qing.

The sky trembled, the earth showed signs of rolling, and the fog above also turned into a whirlpool at this moment, with a shocking momentum.

Xu Qing's heart beat faster. Through the excitement and desire conveyed by the Golden Crow, he knew very well that this time would be a huge opportunity for him.

But he needs time. This gluttonous feast for the Golden Crow will be difficult to complete in a short time. The flesh and blood of the sun's remains are too big.

This scene also made the old man Danqing and the man who finally got the stone lion's head take a breath, but the latter was a bit fake.

"Absorb the flesh and blood of the sun..." Old Man Danqing murmured, his eyes showing a strange light.

"Back in Ding 132, I felt that the fluctuations in the guardian body were unusual. I didn't expect that they were related to the sun!!"

"I understand, sir, you heard that the God's Finger is here to search for the remains of the sun, so you came here deliberately just to let the God's Finger take the initiative to bring you here, right?"

"But how do you know that I will trick the gods into arresting people? Yes, this is easy to explain. After so many years, the remains of the sun must have lost their activity, and the way to replenish the activity is naturally life!"

"Yes, that's it!"

"Gao, really brilliant!"

"Sir, I admire your ability to plot against the gods. I understand. That's why you just said that I have made meritorious deeds. Yes, I have indeed made meritorious deeds!"

"And if you can calculate this, sir, you must have a way to escape, that's right!"

The more old man Danqing talked, the more excited he became.

His head blinked, his eyes showing confusion.

After Xu Qing went to Chaoxia Mountain, he and the stone lion were shrouded in shadows. When they appeared later, they encountered Xu Qing poisoning the canyon, and then the god's finger arrived, so it didn't know what happened during this period.

At this moment, listening to the old man's words, his head trembled, and he suddenly felt that what the old man said made sense. Otherwise, why did Xu Qing not go to the battlefield during the war, but came to Chaoxia Prefecture instead?

But it felt vaguely like something was wrong.

Xu Qing's expression was calm and showed no emotion. While absorbing the power of the sun's remains with all his strength, his eyes swept over the old man Danqing and his head.

In his head, he automatically ignored it, but Xu Qing was a little confused about the old man Dan Qing. The other party's cooperation was so perfect that he seemed to be attacking himself from the beginning to the end.

Even if a drowning person is desperate to survive, it is difficult to do this.

When Xu Qing was thinking about this, old man Danqing knelt down with an excited thud.

"Lord Guard, for the sake of Ding Yi, San and Er's hard work in reminding you, and for the meritorious service this time, please help me."

"The evil finger asked me to draw a body for it, but I didn't dare to draw it. It would definitely eat me after I finished drawing it. I could feel its hunger, so I delayed it on the grounds that it lacked activity and could not be used as paint.

After a long time, I finally waited for you."

Xu Qing looked at the old man from the Danqing tribe with cold eyes, unable to discern any clues from his expression. There was nothing wrong with this man's expressions and words.

But deep down in Xu Qing's heart, she didn't believe that this matter would be so simple.

Especially when he scanned the flesh and blood of the sun around him, he saw the large number of foreigners who were no longer wailing, but had completely melted and been absorbed by the remains of the sun.

These were all tricked to death by old man Danqing in order to survive.

But since the other party is so cooperative, Xu Qing has no reason to expose it. He needs time, on the one hand, to absorb the remains of the sun, and on the other hand, he has to wait for the finger to return again.

Regardless of whether the old man from the Danqing tribe has any problems, he cannot let the other party take the initiative here, and the opportunity to seize the initiative is the moment when the finger returns again.

Thinking of this, Xu Qing spoke calmly.

"I need time."



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