Chapter 334 Commander of the Black Sea Fleet

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"When we eat again, will I take you with me?" After hearing this, Liang Xuean looked a little weird.

"What, you're not happy? Xue'er, you can't, are you? Do you regard that little man as yours?" The person on the phone seemed a little unbelievable, "Have you become familiar with the relationship to this extent?"

"Not very familiar yet." Liang Xuean smiled, "But... if I take you with me, are you really not afraid that he will take him down? Your senior brother Han Heyan in Bei'an has already done everything for him."

"Xue'er, in these years, have you seen any man who can take me down?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Such things often come true once you say them."

The person on the other side of the phone also smiled: "No more words, I know you are very busy. Next time you come to Black Hawk Federation, you must invite me to dinner."

"That's a must." Liang Xuean smiled.

On the other end of the phone, after the call ended, a woman wearing a white nightgown stood on the side of the ship, looking at the waves in the distance, which was in the direction of Daxia.

The moonlight shone on her body, covering her exquisite and convex figure with a hazy light, like the moonlight goddess above the sea.

"Daxia, it's true that I haven't been back for a long time." The woman said, her eyes became much distant, and she whispered, "Xue'er, I know you may have been injured on your face and don't dare to see me, but

, I will definitely help you come out."

After saying that, she returned to her own cabin, took off her white nightgown, and exposed her perfect figure to the air.

All the arcs are just right, as if they were carefully crafted by God. They are simply perfect.

It seems that this is the perfect combination of purity and desire in real life!

Later, Han Heyan's junior sister put on another... uniform.

This is the standard uniform of the Black Hawk Navy!

And the military rank on her shoulders turned out to be...major general!

The beauties who were once among the top three beauties in the world in Daxia have now become rear admirals of the Black Hawk Federation Navy?

This transformation of identity is truly incredible!

However, after putting on the navy uniform, this woman showed another kind of charm.

That uniform perfectly reflected her figure, but on top of those soft lines, there was a hint of sassiness.

This beautiful major general came to the bridge,
Looking at the waves ahead, he said calmly: "Black Sea Fleet, set off at full speed."


However, Tarth's nightmare was not over yet.

While worrying about how to deliver the source crystal liquid, he rushed to the scene of the explosion in a hurry.

After waiting, looking at the still burning reservoir area, Tas's heart was bleeding!

This is really terrible!

He still hasn't figured out how to explain it to the people in the ideal country!

However, at this moment, Tas's cell phone rang.

"Mr. Tas, I am Lukman, a five-star missionary in the ideal country. This time, I will be responsible for escorting the source crystal liquid with you. In addition, within ten minutes, I will arrive at your headquarters and conduct a preliminary inspection.


After hearing these words, Tas's expression instantly darkened.

His face was flushed by the firelight, as if he was burning with anger.

All the goods were destroyed. How should I explain this to the buyer?

But the buyer is still the superpower of the dark world!

However, in an ideal country, it is necessary to inspect the goods first. This request is very normal, and Tas cannot refuse at all!

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the headquarters, Mr. Missionary." Tas sighed heavily and said.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, the five-star missionary named Lukman came to the door of the headquarters building. He looked at the fire in the reservoir area with an extremely sad expression.

"Mr. Missionary, our reservoir area was bombed just an hour ago." Tas said helplessly: "We can only barely make up 10% of the source crystal liquid."

"Mr. Tas, can you give me a reasonable explanation for this matter?" Lukman asked solemnly, "If you can't give me a convincing result, then I'm afraid I won't be able to report it to the superiors.


He is obviously suppressing his anger!

"I don't even know who I have offended now..." Tas could only say, "I think, please give us a little time from Utopia and Mr. Missionary, and I will try my best to get the remaining source crystal liquid...

Two weeks, just two weeks..."

Tas can only try his best to buy source crystals

Liquid! This is the only way he can find!

However, the sales of this kind of stuff are so good. Most energy companies and mining areas sell whatever they produce, and they have accumulated a lot of orders. Only some violent departments of the country and those who can store such a large amount of goods are probably

Only the army will do.

"Two weeks?" Lukman couldn't suppress his anger anymore, and his energy exploded!

"I'll give you time, but who will give me time!" the five-star missionary shouted: "If you can't find that much source crystal liquid, then follow the contract and pay twenty times the liquidated damages!"

"Okay, okay!" Tas said quickly, "Mr. Missionary, don't be angry. Not only will we compensate for the liquidated damages, we will also find all the remaining source crystal liquids! Don't worry! I've already asked people to mobilize all working capital.

Yes, the compensation will be paid in full tomorrow morning!”

Tas is now extremely frustrated! However, the situation is stronger than the person, so he has no choice but to bow his head!

"I will discuss this matter with the higher-ups at the headquarters, but..." Lukman said, suddenly pulling out a long knife from his waist and placing it between Tas's neck!

The next second, his expression was full of sternness, and his tone was extremely cold: "If there is no room for maneuver, I will definitely take your head back to you, Mr. Tas, so you can take care of yourself!"

After saying that, the five-star missionary stood aside angrily and watched Tas and his staff counting the source crystal liquid in stock.

Obviously, he doesn't know what to do now.

That batch of source crystal liquid is so important to the organization!

This five-star missionary knows that his ideal country has always had a stable supply of source crystal liquid, but this time he suddenly purchased such a large amount of source crystal liquid, it was definitely not bought for storage, let alone used for daily consumption, but

The high probability is...war preparation!

These things are all prepared for war!

After all, only during fierce battles will the warriors' consumption of Source Crystal Liquid surge!

If this large amount of source crystal liquid cannot be delivered on time, perhaps the plan to conquer the ideal country will be seriously hindered!

The more Lukman thought about it, the more his heart trembled and he was covered in cold sweat!

However, at this moment, an earth-shattering explosion suddenly came from the top floor of Tas Energy's headquarters building!

The explosion was so violent that it was like
There were brilliant fireworks in the sky! Even the ground was shaking! It was like an earthquake!

The top floor of this headquarters building is the office of Tas and a group of senior executives!

At this moment, this layer was all reduced to nothing! The billowing smoke was rising in the wind, and pieces of debris fell from the top!

Tas sat down on the ground!

Could it be said that the other party's revenge is not over yet?

If he and the group executives were still in the office at this time, would they also be blown up to the sky together?

Five-star Bishop Lukman's heart was also shocked by the explosion, and he growled: "Tas, who did you offend?"

At this moment, Kesef's joking voice rang out: "Black Sea Continent, Boma Mercenary Group, come and give Tas Energy a meeting gift!"


The Asian-American Ocean is one of the seven oceans in the world.

At this moment, a large-scale merchant fleet is sailing.

As soon as you leave the Asia-American Ocean, you will arrive at the Black Hawk Federation.

The draft of these ships is very deep, and all of them are filled with source crystal ores.

This is the merchant ship of Tas Energy Group, and the ores in it are all mined from the source crystal veins newly purchased by Tas. Since the group does not have any refining equipment locally, it can only sail across the ocean and send it back to the Black Sea.

Refined locally in Eagle Federation!

However, the transportation cost of doing this has also increased a lot. Fortunately, the terminal unit price of Yuanjingliang is high enough so that it will not lose money.

However, losing money is about to happen!

The captain was smoking a cigar leisurely on the deck. In one day, his ocean escort mission would be over and he could take a good vacation.

But at this moment, the first mate ran over in a panic and said: "No, captain! We received news from the Black Hawk Navy that they will launch an attack on our fleet in ten minutes!"

"Does the ten-minute notice give us time to escape?" After hearing this, the captain said in surprise: "But why did the Black Hawk Navy attack us? Is it a mistake? Which branch of the navy are they?


"I have revealed TAS Energy's name, but they said they were right." The first officer said with a cold sweat on his face, "They said they are... they are... the Black Sea Fleet!"

This chapter has been completed!
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