Chapter 855 The pain will stop after a while

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Although this voice sounded aloof, it also carried a touch of laziness, like an invisible hook that landed in the hearts of all the monks, causing ripples that made people feel numb from the inside out.

This numbness comes from the soul, like the soul being extracted, making people immersed in an indescribable sense of comfort.

Some people who did not have enough concentration fell into a coma and were trembling all over, unable to hear the divine voice at all.

Only those who are strong can barely suppress the ripples in their hearts. After all, reverence for the gods has been engraved in the fate of Yanyue monks.

And this is just the natural release of the Star Flame God, and there is no deliberate move.

Gods, that's what they are.

Fortunately, a cold humming sound echoed in the sound of Xing Yan at this moment, neutralizing the influence of the former, like a basin of cold water falling into everyone's hearts.

"Teleport, turn on!"

Everyone was shocked and recovered, and the sky descended on the world with bursts of thunder.

The thunder became louder and louder, and finally, it reached its peak and sounded like the beginning of heaven and earth.

The sky and the earth roared, and nothingness set off huge waves, spreading outward in circles, forming a circular vortex.

The vortex rotated rapidly, seeming to peel away layers of appearances, revealing a colorful and irregular hole.

Looking up, we can see that inside this colorful cave, there is a vast land of mountains and rivers, where there are strange flowers and plants, and ferocious beasts running around, just like a wild wilderness.

There were also bursts of beast roars coming from inside.

It is... the second stage of the Yanyue Xuantian Clan's great hunt, the vast area of ​​​​mountains and seas.

The next moment, seven-colored lights shot out from the vortex, forming countless rays and falling on all the monks who qualified for the second stage in the three holy cities.

The eldest prince, Tuo Shishan, Qiu Quezi...

All participants were shrouded in this colorful light, even Xu Qing and Fanshishuang outside the city were like this. The moment they were filled with light, the power of teleportation began.

After three breaths, the transmission starts!

Colorful lights shine in the city. If you look down from the sky, you can clearly see the colorful flowers blooming continuously.

Every time it flickers, someone is being teleported away, and this kind of teleportation is disordered. If the relevant cultivators want to gather together, they need to solve it themselves within the mountains and seas.

Xu Qing was also inside, and his figure disappeared among the fluctuations of colorful light.

The successive transmissions of hundreds of thousands of monks caused the colorful flowers to outline a beautiful scene.

It's like the stars falling to the ground.

Until a moment later, as the colorful flowers flickered less and less, most of the monks in the three holy cities were empty.

The sacred mountain no longer trembled, and only a chuckle from Xingyan became a lingering sound, echoing around the world.

The overall shape of the vast area of ​​mountains and seas is like a gourd. There are no plains within it, only mountains and endless rainforests.

Such an environment, coupled with its constant-temperature climate and countless years of isolation, makes the mountain and sea area a self-contained ecology, which is very suitable for the habitat and reproduction of ferocious beasts.

So there are all kinds of strange and ferocious beasts.

Especially... the heterogeneity here is extremely rich, permeating the sky and the earth, so it is not only the ferocious beasts that have been alienated, but also the vegetation.

The entire mountain and sea area is more like a forbidden land.

It was not formed by the gaze of the broken face of the gods, but was shaped by the three gods Yanyue Xuantian.

In addition, because this place has been closed all year round, many lives that have become extinct outside still exist here, and some ancient artifacts are better preserved than in the outside world.

At this moment, in the upper ring of the mountains and seas, deep in the rain forest, a black rotten tree was swaying its branches, dragging a white deer from a distance.

The white deer struggled, but to no avail. The whole body was penetrated and entangled with rattan, squirming and absorbing at the same time.

So the white deer could only cry out for help, with a pitiful voice and a nostalgia for life in its eyes, and its desire to survive was very obvious.

White deer are not very common in the vast area of ​​mountains and seas.

It often represents beauty, and perhaps because of this, it has become the prey. In addition, its own value is somewhat useless compared to other beasts, so its number has become less and less.

But its wailing may have moved God, so beside the rotten tree, colorful lights shone.

Soon a figure wearing a black robe appeared there.

The moment it appeared, the rotten tree trembled and did not dare to move. The white deer also trembled all over, and its wailing sound stopped instinctively. However, in order to survive, it soon let out a slight wailing sound.

The figure who appeared next to the rotten tree turned his head when he heard the sound, glanced at the white deer, and walked away.

After two steps, I arrived in front of the whining white deer, lowered my head and stared at it.

At this glance, the vines wrapped around the white deer's body disintegrated inch by inch, turning into fly ash and dissipating.

The man in black knelt down, raised his hand, and gently stroked the white deer with gentle movements.

But unfortunately, although there is no cane, the white deer's injury is too serious and it cannot stand up at this moment. It can only rely on spirituality and show gratitude in its eyes.

It was just the severe pain from his body that made him tremble uncontrollably, and the desire to die was also spreading.

"After a while, the pain will stop."

The man in black spoke softly, and his movements became more gentle, which soothed the white deer's heart. It struggled less and showed more gratitude in its eyes. It even stretched out its tongue and licked the corner of the man in black's clothes.

And the next moment, after it was completely relaxed, the man in black gently pressed his hand on its neck and squeezed it hard.

There was a click, and there was no pain. The white deer was shocked and died.

The man in black stood up slowly and looked into the distance.

As the light from the sky fell through the gaps in the leaves above, his appearance gradually became clearer.

It was a young man with long hair tied up on top of his head, forming a ball shape, and a black hairband tied around his forehead.

Combined with the black robe and black boots, this person gave off an icy aura all over his body.

And vaguely, you can see some vague red shadows around him, as if they were formed by blood, gradually exuding a strong smell of blood.

If there was a monk from Yanyue Xuantian's clan here at this moment, he would be able to recognize his identity at a glance.

In fact, this person has a great reputation within the Yanyue Xuantian Clan, surpassing Tuo Shishan, and even surpassing both mortals.

When the eldest prince introduced Yanyue Tianjiao to Xu Qing that day, he also focused on him.

Jidongzi, the third level of Guixu, the second in the sequence, belongs to the Kingdom of Sunshine God Si Quan.

He has a cold personality and is ruthless, and he will definitely kill when he strikes. More than dozens of foreign ethnic groups were slaughtered by him, and they were refined into blood and kept with him.

There are many means, and he even had a brilliant record of fighting with the Yanyue tribe's Yun Shen prisoner. Although the Yun God prisoner has exhausted his energy, he is still Yun Shen after all...

Even Mortal Shuang was extremely wary when encountering this cultivator. The two of them fought three times, and every time... Mortal Shuang was defeated.

Especially the last time, if Yan Xuanzi of this generation had not intervened, Fan Wushuang would have been in danger.

There was also a battle with this cultivator at Tuoshi Mountain, but he was suppressed after just ten breaths.

The thing he was most unwilling to do in his life was his failure in competing for the title of Yanxuan Dao. This was also the first time he had been defeated since he started practicing.

"Death doesn't hurt anymore."

Jidongzi retracted her gaze from the distance, looked down at the body of the white deer at her feet, and spoke softly.

Then he took a step and walked forward.

After a few steps, he seemed to remember something.

"Spread the news. If anyone sees Xu Qing, tell them the location."

After giving the order, Jidongzi looked calm and continued to move forward. For him, killing Xu Qing was just a deal because King Mingnan came to him and gave him a promise and conditions.

If he encounters something that is convenient, he will cut it off. If he cannot find it, he will not waste time looking for it himself.

As for the difficulty, for him, apart from Yan Xuanzi, he was not sure of killing him, and other monks in this generation were easy to kill.

As he moved forward at this moment, the blood shadows around him bowed one after another, and some of them dissipated, sending this news to the outside world.

As for the remaining blood shadows, they accompanied him and went away together.

At the same time, in the upper ring of the mountain and sea domain, in the rain forest near the center of the domain, Xu Qing's figure was moving forward invisibly.

He was very cautious and did not release any breath, and Xu Qing was very accustomed to the rainforest and the heterogeneity here.

He likes this environment.

The captain was not around during this teleportation, but Xu Qing was not worried about the captain.

According to his understanding of the captain, the other party must have a way to enter the mountains and seas.

"Although senior brother has said that he has prepared shanchi for me... we can't put all our hope in the captain."

Xu Qing pondered, first of all, he had given up on the Jiuli Forbidden Area located in the middle area of ​​the Upper and Lower Rings.

Since no one has ever successfully conquered this legendary sacred beast of the Flame Moon, Xu Qing doesn't think he is special.

So instead of wasting time on Jiuli, it's better to look for others.

"Still a Shanchi!"

A glimmer appeared in Xu Qing's eyes. This choice would allow him to reunite with the captain as soon as possible, and at the same time increase the chance of obtaining Shanchi.

Then the description of the activity area of ​​the Shanchi in the jade slip he was looking at came to his mind.

"In the northwest of Xiahuan."

"Then first, we need to identify what area this place belongs to."

Xu Qing's body swayed, and with the help of speed, he disappeared into the rain forest in an instant.

Time passed, and three days passed. Using the habitats of different ferocious beasts, Xu Qing roughly determined his location through some ferocious beasts he encountered on the road under observation.

After getting the direction, he moved faster and headed towards the middle area of ​​the upper and lower rings.

"At this rate, I will reach the middle area in five days, bypass the edge of the Jiuli Forbidden City, and head to the Land of Shanchi. It will take about half a month in total."

"In addition, in this vast area of ​​​​mountains and seas, killing and competition will also be more direct...especially for the Mortal Twin!"

Xu Qing's expression was gloomy. If the second stage had not been started in advance between him and Morshishuang, the fight would have been imminent.

Xu Qing was very wary of Fan Shishuang. Among the opponents he had encountered in his life, there were only a few who were not sure of victory, and Fan Shishuang was one of them.

This chapter has been completed!
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