Chapter 1217 Continuous disappearances!

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 Lin Ran cooked a pot of shredded pork noodles, and Mary ate another large bowl, even the soup.

Although at their level, it is no longer necessary to rely on three meals a day to replenish body energy, but Mary has now tasted the wonderful taste of this kind of food, and it is this breath of life that reawakens her.

Let this girl really be willing to face her heart.

Mary realized that the sunlight emanating from that man had illuminated every corner of her body.

Lin Ran put away the dishes and just took off his apron when he heard the sound of police sirens below.

He looked out the window and saw a long row of police cars approaching, their red and blue lights flashing, illuminating the suburban road.

There are no particularly tall buildings around the Tomorrow Building, they are all ordinary apartment buildings, but there are basically no vacancies in other buildings, which is in sharp contrast to the loneliness here.

In the developed city of Joliston, it is really hard to find a house. It is really abnormal for Tomorrow Building to be empty like this. .??.

The last wave of tenant evictions occurred in the past two months.

Lin Ran was currently on the twenty-third floor. There were dozens of houses on this floor, but currently only his room on the same floor had the lights on.

"The inspection team has surrounded this building." Mary said, looking down, and reached out to take her long sword.

The other dagger was tied to the outside of her thigh.

"There must have been another disappearance case. The two-month interval seems to be accurate." Lin Ran said, "When we were downstairs just now, we walked around the building and several rooms had lights on.


"Twelve rooms," Mary said.

Lin Ran nodded, "Yeah, but a room without lights doesn't necessarily mean there's no one there."

This sentence is quite creepy.

"What do we do now?" Mary asked.

Lin Ran said, "We just wait here. I believe they will find them soon."
The room they were in had the lights on and was very conspicuous in the Tomorrow Building. As Lin Ran expected, their door was soon banged.

"Open the door! We are the Yoliston Inspection Department!" an inspection team member shouted!

Lin Ran stepped forward and opened the door, and then a gun was directly pressed against his chest.

The shape of this gun was somewhat similar to Blue Star's assault rifle, but Lin Ran didn't know the power of the shot and the composition of the bullets.

"Be honest! You are all suspects now!" the supervisor shouted.

Seeing this scene, Mary's eyes turned cold and her hand was already on the hilt of the sword.

As long as her sword is unsheathed, it is impossible for this supervisor to survive!

However, Lin Ran realized what Mary was going to do and signaled to her not to act impulsively.

"Can I ask what happened?" Lin Ran said, "We two just moved in yesterday and don't know anything..."

"You guys, all go downstairs!" said the supervisory team member. "Another disappearance has occurred in this building. Now, everyone needs to come back to the Supervision Department with us for investigation!"

Then, two more supervisors rushed into the room and pointed their guns at Mary.

Lin Ran said, "Okay, we'll go downstairs with you."

His knife box containing two knives was placed somewhere at this moment and was not in his hand.

"Put down your sword." Lin Ran said to Mary, "Don't cause any misunderstanding."

Mary looked at Lin Ran's empty hand and put down the sword without any hesitation, even though she didn't understand why Lin Ran did this.

Seeing Lin Ran's high degree of cooperation, the supervisory team members also put down their guns, and the leader said carelessly

"It's good of you to do this. I'm not a suspect at first glance."

Lin Ran "?"

Although he smiled on the surface, his doubts about the ability of this group of supervisory team members to handle cases had reached an extreme level.

No wonder this case has not been solved for almost a year. From their point of view, even if the suspect is standing in front of them, they can easily deceive these people.

Ten minutes later, all the tenants in the building appeared in the small square in front of the building.

There were actually a total of seventy-four people in those twelve lighted rooms, which was more than Lin Ran had imagined.

Thirty of them all belong to the same company.

This company mainly sells health care products over the phone. In Lin Ran's view, this is purely an IQ tax.

The current rent in Tomorrow Building is so low, it is very suitable for this kind of company to work here.

The reason why I have stayed here shows that this company is short of money and cannot develop its business at all.

The missing person is a female salesperson from their company.

After the female salesperson entered the company in the morning, she just went to the bathroom on the same floor and never came back.

The surveillance cameras neither captured her entering the elevator, nor did they capture her exiting the building.

When it was time to get off work in the evening, the boss belatedly realized that something was wrong, finally reported the incident, and then restricted everyone in the company from leaving.

As for the remaining tenants, most of them are young people with relatively average economic conditions, and a few are students from nearby universities who live together quietly here.

Everyone was waiting in the square. It was not until an hour later that dozens of surveillance team members came out of the building. The leader said, "Captain, all the rooms have been searched, and no missing person was found. The surveillance has also been checked."

,everything is normal."

At this moment, the lights in all rooms of Tomorrow Building are turned on
, has become brightly lit.

"Let me examine them one by one!" The captain pointed at everyone present. "I don't believe that this world is haunted. Everyone who still lives in the Tomorrow Building is a suspect! They clearly know this building.

If you dare to live here if you have a problem, I will pry open your mouth and see what you really think!"

Indeed, everyone is a suspect. Although the captain's logic is not very reasonable, Lin Ran does agree with this inference.

At the scene, several young people with relatively fragile psychological qualities were already frightened and crying.

Lin Ran glanced at everyone, his eyes were always calm and showed no emotion. As for Mary, she was even more calm. It seemed that this girl really didn't know what fear was.

At this moment, a supervisory team member responsible for counting people suddenly shouted, "No, we are missing one person!"

"One person is missing?" The captain frowned severely!

"Yes, we have a total of seventy inspection team members responsible for searching all rooms. Now, including me, there are only sixty-nine of them!" The inspection team member's voice was trembling.

As soon as this statement came out, the scene fell into panic again! The women in the company cried even louder!

In full view of everyone, another person was missing!

The company boss said in a trembling voice, "Does it mean that none of us are suspected? The suspect is still in the building?"

If even the supervisory team members are missing, then these people in the square can indeed be cleared of suspicion for the time being.

At this time, Lin Ran suddenly noticed that a drop of water suddenly fell from the sky and landed at his feet.

He turned on the lighting function of the watch and took a look, and surprisingly found that it was a drop of blood.

"I'm sorry, I'm coughing so much and very frequently. I don't know if it's because of the sun again, which affects my condition a bit, so I'm just updating now... Good night."

This chapter has been completed!
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