Chapter 729 The Prime Minister has no son

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Lin Ran looked at Qi Fengwan opposite, smiled, and asked noncommittally:

"Kawashima Tamako will definitely not be willing to give in, right?"

There was still a sneer in Qi Fengwan's expression: "I was slapped twice by you, and I'm still very unhappy now, not to mention that Kawashima Tamako's pubic bone was cracked by your kick."

Speaking of this, Qi Fengwan instinctively looked down at her lower abdomen and couldn't help but squeeze her legs tightly.

Why is there an inexplicable cool breeze blowing between my legs?

She was very sure that Lin Ran's kick was obviously aimed at irritating Tamako Kawashima!

He could definitely have used other methods to injure the opponent at that time!

However, Lin Ran chose this extremely humiliating approach!

It's a pity that Tamako Kawashima, who is in a rage, can't see through this!

Lin Ran looked at Qi Fengwan with a smile: "You didn't rush there with Nan'an Jingzi at that time, didn't you also want to watch the fire from the other side?"

Qi Fengwan did not appear at the scene of the fierce battle that night. After all, if she had appeared, there would be an extra S-class on the scene, and the fight might not be possible.

The back and forth between masters is invisible.

"So, you have to thank me for helping you complete this matter smoothly." Qi Fengwan said.

Lin Ran said angrily: "How do I feel that I am being used by you?"

"No, you are the one who really takes advantage of everyone." Qi Fengwan took a deep look at Lin Ran and said, "Kawashima Tamako's brother is the general of the Higashimoto Military Headquarters, Kawashima Akijo."

Lin Ran smiled and nodded: "Well, I know, that's why I spared Tamako Kawashima's life."

This is to deliberately let the sister go to complain to the brother!

Qi Fengwan said: "So, after Kawashima Tamako was beaten like this, Kawashima Mingcheng directly bypassed the prime minister and cabinet and sent troops brazenly."

Lin Ran said: "I'm just afraid that he won't send troops. Now that I haven't fought for several years, I feel itchy all over."

His smile made Qi Fengwan feel a little unsure.

This man can't see through her, but she can't see through him even more!

Taking advantage of a small conflict that suddenly occurred, the emotions of Dongben Military Headquarters were immediately aroused to the highest level!

Qi Fengwan really felt inferior to this method of turning his hands into clouds and rain!

"So, will the two sides fight?" Qi Fengwan looked directly into Lin Ran's eyes and said.

After all, in
In the past hundred years, although Dongben Islands and Daxia have had some minor disputes in the sea, they can only be regarded as frictions, and no large-scale war has broken out.

Taking in the woman's expression, Lin Ran smiled lightly: "So, do you want to be beaten or not?"

Qi Fengwan shook his head.

This gave her a very direct answer.

"Not only me, but Prime Minister Nan'an of Dongben and all cabinet members are very angry about Dongben's military headquarters' unauthorized response." Qi Fengwan said.

Lin Ran sneered: "Ichiro Nangan wants to start a war, but it's not at this time, right?"

Qi Fengwan's eyes narrowed: "..."

Lin Ran stood up and suddenly remembered what Chu Jianxuan had asked him to do before, so he glanced back and forth at Qi Fengwan and said:

"are you single?"

"Does it have anything to do with you whether you are single?" Qi Fengwan sneered.

She also stood up and took a step closer: "Why, do you want to possess me?"

Lin Ran said: "From the perspective of a man and a woman, I think we can give it a try, but I prefer soul fusion... You and I are different."

"I admit it." Qi Fengwan said, feeling that his back below the waist seemed to be getting hot again.

This is an invisible feeling, but it has been rooted in Qi Fengwan's heart.

Lin Ran chuckled: "But, one day in the future, maybe you and I will become like-minded people."

He bites off a certain idiom very hard.

Qi Fengwan looked down at himself again, and then sneered: "That won't work, I'm afraid that one of my bones will be broken."

"I'll take it easy then."

After saying this, Lin Ran walked outside.

"Where are you going?" Qi Fengwan asked.

Lin Ran didn't look back and gave his answer straightforwardly:

"East China Sea."

After hearing these words, Qi Fengwan's heart suddenly sank!


At this moment, the situation in Daxia and Dongben has changed.

I have become more nervous than ever!

The remarks made by Kawashima Akijo really made people extremely angry!

The anger of the people of Daxia was originally ignited because of this exchange meeting, but Dongben Military Headquarters's statement this time is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire!

The aircraft carrier battle group with the "Hengtong He" as its flagship has sailed menacingly towards the East China Sea, approaching Daxia's territorial waters infinitely!

In response to this, the Daxia Coast Defense Force also immediately transferred back the aircraft carrier battle group on the high seas! Rush to the aid of the East China Sea!

Prime Minister Higashimoto Ichiro Minamigishi is really going crazy!

His second term had just begun. After working hard for more than five years, he finally returned to a stable development situation in Dongben. Unexpectedly, a statement from the military department would most likely destroy most of his achievements!

The anger in Ichiro Minami's chest is simply beyond words!

At this moment, he was in the Prime Minister's Office, making a video call to Kawashima Akijo.

In front of the office, there is a large screen, and on the screen, a man wearing a Dongben military uniform is displayed——

Military rank, general.

This person is Kawashima Mingcheng!

He is considered the first person among the military marshals!

Absolute super powerful figure!

Akijo Kawashima has served in the navy for half his life, first in the naval aviation force, and then as an aircraft carrier captain. In his middle age, he was invincible in the waters off Higashimoto and has always been the navy's anchor!

In the past ten years, there have been no wars in Dongben on the sea. It seems to be calm. However, no one has forgotten that there is a tiger with hidden fangs in the Dongben Navy Department!

Kawashima Akijo is a fanatical militant and a super leftist!

"General Kawashima, the cabinet is very disappointed with your statement." Ichiro Minamigishi said bluntly: "The Yokotoga aircraft carrier battle group has approached the East China Sea of ​​Daxia. Why has such an extreme behavior not been discussed by us jointly?"

The prime minister has a thin face and a very ordinary appearance, but his eyes have some sharpness and fierceness that are rarely seen in ordinary people.

However, in terms of looks alone, his son, Minami Akiko, is much better looking than Ichiro Minami's father.

However, the admiral on the screen has a different style.

His personality
He has a short head and a bald head. His skin is very tanned because he often stands on the deck.

And on Kawashima Mingcheng's face, there are two scars.

It is said that these two scars originated from a battle thirty years ago.

The shell fell on the deck and shrapnel scratched his face.

At that time, facing the enemy's dive bombers, Kawashima Akira alone controlled the anti-aircraft machine gun. Amidst the flying shrapnel, one man shot down six enemy planes, thus avoiding the sinking of his own warship.

And he himself paid the price of serious injuries. There is still a fragment of shrapnel in his spine that cannot be removed.

When a war starts, Kawashima Akira becomes a madman!

Therefore, regarding this matter, Minamichiro Ichiro has already smelled a hint of loss of control!

"Why do we need to discuss it jointly with you?" Kawashima Mingcheng's voice was cold: "Is there anyone in your cabinet who has fought in the war?"

Nan'an Ichiro suppressed his displeasure and emphasized his tone, saying: "We have never fought, but we know that there is Shangguan Xingyue in the Daxia Military Headquarters!"

"It's just a young woman. How did I scare you?" Nan'an Ichiro asked coldly: "Shangguan Xingyue is more important, or is my sister more important?"

Ichiro Minamichi said coldly: "General Kawashima, you cannot use the entire military force just to avenge your family! You are extremely selfish!"

"If it is not my sister who is injured in this exchange, but your precious son, then will you send troops?" Kawashima Akijo said coldly.

However, Ichiro Minamigi gave his answer very directly: "I won't."

"Then there's no need for us to talk any more."

After Kawashima Akijo finished speaking, he immediately cut off the video call!

"Asshole!" Ichiro Minamigi slammed the desk!

Obviously, he doesn't want to start a war with Daxia at the moment!

And in the corner of the office, there was a boy with long hair sitting.

It’s actually Minami Akiko!

He returned to the capital of Dongben so quickly!

After listening to his father's call, he shook his head and smiled to himself:

"General Kawashima is naive. My father has no son. How could he send troops because his son was injured?"

This chapter has been completed!
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