Chapter 876 Her hair is the gold of the furnace!

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 Minami Akiko took Luke all the way to a consulting room on the top floor of the hospital.

After that unpleasant conversation, there was silence between the two.

Minami Akiko didn't seem to take this powerful Skeleton Angel seriously.

And Luke had no interest in talking at all.

To be honest, he actually came here looking down.

In his opinion, the people in this world are all uncivilized aborigines! They are all rustics who have never seen the world!

But at this moment, I was actually being taught a lesson by these rubes, and I felt really unhappy!

Luke himself couldn't figure out, apart from the confidence given to him by his own Seraph, what else did this young long-haired man have that made him proud of himself?

Luke stared hard at Minami Akiko's back for a few times, but found that he couldn't see through her at all!

This person seems to be shrouded in a thick layer of fog!

At this time, Minami Akiko said, "I have heard that a certain female surgeon at Apollo Hospital is very beautiful. Mr. Messenger, I remind you, it is best not to have any ideas about her."

"Haha, I am different from lower races like you." Luke said with a sneer.

At this time, Minami Akiko opened the door of the consulting room and walked in.

Sitting inside was a male doctor wearing a white coat.

His hair is already white and he looks like he is in his fifties or sixties. He has thick lips and a slightly chubby figure. He wears black-rimmed glasses. His expression is not sharp and his eyes are kind.

"Mr. Vice President, I brought a patient here with a chest injury. Could you please take a look at it?" Akiko Nangan pointed at Luke behind her.

The latter was wearing a black robe and a black skull mask on his face.

Of course, in the Black Sea Continent, where all kinds of dark forces are running rampant, there are a lot of people in such strange clothes. Even if they are walking on the street, Luke's appearance will not attract too much attention.

"Okay." The vice president didn't ask any more questions, and then said, "Let's check it out."

So, he took Luke to another room, which contained a series of inspection equipment.

When Luke was lying on the examination bed, his chest condition was already displayed on the screen.

"Two sternum bones were cracked, the pectoral muscle fibers were partially broken, and there was internal bleeding in the lungs." The vice-dean said bluntly, "This was caused by an attack by a high-level warrior."

His vision is very precise and vicious.

After a pause, the vice-dean stared at the image, and then said, "However, the way the muscle fibers are broken is somewhat unusual."

Minami Akiko frowned slightly and said, "Please tell me more specifically."

Luke sneered and said, "You prankster, if you do this again, be careful and I will kill you directly."

He didn't think he was threatening the other party... After all, in Luke's eyes, he was a higher-level person.
People in the world have the opportunity to talk to him for a few more words, all because of the mercy of predators higher up the food chain.

The vice-dean did not pay attention to the other party's ridicule, but continued to look at the image and said, "The muscle fibers are not torn apart by external forces. The fractures seem to have been burned."

This is the scorching power from Surta!

She can use her skills to release this scorching power, and Tina can do the same!

In fact, perhaps due to her physical condition, if Tina's source power reaches Surta's level in the future, the destructive power exerted by this technique should be even stronger!

Minami Akiko asked, "Is this a special source of power?" Her eyes began to look a little dangerous, and she said lightly, "If it is a special source of power, I think it is necessary to re-evaluate Surta's identity."

"It's hard to tell yet. It doesn't necessarily have to be a special source of power. It may be achieved through special exercises." The vice-dean shook his head and then said, "If you want to fully recover from the injury, you have to

Rest for two months... or more."

More than two months!

After hearing this, Luke's eyes showed impatience, and he said angrily, "Two months is too long! You idiot, do you know how to see a doctor?"

Due to successive setbacks, Luke's temper seemed very bad at this time.

Minami Akiko also frowned slightly, "This recovery speed is indeed too slow. Can it be faster? He still has a very important task to complete."

The deputy dean then said, "This kind of injury doesn't seem that serious, but in fact it is definitely not simple. It will reduce the combat effectiveness by 30%... If the mission can be postponed for a while, I suggest that the injury be fully healed before proceeding."


After hearing this, Luke began to become more impatient.

He stood up from the bed, stretched out his hand, grabbed the collar of the deputy director, and said, "Are all you rubes here so useless? Believe it or not, I demolished this hospital!"

The vice president's face was expressionless and showed no sign of resistance.

Nan'an Akiko frowned and said, "Mr. Messenger, I've warned you, don't be presumptuous again."

"You said I'm presumptuous?" Luke turned his head and frowned fiercely and said.

He was a little irritated by the word.

The energy all over my body has begun to surge!

Although the vice-dean has a good eye for treating diseases, his strength does not seem to have reached level A. In this case, he cannot move at all! There is no possibility of resistance at all!

"Give you a week to fully restore my fighting strength!" Luke growled, "I'm going to kill Surta and that man!"

Later, although Luke escaped, the earth-shattering self-destruction sound that he thought would happen did not happen.

Didn't sound.

Later, from Minami Akiko's mouth, he also learned by whose hands Samido died.

Even though he had been picked up by the collar, the deputy dean's expression remained calm, and he even pushed up his glasses in a mood and said

"I'm sorry, this is impossible. In the Black Sea Continent, Apollo Hospital has absolutely top medical power. If we can't do it, then no one can do it."

At this moment, the door of the consulting room was pushed open, and a woman's voice sounded.

"Vice President Hulk, there are two surgeries today, and you need to be the surgeon. It's almost time... Hurry up and don't waste everyone's time."

The owner who said this sounded like he had a bad temper... It didn't sound like a doctor's attitude towards the director.

Then, a blond woman with blue eyes appeared in everyone's sight.

She was wearing a white coat, with a stethoscope hanging on her chest, and her smooth figure was perfectly displayed.

Although the long golden hair is tied up, it is still very dazzling. This golden color is like the gold in the furnace.

And those blue eyes are as deep as the sea.

This woman is extremely attractive and has an extraordinary beauty... This attraction has nothing to do with the uniform she wears.

After seeing her for the first time, people would think that she is definitely a mixed race.

As for which country and which country it is of mixed blood, no one can tell clearly.

This mixed race seems to come from two races.

Especially the color of the hair.

Such pure furnace gold seems to have been specially dyed.

What gives this female doctor the most special temperament is a small scalpel in her hand.

The scalpel kept spinning between the fingers, flying up and down, shining with a cold light.

Just like she was spinning a pen when she was a student, this female doctor is spinning a knife.

Moreover, this action has become so skillful that it is almost instinctive!

No need to worry about being cut by the blade!

"What's going on?" After the female doctor came in, she saw the situation in front of her and asked immediately.

Even at this time, the knife in her hand did not stop.

This is the most famous and beautiful doctor at Apollo Hospital—Rebecca.

The director of this hospital has tried to persuade her many times, but Rebecca still has no intention of changing her habit!

Whether she is treating patients in the outpatient clinic or holding meetings in the conference room, her scalpel never stops!

Of course, occasionally, Dr. Rebecca will come to the men's department to treat those mercenaries who like to do whatever they want.

Whenever this happens, those mercenaries will fall into a state of madness!
After all, this is the famous Rebecca!

Even if she saw a "sick place" with some strange things growing on it, it would be able to satisfy some of these guys' abnormal psychology!

However, these bold mercenaries immediately became frightened once they saw the scalpel in Rebecca's hand!

After all, this beautiful doctor is notoriously bad-tempered. If she is offended, she will cut you off with a knife, and there will be no room for reasoning!

"You go out first and wait for me. I'll be there soon." The Hulk Vice President said to Rebecca.

Rebecca's eyes swept over the people present and said with a sneer.

"Oh? Are you sure you can arrive soon? I don't want to end up just waiting for the deputy dean's body that is getting cold."

Her words were also full of ridicule towards the deputy dean, and she directly ignored Luke.

"Are you looking for death?" Luke stared at Rebecca, saying threatening words, but his eyes flashed with surprise!

Then, Luke threw the vice president aside, looked at Minami Akiko, and said, "Is this the beautiful female doctor you mentioned before?"

Minami Akiko's expression was calm: "I reminded you."

Then, she looked at Rebecca and smiled, "Long time no see."

Rebecca looked at Minami Akiko, the scalpel was still spinning, and said calmly, "Did you bring this masked monster?"

Minami Akiko said, "We can be considered partners on missions together."

Rebecca shook her head, "Don't bring all the random people to Apollo Hospital. Although this is a neutral organization, don't make me angry."

This sentence is almost a warning!

After saying that, she turned the scalpel and was about to go out.

"Stop!" Luke saw that Rebecca was completely ignoring him, and his already unhappy heart suddenly burst into flames!

When he roared, the infinite aura was already released from Luke's body!

The air in the entire consulting room has become extremely stagnant!

A dangerous light appeared in Rebecca's blue eyes. She looked at Minami Akiko and said, "If you can't take care of your partner, I will take care of it for you."

This sentence contains a strong warning!

Luke had never seen anyone dare to contradict him like this, and he was about to get angry, but at this moment, a faint roar suddenly came from the sky!

This sound gets louder and louder from far to near!

Many people stuck their heads out and saw a group of black helicopters!

This is not a black sky wing, but it still has an extremely chilling and powerful aura!

At the same time, a voice came from the cabin and was sent to everyone's ears by Yuanli!

"Carmen Prison, Louis XVII, come to visit the Apollo Hospital!"

This chapter has been completed!
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