Chapter 1247 It’s such a shame to leave like this!

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 So, Lin Ran didn't sleep in the middle of the night, so he came to chat with the young lady.

"Sarah, how old are you?" Lin Ran sat on the soft carpet, leaning against the sofa cushions, feeling very comfortable.

The layout of this room is completely inconsistent with the splendid aura of the entire imperial city.

Sara glanced at Lin Ran, and there seemed to be a gentle sparkle in her eyes: "Are you asking about your age?"

"What else?" Lin Ran smiled slightly: "We are not familiar with each other. If I asked about my figure, you wouldn't answer me, right?"

"For women, body shape and age are both secrets." Sarah said, "Anyway, I must be older than you."

"Well, I believe it." Lin Ran smiled slightly: "He is indeed older than me."

"I always feel that your smile is not serious." Sarah said, took a sip of juice, and poured a glass for Lin Ran: "This orange juice is exclusively for the royal family, please try it."

Lin Ran took a sip and said, "It doesn't seem to be much different from the oranges outside."

Sara smiled after hearing this and said, "It's true. Except for the supreme imperial power, everything else in this palace is like this orange. There is nothing special about it."

This sentence is profound.

Lin Ran seemed to hear a bit of resentment from it.

"By the way, you are so beautiful, why haven't you been noticed by any prince?" Lin Ran asked curiously.

He had seen all the public photos of the royal family members from the Internet, and there was no appearance like Sara among them. However, this woman is so beautiful, why didn't she become a concubine?

"My appearance, if you look at it in the outside world, should be pretty good, but in this palace, which woman is not beautiful? They are all chosen carefully to get in." Sarah said: "As for the princesses of the princes, even more

Each one is more beautiful than the other."

"By the way, you must have met the queen, right?" Lin Ran said: "I heard that she is the most beautiful woman in the empire, right?"

"Are you interested in the Queen?" Sara smiled.

"I'm just curious." Lin Ran said: "How beautiful must she be to be ranked number one in the country? I've seen her profile picture on the Internet, and it feels like that, a little better than ordinary people."

Sara's smile spread across her face, and she said: "I often see the queen, she is indeed very beautiful, and she deserves her reputation... But she can't be ranked first, it's a matter of opinion, after all, there is no way to control such things as aesthetics

Make sure everyone is unified.”

"I think so. Although it's definitely not ugly, it must be ranked first because the queen's name has a greater bonus." Lin Ran said.

After all, if there is a beauty pageant and you, as a queen, are participating, who would dare to be in front of you? Do you think you are impatient?

"That makes sense." Sarah nodded and smiled even happier.

However, she was afraid of disturbing the people sleeping upstairs, so she kept laughing silently, but her body was trembling because of the laughter. The trembling curves perfectly released the female attraction.

"Is it treason for you to discuss the Queen with me secretly?" Lin Ran said, "Aren't you afraid that she has an informant?"

"No, the queen is very generous and doesn't care what others think of her." Sarah smiled: "Anyway, I usually don't talk about this kind of topic with others. I'm very happy to chat with you occasionally.


Lin Ran couldn't hold back the gossip box once he opened it. He said: "By the way, you said that the queen has given birth to five children, and she still doesn't look old at all?"

"After all, the queen is a warrior, and time will not leave many traces on her body." Sara said.

"Then what level is the queen? S-level or star?"

"I can't say it well. Anyway, I have never seen the queen take action." Sara thought about it carefully: "But Princess Sheila should be the pinnacle of S-class."

Lin Ran did not ask more about the princes and princesses for the time being, lest Sarah feel that he was too deliberate. He said: "You usually stay in this palace, will you have any holidays?"

"Yes. In addition to the weekend off, we can have about ten days of vacation every year." Sara said: "Our position can be said to have the least vacation in the entire Seim Empire."

Mr. Serpi said without changing his face or heartbeat: "Aren't we the same?"

In fact, this guy has no idea what the holiday regulations of the Palace Guard are on weekdays. Anyway, since the bullshit has been blown, he might as well keep blowing it.

"I haven't gone out for a long time and I have saved up a lot of vacation time." Sara said, "If you have time recently, would you like to go out with me?"

"Okay." Lin Ran looked at the woman who had lived in the palace for a long time, and a feeling of sympathy arose in his heart for no reason, and said, "Then let's make a friend first."

As he said that, he took out his watch and wanted to touch it with the other party.

However, Sara did not have this thing on her hand.

"Don't you usually use a watch?" Lin Ran asked.

"In the palace every day, there is an independent communication system, so there is really no need for this."

She smiled, brought up the virtual light screen of Lin Ran's watch, entered her contact information on it, and sent a request to add a friend.

"Okay, then if I

I’ll let you know in advance when I’m on vacation.” Sarah said, “It should be in the last few days.”

"Okay." Lin Ran said, "Sister, palace lady, I can take you on a sightseeing tour, or experience some things you can't experience in the palace."

This guy started to brag again. To the distant planet, Lin Ran was definitely a stranger.

"I am looking forward."

Sarah seemed to be in a great mood, laughing so hard that her curves were trembling, becoming more and more attractive.

"By the way, let's talk about the gossip of your royal family." Lin Ran said: "Who do you think is the best to get along with among Queen Aphra's five children?"

"The best person to get along with should be the little princess." Sara did not avoid Lin Ran's question. She said: "The little prince's personality is not bad, but they are not in the palace all year round. I can only meet them occasionally.


"What about the eldest prince Robin Sai?" Lin Ran asked.

It must be said that what happened before the palace made Lin Ran not have a good impression of Robin Sai, and he felt that he was a scheming person.

"If nothing else happens, the eldest prince will inherit the throne, and he should be the most suitable to be the emperor among the three princes." Sara said.

Lin Ran glanced at her and asked in a low voice: "What about you? Which one do you support more as emperor?"

Sara said: "Didn't I just say the eldest prince's name?"

"You just said that he is suitable to be emperor, but whether he is suitable or not and whether you support him or not are two different things." Lin Ran asked.

"Don't discuss this issue with me, it's too sensitive." Sara continued: "Okay, it's getting late, so I won't keep you here. You can sit in the garden by yourself."

"You wanted to chat more just now, but now that we have talked about the eldest prince, you have issued an eviction order again." Lin Ran chuckled. He had obviously noticed the other party's caution.

However, Lin Ran could also understand this sister's instinctive reaction.

After all, being with a king is like being with a tiger. After working in the palace for so many years, if he didn't have a cautious character, he might have died long ago.

"This topic is too sensitive. I will talk to you more when we go out to play," Sara said.

As if she was afraid that Lin Ran would mind, she explained one more sentence.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

Lin Ran said, quietly closed the door and left.

Sarah, on the other hand, was sitting on the carpet, drinking juice, slightly lost in thought, but still not sleepy.

After a long time, she didn't know what she thought of, and the corners of her lips raised slightly, revealing a smile.


After more than half an hour, Sasso
The captain's message was sent: "Come to the gate of the imperial city."

Lin Ran patted his butt and walked out of the garden.

Far away, he saw Sasso. The captain was standing under the splendid palace wall, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Lin Ran asked cheerfully: "Why, the dignified Lord Xingchen is frustrated by the eldest prince?"

"The person who kidnapped Vassani was not the eldest prince Robin Sai." Saso said.

The results obtained tonight make the whole case even more confusing. No wonder Sasso doesn't look good.

"Then why did he call Gabriel before to let him go?" Lin Ran asked.

"That's because Robinsey doesn't want to see the Radical Alliance destroyed because of this trivial matter." Sasso said: "He has always been His Majesty's most loyal follower."

"If you are sure that your investigation is accurate, then the remaining doubts can be transferred to Prince Helfs." Lin Ran said, "The scope of the investigation has been narrowed, which is a good thing."

Just as Sasso was about to say something, his watch suddenly rang.

He looked at the message and said, "Queen Aphra is looking for me."

Lin Ran's face showed a gossipy smile: "Isn't it right? The queen comes to see you in the middle of the night? Isn't this inappropriate?"

"You don't understand, many meetings of the royal family take place at night." Sasso said: "It is even more impossible for the queen and I to meet alone."

After hearing this, Lin Ran suddenly said: "Thank you for patiently explaining so much to me."

Now, he is more and more certain that his existence is of great significance to Sasso!

However, Lin Ran didn't know for a while what the specific reason was.

"Go back." Sasso said, then turned and walked towards the palace.

Lin Ran frowned: "You're going to throw me away after you use it? Don't you even arrange a car for me?"

Sasso didn't look back: "Don't ask me about such a trivial matter."


Lin Ran waited for the other party to go away, then looked at his clothes and said, "Isn't it a pity that I finally came here and then left like this?"

Anyway, you are still wearing the skin of the palace guard. You are already here. Wouldn’t it be a pity not to take a look around?

"You can't just wander around like a headless fly. You have to find someone to lead the way..."

So, Lin Ran walked up to a guard member and said:

"Brother, I need to check the defense of Princess Sheila's palace in detail. You come with me."

"Yes, sir!" The team member immediately saluted.

This chapter has been completed!
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